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Administration gurus and their contributions

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Since the beginning of humanity, the human being has sought to have an icon or model to follow in all aspects of his life, in such a way that they are the example and the key pieces to achieve the development of new techniques, knowledge and skills that improve their lives.

The term guru refers to these characters, since the word is defined as:

In administration and administrative theories something similar happens, since since the human being has had the notion and the need to plan, direct and control his resources and his work activities to achieve a particular purpose, he has resorted to this type of people called gurus as "intellectual authorities" to guide your path to successfully achieve your goals.

Under these concepts mentioned above, a brief history of how these characters have been involved in administration over time is described below, in the same way emphasis is made on the authors who have had the most relevance during this period, since They have designed and implemented tools that, through the focus on different areas of work, have contributed and influenced throughout history.

1.- Antecedents in humanity and first approaches with the administration:

Babylon and the Hammurabi code:

Although he is not a character as such, it can be said that the civilization of Babylon has a merit as an initial administrator, since he managed to establish the first concrete antecedent regarding what is known as administration to this day, it was through the code of Hammurabi that the bases were established and laid down by means of a written testimony in which the tasks, duties and obligations are recognized, as well as the corresponding salaries and punishments (if required) for architects and builders in the construction of houses for the population; It was this same civilization that years later, under the mandate of Governor Nebuchadnezzar, a concept of "production control" was used for the first time in history, which triggered construction activity in the region,taking Babylon to a level of development never seen before. Lara Peinado, F.: Hammurabi Code. Preliminary study, Madrid 2003

In the same way they begin as what is nowadays known as "salary incentives".

China and the government administration:

In China years later (around 500 BC), there were a series of characters who through concepts and management philosophies promoted the development of the growing nation, the most prominent of all of them was the Kung Fu-Tse philosopher better known as Confucius since this was in charge of laying the foundations for the best administration of the government, that is, I highlight the behaviors necessary to achieve the greatest possible harmony between all the levels (hierarchies) that existed in the government at that time. "A really well-organized state needs no law, no police, no courts."

The Confucius principles for the administration of good government are listed below: University Foundation. (2016). The old administration. February 10, 2018, from Católica del Norte Website:

construyendoadministradores.wikispaces.com/file/view/Administraci%C3%B3n+An tigua.pdf

  • It is the obligation of the rulers to study a problem in order to give the most appropriate resolution. The solution to a problem should be seen in an objective way and without exceeding the rules of professional ethics. It works towards a people, for which the ruler must have a broad criterion of problem solving and impartiality among officials. The basic concern is the economic, but with collective effort will overcome. The mind of a ruler must always be working, to somehow improve his government without preferences of any The administrator must be of blameless and selfish conduct towards his colleagues.


Known as the cradle of philosophy for a large number of disciplines (including administration), Greece stood out mainly with contributions made in the fields of work, more specifically with the division of labor (Plato), the ideal physical distribution (Socrates) and the public administration (Aristotle), that is to say the forms of government at that time: the monarchy, the aristocracy and good government.

  • Division of labor (Plato): According to the concepts developed by the philosopher Plato with the rise of cities, the division of labor arises at the same time, where each person fulfills a specific role according to their abilities, achieving together the emergence of one of the central aspects of the economy.

Among the most relevant aspects to highlight in the administration of labor and the city, Plato manages to intuit one of the key aspects of the economic sciences: the existence of unlimited needs and the limitation of resources to meet all of them.

  • Physical distribution (Socrates): Socrates in turn developed concepts related to physical distribution, that is, the management of physical skills separate from both technical concepts and worker experiences. The concept developed by Socrates hundreds of years ago is the current precursor of what is known today as Administration of physical distribution, which is what determines the term used to describe the activities related to the movement of the correct amount of Right products at the right place at the right time. Public administration (Aristotle):On the other hand, Aristotle, in charge of the administration focused on the state and the forms of government, studied the organization of the State and managed to identify three forms of public administration, which are: the monarchy or government of a person that can result in tyranny; the aristocracy and the government of an elite that can degenerate into an oligarchy, and finally democracy or government of the people that if certain factors arise can become an anarchy.


The administration and organization of the Roman empire had a significant impact on the success they had throughout the world, among its main characteristics is the hierarchical management of the "magisteriums" throughout the State, where each one developed specific activities for the consolidation and achievement of the objectives imposed by the high command. Among its most relevant characteristics are the organization of millions of inhabitants (without having the tools or knowledge currently used for this purpose), subsequent studies carried out on the documents of that time, mention the similarity with which the Roman government was to the organization of their State and the problems present in current organizations related to the administration of roles.

