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Managerial skills of the modern manager applied to managers of the telecommunications industry in Santo Domingo



The business model prevailing at the beginning of this new century is nuanced by high competitiveness and globalized innovation, technological advances in the telecommunications sector, have accelerated business actions in the Dominican market, with a marked orientation towards the efficient execution of strategies corporate.


Management skills play a preponderant role, within the current business model, in order to influence employees to cope with relevant organizational changes, motivate them and commit them to the proposed objectives, subject to the vision of the organization.

This research identifies the fundamental skills of successful managers, to direct collaborators in organizations in the telecommunications sector, as well as to direct their own lives.

In the introductory chapter, he presents in detail the definition of the research topic with a subsequent approach to the research problem, continuing with the methodological process of formulation, systematization of the problem, research objectives and justification of it.

In Chapter I, consisting of the theoretical framework, research background and conceptual framework that serve as a reference to the research process carried out to diagnose the managerial skills of the modern manager.

Chapter II presents the research design, the type of study, research methods, the sources of information, population, sample, as well as the treatment of the study information.

Chapter III, presentation of the research findings, with a weighted analysis of the data obtained from the diagnosis of managerial skills to successful managers in the telecommunications sector, with charts and graphs that simply and clearly show the performance of executives in each of the skills evaluated by the study.

Bibliography, this section presents the different books that serve as a reference for the pertinent study of managerial skills and its diagnostic process.

Appendix presents the different evaluations and methodologies carried out in the study, with reagents and indicators that show the level of competence of each skill.

Annexes, this section inserts the structured questionnaire that collects the data in this research, on managerial skills in successful managers of the telecommunications industry.


"Diagnosis of the managerial skills of the modern manager applied to successful managers of the telecommunications industry in Santo Domingo, National District January-March 2010"


The study on the managerial skills of the modern manager identifies the skills relevant to successful managers in the telecommunications sector, an industry characterized by high competitiveness and constant innovation.


The telecommunications sector represents one of the pillars in the national economic structure, achieving high growth in recent years despite the world crisis, obtaining for the first half of 2009 a growth rate of 19.4% (Central Bank of the Republic Dominican Republic, 2009) in relation to the same period of the previous year, these data place the Dominican Republic as the country that perceives the greatest economic contribution of this sector to the gross domestic product (GDP) in relation to the countries of the region.

The country has 8 million registered telephone lines experiencing an average growth rate of 28% for this year (INDOTEL, 2009). With a total teledensity of 85.3 telephones per 100 inhabitants. The level of penetration experienced by the country is 75 cell phones per 100 people, with a growth seven times greater than fixed lines.

Maintaining the pace of investments in recent years that drive the development and expansion of the ICT infrastructure (information and communication technology) in the country, it continues its consolidation with relevant projects, such as the Caribbean NAP (Network Access Point), which allows the country to be a strategic link point (Internet, voice, images and data) of the Americas for the rest of the world, with an improvement in operating costs by the companies that offer telecommunications services in the country.

The telecommunications sector at present is experiencing competitive pressure among the telephony providers that are vying for leadership in the Dominican market and that are reflected in the large investments in advertising campaigns, new plans and services oriented towards the trends in the Voice and Internet connections for mobile equipment and laptops.

As well as the hiring of qualified human resources conquered from other telephone service providers, a strategy developed and consolidated in 2009 by the followers of the sector and provides an overview of what the industry is experiencing at present in competitive terms. This caused by the modification of the regulatory framework of telecommunications in the country by the governing body, the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (INDOTEL), which came into effect on September 30, 2009, establishing an unprecedented change in terms of legal framework of the sector, impacting on the competitiveness of companies that offer telephony services. With the introduction of number portability the user enjoys the freedom of being able to transfer their home phone number,business or mobile to other providers of the telephone service with the same number, giving greater decision-making power to the user of the service.

In the two months that the number portability takes effect, 9,000 customers have ported their numbers to competing companies. The country's main providers such as CLARO-CODETEL, ORANGE DOMINICANA,

TRICOM, VIVA are compelled and committed to offering greater advantages and benefits in their telephone services.

Technological, political, legal and competitive changes are developed and impact with greater force and speed in the telecommunications sector, compared to other economic sectors of national life, companies that compete in this economic sector could be affected in their market share. and profitability.

