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Gurus and their contributions to the evolution of administrative theory

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It is quite interesting to look back at how the evolution of administration has occurred over the years, for thousands of years people have been concerned with how to protect or occupy the resources they have in the most efficient way, The concern to organize, plan and control their events has arisen, it is thanks to these needs that we find several people who have developed their own way, people we call Gurus.

So let us begin by defining what a Guru is, a guru is the person who has or possesses great abilities, gifts and intelligence, for which he is considered a teacher in something specific, during the existence of the human race and its activities, have been recognized to some gurus of the administration who have had as an objective the analysis and investigation of the administration to increase their heritage in this matter, creating new theories for the strengthening of it. (Gomez Suarez, 2015).

Evolutionary epochs of administration

We will begin by describing the different times in which the administration has evolved evolutionarily.

Early times

The first time that we can mention is the primitive time in which the inhabitants of the planet tried to organize themselves through tribes in which the tasks to be done were divided among them were the tasks of fishing hunting which is what begins to visualize the administration of work of individuals to subsist.

Agricultural season

The agricultural season begins when the settlers become sedentary, they begin to grow their food, this allowed them to stop being nomads. Agriculture became a fundamental part of their daily life thus generating a patriarchal social organization 1, the population was growing forcing the patriarchs to carry out a better organization of society to avoid all the problems that living with different people in the same site; Thanks to this, it can be said that the administration is improved at this time, having as its main contribution the beginning of sedentary life, generating cultural growth.

Greco-Latin period

At this time slavery arose, a means by which the oppressors used to make other people call themselves slaves to carry out the activities they were intended to carry out. These tasks, of course, were carried out with the total discontent of the people who carried them out, making it a very administratively deficient way, since they were carried out reluctantly, with job dissatisfaction, at the wrong time, and were excessively supervised. The labor that was had for these people was physical aggression.


There are historical references about the constructions erected during the antiquity in Egypt Mesopotamia and Assyria you are attest to the existence of leaders capable of planning and guiding the activities of thousands of workers in monumental works that still last of course these are the pyramids, the Egyptian papyri 2 dating back over 1000 years BC. C. speak of the organizational importance that existed already in that there is little, since the administration was on the shoulders of the pharaohs we can say thanks to this that the administration also has its important time in ancient Egypt.


One of the main characteristics of Rome was its way of organizing.

The Roman Republic had an autocratic form of government, that is, what the emperor ordered was done, the opinion of no other person was taken into account, the emperor made all the decisions.

Roman Empire, had a slave economic order, they worked, without receiving any type of economic pay. Communication between cities was a huge network, this facilitated trade and relations between them, the main characteristic of the Roman Empire was its centralized organization, managing to make this empire one of the most productive in all history, they say that Rome was not built in a day, and the great power that it managed to obtain throughout its entire length was thanks to its organization.


Another great ancient empire representative of administrative development is the Chinese empire, in China the thinker Confucius made elements that helped the administrative sector, carried out politics and his main contributions to the administration were:

  • Non-governmental bias No favoritism for anyone I develop the spirit of governing I seek the economic development of the population with mercantile activities Exercise wisely Standards with ethics in politics and government Obtain the achievements of local rulers to develop them in higher spheres


The Hammurabi 3 code emerged in Babylon around the year 1700 BC. C. This code is characterized by the use of written and testimonial control, a minimum wage is established, it is recognized that responsibility cannot be transferred, prices, penalties, the hierarchy of society, all this served as the basis for the administration and Since aspects such as the responsibility of workers were discussed, this code is one of the first that dictates the type of hierarchical organization.

When the empire of Hammurabi ends, another Babylonian, Nebuchadnezzar, rises to the throne, with him arises the control of production and the payments with incentives of wages to the workers, the annual production is identified with a color badge so the warehouse controls for the products.

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages we have the emergence of the Catholic Church, over the centuries, the principles of public organizations had been transferred from state institutions to the institutions of the Catholic Church, this transfer was slow but effective; Fundamental principles were created in church organizations.

As time went by the Catholic Church managed to hierarchize its authority, now it has a hierarchical organization so simple and efficient that its enormous world organization can operate without problem under the command of a single person, of course, we speak of the pope of whom the church He says that all his authority was delegated thanks to an authority greater than himself, a divine authority.

The effective organizational structure of the Church served as a model for many other organizations that wanted to be successful, incorporating administrative principles and norms that have been used in the Catholic Church for many, but many years, thus consolidating the organizational power that has led it to position itself. as one of the most influential organizations worldwide.

