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Marketing tools to promote tourism in salta argentina

Table of contents:


This research work mainly tries to investigate the causes that have motivated the tourist growth of the Province of Salta in the last six years. In order to investigate this favorable situation for the province, I have decided to take as a hypothesis that the application of Marketing tools and actions somehow or other motivated this notable increase in the tourist influx. In order to support and test this hypothesis, I have developed this research through division into chapters.

In Chapter I the research topic is raised, the motivation that this research topic has generated, its justification, the expected results are also raised, the preliminary research background and / or similar publications are stated, the originality and feasibility are raised of the project; culminated with the enunciation of the objectives and central hypothesis of the research project.


Chapter II develops the theoretical and conceptual framework that will support and enrich the results achieved with field work. This theoretical framework includes basic and elemental definitions of tourism activity, its importance in the economic and social activity of a Nation, and the importance of this activity in the respective economies is illustrated through graphics and statistics.

Chapter III sets out the methodology used to carry out this research. To carry out this Chapter, the research methodology manual of Lic. Cecilia Cruz, Professor of the research methodology career at the School of Administration of the Catholic University of Salta, was taken as the basis. In this Chapter it will be appreciated that it has been divided into stages, first the operationalization of the study variables is carried out and it is stated how the field work will be faced, secondly the sampling technique used to arrive at the data required by thirdly, the researcher determines the population and sample from which the necessary information will be obtained and also clearly details what will be done at each stage of the field work;in the fourth place the Sources, methods and techniques for data collection are stated.

En el Capítulo IV, se realiza un estudio sobre la situación del turismo actual, comenzando por la situación que caracteriza en esta temática a la República Argentina, se desglosa cuáles son las diferentes potencialidades y alternativas turísticas existentes en nuestro país, se analiza gráficamente los ingresos que genera esta actividad, así como también la evolución de las actividades conexas como es el caso de la hotelería.

This Chapter also analyzes the effect of devaluation on general tourism growth that has benefited foreign tourists in some way and that has naturally restricted the departure of our compatriots abroad, thus enhancing the growth of different local tourist sectors. Once the general situation of Argentine tourism is framed, we begin to detail about the situation of tourism in Salta, a general analysis of tourism in this province is made, Salta is characterized as a tourist product and it is clearly described what these products are. Graphically it is stated what was the evolution of tourism in Salta from the period under study from 1998 to 2004, it also graphs the evolution of the arrival of tourists to this province.

Also in this Chapter, the changes that have occurred in hotel occupancy levels are analyzed comparatively throughout the years under study, and how this has had some impact on the growth of hotels in Salta. Likewise, the general economic movement generated by capital inflows from tourism activity is analyzed. In the framework of the investigation of consumer behavior, we investigated the behavior of tourists arriving in Salta, their profile, their average daily expenditure, their origin, their minimum stay, their motivations and modality for traveling to Salta, etc.. In this Chapter we have added the results of the surveys on tourist satisfaction levels.

In addition, it seemed opportune to break down and characterize the Marketing mix of Salta tourism, for this it is characterized what are the tourist products in Salta, what is the hotel situation, what is the rate and price regime, what are the promotional and communication of the tourist offers used in recent times, what is the distribution and accessibility to the main tourist circuits.

In the framework of the growth demonstrated by the application of Marketing tools, the importance of government policies carried out during the administration of Governor Roberto Romero to accompany this growth is also analyzed; It also states what are the new ventures and projects to be carried out to strengthen the current tourist circuits.

In Chapter V an analysis of the information obtained during the fieldwork is carried out, and it is purchased with the hypotheses and the objectives of the research postponed, with the aim of framing lines of action and strategies to further strengthen growth tourist of the province. In this sense, the planning of the tourism business strategy of the province will be carried out, for this the tourist mission of Salta will be determined, a SWOT analysis will be carried out, goals will be formulated, numbers of visitors to Salta will be estimated, the strategy will be formulated, the chosen strategies will be implemented, framing the policies to be followed for this from the political and institutional as well as the technical. Finally in planning it will be necessary to implement a feedback and control system.