Between the strategic plans that adapt the company to the environment and the strategic execution developed by the commercial actions in the market, there is a thin line that serves as an adhesive for an organization to achieve high performance, and managerial skills are cause-effect in current successful organizations, representing the ultimate strategic advantage in an aligned organizational dynamic.

In order to implement more efficient executions of strategies in companies in the dynamic market environment, based on the identification of critical managerial skills that allows developing world-class competitive managers, it is necessary to carry out research on the “Diagnosis of managerial skills of the modern manager applied to successful managers of the telecommunications industry in Santo Domingo, National District, January-March 2010. "


What are the managerial skills of the modern manager applied to successful managers of the telecommunications industry in Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, January-March 2010?


1. What is the perception intelligence profile of successful managers in the telecommunications sector?

2. What brain preference do high-performance managers have?

3. What are the essential skills of the Whetten / Cameron model used by executives in daily work?

4. What is the level of competence in innovation of managers in their management?

5. What level of support communication competence do executives in the telecommunications sector possess?

6. What is the level of competition in influence do high-performance managers have in their organizations?

7. What level of competence do high-performance managers possess in motivating their employees?

8. What is the level of competence of managers in the development of work teams in the company?


Determine the process to diagnose the managerial skills of the modern manager applied to successful managers of the telecommunications industry in Santo Domingo, National District, January-March 2010?


1. Determine the perception intelligence profile of successful managers in the telecommunications sector.

2. Indicate the brain preference that high-performance managers possess.

3. Determine the essential skills of the Whetten / Cameron model used by executives in daily work.

4. Determine the level of innovation competence of managers in their management.

5. Indicate the level of communication competence in support of executives in the telecommunications sector.

6. Determine the level of influence competition that high-performance managers possess in their organizations.

7. Indicate the level of competition high-performance managers obtain in motivating their collaborators.

8. What is the level of competence of managers in the development of work teams in the company?


This research aims to make a diagnosis of the relevant managerial skills in the telecommunications industry, describing the skills of Dominican managers, with an impact on the efficient execution of strategies in their respective organizations.

The data that is captured in this research reaches a strong foothold in the experience developed by managers, in carrying out trial and error, decision-making, strategic planning, strategic execution, personal motivation and development of their own skills, contributing to the discipline Managerial solid foundations for the development of efficient managers, relevant to university students who understand business careers in the Dominican Republic such as: marketing, administration, accounting and economics in their training to be high-performance managers in the future society. As well as professionals who are studying modern management masters in their various versions, as members of a select class of professionals in the country, who are compelled to develop their managerial skills,with an inalienable commitment to give results to their organizations and they can find in this research a guide to design their own skills development model, or that of their collaborators to execute strategies with a high impact.

The findings made by this research lay the foundation for future research that has the primary objective of developing relevant managerial skills. With the firm objective of elevating this research to a new level of knowledge beyond the objectives set by the researcher in the future of it.



Framework 1.1 Theoretical Framework

1.2 Background

1.3 Conceptual Framework


Management Skills Considerations

Converting into actions that produce organizational results based on strategic plans tests the modern manager's baggage and his abilities to direct and influence his organization, his collaborators to execute strategies efficiently and develop competitive capacities of the organization.

The strategic plan establishes the future direction of an organization, expressing its goals and the set of strategies to achieve high performance in the company, over a period of time. This strategic plan becomes a black and white document that governs business actions.

Relevant aspects in strategic execution

• Hire people with skills and experiences that strengthen organizational skills.

• Provide the necessary resources in activities critical to strategic success.

• Alignment of policies and procedures that facilitate effective strategic execution.

• Implementation of best practices to develop activities and a culture of continuous improvement.

• Install computer systems to support staff that facilitate their strategic role in the day to day.

• Generate motivation in collaborators to tirelessly pursue the proposed objectives. Establish an organizational culture and climate that impacts an efficient strategy execution.

• Maintain internal leadership that inspires excellence in applying improvements to execute strategies.

• Align rewards and incentives with the achievement of performance objectives and an efficient strategy.


skills Management skills are identifiable attributes of actions developed by individuals generating an impact on their results. Abilities can be observed in people and it differs from attributes that are purely mental or fixed in personality. Skills are controllable by individuals and can be developed, are far from simplistic behaviors and forge an integrated set of complex responses. They are abilities to direct others and our own life.