Within this season we have authors such as the Venice Arsenal, some of their greatest contributions were the creation of cost accounting, verifications and balances to carry efficient control, inventory action number, the assembly line technique was used, personnel management, parts standardization, inventory and cost control were implemented, this managed to better control the administrative process.

Another of the authors is Nicholas Machiavelli in Italy in the year 1525. Among his contributions we have the principle of consensus, he also recognizes the need for cohesion within the organization, states the qualities of leadership and creates a description of political tactics.. He realizes how important it is for a leader to have the support of the masses, in cohesion he knows that a leader must retain power over his collaborators, he realizes that being a leader can be brought in the blood, from birth, or that is created with the passage of time and with the skills that it acquires, of course recognizes the right to survival that organizations have, since they all seek to be perpetual.

Industrial Revolution

Although the industrial revolution 4 had emerged from 1780 it burst like a snowball, with great acceleration with the invention of the steam engine by James Watt, the application to production was completely modified to the commercial social structure that already it was had, it can be said that the industrial revolution is divided into two epochs in the industrial revolution of coal and iron and in the industrial revolution of steel and electricity.

The changes that arise at this time prevail in that the worker not only satisfies his needs but produces goods to obtain economic remuneration, in this system there is no longer explicit planning, mechanical manufacturing is introduced, therefore, there are more efficient production tools With this, the need for labor decreases and loses presence in the workplace, a combustion machine is introduced, this to increase productivity, but also the cost increases and the capital requirement increases, these machines are installed in factories with which instead of working at home, the worker must now go to the factory where he has strict control of all his activities and the organization becomes military in nature.

Preclassic and classic gurus

James Stuart

His contributions were the theory of the source of authority, the impact of automation, the differentiation between managers and workers based on the advantages of specialization.

Adam Smith

Contributes to the principle of worker specialization, the concept of control, the division of labor.

Eli Whitney

With the scientific method 5; The use of cost accounting and quality control recognizes the breadth of administration.

James Watt

Watt brought the socio-economic, technological and cultural transformation not only to England but to the whole world with the creation of the steam engine that revolutionized the industry, this led to the evolution of production processes, the increase in productivity in companies and increased profits for entrepreneurs.

Watt also created standard operating procedures, specifications, working methods, planning, salary incentives, safe standardized times for employees, and implemented the use of audits within organizations, all with the end of the transformation brought about by the industrial revolution. we know that in its first stage it used coal and iron as its main resource, however in the second stage steel replaces coal and electricity replaces steam.

Robert Owen

It can be said that he is one of the first humanists who begin to take on the importance of human resources within the organization, he is interested in the living conditions of workers and also in their working condition, he is called the father of modern personnel administration, other its contributions in the application of personnel practices, training of workers and housing plans for them.

Charles Babbage

He is known as the father of computer science, and he also carried out tests of time and movement that indicated the absence of downtime and the maximum benefit of activities for workers. Among his main works were the design and development of computers, a model of differential machine, elaboration of analytical machines, application of analytical calculation, emphasis on the scientific method, specialization, division of labor, cost accounting, and effects of color on worker efficiency.

Daniel C. McCallum

He used organization charts 6 to show how the organizational structure works and also developed the application of systemic administration in the railways.

Scientific management

Frederick W. Taylor

To begin the classic approach to management, we will talk about Frederick Taylor, who is known as the father of scientific management, who realized the need for cooperation between the worker and management, also proposed salary increases, developed the exception principle applied to the plant of production, studied methods, study of production times, emphasized research, created planning and control methods.

The founder of the scientific administration, the first studies he carried out in his life were related to the social and business problems that arose from the industrial revolution. The first book that Taylor published spoke exclusively of the techniques of rationalizing the work of the worker through the studies of time and movements (Motion-Time Study) found that the average worker produces much less than he was potentially capable, thus concluding that if the worker realized that he was doing more and was more willing to produce and that in the end he earned the same that some of his colleagues who interested us so much in work would lose interest in working and his level of production decreases, that is why his need to create conditions to pay more to those who do more arises.

In the second period of Taylor developed a study on the General administration, but he did not abandon his concern for the tasks of the worker, he assured that the industry at that time seemed like evils that could be grouped into three factors.

