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Decision support system tools. dss


Decision making is an essential aspect that is present in our daily life and that we all go through at some point, from the most difficult decisions to the easiest. Talking about decision-making in the business environment is a topic that company managers live day by day, so they must be correct and on time, in order to bring improvements to the company.

Decision Support Systems help to see a complete panorama of the current situation of the company, through information, tables, reports, etc.


Currently, technology has drastically advanced at every moment and the market is becoming very dynamic and unstable due to the increase in skills, the information we need is large, and the time we have to decide is less and less. It is for this reason that companies have been adapting to these constant changes, in order to survive in the market and have a better development.

Decision Support Systems is an important technological tool for the manager, since it can be used to provide timely data and analysis to support his decisions, based no longer on intuition or empirical knowledge, but on information that is provided by this type of system.

This elaborated work defines the concept of an SSD, the benefits of implementing it, as well as some of its disadvantages and applications. This will allow us to get to know this type of system better and how it is formed, to know how companies can make timely decisions.


It is a Business Intelligence tool focused on analyzing the data of an organization.

In principle, it may seem that data analysis is a simple process, and easy to achieve through a custom application from a sophisticated ERP. However, this is not the case, these applications usually have a series of predefined reports in which they present the information in a static way, but they do not allow us to drill down into the data, navigate between them, manage them from different perspectives. (Sinnexus)


  • Dynamic, flexible and interactive reports No technical knowledge required Quick response time Integration between all systems / departments of the company Each user has information appropriate to their profile. (Sinnexus)


The main objective of decision support systems is, unlike other tools such as dashboards (CMI) or executive information systems (EIS), to exploit to the maximum the resident information in a corporate database (datawarehouse or datamart), showing very dynamic reports and with great navigation potential, but always with a friendly, viewed and simple graphical interface.


  • Management information systems (MIS)

They support a broader spectrum of organizational tasks, finding yourself halfway between a traditional DSS and a CRM / ERP application implemented in the same company.

  • Executive Information Systems (EIS)

Executive information systems (EIS) are the type of DSS most commonly used in Business Intelligence, since they provide managers with easy access to internal and external information about their company, and that is relevant to their key factors. of success.

  • Expert systems based on artificial intelligence (SSEE)

They use neural networks to simulate the knowledge of an expert and use it effectively to solve a specific problem. This concept is closely related to Datamining.

  • Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)

It is a computer-based system that supports groups of people who have a common task (or objective), which serves as an interface with a shared environment. (Sinnexus)


  • Helps managers make decisions to try to solve semi-structured problems Supports manager's judgment rather than trying to replace manager Improves manager's effectiveness in decision-making rather than efficiency


Improve personal efficiency Personnel must be instructed in the proper management of the system
Accelerates the decision-making process At the time of implementation, some members of the organization may oppose its use since they do not


Increase organizational control Distrust in the results that the system throws on the part of members

of the organization

Encourage exploration and discovery Organizational culture must be open to new proposals for

company development, if not, when using a DSS you can

be forced

Accelerates problem solving in an organization Too much emphasis on decision making
Facilitates interpersonal communication Assumption of relevance, once users get used to it, they start

to depend on the system

Promote learning or information Reduction of authority, can be perceived as the transfer of decision authority to software.


The design and implementation of the system involved future users of the system and the company's information systems experts. The steps we followed to solve a modeling problem and include it in a decision support system were the following:

  1. Understanding the problem Formulating a model of the problem Obtaining the data Entering the data into the model Solving the model Implementing the solution


Currently, the most advanced systems that provide the greatest results to organizations are systems that have their foundations in a knowledge base.

Despite the fact that implementation systems have been known in companies for approximately 30 years, it has only recently begun. Perhaps one of the reasons why few companies use it is due to its complex implementation. In order for the decision support system to achieve its objective, several important factors must be defined and analyzed before its implementation.

  1. Organizational growth in the medium term Current technological infrastructure Human capital for implementation Financial situation


  • InteractivityType of decisionsFrequency of useVariety of usersFlexibilityDevelopmentEnvironmental interactionInter-Organizational CommunicationDatabase accessSimplicity


  1. The Model The Database Software Systems User Interface


  • Training Involvement User experience Top management support Level of use Application novelty


DSS can be applied in most industries and business functions and result in organizational benefits such as the following (Stair and Reynolds, 2000):

College administrators can use a DSS to effectively schedule times for classes in available classrooms.