In this chapter, in addition, the province's competitiveness matrix will be created, where the problems identified in the province are schematically synthesized, as well as the solutions and strategies to be followed to overcome them.

In Chapter VI, all information referring to the detail of all the tourist circuits of interest in the province of Salta is included as an annex.



Argentina has experienced a change and an increase in the demand for tourism in the general sphere, making this item one of the fastest growing items since the debacle of 2001. In these favorable circumstances for Argentina, I have decided to investigate the tourist development of the Province of Salta.

The main motivation of the research arises when I visualized in March 2004 the great growth that occurred in the Province of Salta since the last time I visited this beautiful Province in the year 2000. For this reason I have decided to investigate what were the factors determinants of this tourist success, which is permanently displayed throughout the provincial tourist route.

2. Delimitation of the object of study:

The object of study will be the analysis of the tourism industry in Salta seen from the map of the City of Salta, since it is there where the main tourist flows that will visit the rest of the tourist attractions of Salta and Jujuy are concentrated.


Through the study of Marketing theories developed by prestigious authors, I have managed to visualize the coincidence of their ideas in the implementation of successful strategies mainly in companies aimed at satisfying the needs of their customers in the food or tangible products sector. In this framework, I have decided to investigate about the services sector, specifically tourism; for which I will try to determine the incidence of the application of Marketing tools in the tourism industry of the Province of Salta. For this, I will make a study on the evolution of the tourist demand in this Province, comparing what were the results obtained in those times in which the Province of Salta did not have a systematic plan for tourist Marketing. Also identifyingthose factors that, together with Marketing policies, promoted this growth.

Theoretical justification:

The topic to be addressed in this research is not systematically developed, because the existing publications partially develop this topic, mainly in various Tourism Marketing books by foreign authors. With this appreciation, it is highlighted that there has been no intellectual development in this matter in the field of National tourism, especially in the tourism industry of the Province of Salta.

At first glance, the increase in tourism demand at the macro level has been produced mainly by the influx of foreign tourists motivated by the low relative costs that our tourist rates represent, products of the devaluation of our peso. Nevertheless, and without a doubt, there will be various intrinsic motivators from each province who will determine the success, growth or development of tourism at the provincial level.

You can achieve the development of tourism in different ways or carry out different activities, but one of the most viable is when we use Marketing as a working tool.

Methodological justification:

Theoretical methods are of vital importance, since they enable us to develop the empirical data found.

The methodology on which this research work is oriented is made up of the following theoretical methods:

1st Exploratory Method:

Since there are only unresolved guides to this topic and ideas that are loosely related to it, an exploratory study will be carried out in the first instance. Said study will make it possible to relate relatively well-known phenomena, which determine trends and identify potential relationships between variables.

2 nd Analysis Methods: Once the theoretical compilation and field data collected after the investigation have been carried out, an analysis of the results and information obtained will be prepared.

3rd Method of Hypothesis and Deductions:

A hypothesis has been taken as a premise, inferred from theoretical principles or laws or suggested by the knowledge of empirical data »The application of Marketing tools allowed the development of the tourist industry in the City of Salta».

Practical justification:

This research will provide the Salteño business and political field with a new approach to how long-term tourism strategies should be carried out, as well as the necessary resources to take into account for the continuous improvement of this activity at the provincial and regional level., always at the service of the economic recovery that the country is experiencing at the moment, without forgetting the tourist, as the main axis of this growth.

With the results of this investigation it is expected:

Outline strategies to improve the tourist offers of the Province.

Outline actions to improve the tourist image of Salta.

Propose actions to position Salta as one of the main tourist centers in the country and in South America.

Encourage creativity in tourism managers and in the government to create Marketing policies for continuous improvement in this area.

Segment the tourism market accurately.

It is understood that the results that will be obtained with the completion of this investigation will be useful for solving the exposed research problem; since if Marketing is used at an acceptable level as an important tool in knowing what to do with the tourism industry in our provinces, the other provinces should also use Marketing as a key piece so that it can increase income and utility national, and thus contributing to the economic recovery of the Province of Salta and the Argentine Republic.