Nicholas Machiavelli

Born in Florence, Italy, Machiavelli was an important politician who stood out for his ideals regarding the organization of the government and his military teachings, with a large number of roles taken in government during the Medici mandate, he contributed an important approach regarding the administration of contemporary organizations and the situation in Italy at that time. Among the most important points highlighted by Machiavelli Gómez Miguel, R.: Politics: The power of words, ideas and ingenuity, Trillas, México, 2008, are highlighted below: o The organization seen as a stable structure only if its members they have the basic right to express their ideals and beliefs, so that derived from their differences there may be a channel to resolve them

  • The organization will be able to last over time only if it has the support of many supporters, that is, its permanence must be a common objective among its collaborators. In order for authority to be preserved, there must be a defined structure where each step means a Major scale of power In order for the organization to be preserved despite its change or restructuring, it must at least retain a certain identity derived from its old practices, which were what led it to the position it occupies

2.- First approaches between the administration and the current era: Schools and their main exponents

Classical school - Henry Fayol

Henry Fayol, of French origin, is considered until today the father of administrative theory and the administrative process: "Administrative theory can be applied to any human organization." In the same way, he was the creator and great promoter of the division of labor (antecedent; Greek philosophers) of the functional areas for companies.

In his book published in 1916 Administration industrielle et generale (Industrial and General Administration) he expresses his opinions on an adequate administration in companies that involves not only material resources, but also people (human resources) within his book, highlights five main concepts that should be considered as a rule for proper administration, below is mentioned:

  • Planned administration, that is, design of an action plan Organized administration to provide and mobilize resources to fulfill a work plan Directed administration to select and evaluate employees with the aim of achieving the best results Coordinated administration to ensure the resolution of problems Controlled administration to guarantee that the planned is carried out

Among some of the most important principles that he considered to teach the administration and the “administrative task” stand out the division of labor, authority and responsibility, discipline, unity of direction and command, among some others.

Frederick Winslow Taylor

Frederick Winslow Taylor of American origin, is known as the father of scientific administration, his knowledge on which his theory is based is based on his own experience when he abandoned his studies and installed himself as an operator in a steel company, having the Once Winslow had enough knowledge about the company, he was able to get to know different positions throughout his career, he dedicated himself to knowing and studying the expectations, needs, problems and attitudes of the workers.

Among some of his most important contributions, in addition to this tool that serves to manage activities to this day, are the following:

  • The salary bonus plan based on awards and incentives o Instruction and training policies considering psychological aspects o Social responsibility as a service where the organization needs to provide a service to society, even though putting profit of its own before

Max Webber

Max Webber of German origin stands out for being a sociologist, economist and philosopher with a complex thought, which, as he himself said, was in charge of writing only for the intellectual class and not for the people, analyzing complex issues for him was directly related with not limiting your language.

Max Webber through the large number of published books highlights three fundamental concepts of administrative theory:

  • Concept of bureaucracy Concept and classification of authority or Ideal model of bureaucracy

In the same way, Webber was the first intellectual to observe and write about the bureaucracies that were developing in Germany at that time, which from his point of view he considered efficient and honest as an example to replicate.

Webber understood bureaucracy as the rationalization of collective activity. This is a concept similar to that which explains what a properly structured organization is. Under the second concept Webber classified the authority as legal, charismatic and traditional.

Under the third concept related to the ideal model of bureaucracy and the “Rationalization of collective activity”, it must contain concepts related to:

  • The highest division of labor o The hierarchy of authority The rules that define responsibility and labor o The objective attitude of the administrator o The technical qualification and safety at work Avoiding corruption

Alfred Pritchard Sloan

United States-born engineer Pritchard Que after joining General Motors in 1917 and becoming President of this organization in the year 1923. He observed Henry Fayol's approach to functional analysis of tasks and operations, having a strong push through a policy of decentralization in operational areas, plants and individual managers, thus rejecting the centralization of power and the administrative vision that until then had been accepted by organizations.

Among his most important contributions stands out the development of the concept and the use of the decentralized multidivisional organization, having such success that by the end of the Second World War, the decentralized federal structure with the central administration focused on strategic objectives and performance monitoring and progress had already become a standard model to be applied in large organizations, be they industrial, commercial or any other branch.

