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Corporate identity: the forbidden fruit that nobody wants to taste


Just as every human being reaches crossroads in life, so every company also reaches moments where everything implemented no longer yields the desired effects. It is here where it is necessary to return to the origins, if there are any, to be able to reoxygenate and align future actions, that is to say, to return to the institutional essence called: Corporate Identity.

But it seems that talking about going deep, going to the heart of the proposal of products or services is to enter the unknown, an effort that only when the company is already in the final stages then will it be worth doing, otherwise not because it is a corporate exercise from which both things can come out for and against, is very time consuming, costs a lot of money and many other prejudices.

That is why the corporate essence is constituted in companies like the forbidden apple that nobody wants to see if it exists because it is thought that just having the mission, vision and values ​​placed in some boxes at the reception is more than enough, because it that interests is to make money.

Entrepreneurs, leaders and entrepreneurs have not realized that the transaction is no longer based on money but is based on the exchange of satisfactors, the mutual fulfillment of expectations, all within the scope of the subjective. In other words, if the client does not move emotionally, in concrete words, he does not release the money.

That is why the Corporate Identity cannot be seen as separate from the Corporate Image, because the former supports the latter. It is not about knowing the attributes and values ​​of the company in Identity. It consists of cementing them, living them, that they become experiences, something that the client can see, touch, smell, taste, that is, feel in body and soul.

The above is the principle that must always be resorted to, since on the occasions when the company launches a new product, service, initiative, project or idea, it must be consistent with its corporate identity since the projected image may change, but the essence never.

Thus, as a professional or entrepreneur who begins to trust the Corporate Image, you must manage that it is not in the hands of the company but of its public, in its audiences, since it is defined as "collective perception that the market shares about a company that will provoke an opinion and that will motivate to accept or reject the products or services that are offered ”.

In other words, the corporate image is both the one that the company projects and the conception that the public has regarding the company, it is a process of construction and a result at the same time.

This life belongs to the brave and the market is increasingly demanding daring, visionary leaders. It is necessary for that company or initiative that does not have a well-founded institutional essence, that is, its Corporate Identity, to invest in structuring it as intangible capital that will impact the entire operation and this on customers.

Let us remember that accessing the forbidden fruit stipulated here is to find the corporate truth that will serve as a reference to always return to it at the right moment when we want to give a turn to the activity of the company and mainly to reposition its Corporate Image.

It must be clear that the Corporate Image is built with a strategy that defines the verbal stimuli and, mainly, the non-verbal ones that the Corporate Identity will project, being reflected in the products, services and ideas that are made available to the client and that the best way is found to communicate these stimuli.

In conclusion, let's not look at corporate identity as antagonistic or differentiated from corporate image. A corporate image consultant will work closely and closely with your marketing and public relations team, who will guide you to build the perception so that your clients can better assimilate your commercial proposal. A corporate image consultant represents a unique consultancy for your company to enter the communications of the 21st century.

Corporate identity: the forbidden fruit that nobody wants to taste