High Performance Managerial Skills (David Whetten, 2005)

1. Verbal communication (includes listening)

2. Time and stress

management 3. Individual decision management

4. Recognition, definition and resolution of problems

5. Motivation and influence on others

6. Delegation

7. Setting goals and creating vision

8. Self-knowledge

9. Team Building

10. Conflict management

Essential skills according to Galo Pozo

In an interview we conducted with the international consultant and speaker Dr. Galo Pozo for August 2009, with experience in the design and implementation of consultancies in strategic planning, results-based management, organizational development, total quality and productivity, and management of transformational projects of Philip Morris, Kraft General Foods in Latin America.

Locally, in companies such as Cervecería Nacional Dominicana, Grupo Rica, Grupo Vicini. To the question we asked about the basic skills that an executive must have in the post modern company, this referred to three basic essential skills such as: continuous learning, ability to teach his team and become a multiplier of experiences and knowledge, establish and achieve personal and organizational goals.

Theories that support skill development

Knowledge does not take up space and we humans are hardly realizing this, since we have a virtually unlimited capacity for learning and creativity, to the point that ninety percent of what we know about the capabilities of the human brain we have learned in the last 20 years. (J.Gelb, 2006)

The etymology of the word intelligence comes from the Latin intelligentia, which in turn comes from the compound term of intus "between" and legere "choose" which means to know how to choose. Intelligence is the ability to organize behaviors, discover values, invent projects, maintain them, be able to get rid of the determinism of the situation, solve problems and pose them. (Marina, 1995)

Entire generations were developed under the cloak of the concept of intelligence based on the IQ test devised by Alfred Binet (1857-1911) that objectively measures the individual's understanding, reasoning, and judgment. Binet develops these tests, supported by the enthusiasm of an emerging discipline, such as psychology at that time and the desire to overcome cultural prejudices in evaluating the human potential of children. This concept of (CI) was revolutionary for its time, but recent research reveals that it has weak points.

The human race has a genetic endowment with a certain talent in certain areas, investigations carried out by researchers such as Tony Buzan, Wenger, have concluded that the tests (IC) can be significantly increased by carrying out adequate training.

A statistical summary of more than two hundred (CI) studies published by Bernard Devlin ends in the conclusion, in which the genes only have 48% in the (CI) and the other 52% would then be conditioned, by prenatal care, the environment and education.

The second weak point about intelligence is the result of verbal and mathematical reasoning skills measured by (IQ) tests as SAT tests are the essence of intelligence. Contemporary psychological research has verified the existence of other types of intelligences in human beings.

In the frames of the mind. The theory of multiple intelligence a classic of our times, the psychologist Howard Gardner postulates that all of us have at least seven measurable intelligences, these are: Logical / mathematical, verbal / linguistic ability to articulate and express thoughts in writing or words, visual / spatial ability to perceive the visual world correctly, to recreate aspects of one's own visual experience.

Musical / artistic consisting of rhythmic and melodic skills, corporal / kinestesica is the ability to use the body in a differentiated way both to express and to obtain direct objectives, interpersonal includes leadership, establishing relationships, maintaining friendships, solving conflicts and social analysis which is the ability to discern and respond appropriately to the moods, temperament, motivations and desires of other people and intrapersonal the ability to contact with their own feelings and adopt behavior.

Imitation learning is essential for some species, including humans, when you grow up you have a unique advantage: the simple choice of who to consciously emulate, exchanging old belief models for new ones.

Management for illusions "The quality of a manager is reflected in the worst of his decisions" (Sallenave, 2002)

Decision making is closely linked to the perception of reality experienced by modern managers, each manager builds his world, according to their paradigms or mental maps of "elaborate reality" and act in a certain way to respond to organizational problems.

There are some cognitive biases in managers caused by their mind maps or experience, with an impact on reality sometimes deforming it. This goes unnoticed in the elaboration of reality. Three categories can be mentioned, depending on the level of information perception, impact of the cause on the events we observe, level of formal representation of reality.

Perception biases: these are biases that appear in the acquisition of information, so that we finally see what we want to see.

