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Budget Accounting Study Guide


The work presented was carried out with the aim of providing a Study Guide and / or material that allows the teacher who teaches the subject Budgeted Unit in the Higher Education Centers to prepare the classes, including all the established aspects to be taken into account in accounting for budget operations, as well as providing the student with a bibliography for learning.

This work was developed due to the lack of bibliography to teach this vitally important topic in our current Cuban context.

Finally, conclusions are reached such that in order to teach this subject, a Bibliography is required to help prepare it, and its use is recommended for teaching the content and exercising knowledge.



Because our country has a socialist system, its public sector is of considerable size, which is why each year the State is concerned with the best use of the resources assigned to each activity.

It is the responsibility of the Accounting to register the operations that affect the budget in the Budgeted Units and show the behavior of the same.

For lacking a bibliography that facilitates the preparation of the subject Unit or Budgeted Accounting in the Accounting and Finance Career at the Las Tunas University Center and the University Venues and a study guide that allows the student to enrich and strengthen the knowledge taught in class it was necessary to carry out this work.

For the development of our research, the lack of bibliography that limits the teaching and learning of Budgetary Accounting at the Las Tunas University Center and the University Venues is considered a problem, with the teaching-learning process being the object of research.

In order to solve the problem posed, the general objective is to design a Study Guide that contributes to the teaching and learning of Budgetary Accounting at the Las Tunas University Center and University Venues, so the field of action is the Study Guide. Budgetary Accounting.

The specific objectives of our research are:

  • Compile bibliography and evaluate the main theoretical aspects related to the topic. Study the elements involved in accounting for budget execution in the Budgeted Units. Design a Study Guide for Budget Accounting.

Hypothesis: if a Study Guide is designed, then it will contribute to the teaching and learning of Budgetary Accounting at the Las Tunas University Center and University Venues.

Different theoretical methods were applied in carrying out the research work:

· Historical-logical: to study the evolution and development of the object of study and promote a logical concatenation of the scientific tasks carried out.

· Abstraction: to understand the object of study, discovering the essential link of knowledge in Budgetary Accounting.

· Analysis - synthesis: to analytically dismember the different edges of the teaching-learning process of Budgetary Accounting. at the Las Tunas University Center and arrive at systematized knowledge, as well as analyze the different theoretical concepts to prepare the Study Guide.

In addition, empirical methods such as observation, interviews and document review were used.


  1. The Budgeted Units.

1.1 Accounting in Budgeted Units.

Budgeted Unit

It is that base entity, whose corporate purpose is the provision of sociocultural services and where the result of its economic-financial management is not measured by obtaining a certain level of profitability, but by the efficiency, effectiveness and correct destination of public spending, constituting the main link of all the processes and systems of the budgeted activities.

Characteristics of the Budgeted Units.

  • They are the entities through which the State directly administers part of the assets that make up socialist state property and provide its social services, such as education and public health and organize its internal administration. They do not have civil legal personality, although they are subjects of law. economic, labor and financial. In them, their expenses are fully financed by the State budget to which they contribute their income if they have them. They are linked at all times with the State budget, since they have an expenditure budget and an income budget. Their fundamental objective is the satisfaction of social needs, such as: health, education, culture, sport.

Characteristics of the Accounting in the Budgeted Units.

There are two types of Accounting in the Budgeted Units:

Patrimonial Accounting: It is the registry system that is established in all entities, which allows classifying and synthesizing the financial operations of the entity and interpreting the results, in accordance with the definitions and procedures in force.

Budgetary Accounting: It is the registry system established in the budgeted units, which allows accounting recognition of the economic facts related to the execution of the approved budget, in accordance with the definitions and procedures in force in budgetary matters. The accounting record referred to is made in the Budget Execution Accounts defined in the National Accounts Nomenclator.

Patrimonial Accounting.

The Accounts Nomenclator that constitutes a list or name is used to record accounting operations.

The Account Nomenclator is used to:

  • Register and classify similar operations in specific accounts. Facilitate the preparation of Financial Statements for the analysis of the situation presented by the entity. Allow the consolidation of the information.

Budgetary Accounting

The execution of the income and expenses of the budget is recorded.

