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Cultural identity and the culture of organizations in Mexico. test


When we use the term culture, everything that our ancestors left us as a country, as a society, the traditions that identify us, etc. comes to mind, now we will relate it in the organizational form of our country. Mexico since its origins has been involved in changes, to begin with there are more than 68 indigenous peoples and a wide variety of cultures that are rooted in their customs, although over the years some have allowed themselves to be updated but still have their own customs, below is the list of them:

Cultural identity and the culture of organizations in Mexico

Also adding that if any country has suffered from cultural shocks that is our Mexico and it is enough to return to the time of the conquest when the Spanish imposed their religion, culture and a form of monarchical organization. A hodgepodge of French, Spanish, African, Chinese, Italian once set foot on our lands when they still did not have the name of Mexico.

The country turns out to have a complex organizational culture due to the aforementioned. So there are two factors that define our organizational culture, internal and external factors. We identify externally all those habits and customs that are not part of the organization but that are integrated into the environment, that is, all those traditions from other countries that remain when interacting with ours, for example fashion, music, food, etc.. By internal those with whom we grew up and are subject to our personal and cultural paradigms.

Values ​​are the pillars of an organizational culture; the norms for their part are considered as the application of the values ​​and the way in which the members of an organization should conduct themselves. Mexicans generally have a bad concept abroad, the political issue has stained the reputation of the country, it is known of corrupt characters, impunity, rudeness, lack of punctuality etc. And it is something that is conceptualized as the "culture" of the Mexican is like that, but not only the unpleasant side, the Mexican is also cheerful, affectionate, condescending, friendly.

El elemento humano constituye la base de la formación de una cultura organizacional ya que contribuye a su transmisión entre los diferentes integrantes de la misma. A raíz de la globalización se ha abierto el panorama en la organización, profesionalismo y ética en las actividades que el país realiza en conjunto con la sociedad, y que ahora podemos estar más abierto a los cambios positivos en el desarrollo económico de la sociedad, interviniendo en la cultura pero sin pretender eliminarla, si no que moderar el momento para ocupar lo que tenemos arraigado en nuestra naturaleza sin que sea un impedimento par el crecimiento profesional y humano de las personas.

Although it is true that the organizational culture of our country is unbalanced, or we can see it from north to south, where conditions are more favorable than southerners, due to economic activity, the contradictory thing is that the south is a source of life but It does not generate much money, the north side that does not have natural wealth or good lands, is the prow of the country's economy.

In some aspects we are anchored to the past in which many Mexicans are traumatized, as Zunzunegui writes: countries like China and the United States produce corn, beans and chili; worse still, that they produce it cheaper than us; even worse; that because of that, Mexico imports corn, beans and chili from those countries. So if other countries produce cheaper and better quality corn than we do, there are two things we can do: one, ask ourselves why, see their production schemes, and try to overcome them (which is what other countries with a higher educational level and they would do), or two, buy it from them because it is cheaper, and dedicate ourselves to what we are more competitive in, such as avocado, onion, chayote, lemon, lime, of which we are the first world producers (but not the first exporters) nuts, papaya,of which we are second world producers, orange, anise, fennel, asparagus and mangoes.

But no, we cling that as our Toltec and Mexica ancestors planted corn and chile, this is what we must also sow.

Here is a comparison between Mexico and Singapore.

Cultural identity and the culture of organizations in Mexico

It is not a criticism of our valuable country, it is the part of our cultural structure that we are misusing, our country and its traditions are the most beautiful things we can find on the planet, however the Mexican in his lack of courage and bravery to This type of thing (referring to the condition that the table above illustrates) allows others less clever to occupy places that they do not deserve and becomes a submissive people where the voice of despair does not transcend, where the resources to the field are managed by the candidates with treachery and advantage. Singapore has neither oil nor corn, nor any natural resource; yes, it does have the only great renewable resource, vital for progress: education.

Cultural identity and the culture of organizations in Mexico. test