Behavioral and behavioral school

Chester I. Barnard

Intellectual of the prestigious Harvard and from Massachusetts, United States, it was Chester Barnard between the 1920s and 1930s who took a great leap in the advance that the administration had had until that date, highlights his approaches and theories regarding business management, Since from a so-called “School of Human Relations” he proposed his well-known contribution in the administration branch, based on a humanistic approach.

Its humanist model, also called the “anthropological model of leadership”, conceives organizations as systems of consciously organized activities, that is, the role that management takes is vital to achieve the direction and objectives set by the organization. Seen from a psychological point of view, the figure of executive personnel has the role of being the most strategic factor, through which people accept orders and decisions from the highest spheres of power.

Among other contributions, highlights the concept and the idea that the organization is a cooperative system, in which it consents and unconsciously the collaboration of all its members in the most important key. This collaboration must be: Understandable and compatible with people's own interests, so that the objectives can be met.

Years later (1938), in his book The functions of the executive, he highlighted all these principles described above, resulting in exerting a great influence and ways of acting regarding business thinking.

Elton W. Mayo

Theorist, sociologist and also an industrial psychologist from Adelaide, Australia Elton Mayo specialized in the theory of organizations in the 1900s, that is, human relations and the convergence of movement and coordination created by them. His purpose of study in organizations was to study the relationship between the worker and the psychological effects he suffered in relation to the physical conditions to which he was exposed during the time of production.

He bet that the cooperation that the worker had towards the activities of the organization did not exist if they were not valued by their superior managers, so that if they were not considered or listened to, very difficultly the objectives of the organization could be achieved..

Among his most valued contributions are those described in his most important work Hawthorne Studies (the studies in Hawthorne), where the logic of the feeling of workers is disclosed, and the logic of cost and efficiency when there is a conflict between the worker and his superiors.

Derived from the application of these studies, Elton Mayo confirms that work relationships require integration and cooperation from various perspectives that people have in the organization. Concepts found in his highly acclaimed "Theory of Human Relations", which later derived in the study of other administrative theorists of issues related to motivation, human needs and the relationship with monetary, non-monetary rewards and other factors that involve to the people. And how they affect organizational life, attitudes, behaviors and performance at work.

Douglas McGregor

Administrative consultant of American origin, McGregor was the author and precursor of the hitherto celebrated Theory X and Theory Y. As part of his studies focused on administrative theory and practice, he based his ideals on human behavior in two different aspects, regarding Theory X, Douglas McGregor assumed that most people consider themselves to be lacking in initiative, that is, they need the direction, orders, and control from someone else, since they are unable to assume any responsibility due to their lack of maturity and lack of interest, that is why this theory recognizes that whenever the worker can avoid performing a task or activity he will do so. That is why they can only be motivated when they receive the greatest amount of monetary benefits and compensation.

On the other hand and totally contrary to what was established in the previous theory, theory Y highlights that people seek their self-realization, their self-respect and their self-development, so that they always seek to carry out their work in the best way, that is, they consider this as a natural activity on which they will do their best without needing to seek a benefit from the organization.

Systems School - Ludwin Von Bertalanffy

Hailing from Austria and a biologist by profession, Bertalanffy stands out in the history of administration due to his general theory of systems. Despite being totally (initially) removed from questions related to administrative theory, little by little he became involved in the systems approach in different areas of study of the human being. The theory on which I conceptualize this thought was of great importance in later studies and theories related to human communication, since the way in which it influenced aspects of the human being transformed human psychology from a point of view in relation to the worker. and the organization.

With questions of a systemic approach, concepts were established that help to understand all the aspects related to the organization, such as:

  • The totality where the system transcends each and every one of the individual characteristics of the members in an organization Entropy since the seen systems of the organization tend to preserve aspects of their own identity The synergy where the change in some of the parts of the organization affects to a greater or lesser extent all members The purpose of organizations where all systems and members share common goals to achieve their objectives The feedback where the systems that make up the organization must maintain a constant exchange of information between all its parts Morphogenesis since the organization's systems must possess the characteristic of the tendency to change to adapt to future questions that may arise.

Contingency school - Joan Woodward

Of English origin, professor of industrial sociology at the University of London, with a long career and recognition in the field of technology, after participating in projects in different areas of science in countless companies, Joan Woodward began a focused investigation in the principles of administration known up to that time, so he devoted himself to studying whether these truly were directly related to the success of organizations. With a field of study of 100 companies with a number of collaborators that ranged from 100 to 8000 employees, Woodward was able to conclude that there was no direct relationship between usual administrative practices and the efficiency or size of the company studied, that is, the The organization's success did not depend on its administrative practices.