This research is mainly motivated by the lack of ordered, systematized information on the subject of Marketing implementation in the tourism industry of the Province of Salta. For this, the information provided by the Secretary of Tourism of Salta and the Nation, the Tourism Department of the City of Salta, tourists, local tour operators and journalistic reports from the local and national level was used as the primary source.

5.Originality of the project:

This project is original since the conclusions and recommendations made have not yet been presented, considering the lack of information at the local level about the influence of Marketing on tourism development in the Province of Salta.

The conclusions and recommendations made are exposed from the point of view of Strategic Marketing, this being the main differential characteristic about the publications made on this specific subject.

6. Project feasibility:

This investigation will be carried out in a period not exceeding six months. The field work will be carried out in the City of Salta, mainly through surveys of tour operators, tourists, qualified tourism personnel and teachers.

The research process will be carried out by me, with the continuous advice of a team of multidisciplinary professionals (teachers, renowned researchers, lawyers, business administrators, agents and professionals in the tourism industry, Marketing graduates, politicians, among others.), who through their knowledge and / or personal experiences will enrich this research in many aspects.

Likewise, surveys will also be used to carry out suitable personnel in tourism, politicians, journalists, tourists, among others.

7. Statement of the research problem:

The research problem will be to identify the differences that exist in the implementation of Marketing policies throughout the tourism management of the Province of Salta, identifying what the respective repercussions were in the demand of the last six years, in the period 1998- 2004.


Overall objective:

Analyze the incidence of the application of Marketing tools in the development of the tourism industry in the Province of Salta.

Specific objectives:

To know the total volume of the tourist affluence to the Province of Salta in high season and its evolution rate in the last six years.

Determine the evolution of the Marketing variables applied to this sector.

Analyze the current positioning of the Province of Salta as a brand and image for tourists.

Identify the reasons for tourist visits to Salta.

Know the degree of satisfaction of the tourists received in Salta.

Determine the profile of tourists.

9. Fundamental hypothesis of the investigation:

"The application of Marketing tools allowed the development of the tourism industry in the Province of Salta."


The tourism:

called the chimney-free industry, which is defined as the "set of industries and commercial activities that produce goods and services totally or mainly for tourist consumption such as accommodation, transport, food and beverages, travel agencies, tour operators, commercial attractions, merchandising, crafts and souvenirs, which happen at the origin and at the destination »(Weaver and Oppermann).

1.1 Types of tourism:

Agrotourism: active connection of the traveler to the work of the field in the chosen destination.

Ecotourism: directed and controlled activity that respects the natural and cultural heritage, is carried out within the parameters of sustainable human development, seeks education and recreation by observing and studying the values ​​of the place, and its development must generate resources for its preservation and for the surrounding community.

Cultural tourism: it considers as one of its objectives, the knowledge of cultural heritage assets, which in effect can be part of the cultural industry given its contribution as a generator of society and economic product (enjoyment and communication of values ​​and economic use for tourist purposes).

Rural tourism: is that type of tourism that takes place in non-urban areas, enhancing the culture, values ​​and identity of the local population, through their direct and active participation in the provision of tourism services.

Residential tourism: refers to the displacement that people make to those places near the big cities and whose accommodation is characterized by their stay in a second home. It is one of the most innovative concepts and is related to city tourism.

1.2 Tourism as an economic activity:

Tourism is a growing economic activity. In the economy, Tourism is located in the third sector because:

It is a purely service activity.

It is a service provision activity.

It is an activity with an increasing trend in both material and human resources.

It is an activity that increasingly requires more service technology.

Because society tends more and more to increased productivity, less work time, more free time and greater desire and motivation for integration with the current and past world.

The tourist economic activity allows for the capture of foreign currency, involves internal savings, a comprehensive redistributive process and is a satisfier of social psychoeconomic needs due to the creation of jobs, development of human resources and investments, which generates a multiplier effect in the economy of the sector, that is, a greater increase in tourist spending that affects income and multiplies its effects.

1.3 Importance of tourism:

Due to the location, climate, limited resources, size and cultural heritage, some regions have no other option but to dedicate themselves to tourism to grow, develop and improve their standard of living.

