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Where is marketing headed?

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This essay aims to highlight the essential importance of marketing within organizations, since many times there is a wrong approach to its main objective, to whom we are addressing, in this case to consumers since it is of marketing and therefore on what part of these are we focusing on and the ways in which we can publicize a company that is just starting operations.

Where is marketing headed?


The main objective of this article is to raise awareness of the importance of marketing within organizations since many times the thread of what really should be done and how it should be done to achieve the expected objectives is lost. Some definitions of authors that define marketing will be disclosed and that they try to make known to us in a way that is understandable and clear without falling into technicalities. It is important to highlight one of the marketing strategies that is used and that any company could apply in order to be known at a certain time not only at the state level but also at the national level,and this strategy is individualized marketing that many times you can think that due to the time it takes it can be unpleasant or a waste of time, but if you do it with patience and not losing the main objective, it can turn out to be very satisfactory its result and beneficial for the entrepreneurs who applied it.

I think that companies are often more concerned with how to sell than they forget how to make the market known and the strategies they can use to win customers to satisfy consumers to grow their company and most importantly to keep alive that company that with so much effort they have carried out.

Another objective of this article is that in the end the reader manages to analyze the main idea that he wants to convey about how it is that marketing affects or not a company, that he manages to analyze for himself how he could implement a marketing idea that manages to be advantageous for the company to which you want to apply and that with this you can remove the fear of competition that is often what stops an entrepreneur from moving forward and discovering that it can effectively become a company with profits awesome.


Marketing has been present in our environment for hundreds of years ago, as an example we have the year of 1325 with the commercialization of the Aztecs, but ahead with the barter that existed between people to get things or food and the way or the strategies that they used to be able to acquire what they wanted or in that case what they needed.

Currently we can say that the father of modern marketing is Philip Kotler who assures that “this discipline is a social and administrative process through which groups and individuals obtain what they need and want through generating, offering and exchanging valuable products with their alike. " With all this we can realize in a rough way how important the presence of marketing has been in various times and epochs despite the fact that it has not been applied in the same way.


Emphasizing the importance of marketing, we can cite some definitions of marketing according to some authors, such as the case of the author Lamb, Hair and McDaniel (1994) (Tanoira, 2008) who says that the concept of marketing is based on the definition proposed by the American Marketing Association, which states that it is the process of planning and executing the concept, price, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services, to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.With this we understand that marketing is mainly responsible for creating creative solutions that capture the attention of consumers to make them feel that they really need to purchase a good or service and that the purchase option they make will be the most satisfactory for their needs. A key tip that every company or marketer should always remember is that marketing is focused on thinking about meeting consumer needs, doing something that captures their attention and is understandable at first glance. A clear example of how today's companies freely manage their marketing systems to make their product known to their target market is through the internet and therefore social networks,since currently most people have the facility to be aware of the news that occurs through the internet and to be in contact not only with people from the same country in which they reside but also from other countries and that is why companies use this medium to launch a product. Currently there are more than 50,000 types of business and therefore this roughly means that competition for many companies, whether small, medium or large, is increased, therefore some of them take different measures to apply marketing within their company and in this way over time gain more customers. An example is individualized marketing (Arturo Sánchez Martínez, 2001) that according to the Americans Don Peppers and Martha Rogers,Bouleau (1999) Two of the most important exponents of this type of strategy indicate that individualized marketing is in charge of carrying out a marketing program that guarantees reaching a select audience, providing an almost immediate response. To do this, it uses tools such as maling, telemarketing, the Internet, the call center and other applications derived from IT.in order that at the end of the selection process a certain population is considered as a prospect to launch the desired product and that when applying other marketing strategies this selected population is considered as customers and consumers of the product that the company launches and so after a while to achieve commercial relations outside the initial population and that the product comes to light to be purchased by people from other places and the company manages not only to increase its sales but to go from being a micro company to a medium company and so on.

When a consumer becomes a customer of the company at the same time, he is becoming an excellent seller, because if we see it from a different perspective than just having a won customer, we can deduce that that customer who is already satisfied with the product or service he has acquired in the company will recommend it in the same way to their family, friends, acquaintances and these in turn will do the same and so on, not missing those of those people to whom the product or service has been recommended present at the company with all the disposition to acquire it.

All this becomes part of the importance of marketing within organizations and it is vital that you do not forget that in order to publicize a product or service and launch it towards a certain market, you do not need to be as technical as you actually need to have open mind and focus on the needs of consumers, put themselves in their shoes and not only think about generating money for the company since in this way we will be able to obtain in a given time more customers who are willing to acquire what is is offering, marketing must include creativity and vision to see and do things, today there are various ways to make yourself known and launch a product or service to the market just as niche markets have been expanding over time,it is only a matter of knowing where we want to go and what is the result that we hope to obtain in the end.


When carrying out this work and at the end of it, we can generally conclude that the use of marketing within an organization is of utmost importance since it is the engine for the company and the product to work, so that what we want to achieve in the future by designing some type of business has positive results. The use of advertising to attract the attention of customers or consumers is like what is colloquially called "marketing" but the truth is that the term marketing as well as its practice goes beyond just posters, spots or brochures, but is to plan ahead how we are going to sell our product to people,the way in which we are going to decide whether to continue as we are doing as we are producing it or if we are going to have to modify certain things, however small they may be, only because it will be accepted by consumers, only because this way we will achieve the desired sales since the The main objective of any company is to sell and therefore get monetary compensation for what they are offering, as the author Raúl Gutiérrez García (García, 1999) quotes, businesses are made to sell, regardless of their line of business and size: large small or medium, any business that does not sell is doomed to disappear. Thus, with all this we can say that marketing is an investment in the future that every company must risk implementing so that its objectives, whether short or long term, are realized.


  • Arturo Sánchez Martínez, PG (2001). Comprehensive marketing strategies. Colombian Marketing Magazine, vol. 2, no. 2.García, RG (1999). sales and marketing for small and medium businesses. México, DF: Universidad Iberoamericana.Tanoira, FG (2008). What is the main objective of marketing? Journal of Social Sciences (Ve), vol. XIV, no. two.
Where is marketing headed?