1-Selective perception: Paradigms that influence the acceptance or rejection of arguments by other managers. Mental blockage of information that contradicts our opinion.

2-Analog bias: We perceive business action with an important burden from the past, connecting current events with previous events and making decisions with solutions that worked for those events.

3-Representativeness bias: The manager assigns a certain probability to an event whenever it seems representative of a class of events.

In-game perception of managerial skills.

In a conscious way the individual experiences and interprets through the senses, no human being comes into contact with reality, everything perceived is developed in the sensory organs and the nervous system. For this reason each sense has a preponderance when providing information to the brain where sight has 40%, hearing 20%, touch 20%, smell 10%, taste 10%.

Perception intelligence

In the investigations carried out by John Grinder and Richard Bandler the creators of NLP (Neurolinguistic Linguistic Programming) in the United States, determined that each individual perceives the world in a different way, to perceive reality we do it by using a sense more than the others.

Each individual obtains a different configuration of his five senses originating the perception intelligences or channels of perception in the following visual, auditory and kinetic (VAK) way. Where visual refers to perceiving through sight, auditory preferred sense of hearing, kinetic perceives through touch, taste, sensations or emotions and movement.

• Visual person perceives by sight, remembers through images, transforms words into images, visualizes, organizes, needs a lot of information, likes to explore the aspect of things. Use words like: glance, brightness, see, point of view, naked eye, horizon, visible, have vision, contemplate.

• Auditory person: Ear perception channel, is usually busy with tasks that do not need movement, with a lot of inner life, good conversation, they are serious with few smiles, sensitive to noise. In their language they use words: sound, ask, understand, harmony, silence, listen, hear, express an opinion.

• Kinetic Person: They use touch, taste, smell and movement. They are sentimental individuals, they express their feelings, a round figure, a relaxed posture, slow movements, they tend to touch others. They handle a language in their conversations such as: feel, sensitive, wet, touch, step by step, perceive, wake up, excite, pain, emotion.

Brain divided

Research carried out by the Nobel laureate Dr. Roger Sperry on the physiology of the brain, concluded that it is divided into two parts called the left hemisphere, right hemisphere, establishing the specific functions of these brain parts.

• Left Hemisphere: Manages the right side of the body is detailed, mechanical, substantial, black and white, skeptical, language, logical, closed, cautious, repetitive, verbal, analytical.

• Right Hemisphere: Controls the left side of the body is broad, creative, essence, colors, receptive, meditation, artistic, open, adventurous, innovative, intuitive, synthetic.

The right and left cerebral hemispheres have different functions, they process different information, expanding the understanding and performance of the individual with their work environment. A person who is dominant in her left hemisphere is more analytical, while a dominant person in the right hemisphere will be more emotional.

Leadership vision statements for positive change should contain rational goals, objectives, and action plans - these are controlled by the left hemisphere, as well as metaphors, language, coloring, and imagination, controlled by the right hemisphere, to have an impact within the organization these two types of thinking must be convergent and reflected in a stimulating vision.

Brain quatrizonas genesis of managerial skills

This theory developed by Georgi Lozanov and Ned Herrman with multiple applications in different areas; the first oriented to education and the second to the area of ​​business leadership and creativity. Historically Carl Gustav Jung through the four zones of human interaction supports these theories.

Dividing the brain areas into four: right and left cortical and right and left limbic, using colors to describe these brain areas upper left cortical zone (blue), right cortical zone (yellow), lower left limbic zone (green), limbic zone lower right (red).

The predominant development of one of these areas is called cerebral dominance coupled with the intelligence of perception, Dr. Eric de la Parra Paz establishes a trend in the type of personality or color that we call "mother color", which distinguishes the individual in their tastes, preferences and mental processes.

• Blue person: Left hemisphere, intelligence of perception (auditory), rational, analytical, logical, cost benefit, quantitative, concrete objective, financial, problem solving, austere, thinking, cultured, little introverts, autocrats, negative professions engineers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians, economists, accountants.

• Green person: Left hemisphere, intelligence (visual) perception, careful, organized, detailed, Methodist, administrative, implementer, operational planning, disciplined, formal, neat, obsessive, perfectionists, self-limited, professions, public accountants, auditors, military, technicians in quality, chemists, biologists, administrators, engineers in general.