Accrued Budgetary Expenses: Are those payment commitments that are contracted in the period, in compliance with the approved budget, regardless of whether or not they produce cash outflows.

Budgetary Income: They are those cash amounts that are entered into the State Budget generated by the collection of authorized sales or the provision of a service, within a certain period, as well as by the confirmation of the invoicing of sociocultural services .

Expense Classifier.

The Expense Classifier is used to record budget operations. Budgeted Units use two classifiers to record budgeted expenditures, one by budget group and the other by object of expenditure.

  • By budget groups, which classify expenses by sectors and branches, purpose and function, as well as level of subordination.

Each activity of the economy classifies within a sector and branch, example: 01 Industry, 05 Transport, 09 Community, 11 Education, 15 Administration Sector, etc., and in turn, each one different groups.

An example of this classifier is:

11 Education Sector

1101 Branch Preschool, primary and middle education

110102 Elementary Schools Group

  • By objects of expense, which allows a grouping of economic entities, by making it possible to identify expenses in current, capital or financial applications.

The Classifier by Object of Expenses sorts and classifies by expenses, heading and item the expenses incurred by the budgeted units.

  • The paragraphs summarize the different primary concepts of expenses. Example: personnel expenses, goods and services expenses, capital expenses (investments), etc. The epigraphs constitute a generic starting group within the same subsection. Example: salary remuneration, other remuneration, etc. Items are the most specific expense concepts. Example: food, transport, etc.

An example of this classifier is:

Item Heading Item

2 Expenses of Goods and Services

01 Viaticum (Diet)

01 Food

02 Transportation

03 Accommodation

The Information System of the Budgeted Units.

A complete set of Financial Statements for the budgeted units includes the following components:

For internal and external use:

  1. a) Statement of Situation b) Statement of Income c) Statement of Execution of Income and Budgetary Expenses d) Notes or Memories to the Financial Statements.

For internal use:

  1. d) Statement of Cost of Production or Merchandise Sold. e) Statement of State Investment Movement.

Statement of Execution of Budgetary Income and Expenses or Statement of Execution of the Budgeted Activity.

It is made monthly by all the budgeted units:

  1. for the total of the budgeted unit, for each one of its branches and for each one of the budget groups classified within each branch; enabling rows for the subsections, epigraphs and items according to the Classifier by Object of Expenses, that they use and have execution.
  • This model is presented to the State organs to which they are subordinate. It is made up of the income received and the expenses accrued, accumulated up to the month in which it is reported and the amounts to be reflected in each concept coincide with the balances of the corresponding accounts of the Budgetary Accounting at the end of the month that is reported. It contains the minimum information that is required to systematically evaluate, during the current financial year, the execution of the approved budget, identify the present or foreseeable deviations and adopt the corresponding actions to guarantee compliance..

Resolution 4/07 of the MFP regulates the methodology for preparing this model, which details the information to be reflected in each row and column.

Status of Execution of the Budgeted Activity

Year month:______

EAP model
Code Name UM: MP with a decimal
State organ:
Budgeted Unit:
Budgetary Group:
01 02 03 04 05 06
Section I: Financial Resources
01 Budget Income Collected
02 Of them: In Convertible Pesos
Section II: Accrued Budgetary Expenses
03 01- Personnel Expenses
04 02- Goods and Services Expenses
05 05 - Other Current Transfers
06 Total Current Expenses
Section III.- Capital Expenses
120 07 - Capital Expenses
121 07.01 - UP Material Investments
122 07.02 - Purchase of Fixed Assets UP
123 Total expenditures
Made by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Date

Accounting for operations

As of 2007, the accounts corresponding to budgeted accounting are as follows:


Municipal Provincial National

001 004 007 Current Budgetary Expenses.

They represent the current budgetary expense accrued by the commitments of resources contracted (for the debt) by the budgeted unit according to its level of subordination. This includes, among others, personnel expenses, current transfers and expenses for goods and services, reflecting their real value or estimated, if the final amounts are not available at the end of the accounting year-end.

This account is analyzed by Branch and Budget Group (Q) and Section, Epigraphs and Items (G), always being 6 digits. Your balance is canceled at the end of the year against the Budget Result Account. That is, it is debited for expenses.