Based on the structure of their study, companies were classified into three groups that contained a number of certain characteristics presented in each of them:

  • Technology as a means of affecting organizational design o The organizational structure as a dependency on the technology adopted o The correlation between production techniques and the organizational structure

Finally, Woodward's study highlights the final conclusion in which it is technology and not precisely the administrative practices that the organization has, which will influence the organizational structure and the behavior of the collaborators more strongly. Technology plays the most important role when you want to determine the dynamics of the organization.

Modern School - Peter Drucker

Born in Vienna, Peter Drucker is considered the father of the modern school and for many years the main guru regarding the contributions he made to the administration. Their contributions have mainly contributed to the development of studies related to "management", which is the term used to describe the activities carried out to management (activities related to the cooperative effort for the organization to function properly).

As a personal work, he also highlights the distinctive humanist and environmentalist approach of his administrative theories. With a total of 35 written books, including the most important: The End of Economic Man: The Origins of Totalitarianism, The Future of Industrial Man, The Future of Industrial Man), Concept of the Corporation, The New Society. Drucker highlights the importance of the approach to the theory of functions in administration, proposing a total of five activities that both directors and managers, that is, the highest parts of the organization must take into account at all times, which are:

  • The establishment of the objectives of the company The provision and organization of the resources necessary to achieve the established objectives The motivation of the workers as a key activity to achieve the objectives or The control of the performance of the workers, with respect to what is expected of each one of themImprovement in performance through continuous development of all parties involved

Charles Handy

Regarding what was being done in the United States in modern times, Charles Handy was the pioneer of the administration in England and was known throughout Europe for the work done in organizations. With a special interest in the internal culture of the organization, Handy contributed his most important theory known as "The Gods of Administration", in which the classification of internal philosophy and organizational culture in each of the systems stands out. that make up the whole. This theory is divided into the following four sections:

  • The Zeuz culture, that is, referring to the entrepreneurial part of the company or The Apollo culture that operates with well-established rules and divisions of work The Athena culture emphasizing the participation of all work teams or The Dionysus culture focused on the individualism of the members of the organization

Henry Mintzberg

In Canada, Henry Mintzberg, for his part, established organizational design as a fundamental part in the development of organizations and company functions. In the organizational design proposed by Mintzberg, five configurations known as natural were established, which when combined create structural and situational elements that make up the parts of the systems in the company. Derived from the approaches of the five configurations, the following conclusions were reached, known as basic components:

  • The strategic apex o The operational center o The middle line of command o The technical structure of the organization o The support staff

Based on the previous approaches, the author considers an effective organization, as the organization that achieves the coherent union between all these components, so that the modification of a single element of these will have to be thoroughly evaluated so that it could not exist. an affectation to the rest.

Thomas J. Peters

Born in the United States, Thomas J. Peters became an expert in administrative matters in the 1970s, with a graduate degree in business administration from Stamford University, Peters establishes a series of basic principles for achieving excellence in companies. Among the concepts that led to the modern administration revolution, the following stand out:

  • The ability to respond to all customers The continuous advancement of organizations to anticipate market innovation The granting of certain decision-making authority to staff with confidence or with more experience in certain issues relevant to the company The inherent change and global vision of the organization o The restructuring of systems to the modern world

William Edwards Deming

American statistician and known par excellence as the greatest revolutionary in matters of quality and administration William Edwards Deming was so far ahead of his time that his theories and approaches were not accepted by the managers of American organizations, some time later and emigrating his ideas to managers of organizations Japanese women who, surprised and approved, were able to put their recommendations into practice.

William Deming's approaches were pioneers not only in the area of ​​quality, applied until then only in Japanese production, but also took a very important increase in the levels of productivity of organizations, managing to revolutionize the concepts in strategic management.

Until today, the philosophy of quality and management promoted by Deming has its fundamental concept in the understanding of power and the affectation in the production process, taking into account all the elements that take part in the structure of the organization.

Among its main contributions, the application of fourteen points for the achievement of administration and total quality also stands out, some of these are named below:

  • Have the purpose of improvement in the products and services offered o The adoption of new philosophies o The no dependence on massive inspections The continuous improvement in production systems and services o The constant training on the job The leadership of all the members of the organization o The elimination of the barriers formed between the areas of the organization o The taking of fundamental measures before the changes to achieve a transformation

Other important authors in the administration

Adam Smith

Hailing from Scotland, Adam Smith was a respected economist, also known as one of the greatest exponents of classical economics, his principles are based on common sense. Among his most important works and contributions are the one published in the year 1776 "The wealth of nations", in which the argument regarding the economic advantages of the good management of organizations and societies is exposed for the first time.