• Yellow person: Right hemisphere, intelligence (visual) perception, experimental, visionary, intuitive, researcher, agent of change, creative, innovative, strategic planning, pioneer, artistic, imagination, rebels against the unjust, strategists for everything, fickle, profession marketers, artists, designers, architects, advertisers, leaders, cybernetic engineers.

• Red person: Right hemisphere, intelligence perception (kinetic), emotional, expressive, relationship, interpersonal, educational, sensory, religious, sportsmanlike, flexible, human, surrender, aggressive, strong character, require a leader, tend to work in team, conflictive, intriguing, professions psychologists, professors, doctors, industrial relations, communicators, sales and services.


Studies and research that serve as a background to research on the diagnosis of the managerial skills of the modern manager in different approaches, with executives who have not been successful or affected by derailment (as opposed to success) and executives who exercise leadership in their organizations.

Van Velsor & Leslie (1995) collects a sample of 20 American executives and 42 European executives, summarizes their results in identifying problems with managerial skills such as interpersonal relationships, failure to meet business objectives, inability to form and lead a team, inability to manage personal development or to adapt.

American Management Association (2000) in research on managerial skills relevant to organizations, identified the important skills showing the following skills: customer focus, ability to use information to implement solutions, credibility, ability to transform words into deeds, listen and ask questions, build objectives, work in teams, identify opportunities for innovation, leadership skills, time management, implement improvements, set priorities within the results of the research, establish the relationship of the important skills described above with administrative competences, showing significant differences.

The firm Andersen Consulting (2000) focuses the study of critical management skills among partners, consultants, leading clients of the organization on employee skills, identifying the following skills: creativity, team building, flexibility, technical competence, handling of ambiguity, speed, emotional intelligence, communication skills.

In the Dominican Republic, the master's thesis carried out at the Catholic University Santo Domingo, supported by Vanesa Guzmán on the competencies of managers in the banking sector (2009) determines leadership skills in the following: team building, teamwork, coaching, consulting and communication support. Shedding data on the managers surveyed, 50% dominate coaching, consulting and communication skills and 25% leadership.


Self-knowledge: knowledge that the individual experiences of his faculties and his individual personality, of his characteristics and qualities by means of self-perception, self-observation, autobiographical memory, self-esteem, self-acceptance.

Human capital: set of skills and competences of a person or a group of people within an organization, is developed through training, job skills and experience.

Social capital: radius of social connections that a person maintains and cultivates in his personal, professional and professional life with other people.

Competences: is the sum of knowledge, skills and behaviors that the individual has to achieve a task or functions efficiently within an organization

Interpersonal competence: ability to manage conflicts with collaborators, clients and related persons, as well as the ability to build teams, train, influence and motivate in the company.

Core Competency: Behavioral skills that a team member has and that understands communication skills, styles, and patterns.

Organizational culture: set of values, beliefs, policies, basic rules that are developed by employees in a company and identifies the organization.

Professional development: Professional education that an individual achieves includes the achievement of organizational objectives and continuous improvement within the organization, framed in a career plan.

Skills development: skills and knowledge related to the performance of the current or future position that are based on the training that will be carried out in the organization.

Weaknesses: areas of the individual that experiences or lacks less development in the personal or professional field that are detected through a skills assessment.

Performance: Capacity that the individual possesses and that experiences an increase due to his motivation to achieve specific objectives in the company.

Efficacy: making efforts to achieve the objectives proposed by the organization and their measurement is based on the scope or not of them, are aligned with the vision of the organization.

Experience: cognitive ability product of years of training, training and work experiences that the individual experiences and that has an impact on their decisions.

Strengths: areas of the individual at a personal or professional level that presents a high performance or outstanding in relation to other individuals of the same professional level.

Skill: ability learned or inherited multiplied by training, training or education to apply knowledge and experiences to work in an organization.

Perception intelligence: A system of mental processes that serves as communication with our environment, using the senses sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell. These are divided into visual, auditory and kinetic communication channels.

Strategic planning: It is the development of a vision by the company and the coordination of efforts to achieve the proposed objectives.

Brain preference: Preferential use of the left or right brain hemispheres, with an impact on the way of thinking and acting. The individual with left brain preference is analytical and logical. An individual with a right brain preference is more creative, intuitive, and holistic.