1.4 Benefits of tourism:

The primary benefit of tourism is jobs in hotels, restaurants, retail establishments, and transportation. These direct jobs can be calculated on an expense per day or per trip basis. Indirect jobs are created by the consumption of tourism employees in the economy of a place that, in turn, generates more jobs. The second benefit of tourism is its multiplier effect. The third benefit of tourism comes from state and municipal tax revenues provided by tourists.

Corrects unemployment.

Minimize social problems.

Softens situations of conflict and friction.

Raise consumption levels via income.

The creation of jobs for tourism can be:

Direct, due to the increase in accommodation, restaurants, transport, etc.

Indirect, due to the need to expand sectors that provide services to the tourist productive sectors.

Growth of world tourism:

The tourism industry moves around 350 million dollars annually in the world and is considered the strategic way out of various countries to obtain resources and balance their balance of payments.

According to the economic columnist for the Brazilian newspaper O Globo, Joelmir Beting, "Tourism is the economic activity that should grow the most in the 21st century, as this sector of the service economy leads the labor market in the countries most closely linked to this field."

Globalization has helped accelerate the expansion of business or work tourism, stimulating incentive and leisure travel, de-bureaucratizing borders, modernizing structures, and driving competition to lower hotel and air fares. Today, travel options go around the world in seconds thanks to the Internet. With the growth of increasingly powerful and comprehensive computers and databases, tourism is moving towards a more individualized and personalized service that focuses on specific consumer needs.

It is important to highlight that tourism is a service activity that influences regional, commercial and local economies. In its operation, one of the main elements that make it up is the tourist plant, within which are the tourist attractions. The latter include:

a. Natural sites (mountains, coasts, lakes, streams, grottos, places of observation of flora and fauna, hot springs, national parks)

b.Museums and cultural and historical manifestations (includes ruins and archaeological sites)

c. Folklore (fairs and markets, music and dances, ethnic groups, popular architecture, etc.)

d. Contemporary technical, scientific or artistic achievements (mining operations, agricultural operations, etc.)

Scheduled events (artistic, sports, fairs and exhibitions, religious and secular festivals, carnivals, etc.)

As no market is homogeneous, the next step will be to discover the different groups that make it up and among them the most sensitive potential consumers to the benefits of the tourism product, or mix of offer that is intended to be sold. Each of the members of these groups, as a consumer, maintains a certain homogeneity among them.

Segmentation forms:

1.By socioeconomic levels: In tourism, certain services such as accommodation, restaurants and nightlife centers, are differentiated in the market by the environment, which is a way of indicating the class of customers who attend them. Consumption within the same socioeconomic level changes with the age, sex, and lifestyle of each person.

2.By age and sex.

3. By place of residence: Knowing the origin of the tourist serves to adapt the messages intended to gain their attention and arouse their interest in traveling to a certain place. It also serves to adjust the services to your characteristics as a consumer.

4.By size and composition of the group: Families, groups of young people with similar tastes and trends, professionals, etc.

5.For lifestyle.

6.Behavioral: Many consumers are sensitive to the Marketing activities to which they are exposed. For example, some buy for the price without thinking too much about what will happen to the quality and others are guided by the high prices, under the assumption that this guarantees superior levels of attention. Regarding the response to advertising stimuli, there are those who respond to Direct Marketing, some fall under the influence of a TV ad that not even others can remember, while for certain people, a letter can arouse more curiosity than the usual ads. in the same section of the newspaper on Sunday.

A locality can identify its natural target markets in two ways: one way is to gather information about its current tourists: Where do they come from? Why do they visit this place? What are its demographic characteristics? How satisfied are they? How many are repeat tourists? How much do they spend? By examining these and other questions, the place can determine which tourists are most easily attracted and which are worth attracting. The second approach is to examine the attractions of the place and make guesses about the types of tourists that would have a natural interest in them.

After a place identifies its natural target market, marketers must research where to find these tourists.

1. Tourism consumer behavior:

The starting point is the need to travel (consumption of free time)

In another sense, the need generates motivations (of a psychological nature) which on the one hand create expectations and on the other hand determine the choice of the destination of the trip.

