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Management tools to manage the company

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The main objective clearly defined by any company that is formed is to sustain itself and endure over time. Based on the experience that has been acquired with ADIMME, this article aims to illustrate several tips, which are considered more than rules or guidelines, tools that we can use to obtain notable results in the management of our business units.


The performance and activities that all of us carry out day after day depend on communication, and we send or receive it in many ways: visual, expressive, auditory, contact, written, etc. For all this, humanity invented languages ​​and symbols that help make this communication more effective. But, in spite of all the tools we have at hand to carry out communication in an assertive way, it is very frequent the lack of it or the misuse of it to transmit a message. Applying this concept at the business level, we realize that communication flows to various groups of people: internal clients, external clients and mainly suppliers,and a large part of the errors or also called "misunderstandings" in daily work are due to the lack of communication (whether the sender of the message has not transmitted it well or the receiver of the message has interpreted it as not). It is there where great studies on the subject emerge, and that thanks to these studies alternatives have emerged that have helped communication performance; One of them and a topic at present is “Virtual Communication” through the Internet, this alternative becomes increasingly the most used tool at the company level in the country and in the world; It has been seen notably that it generates a decrease in operating costs, collaborates with the environment, reducing the need for paper, among other benefits, but likewise, studies show that there are sectors of the industry,especially SMEs (in Colombia) that are not managing to improve their results due to the indifference to this alternative, some of the main reasons may be:

  • They do not know the opportunities that new technologies bring. They see the return on investment unclear. They underestimate the possibilities offered by the Internet. Lack of strategic vision. They do not have as a priority to update the processes of the company. In many occasions the personnel do not have competences in systems. There is a lot of resistance to change.

The difference between a company considered large and an SME is capital, but when it comes to the production of ideas, knowledge management and communication, we are on equal terms, it depends on each company how it takes advantage and how it manages its advantages.


Let us start from the concept that in a company there are internal clients and external clients. Referring to “external” clients, we can start from another question: Why are these clients lost? A study by the Stanford Research Institute in the United States says: 1% of clients die, 3% change cities, 5% are influenced by a friend, 9% by the price, 14% are not satisfied with the product, and 68% by the poor attention and indifference of a company employee at the time of sale (product or service). It is a figure that sets off alarms, 68% of external customers are lost due to poor attention !, and what are the reasons, do the staff we have in companies not have developed communication skills?Is there a lack of charisma in the people we have in contact with the client? Are they trained in sales concepts? Where does the problem lie? Is the undisputed question for this figure; and with this question we reach the other type of client, the "internal"; The same institute says thatwhen a company earns money, it does so with 12.5% ​​for the knowledge and what to do of the company, plus 87.5% that represents the ability to deal with people (company employees), a figure that rounds off the success according to experts. So, you have to know how to treat and manage the team of people with whom you work (87.5%), to direct them towards the performance of activities that are what the company does (12.5%), so that the total is a success.

In conclusion, we could affirm that it is very important to learn to relate and deal with people before undertaking any alacrity, and here we find topics that support that knowledge such as leadership, emotional intelligence, coaching, empowerment, among other well-known methodologies. Having the team motivated, captive, united and knowing how to manage their skills, it becomes easier to achieve results in the activities and objectives that the company sets out to achieve.


To elucidate this topic we will start from some management paradigms:

  • “God wants things to come out ……”, it is good to have faith, believe in God (whatever it is), go to mass, (in my case I do it for example), but we cannot stay there, this belief we owe support with effort, dedication and a lot of management capacity. "Plan every ($) peso spent", Just by managing expenses and costs we will not obtain sustainability in the market, this is only part of the functions that the company must perform, But it should not be the axis to seek permanence in the market, there are companies that from the previous year plan expenses month by month for the following year, without taking into account changes in the environment, investment possibilities and the need to search for clients. new. "Strategic Planning", this methodology has very good guidelines that help organize a company,Starting from the analysis of the mission and vision, corporate values, and from there, a series of strategic guidelines whose result is to promote the development of certain objectives set by managers. The inconvenience begins to be noticed when we see strategic planning with all its utopian methodological load, this means, very complicated to achieve and not adjusted to the reality of the company, with highly philosophical but not very pragmatic lines. Everything then turns into paper planning, since on many occasions the planned is not done. "Strategic Management": This methodology contains a little more the idea of ​​work and what refers to planning,It already seeks that the guidelines and objectives to be met come directly from the people involved in the company's processes and from external customers. Thus, the goals become real, the work team is committed as they are participants in the decisions of the company and the image of it begins to project itself in a better way.


It has happened to many people that when they go to create or legalize a company they don't know where to start or what to do; so we must advise and train ourselves to be very clear about all the aspects related to taxes, accounting standards, protocols and formats in the institutions where forms must be filled out (Notaries, Chamber of Commerce, DIAN, Superintendencies….etc.). This in order not to make mistakes that end up costing money.

All of the above must be complemented with a strong dose of "Positive Attitude", in this way, the vision of a manager is to be an Opportunity Manager, go out to relate, to know the environment and to have strategies that lead towards sustainability and durability in the time of your company in time.

Management tools to manage the company