Visual Person: It is the individual perceives his environment through the visual channel, when he remembers something he does it through images, his way of speaking is through metaphors, they require a lot of information.

Auditory Person: It is the individual who perceives their environment through the ear canal, they have the ability to listen, they organize ideas logically, they are sensitive to certain noises.

Kinetic Person: The individual who communicates with his environment through the kinetic channel, are sentimental and spontaneous people, they tend to touch others when they talk, their appearance may seem sloppy.


Type of Study

The research is based on its methodological development, with a descriptive scope, used to describe the managerial skills used in the successful management of the telecommunications industry, to determine the diagnosis of skills that are relevant to efficient strategic execution in 21st century organizations.

Research methods and techniques

To develop the diagnosis of managerial skills, high-performance managers from the main telecommunications organizations in the Dominican Republic, Codetel, Tricom, Viva, were selected, who were evaluated by means of a structured questionnaire, the different psychological skills such as intelligence of perception and cerebral preference, finding a test inserted in said instrument for its measurement.

Also evaluating the essential managerial skills in the investigated managers such as: problem solving, communication, motivation and influence, and team building to determine the level of ability that is present in high-performance managers.

Information Sources and Collection Techniques

As primary sources of information: the information provided by the successful managers surveyed from the telecommunications sector in Santo Domingo, National District, in the main companies that provide telephone service in the Dominican Republic will be used.

As secondary sources of information: the following media were chosen: Textbooks of recent editions of the subject under investigation, web pages, documents, specialized magazines, as well as other reports and documents prepared by other researchers.

Population: In the Dominican Republic it has 4 providers of mobile, residential and business telephone services, these are: Claro / Codetel, Orange Dominicana, Tricom, Viva.

Sample used in this investigation is non-probabilistic for convenience, touching successful managers in their organizations, to obtain the relevant information that allows a diagnosis of managerial skills to be made. This sampling method was chosen due to the prevailing lack of a sampling frame of successful executives in the sector.

Treatment of the information

Presentation of the information: Once the information has been collected, it will be analyzed and interpreted on the experiences and premises that will be presented in written form in its generality, with numerical data arranged in a simple way in tables, graphs, among others. With annexes and appendices captured in the development of the investigation.

Management considered successful in the telecommunications industry

The executive with a deep understanding of the business, with strategic initiative and leadership that performs human capital management, aligning the needs of employees with the goals of the organization, establishing a relationship (win -win) motivating the team to achieve the objectives in the most efficient way possible.

He is the manager with discipline, ability to adapt, leadership, with high personal and ethical values, respectful of the human part, with a dedication to training people, efficiently managing the resources that impact successful projects, directing employees towards corporate objectives.

Development strategy

• Technical training and managerial skills, with investment in senior management programs, constant preparation and adaptation to change.

• High evaluation of the service, discipline, complying with the codes of ethics of the organization, personal values, respect and integrity, human relations, not being afraid of challenges, doing ordinary extraordinary things.

• Knowledge of the market, identification of opportunities, capacity for analysis and management of successful projects, mediation of conflicts, orientation to achievement and giving results.

The performance obtained by the managers investigated in the perception intelligence profile shown by the diagnosis of managerial skills, obtained a medium level of competence in the visual channel (82 points), a low level of competence in the ear canal (45 points) and a medium level of competition for the kinetic channel (53 points).

The intelligence profile of successful managers seems to establish a trend towards the middle of the scale, in the development of perception intelligence, where they could reach the optimal level of competition or success, to hold managerial positions in telecommunications companies. investigated.

This profile could impact the communication skills of support in telecommunications managers, translating into positive relationships, through a visual language (mental photography) promoting a leadership vision in the collaborators.

Successful telecommunications managers investigated establish a perception intelligence profile that seems to indicate that, as managers' biological age increases, it could impact intuitive decisions, based on the balance of perception intelligences.

The managers investigated throw data on the cerebral preference, for the left hemisphere of the brain 73%, where the remaining 27% use the brain in an integral way.

The left brain preference of the managers investigated could have an impact on business innovation, laying the foundations for managing logical, analytical, linear tasks, implementing creative solutions to problems in telecommunications companies, with competencies in the organization and planning of projects.