  1. Systematic laziness of the workers this stem from three causes.
    • The error spread among workers that if the machine produces more than the worker this will generate unemployment, the deficient system of administration that forces the workers to idle, inefficient empirical methods with which the worker wastes much of his effort and your time.
    Lack of management knowledge regarding work times and routines. Lack of uniformity in work methods and techniques. Despite Taylor's misconception of the worker as an irresponsible lazy man, he was always concerned with creating a production system based on intensifying the pace of work seeking business efficiency.

Henrry L. Gantt

Gran was a disciple of Taylor collaborated for more than 10 years in industrial-type organizations, the investigations he carried out establish control analysis and planning in the processes through the use of graphs to which we owe the famous Gantt 7 graphs, today they are widely known, Today, after so many years, they continue to be used to carry out activity plans not only in weeks, even months or years, but they also developed a bonus system based on a humanistic approach.

Frank and Lillian Gilberth

They are attributed the studies of time in motion, the weighing of the importance of considering the human element, the use of the film camera to film the worker and study their movements, use of statistics in the administration, develop a code of symbols to make diagrams, to elaborate a model of administrative process called work process, they are also attributed the development of studies of micro movements (symbols to process manual work), finally the development of a "white list" system seems to qualify the merit of workers.

Harrington Emerson

He was a pioneer in research on the selection and training of industrial operators, and he also contributed to the theme of performance principles to increase productivity within a plant, which gave way to objective-based management within production.

Classic Administration

Fayol developed the so-called classical theory that deals with increasing the efficiency of the company through the organization and application of general scientific principles of administration, although Fayol and Taylor did not communicate and different points of view started, their ideas constitute the so-called classical management approach..

Henrry Fayol

It is recognized as the father of modern administrative theory, the activities of the industrial area classified them into six. Technical, commercial, financial, security, accounting, administrative.

It established planning, organization and control functions, revealing 14 points as administrative principles based on the administration process.

  1. Labor divisionDisciplineOrderCentralizationLines of authorityUnit of commandEquityPersonal stabilityUnity of managementAuthoritySubordinationInitiativeSolidarityRemuneration

Wilfrido Pareto

The main contribution is the Pareto principles. Thanks to these, demonstrations related to the presence of 20% of variables were carried out, causing 80% of the effects.

Behavioral and human relations

Mary Parker F.

Empowerment or participatory management are some of its contributions.

It established 4 principles from the operational point of view to resolve conflicts:

  1. Coordination is achieved when the decision maker is in direct contact with the subordinates or collaborators Coordination is essential in planning Coordination covers all aspects of a situation Coordination must be exercised permanently

Elthon Mayo

He is recognized as the father of the administration's social process approach. The main contribution attributed to it is that of the analyzes of the industrial base, through which it verified the impacts of the attitudes of the labor groups on the performance of the organization. And the concept of “Working Groups” is created as a result of this analysis.

Hugo Munsterberg

I carry out psychological implementations in the industrial and administrative areas, thanks to this he made contributions to the administration.

Administrative gurus today

Bill gates

In 1976 he formed his own company Microsoft Corporation, with him as president and CEO, he turned to a process of technological innovation and in 1983 he revolutionized personal computing by introducing a mouse to manipulate personal computers. In 1986 Microsoft went public, which made Gates the richest man in the United States and this would not stop growing.

Her talent has been reflected in different information programs but also in the success of one of the most flexible and competitive companies, she has managed it with unorthodox criteria and with special attention to motivation and the selection of her staff. Its innovations have contributed to the rapid dissemination of personal information, to a transcendental technical innovation in transmitting, producing and consuming information.

Michael Porter

Porter is one of the best economists that history has had.He has established the bases of organizational strategy and management in companies thanks to his contributions, the most relevant of which has been done in the field of management and the strategy was made with an article on "how competitive forces shape strategy" where he talks about the five forces model:

  1. Rivalry between existing competitors Negotiation power of customers Negotiation power of suppliers Threats of new competitors Threat of substitute products

Porter currently teaches at Harvard Business School, is a widely awarded economist, and is considered the father of competitive strategy.


When developing this article I realized how ancient the administration turns out to be, it is not something that is even 100 years old, it is something from centuries ago. Throughout all these years it has evolved as the events have been required, supported by the great minds of all these Gurus whom I can understand now more than ever how they saw the administration based on the current events of their time, Although some were able to foresee what could happen and they were taking leaps and bounds regarding their theories.

It is exciting to know that after so long, each administrative system can continue to be improved and without a doubt, in the years to come there will be even more improvements, improvements that will be necessary with the changes that organizations undergo over time, for That without a doubt, this is only the beginning.


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Gurus and their contributions to the evolution of administrative theory