Sales forecast data, production work schedules feed the production planning DSS to develop a detailed production schedule.

En el área de inversiones, los planeadores financieros utilizan un DSS para diversificar los fondos de un cliente entre un grupo apropiado de opciones de inversión para minimizar el riesgo y aun proporcionar una tasa de rendimiento no adecuada sobre la inversión.


El ejército estadounidense desarrollo un DSS potencial humano de personal, con el propósito de ayudar con las decisiones de reclutamiento, entrenamiento, educación, reclasificación y ascensos. El DSS usa la optimización y la simulación para preparar modelos de las necesidades, requerimientos y requisitos personales. Incluye características de “que sucedería si” y puede interactuar con una base de datos en línea y con otros programas de análisis estadísticos.

Hewlet-Packard (HP) desarrollo Quality Decisión Management para realizar funciones de control de calidad. Puede ayudar con la inspección de materias primas, las pruebas de productos y el análisis estadístico.

1 HP/ Hewlet-Packard

Cinergy Corpotation, una compañía de servicios públicos de electricidad con oficinas en Cincinnati, Ohio, desarrolló un DSS para disminuir en forma importante los esfuerzos y el tiempo de espera, requeridos para tomar decisiones en el área de actividad de la compra de carbón.


Aunque los DSS son variados y complejos n general cuentan con los siguientes componentes tecnológicos

  • Subsistema administrador de datosSubsistema administrador de modelosSubsistema de interface con el usuarioSubsistema de administración del conocimiento

El acoplamiento adecuado de todos estos módulos da como resultado una herramienta poderosa capaz de redituar en grandes beneficios a la organización que se refleje en una rápida respuesta a situaciones inesperadas resultado de condiciones cambiantes.

Cabe resaltar que cuando la organización provee a sus estrategias con herramientas DSS dota los resultados realmente de una extensión de sus capacidades, por otra parte, le permitirá responder con la rapidez necesaria para mantener a su organización a la vanguardia de los mercados manteniendo sus competencias a altos niveles.


  • Estructura del problema: es difícil encontrar problemas que sean totalmente estructurados; casi todos son semiestructurados. Esto implica que el DSS está dirigido al área en la que se encuentra la mayor parte del problema.Apoyo a decisiones: el gerente y la computadora trabajan juntos para resolver problemas que pertenecen a la amplia área semi estructurada.Eficacia de las decisiones: el objetivo de la DSS es no hacer el proceso de toma de decisiones lo más eficiente que sea posible, el mejor beneficio de usar un DSS es tomar mejores decisiones. El gerente usa su juicio para determinar si una decisión contribuye a resolver un problema.


Los DDS nacieron de la necesidad de tener una ventaja competitiva ya que apoyan en todas las fases del proceso de decisión tanto en problemas estructurados, semi-estructurados y no estructurados.

Los sistemas de soporte a la decisión son una herramienta muy poderosa que cada vez que se está usando más en las actividades organizacionales, cada vez existen más aplicaciones en diversos campos. El éxito de si implementación depende mucho de la relación adecuada que exista entre los desarrolladores y los usuarios finales en el momento del análisis, para que finalmente sea una herramienta útil y ajustada a la realidad de la empresa.

Es importante mencionar que un SSD no toma decisiones por si solas, los encargados de ello en las empresas se apoyan de estas herramientas para lograr una mejor toma de decisiones en una situación dada, analizando varios escenarios, pero finalmente quienes tienen la última palabra son las personas.


  • (sf). Obtained from http://aulavirtual.tecnologicocomfenalcovirtual.edu.co/aulavirtual/pluginfile.php/646919/mod_resource/content/1/Sistema_Soporte_Toma_Decisiones.pdf(sf). Obtained from http://aulavirtual.tecnologicocomfenalcovirtual.edu.co/aulavirtual/pluginfile.php/646919/mod_resource/content/1/Sistema_Soporte_Toma_Decisiones.pdf(sf). Obtained from http://www.revista.unam.mx/vol.9/num12/art102/int102-2.htm(sf). Obtained from http://www.scielo.org.co/pdf/iei/v29n2/v29n2a15.pdfGuahivi, MB (sf). Obtained from https://www.gestiopolis.com/implementacion-sistemassoporte-decision/Miranda, DK (sf). Obtained from http://sistemadesoportededecision.blogspot.mx/Sinnexus. (sf). Obtained from
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Decision support system tools. dss