To emphasize the importance of these arguments, Adam Smith concluded that in order to carry out these tasks, it was necessary to structure the work done by dividing activities, in such a way that productivity improved by increasing the worker's skill and ability.

His main arguments described in his work are named below:

  • Recognition of the divisions of labor o Competitive defense of the market o Use value and exchange value Capital accumulation as a driver of economic development

Henry Ford

Well-known pioneer in automotive development, Henry Ford created an industrial revolution so important that in America it is known as the greatest in all of history. Derived from the work carried out in the steel industry, from analytical studies of production lead times, among other issues, Ford published his famous study entitled shop management, in which he created the necessary aspects for the development of his administrative theory.

Among the most important contributions are:

  • The reduction of production times through the efficient administration of machinery and raw materials The administration and reduction of inventories in process o The specialization of work as a method of increasing production or The vertical development of the organization, that is, the administration and monitoring of the entire production process The horizontal development of the organization, that is, the administration and monitoring from manufacturing to distribution

3.- Gurus today

Michael E. Porter

Originally from Michigan, United States, Porter is a well-known professor, who stands out worldwide on topics related to business strategy. The methodology created by the author takes great relevance in the strategic analysis, that is, the administration seen from a competitive model that encompasses all the elements that make up an organization.

Porter's strategic management seeks to obtain the greatest competitive advantages, defining itself as the administrative process in which the organization carries out and prepares strategic plans so that it then methodically acts as proposed.

The phrase is famous: "A person who is obsessed with competing, unfortunately within the range of the best managers is not in the first place but in the fourth."

Tom peters

Tom J. Peters, born in Maryland, United States, is a prominent writer and management specialist. Among his main contributions is the search for excellence and the administration of chaotic change. Known as a management guru, he shone with the authorship of his work: "In search of excellence" where he exhorted the leaders of the organizations to approach their businesses in a different way.

totally different from the known one. Quality as a management philosophy. February 10, 2018, from Pablo Giugni Website:


Among its basic principles are 45 precepts that should serve as a basis in the work of all administrators at whatever level they are, among some of these precepts include:

  • The quality revolution o Good service o Customer satisfaction o Reaching international markets o Listening to your collaborators Giving recognition as much as possible to doing a good job

Bill gates

Known as the most important guru in different fields of administration and technology today, Bill Gates is also one of the richest and most famous people in the world, his business model, as well as the great prestige he earned next door. His company Microsoft have made him a respected entrepreneur and visionary.

Among his most important teachings are resource management and the ability of organizations to adapt to changes in the market, so that they can respond to current consumer demands. The administration of their processes and the great trust and support that exists towards their collaborators have made them and Microsoft one of the most important companies in our time. The second company with the highest income worldwide.

4.- Conclusions

According to the large number of characters who contributed knowledge, concepts, methods and tools, and who contribute day by day to the development of the administration until today, it can finally be concluded that the administration takes into account and nurtures itself when viewed from a large number of different approaches, which its evolution begins from the very development of humanity, when necessary (even without at that time and for many years having a notion of the concept), but which has been fundamental for management and administration of the resources with which the human being has been involved since its inception. George Jr, Claude S. History of Administrative Thought. Prentice Hall International, Mexico 1980.

It had a great boom during the last hundreds of years, but at the same time it has taken on great relevance throughout history, from the Greek philosophers who needed to find a way to understand and explain the balance that had to be presented between a society and its harmony. (taking into account all existing hierarchical levels) until the development of great world powers, such is the case of the Romans, who thanks to the management of their resources (both human and material) managed to expand and conquer large numbers of Asia and Europe.

Currently in organizations, administration is a fundamental concept, which must be applied in each and every one of the existing departments, administration is one of the few concepts in which all staff must have at least a basic understanding about its principles.

The best use is made of all the resources that are available, in such a way that the success or failure of any organization is governed based on the type of administration it has. To achieve an increase in productivity and improvement, it will generally depend on proper administration.

5.- Acknowledgments

To Dr. Fernando Aguirre for providing us with the tools and the guide to carry out the 2/30 research work that we must carry out, thank you for your professionalism and for your willingness to go beyond conventional results. To my fellow masters and administrative engineering coordination for giving me the opportunity to once again be fighting for a personal goal at the Orizaba Technological Institute.

6.- References

Administration gurus and their contributions