Once the trip is over, satisfaction occurs - it can be positive, negative or neutral - and it will depend on the experience of the trip and on the judgments or quality standards that the consumer has elaborated.

Motivations and expectations also intervene in the definition of quality. To this we will have to add the personal tastes of the consumer, his career as a traveler and the knowledge of other hotels, restaurants, cities and landscapes similar to the place he had just visited (experience). On the other hand, as we mentioned, motivation and therefore expectation are sensitive to the influences of advertising.

Those who make the tourist product, both in its preparation stage (offer mix) and in its concretion stage (service provision mix), forget that a tourist trip involves the consumption of tourist activities and, in addition, traveling by plane, bus or car, sleep in a hotel or eat in a restaurant. These elements make up the secondary component of the product. The primary component is the attraction that motivated the trip.

Reasons why tourists travel:

1.To rest

2.To change the environment

3.By hedonism.

4.To know.

5.For prestige.

6.For culture or education.

7.To practice a sport.

8.To buy.

9.For work.

10.For health reasons.


Dependent variable: it is the application of the Marketing tools applied to the tourism industry in Salta. It is important to highlight that the values ​​of the dependent variable are not manipulated; they are simply observed or measured and whose values ​​are related to the changes of the independent variables.

Independent variables: among the independent variables, we have the behavior of the state through its tourism policies, the behavior of consumers through their tourism choice based on another attraction that is not the application of Marketing and the economic behavior of investors and all kinds of tour operators as long as they do not use Marketing tools to attract tourists.

The variables on which information will be requested can be summarized as:

Identification of the residence.

Travel group size.

Stay in the province for non-residents specifying the different sites visited, the type of accommodation used and the length of stay in each of them.

The use of "tourist packages", with the included services and cost, as well as the additional expenses incurred.

In the event that packages are not used, the organization of the trip is investigated: on their own, using the services of a travel agency, organization and financing by a third party, etc.

It is investigated about the way in which they have known the proposals of the Province of Salta, what is the image they have of them, what advertisements or comments have they received, among others.

1.1 Field work:

The field work is divided into three stages:

In stage one, tourists will be interviewed on issues related to the image of Salta, perception, reasons for visits, etc.

In stage two, we will exclusively interview tour operators, hotel owners, restaurants, hostels, transport companies, etc. These people will be investigated about the perception of tourism in their respective companies, as well as they will be investigated about how the application of any Marketing policy influenced in recent times.

In stage three, we will proceed to interview exclusively people related to the planning of tourism development policies, especially people from the Secretary of Tourism of Salta, professionals from the Business School of the Catholic University of Salta, Professionals from the Salta Chamber of Tourism, local journalists, etc.

All the information collected, also, was complemented with reports and journalistic notes published in different local journalistic media, such as notes from the newspaper "El Tribuno", magazine "Message and Advertising", "Emprender", etc.

1. Methodological aspects of the research:

2.1 Sampling technique used: “Non-probability sampling for convenience” is used, since the most accessible members of the population to be interviewed are selected to obtain the required information. Personal interviews will be applied using a standardized and coded questionnaire, expanding this information with comments of "open" types.

2. Population and sample:

Universe: it will be taken as universe, all those people related to tourism, especially those who work in tourist agencies, secretary of tourism of the Salta government, businessmen related to tourism, Marketing teachers and mainly tourists.


Tourists over 18 years old who visited the city of Salta during the month of July, August and September 2004.

Tour operators in the City of Salta.

Suitable people and related to tourism in the Province of Salta.

Tourism students from the Catholic University of Salta, Jean Piaget Institute.


Next, the quantities of representative people of the population required for this investigation will be established.

Tourists: 100

Tour operators: 40



Travel agency:

Suitable people and related to tourism: 25

Officials of the Secretary of Tourism of Salta.

Professionals from the Chamber of Tourism of Salta.

Professionals from the Business School of the Catholic University of Salta.

Local journalists.

Fieldwork detail:

Fieldwork stage 1:

Geographical scope: City of Salta

Universe: The universe of the sample includes tourists over 18 who visited the city of Salta during the month of July, August and September 2004.

