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Acv product life cycle history and analysis

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Today, there is greater concern for giving adequate protection to the environment in which we develop and the environmental impacts that are associated with the different products that are consumed, it is for this reason that the interest in developing new forms is increasing. to face these impacts.

One of these forms is life cycle analysis (LCA), this is a methodological tool that is used to measure the environmental impact of a given product, process or system throughout its entire life cycle, which is It is represented from the moment raw materials are obtained until the end of their life.

Through the LCA approach, the stages that make up the production of a good are taken and the option of modifying the stages is left in the hands of the producer or manufacturer to obtain environmental improvements in their product.

LCA is based on the holistic approach that establishes that the properties of a system are not determined individually but rather it is necessary to integrate the complete aspects that compose it.

The ACV originated simultaneously in both the US and Europe, the first of these works was carried out in 1969 by the Midwest Research Institute for Coca Cola where the objective was to reduce the consumption of resources and the amount of emissions to the environment.

LCA product life cycle analysis

Inheriting generations to come an environment suitable for the development of life has now become one of the main concerns of humanity. Today, there is greater concern for giving adequate protection to the environment in which we develop and the environmental impacts that are associated with the different products that are consumed, it is for this reason that the interest in developing new forms is increasing. to face these impacts.

One of these forms is life cycle analysis (LCA), this is a methodological tool that is used to measure the environmental impact of a given product, process or system throughout its entire life cycle, which is It is represented from the moment raw materials are obtained until the end of their life.

The LCA contemplates the compilation and analysis of the inputs and outputs of the system to achieve results that show its possible environmental impacts and has the objective of determining strategies to minimize these.

This tool allows the analysis to be carried out by quantifying the use of resources, which are known as entadas and are represented by energy, different raw materials, water, etc. On the other hand, the environmental emissions or better known as outputs that can be to the air, water or soil, these can be associated with the system that is being evaluated according to the phases that comprise it, in this case, extraction and obtaining the raw materials necessary for its manufacture, production in the factory, its use or consumption, transportation and proper distribution, and lastly, the final disposal of the product.

Through the LCA approach, the stages that make up the production of a good are taken and the option of modifying the stages is left in the hands of the producer or manufacturer to obtain environmental improvements in their product.

LCA is based on the holistic approach that establishes that the properties of a system are not determined individually but rather it is necessary to integrate the complete aspects that compose it.

LCA quantifies emissions, however its actual impact largely depends on when, where and in what form these are released into the environment.

The impacts on the environment include climate change, the reduction of the ozone layer, the generation of ozone in the troposphere, eutrophication, acidification, among many others. (Argentine Industry, 2013)

ACV Origin

The ACV originated simultaneously in both the US and Europe, the first of these works was carried out in 1969 by the Midwest Research Institute for Coca Cola where the objective was to reduce the consumption of resources and the amount of emissions to the environment, these Studies continued through the 1970s and more than 60 analyzes were performed using input balance methods and incorporating energy calculations.

Similar studies were carried out in Europe in the 1960s, La Boustead carried out an analysis of energy consumed in the manufacture of different beverage containers, however it was not until 1980 when the use of this analysis increased.

Two major changes were developed, the first was the method of quantifying the impact of the product on different categories of environmental problems, and second, the LCA studies began to be used publicly.

SETAC It was the first organization that developed and led scientific discussions about LCA and in 1993 formulated the code of practice for LCA that aims to standardize the studies being carried out so that they have the same methodology.

From this, the development of LCA in areas of global interest was promoted and workshops, conferences and policies on this subject were held.

Shortly after the ISO supported the development of establishing a work structure, in this way it would be possible to standardize methods, procedures and terminologies, because each time new stages were added and methodologies, indexes and computer programs were created that were dedicated to carrying out LCA in numerous industrial plants. (Romero, 2003)

General objectives of the LCA

  • Gathering of key and specific information that is associated with the production of various goods. Identify the critical points and aspects within production processes. Optimize the system in the short term and reduce the environmental impact. Long-term strategic planning. clearer, more relevant and usable information for the consumer.

Advantages and benefits of ACV

  • Develop better products Strategic planning, achieve process optimization and thus reduce the risks associated with competitiveness with similar products. Improve the image of the brands Access to international markets and compliance with current environmental regulations. Incursion in differential market niches and the possibility of expanding the market Selection of specific environmental performance indicators for products.

(Conservation and Carbon, 2016)

Stages of LCA

The main phases of the ACV are 4:

  1. Definition of the objective and scope of the study. Preparation of the LCA model including inputs and outputs. This stage is usually the one in which data is collected and is expressed as the life cycle inventory ICV. The stage in which the relevance of inputs and outputs are defined is known as Life Cycle Impact Assessment (VICV). Interpretation of results.


Modeling within LCA is considered the basic principle, in this the analyst tries to describe a system in the most realistic way possible, it is usually a system called Static Simulation Model and which states that each unit of the process consists of:

  • Inputs: resources, emissions and environmental changes Intermediate product flows, these are related to the process units, they are reference flows, which are specific amounts of product flows for the systems that are needed to produce a unit of function.

Functional unit

It is the measure of the function of the system under study and gives a reference of which inputs and outputs are related, thus allowing the comparison of two different systems.

Defining the functional unit can be challenging and must be accurate in order to be used as a reference.

System limits

Determining the process units to be analyzed is a selection that is made subjectively and is achieved by defining scope when choosing the limits, the following can be considered:

  • Limits between the technological system and nature: a life cycle begins with the extraction of raw materials, the final stages include generation of waste and heat production.Geographic area: this is of great importance within LCA, the sensitivity of environmental impacts vary by region.Time horizon: not only spatial but also temporal limits should be established, LCAs are carried out in order to assess the present and future impact, the time limitation depends largely on the technology that is used, the life of the different pollutants, etc.

The importance of data quality

In order for the results to be valid, LCA studies must have quality data and for this the following aspects must be considered:

  • Time coverage Geographical coverage Technological coverage Accuracy Data representativeness Consistency and reproducibility of the methods used to obtain the data Certainty in the information.

Data Collection: Life Cycle Inventory

It is integrated by the stages of data collection and management, in which data are needed that come from each process that is considered to complement the model.

The ways that are used for data collection should be designed for optimal collection, the data is valid and related to the functional unit so that the results can be aggregated.

Data collection is the process that consumes the most resources within the LCA, however the reuse of data from other studies can make the job easier, but care must be taken that the data represent the object of study. (LIFE, 2005)


The LCA life cycle analysis is a tool for environmental management that can bring many benefits for companies since it helps in decision-making and knowing what are the best actions that they must put into practice to ensure that as far as possible. possible the products it manufactures have less impact on the environment.

Companies currently develop in a highly competitive environment where consumers prefer products that do not harm the environment or do so in a minimal way and this is a growing need due to all the changes that are taking place in the environment.

Bibliographic references

Conservation and Carbon. (2016). Conservation and Carbon. Obtained from Conservation and Carbon.

Argentina industry. (2013). life cycle analysis. Presidency of the Nation.

LIFE. (2005). ec.europa. Obtained from ec.europa:

ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.s howFile & rep = file & fil = ECOIL_Ciclo_de_Vida.pdf

Romero, B. (2003). The analysis of the life cycle and environmental management. Technological trends.

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

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Acv product life cycle history and analysis