Comprehensive managers by gender, male 75% and the remaining 25% female. The integral male managers reach a higher proportion in relation to the female managers, these managers are the highest-ranking managers interviewed in this research.

The cerebral integrity of managers could impact the establishment of the organizational vision, made up of goals and objectives (left hemisphere) combined with language and emotion (right hemisphere) to develop a motivating vision within work teams and in telecommunications organizations, where they exercise their leadership.

The managers surveyed on essential management skills and their use in daily work, according to mention, show the following results: Communication 40%, Innovation 27%, motivation 13%, team building 13% and influence 7%.

Supportive communication as mentioned by managers is the fundamental skill in managing collaborators in modern organizations, coupled with the innovation of internal processes with an impact on executing the strategy efficiently, to achieve high performance in business objectives.

The performance obtained by the managers investigated in the ability to innovate in telecommunications companies reaches a high level of competence, shown by the diagnosis of managerial skills of the modern manager, with an achievement level of 94% in relation to the ideal performance of skill.

Innovation ability is the primary skill mastered by managers in the telecommunications sector, determined by diagnosing the managerial skills of the modern manager. This managerial ability could have an impact on the development of new organizational processes in telecommunications companies, improving the functions of collaborators in daily work, with an important share in the competitive improvement of the company.

Managers with this level of competence shown, trigger innovation within their team, allowing collaborators to integrate their knowledge in the continuous improvement of daily activities.

The managers throw data in the evaluation of the ability to form effective teams in the investigated telecommunications companies, reaching a high level of competence with an achievement level of 88% in relation to its ideal performance.

The ability to build effective teams stands out, as the second skill mastered by successful managers in the telecommunications sector, the level of competence achieved, seems to show efficient management of work teams that triggers better productivity in employees.

The high performance achieved in the team building ability of the investigated managers seems to be supported by a detailed understanding of the dynamics of the work teams, as a social system that goes beyond stages of crisis and stability, requiring the modern manager to manage multiple managerial skills, to achieve high performance in organizations in the telecommunications sector.

Las principales habilidades que implantan los directivos en la conformación de equipos, son la credibilidad y la influencia, como sustento base de su liderazgo dentro del equipo, continuando con el establecimiento de una visión que requiere la utilización de los lenguajes de pensamiento del cerebro (hemisferio izquierdo) objetivos y metas (hemisferio derecho) emociones e imágenes, capaz de generar alta motivación a los colaboradores impactando en los resultados. Como también la habilidad de innovación que permita el desarrollo sostenido del equipo solventando el statu quo del mimo.

The level of competence determined in successful managers in the support communication skill reaches a high level of competence, shown by the diagnosis of managerial skills of the modern manager, with an achievement level of 85% in relation to the ideal performance of the ability assessed in the managers investigated.

Diagnosis emerges as the third important skill that managers master in evaluating the level of competence, communication, the determining axis in the direction of employees in the telecommunications sector, to achieve organizational objectives.

Support communication is a vital component in this sector, despite the high incidence of various forms of electronic communication that managers have to carry out their daily work. Effective and positive communication is developed face-to-face with collaborators, generating a climate of trust and openness, which could enhance commitment and productivity in the management of the executives who are part of this research.

The performance obtained by managers in the motivation skill in telecommunications companies reaches a high level of competence, shown by the diagnosis of managerial skills of the modern manager, with an achievement level of 84% in relation to the ideal performance of the assessed ability.

It is the fourth most important skill in diagnosis, managers show the ability to accurately identify the real causes of low performance in employees, managing the lack of ability to perform work efficiently in some situations or motivational problems in others, implementing actions relevant to motivate collaborators in telecommunications organizations.

The tools used by managers to overcome performance pitfalls are aimed at retraining, acting as facilitators in the development of internal training aimed at employees, with an impact on the continuous improvement of human capital within the organizations investigated.

As a second and no less important tool, managers provide a motivating work environment, setting clear goals and objectives, creating a work environment that energizes employees for high performance.

Successful managers in the influence ability reach a low level of competence, shown by the diagnosis of the managerial skills of the modern manager, with an achievement level of 46% in relation to the ideal performance of the assessed skill.

In the diagnosis it is the fifth skill, as a puzzling fact, it is the first skill that managers do not manage to master, this requires a deepening in the analysis of the performance achieved by managers in evaluating this particular skill, due to the importance it has. the same to establish leadership in a work team.