002, 005 and 008 Budgetary Income.

Represents the amounts of cash that are entered into the Budget (are deposited in the Bank) generated by the collection of authorized sales, for the concept of production sold or services rendered and others, according to the level of subordination of the budgeted unit.

Your balance is canceled at the end of the year against the Budget Result account. It is credited for income.

003, 006 and 009 Current Budgetary Result.

It represents the current result that the budgeted unit obtains during the year according to its level of subordination.

It is debited for the amounts recorded in the Budget Income budget account and is credited for the amounts registered in the Budget Current Expenses account.

Your balance is canceled with the accounts of Budgeting Current Expenses and Budgetary Income at the end of the year.

010, 011 and 012 Capital Expenses.

It represents the capital expense accrued by the resource commitments contracted by the budgeted unit according to its level of subordination.

This account is analyzed by the Investment Code, Branch and Budget Group and Section, Epigraphs and Items.

It is a debtor account. Your balance is canceled at the end of the year against the Capital Expense Counterpart account.

013 Counterpart of Capital Expenses.

Represents the counterpart of the Capital Expenditure Accounts.

Your balance is canceled at the end of the year against the Capital Expense accounts.

Starting from the specific rule of budgeted activity number 2, which states that Budgetary Expenditure is those payment commitments that are contracted in the period, in compliance with the approved budget, regardless of whether or not there are cash outflows. We therefore have to identify within the Patrimony Accounting those entries where resources are committed, whether or not there is money out, examples:

  • Payroll Payments, Refunds, Purchase of AFT, Purchase of supplies, Services received, Electricity, water, gas expenses.
  1. 2. Solved exercises.

As the Accounting Subject is not the object of study of the Budgeted Accounting Subject, since this is taught in other Accounting subjects, when the exercise is oriented, the accounting is reflected in the Patrimony with a view to exercising only the accounting in the Budgetary.

To count the economic operations in the budgeted units, the Classifier by budget groups (Annex 1) is used, where the sector, branch, group and level of subordination of the Budgeted Unit that is presented are searched. Then, the Classifier by object of expenses (Annex 2) is searched for the subsection, heading and item of the expense to be accounted for. And then we proceed to record the economic fact.

(Practical exercises See PDF)


This work constitutes a bibliographic material of great importance that contributes to solving the lack of bibliography in the teaching and learning of Budgetary Accounting at the Las Tunas University Center and the University Venues, showing the aspects to consider to account for operations in the budgeted units, as well as developing resolved exercises that reflect how the economic events are recorded in these entities. Exercise proposals are presented that will consolidate the knowledge acquired.


  1. Use this work as Bibliography of the Accounting or Budgeted Unit course at the Las Tunas University Center and University Venues. Include in the training courses for the cadres and leaders of Budgeted Units the registration, accounting and information of budget operations, using the elaborate material.