Sample size: A total of 100 surveys were carried out

Socio-demographic characteristics of the sample: It is made up of 51% men and 49% women. Regarding age, it is a fairly heterogeneous population with an average of 38 years.

Data collection instrument: structured and precoded interviews.

Sample design: non-probability sampling for convenience.

Completion period: The fieldwork took place between July 5 to 31, August 3 to 25 and September 7 to 29.

Field work stage 2:

Universe: The universe of the sample includes tour operators, hotels, travel agencies and restaurants in the City of Salta during the month of October 2004.

Sample size: A total of 40 interviews were carried out.

Socio-demographic characteristics of the sample: It is made up of 60% men and 40% women. Regarding age, it is a fairly heterogeneous population with an average of 35 years.

Data collection instrument: structured and precoded interviews.

Sample design: Non-probability sampling for convenience.

Completion period: The fieldwork took place between July 5 to 31, August 3 to 25 and September 7 to 29.

Field work stage 3:

Universe: The universe of the sample includes suitable people and people related to tourism in the Province of Salta.

Sample size: A total of 25 interviews were carried out.

Socio-demographic characteristics of the sample: It is made up of 55% men and 45% women. Regarding age, it is a fairly heterogeneous population with an average of 40 years.

Sample design: Non-probability sampling for convenience.

Completion period: The fieldwork took place between July 2 to 29, August 3 to 25, September 7 to 29 and October 3 to 24.

3. Sources, methods and techniques for data collection

1. Argentine tourism:

Argentina has significant tourism potential with nature as its main competitive advantage, reinforced by a remarkable archaeological, historical and cultural heritage. In addition, low labor costs (in a labor intensive sector), and adequate infrastructure must be added.

The Argentine tourism sector is in a position to develop specialized products taking advantage of current trends in demand and the competitive advantages that the excellence of the country's natural and cultural attractions and low costs in terms of the dollar represent. Argentina experienced an 8% growth in the arrival of foreign tourists in 2001, thanks to the favorable effect of the devaluation of the peso for international travelers.

The diversity of landscapes and possibilities offered by Argentina allows it to develop new products suitable to current demand trends:

  • Eco-tourism Rural Tourism Archaeological-Cultural Tourism Thematic Tourism (Tango, Wines, etc.) Health Tourism Sports Tourism (Mountain Sports, Fishing, Polo, Golf, etc.)

To the aforementioned aspects, it should be added that most Argentine provinces have incentive regimes for tourism investment and offer benefits, such as: tax deferral, tax exemptions, lines of credit, trust fund, free zones, availability of land, among others

For all the above, it is believed that Argentina has an excellent opportunity to become a tourist country instead of just being a country that receives tourists, which is very different.

The sector three years ago could not show good prices nor competitive Argentine tourist destinations because they were prohibited in dollars. The limitation was not only for Latin American neighbors, but also for many Europeans and North Americans. However, the tourism industry took a 180 degree turn from the devaluation of the peso and practically overnight Argentina became one of the most sought after destinations by tourists from all over the world who want to enjoy the feeling of being rich, at least for a few days.

"What the devaluation did was return to reality at domestic prices and position Argentina as a tourist destination in the Latin American and European market," explained Tourism Secretary Enrique Meyer.

2.Devaluation effect:

Although official data shows a large increase in the period after the devaluation, we consider that the devaluation was not the fact that produced this increase. If we analyze the percentages of increase of the previous periods and consider that the rates charged were in dollars, it can be concluded that the increase was due to all those who postponed their trip first due to the end of the millennium (the controversy of dates meant that there were two), then for fear of attacks and finally for insecurity due to the fall of the government.

3.Situation of tourism in Salta:


Salta is located in the northwest of the Argentine Republic. It limits to the north with the province of Jujuy and the Republic of Bolivia, to the east with the provinces of Chaco and Formosa and the Republic of Paraguay, to the south with the provinces of Catamarca and Tucumán and to the west with the Republic of Chile.