We show the data thrown by managers on the ability to influence grouped by the organizations to which they belong, the points obtained by Viva organization (134) for 39%, Tricom (111) points for 32%, Claro (103) points with 30%.

The influence of the managers analyzed in Table 11.1 seems to increase in the telecommunications sector as organizations reduce hierarchical layers or have flatter structures, for this reason the performance obtained by Viva managers in the ability to influence, highlights above the other organizations, with respect to Tricom in 7% and in relation to Claro 9% in the performance of the skill evaluated.

The influence strategies used by managers in the telecommunications organizations investigated show the following data, ratio strategy 41%, remuneration 35%, for the reciprocity strategy 24%.

The strategy of preference for the investigated managers to influence the work teams, are supported by the strategy of reason promoted in the persuasion of the collaborators, with specific actions oriented to direct the behavior, through the appeal of personal values ​​of the collaborators or in pursuit of organizational objectives.

The performance obtained in the strategies of influence, remuneration and reciprocity seems to show that these strategies do not adhere to the management culture developed by managers, identifying themselves based on the power to lead, rather than on the influence obtained through the strategies proposed and that transform the power of the manager into specific actions by consensus.

The executives interviewed in the diagnostic research on managerial skills in the telecommunications sector, are composed of young executives from 26 to 35 years of age in 50%, adult / young executives in 43% and adults in 7%.

The human capital base of the telecommunications sector is supported by young professionals graduated from the universities of the Dominican Republic, highlighting the specific weight of managers in the organizations investigated, for the strategic positions they play, inserted in a highly competitive industry. and dynamism in the implementation of corporate strategies.

Regarding the gender of the executives surveyed in the research, 60% is represented by the male gender and 40% by the female gender.

The successful managers in the telecommunications industry, who were part of this research, are led by the male sex, as opposed to the sector's labor trend, which is dominated by the female sex.


The prevailing business model in the telecommunications sector in the 21st century places the talent paradigm in perspective, an essential element in organizations in the sector for the strategic execution of business actions, managerial skills crystallize corporate strategies through the efficient management of work teams, motivating, engaging and aligning employees in pursuit of the proposed objectives.

The perception intelligence profile of successful managers seems to establish a trend towards the middle of the scale, where the level of intelligence competence would be at an optimal level for managerial positions in the telecommunications sector. The visual channel that stands out in the profile, could impact the support communication ability with the establishment of positive relationships, through a visual language (mental photography) promoting a leadership vision in the collaborators.

The brain preference of high-performance managers obtained in the diagnosis shows that 73% of the managers investigated have a left brain preference, an interesting fact that highlights the brain preference indicator (CPI) indicating a triple alignment between brain abilities, the professions of managers (engineers, administrators) and the job in the telecommunications sector.

The essential managerial skills in the telecommunications sector, as mentioned by managers, communication skills for 40%, innovation skills 27%, resulting as vital skills to efficiently manage collaborators and work teams, in the telecommunications industry.

The skills determined in the diagnosis, present the performance achieved in each of the skills evaluated in the managers investigated, generating a profile of skills of successful managers in the telecommunications industry.

The performance obtained by the managers investigated in the ability to innovate in telecommunications companies reaches a high level of competence, shown by the diagnosis of managerial skills of the modern manager, with an achievement level of 94% in relation to the ideal performance of skill.

The ability to form effective teams in the telecommunications companies investigated, reaching a high level of competition with an achievement level of 88% in relation to its ideal performance.

The level of competence determined in successful managers in the support communication skill reaches a high level of competence, with an achievement level of 85% in relation to the ideal performance of the skill evaluated in the managers investigated.

The performance obtained by managers in the motivation skill in telecommunications companies reaches a high level of competence, shown by the diagnosis of managerial skills of the modern manager, with an achievement level of 84% in relation to the ideal performance of the assessed ability.

Successful managers in influencing ability achieve a low level of competence, with an achievement level of 46%, the only skill that successful managers achieve poorly in relation to the ideal performance of the skills evaluated.


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Mercado & Trends Magazines, issue # 30, Dominican Republic.

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Managerial skills of the modern manager applied to managers of the telecommunications industry in Santo Domingo