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Golden circle. the three key questions of success

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The traditional way of companies when they are going to develop a new product, they start asking "what to do", once they find what to do, they go to "how to do it", and then they develop a whole process, sometimes novel of how to convert a idea in a product or service, which people perceive as good and desirable to be able to market it, in the end companies think about the “why” they made this or that product, or they take the easy path to justify a why with the argument that the product is made because they want to obtain economic benefits for the company.

And in this way they base everything and so they carry it out, in order, with discipline and with all possible resources, and sometimes they achieve success, and as they colloquially say, "they hit the nail on the head" with the product or service that marketed. But most of the times, they do not succeed, and then they begin to wonder why, why were the products not sold? What was wrong? Was it not the right time to launch the product? Or the advertising strategy was wrong ?, or the quality of the product was not what the customer expected ?, and so they will continue to look for a thousand reasons to explain the failure of the product.

The model of the Golden Circle (Golden Circle), in addition to proposing a new way of seeing the business field, also gives us an answer to why the companies failed, or better yet, it explains the reason for the success of companies, gives us the guideline to know where to start.


Since ancient times the Greeks used a method based on questions, this method is mayeutics, through questions a conclusion is reached.

Simón Sinek graduated in cultural anthropology from the University of Brandéis, he taught the chair of strategic communications at Columbia University. The creator of the "Golden Circle" and "Start With What" model, this model is simple but powerful for inspiring leadership.

The three stages of the Golden Circle

Said model begins with a “because” with this, it already made a great change compared to the traditional method, starting backwards asking “why”, why we do what we do, when we manage to understand why we do it and we manage to transmit this to our clients., they will adopt the idea as their own, and they will almost have guaranteed success because it will not be ours, we will not be selling a product, we will be selling an idea, and when the idea is sold, the sale of the product is added.

To get a clearer idea of ​​this idea we can start with the following 3 questions:

  • Why does the customer have a certain need? Why should I buy my product? Why is my value proposition different from that of my competitors?

The second stage of this model is the "How", once the why is identified, we proceed with how the product or service is made, giving a detailed description of its attributes and characteristics.

Once explained in detail how to get to the third stage, where the “what” is explained, at this stage you go directly to the finished product or service to be provided, at this stage the final customer must clearly understand the product that is being mentioned.

This model is simple but it changes the paradigm of how a new product or service is conceived and presented.

Similarity of the Golden Circle with the biology of the brain.

When a cross section of the brain is made, it can be seen that it is divided into three major components, just as in the Golden Circle.

The first component is the new cortex, which corresponds to the "What" level, which is responsible for our rational and analytical thoughts, as well as language. The other two sections of the Golden Circle correspond to our limbic brain, which is responsible for thought, feelings and emotions, such as trust and loyalty, it is also responsible for our human decision-making behavior. But it does not have the capacity for language, so when we communicate from outside to inside we are able to understand a large amount of complicated information, such as characteristics, figures and facts, however that does not guide behavior, but when we do it the other way around, we're talking to the part that controls the behavior (the first two levels) and going outside (to the third level),we allow people to reason with the tangible things we say and do.

By doing this we give people the opportunity first to feel, to identify with our ideas, to believe what we believe, when this is achieved, then the sale is almost guaranteed, because they will not buy a product, they will buy our ideas and beliefs.

Large clothing and footwear brands base much of their marketing strategy on getting people to identify with an idea, a model of belief, and if we add to this a good quality of finished product, then we will have a successful product. And if you have any doubts, just try to remember which brand has the phrase "Just Do It". This brand gives an idea, a belief, not a product, however it is the leading brand in sports clothing and footwear.

Examples of application of the Golden Circle model.

This model can be applied to all areas of our activities.

When hiring a collaborator, their school level, their previous experience will surely be evaluated, and if they meet the requirements established in the hiring, they will join our work team, their motivation and interest or commitment to the team will be governed solely by the financial remuneration he receives in exchange for his performance.

In contrast, if in addition to the requirements mentioned above, we add that you have the same vision or passion for the work we are doing, that you have the same beliefs and ideas of us, then we will hire a collaborator who will not only put his technical knowledge in the entrusted work, we will have a collaborator who will put in addition to his knowledge, his passion, blood and sweat to achieve the established goals, since he will be convinced that what he does is what he wants and longs for.

Another example is the Apple brand of computers and electronic equipment. Apple, like many brands in the market, has the human, material and economic resources necessary to make cutting-edge technology items, but where does part of its enormous success lie? Apple has a marketing strategy based on principles and beliefs, when they introduce a product, they give a message similar to the following; "In everything we do, we believe in changing the status quo, we believe in different thinking, (here's why), the way we change the status quo is by making very well-designed, simple and easy-to-use products (here the how is identified), We simply make great computers (and here the what is identified), Do you want to buy one?, (Simón Sinek 2009)


The Golden Circle methodology is based on how our brain processes ideas, emotions, the non-rational part, which, when combined with the rational, tangible, mathematical part, creates a thought that easily becomes action.

By applying it to the sales area, an penetration of our target market will be achieved internally, setting ideas and beliefs instead of products, future buyers will follow their own drive and desire, which in turn will be the same that we have wanted to express. The following, when reinforced with a product that can be perceived, and evaluated as quality, will have an assured path to achieve the sale.

But not only in the field of sales does the Golden Circle apply, this model can be applied in fields as varied as in the educational field, by modeling the teaching objectives starting with why, you will have a clear idea of ​​what you want achieve with such a program, without even describing the program itself, "True innovation changes the course of industries or even society." Simon Sinek (2009)

"The novelty can generate sales but its impact does not last." Simon Sinek (2009)

Sources consulted.

www.marketingyfinanzas.net/2015/01/el–circulo–de–oro–descubra–el–porquesiguen–a–los–lideres/ http://www.uaq.mx/investigacion/revista_ciencia@uaq/ FilesPDF / v5 – n2 / art9.pdf

Sinek, S. (2011). Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (Reprint). New York, NY: Portfolio.

Thesis proposal.

The thesis proposal for this topic would be to carry out an analysis of the current situation of an educational institution, to know its current situation and define the educational programs as well as the pedagogical tools and actions to be implemented, following the Golden Circle model, with this a different way of facing problems in education will be achieved, using administration strategies, achieving better acceptance by professors and students in general.


First of all, to Jehovah God for life, and my sincere gratitude to the National Technological Institute of Mexico and the Technological Institute of Orizaba, for the opportunity to continue training me day by day in their classrooms. To the Division of Graduate Studies and Research (DEPI), for being the catalyst to promote research in search of a better future. To the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) for the financial support without which it would be difficult to dedicate myself full time to this Master's program. Finally, to Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, for their personal way of guiding and inspiring always to give their best without restricting their own individuality.

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Golden circle. the three key questions of success