  1. Resolution 343/06 of Resolution 209/06 of the MFPResolution 4/07 of the MFP Cuban Financial Information Standards.



Communal and Personal Services

0901 Housing Administration

01 Control and Distribution of Housing

03 Housing fund repair

0903 Community Administration

01 Street lighting

02 Funeral homes and cemetery services

03 Disposal of waste, sanitation and the like

04 Maintenance of green areas

07 Other community activities

11 Water supply in pipes

Science, Technology and Environment

  • Scientific-Technological Research

01 National scientific-technological programs

1003 Environment

01 National Environment Fund

02 Conservation and rational use of hydraulic resources


1101 Preschool, Primary and Middle Education

01 Children's circles

02 Elementary schools

03 Basic secondary schools

1102 Higher Education

01 Socioeconomic and engineering sciences

02 Foreign scholars

03 Medical Sciences

1103 Other Educational Activities

01 Other educational units

03 Workers incorporated into training courses

Culture and art

  • Radio and television

02 television stations

03 Telecentres

05 Other activities

06 Radio stations

Public Health, Social Assistance, Sports and Tourism

1301 Public Health

01 national hospitals

02 Interprovincial hospitals

07 Municipal hospitals

11 Polyclinics

12 Stomatological clinics

25 International collaboration

1302 Social Assistance

01 Nursing homes

02 Homes for the physically and mentally handicapped

1303 Sport and Physical Culture

01 International competitions in Cuba

02 National competitions

04 Sport and Physical Culture

10 Training Bases

11 High Performance Centers

12 Sports academies

1304 Tourism and Rest

51 Tourism and rest

15 Administration

1501 State Management Bodies

01 Population and housing census

03 Referendum and elections

10 Collection offices for fines

45 National State Management Bodies

46 Provincial State Management Bodies

47 Municipal state management bodies

1502 Justice Administration Bodies

01 Expenses for witnesses and experts of justice

02 lay judges

51 Bodies for the administration of justice

16 Other non-productive activities

1601 International Technical Assistance

1609 Other non-productive activities

17 Defense and Internal Order

1701 Organs of defense and national internal order

01 Defense and national internal order


Subsection Epigraph Departure Object of Expenditure
01 Salary Remuneration
01 01 Wages
002 is 02 holidays
02 Other remuneration
01 Trained
02 Sports licenses
03 Worker's Stipend
04 Facilities for Workers- 91/81.


05 Staff Stimulation
99 Others
03 Short-term Social Security benefits


04 Use of Force Tax

Work Budgeted Units

01 Viaticals
01 Feeding
02 Transportation
03 accommodation
04 Out of Pocket
02 Feeding
01 Food for human consumption
02 Drinks
Subsection Epigraph Departure Object of Expenditure
03 Agricultural Products
04 School snack
05 Gastronomic Services Con-


06 Food Animal Consumption
03 Wardrobe and Lingerie
01 Clothing and footwear
02 Lingerie
04 Teaching Materials
05 Medicines and Materials


06 Materials and Utensils Depor-


07 Personal Grooming Module
08 Energy, Fuels and Lubricants


01 Electricity
02 Gas
03 Fuels
04 Lubricants
05 Firewood
06 Coal
09 Current Maintenance and Repairs
01 Of Buildings and premises
02 Vehicular
03 Of Machinery and Equipment
04 Computer Equipment
05 Of Vials
Subsection Epigraph Departure Object of Expenditure
10 Other Material Consumption
01 Books, Magazines and Newspapers
02 Stationery
03 Computer Paper
04 Cleaning articles
05 Desk and Office Supplies
06 Tools of Electrical Materials
07 Tools and Tools
08 Kitchen and Dining Utensils
09 Inner tubes and tires
10 Accumulators
eleven Spare Parts Automotive Park
12 Raw Materials and Materials
99 Other unspecified Pre-


eleven Professional services
01 Juridical services
02 Accounting Service and


03 Processing Service


04 Engineering and Ar-


05 Training Service
06 Laundry service and

Dry cleaner

07 Security and Protection Service
99 Others Not Previously Specified
Subsection Epigraph Departure Object of Expenditure
12 Services contracted to


01 Personal transportation
02 Freight transport
03 Audio
04 Communal Services
99 Other Not Specified Previous-


13 Other Contracted Services
01 Water
02 Telephone
03 Other Telecommunication Services
04 Transportation
05 Artistic talent
99 Other unspecified Pre-


14 Other expenses
01 Storage Expenses
02 Economic and Social Effect of Innovations

and rationalizations

03 Linked Vehicle Compensation
04 Fines and penalties
05 Compensation
fifteen Taxes and rates
01 Land Transportation Tax
02 Document Tax
03 Fee for Aero Services

ports to Passengers

Subsection Epigraph Departure Object of Expenditure
04 Toll Rate
99 Other unspecified Pre-


16 Financial expenses
01 Banking Services and Surcharges
02 Insurance Premiums
03 Commissions for Services


17 Depreciation Tangible Fixed Assets UP
18 Amortization of Intangible Fixed Assets UP


01 Material Investments

Budgeted Units

01 Construction and Assembly
02 Teams
03 Others
04 Investment Preparation Plan


02 Purchase of Fixed Assets

Budgeted Units

01 Tangibles for use
02 Tangible Centralized Purchases
03 Intangibles
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Budget Accounting Study Guide