Tourism in Salta:

Salta has a rich culture, infinity of landscapes and a great tourist development for which it appears attractive for its visitors. Its most important tourist centers are Cafayate, Cachi, San Carlos, San Antonio de los Cobres (Train to the Clouds), Coronel Moldes (Cabra Corral Dam).


1,065,291 inhabitants. Most of Salta's population is generally concentrated in the center and north of the province and has a population density of 5.6 inhabitants / km2.

Economic aspect:

Salta is one of the provinces with the largest surface in the country (155,488 km2), has varied climates and soils, and therefore has a rich and diversified agriculture.

It also has enormous mineral wealth and industrial regions, mainly oil, sugar, fruit and vegetable packaging, energy, livestock and others.

Due to its geographical location, its large road and rail network has become the center of the Bioceanic Corridor, which concentrates the transport of products from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Paraguay that cross into the Pacific Ocean or the Atlantic.

Political division:

The province of Salta is divided into 23 departments and 58 municipalities.

Salta Geography:

Throughout its territory it presents plains, mountains and valleys. From the east the relief changes from a high altitude mountain range area, high peaks and volcanoes (almost 7000 meters), to the west where there are areas of low mountain ranges and plains and lots of vegetation.

The entire territory is crossed by many rivers, some of them of great flow, product of the melting of the mountain ranges.

Weather in Salta:

Andean Puneño Arid

Arid of the Sierras and pockets

Tropical Serrano

The average temperature in summer is 20º, in autumn and winter 13º with July being the coldest month of the year and 18º in spring.

Annual precipitation is 630 millimeters, half of it in summer and 10 millimeters in winter.

Art and culture:

Salta stands out for its art, called mestizo for its integration between the Inca and Spanish cultures. It is also known as the cradle of poets and folk musicians who make Salta a place of its own identity.

Tourism is one of the activities of the provincial economy with the highest growth in recent years.


Salta's tourist activity has traditionally been based on the use of three basic elements:

  • Natural resources as an element of attraction (unique natural landscapes, flora, fauna and parks) More recently, the region's natural attractions have led to the development of adventure tourism activities.

The main tourist products promoted are the so-called "tourist circuits", which include:

  • Calchaquíes ValleysCircuits of the Western AndesCircuito NorteCircuito SurSalta Capital and its surroundings

These circuits are the center of the commercial proposal of Salteño Tourism, even though they do not yet integrate the entire provincial geography.


3.2 Trends in tourism in Salta:

As can be seen, the growth of the Province of Salta as a tourist destination has been growing progressively in the winter season during the last 3 years. With the arrival of 138536 visitors in a month, 2003 almost 100 percent exceeds the 69694 tourists arrived in the winter of 2002. With 154722 visitors in the winter of 2004, tourism growth was in the order of 11.7% with respect to to July 2003, thus marking the trend of tourist take-off in Salta. As an important fact, a growth of 142.5% can be seen from 1998 to 2004.

Tourist seasons in Salta:

High season: July

Winter holidays have always been the highlight of provincial tourism, although seasonality has long been a thing of the past and hotels have visitors year-round. During 2003 alone, more than 670 thousand tourists arrived, of which 138536 visited Salta in winter. The rest were distributed throughout the year, which marks the trend that Salta has to expand demand beyond the month of July.

Intermediate season: from May to the end of June, August and part of October. Low season: it is from December to the first half of March.

Importance of statistics:

Statistics were the determinants of this research, that is why my intention as a researcher was to determine if the influence of Marketing is decisive in this growth, or if this growth was also motivated by some other factor, such as the devaluation of the peso in 2001.

The behavior of demand is characterized by a low tourist movement in the first week of July as it is the closest to holidays, so few people choose it to travel. From the second week, with the start of the school break in many provinces, there is a significant increase in arrivals.

The intention of the tourism managers in Salta is to achieve an interannual growth of between 8% and 12%, which would give almost 750 thousand tourists in 2004. In 2001 55,000 visitors arrived and in 1995 there were only 285,000. The Secretary of Tourism aims to reach one million tourists annually in a period of four years. To achieve this goal, Racedo Aragón affirms that "new tourist attractions with added value must be added each year"

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Marketing tools to promote tourism in salta argentina