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Corporate image and media relations management

Table of contents:


The management of the image and reputation of an organization is done through strategic communication. For this, the organizations must clearly define the communication policy, the strategic communication plan, know the mass media very well, the social, cultural and economic characteristics of their audiences and know how to market the news to journalists. Likewise, having knowledge of what journalists need as publishable news and, above all, knowing when to reach the media in a timely manner and through effective tools.

The ultimate goal of media relations is to communicate with the external public and not with the media itself.

I. New paradigm of communication.

The service revolution offers other ways of communicating with internal actors and stakeholders.

Organizational culture: How it does it.

Conduct of the entity's people. Performance

It is the way the people in the organization interact and do things. It is the philosophy and action program of a company.

"It is the set of ideas, norms and values ​​that make up the identity of a company" Joan Costa.

The corporate identity. What it is.

The DNA of the company includes the philosophy, history, strategies and management style.

The corporate image. What is for me

What I want to convey as an organization and how they see us: employees, society, community, competition and customers.


It is the non-palpable personality of that real IDENTITY that is transmitted. It is what our stakeholders perceive.

Communication: strategic axis of organizations

Communication is transversal to organizations.

There is no transaction without communication.

How to manage the reputation of organizations.

Through physical capital, human resources, social capital and EMOTIONAL capital.

Who is responsible for managing the reputation of an entity?

All members of the organization.

The corporate communicator is the thinker: he creates, coordinates, analyzes, develops, disseminates and controls each and every one of the internal and external communication management actions, the communication strategies are linked to the organization's business plan.

II. A good image to compete

Every organization must carry out a proactive communication policy, because it is from this that the prestige or reputation of a brand, company, products, service, business or person is built.

The good or bad image that the public or client has of an organization depends to a large extent on the correct dissemination that is made of it through the media.

The image that people are going to have is the one spread by the media. Therefore, the most appropriate thing for a public figure, person or company, is to build that image and not run the risk of it being built.


Generating positive comments in the media is inexpensive and cheaper than advertising. A positive comment from a media outlet has more credibility than an advertisement.

Business world, the two factors that govern the future of a company are the customers and the media. The best strategy is to make them our allies

Investing in improving relations with the media is an effective and profitable way to ensure not only the survival of the company, but also its social success.

I How to position our company as a source of information?

1. Information Policy

The information policy must be included in the Public Relations plan: Who are the spokespersons, on what issues and in what cases; the language to use; At what point should such information come to light; when a press release is produced; a press conference, an open house, etc. is scheduled.

  • Contact with journalists should be made through the person in charge of communication and the press. When the journalist requires to interview managers, the person in charge of communication and the press must serve as a bridge between both people, advise the manager and provide information to the journalist. The database must always be updated, this is an indispensable tool.

2. Knowledge of the audience

The ultimate goal of media relations is to communicate with the population, clients or consumers, and not with the media itself. The first thing that should be done is to know the social, cultural and economic characteristics of that target audience plus their needs and tastes. Detect which media they have access to.


Printed media

(Press and specialized magazines)

  • Information: Extensive and reflective Topics: Ideal for transmitting reflective and lasting information Data: Documents, research results, long interviews, explanations, figures, statistics and testimonials Closing date and time.

Electronic media

(Radio, television and Internet)

  • Information: Brief, instantaneous and concrete Themes: Ideal for transmitting impact information Data: Concrete figures, global data and brief testimonials Closing hours are very varied.

4. Database of media and journalists

  • Local, regional, national and international news agencies.Name of the editor in chief.Editorial editor.Name of the journalist.

5. What is news for the journalist?

  • New PoliciesFounded anniversaryNew products and servicesNew facilitiesMarket expansion projectExportsManagement generated, directly and indirectly.Signing of agreements.Special mentions.Certifications.National, regional or local awards.Appointments of directors.Annual assemblies.ConventionsTrophiesContributions to the communityPresentation of the social and financial report Training activities Company points of view regarding laws or regulations Diagnoses Technical reports Tenders Environmental licenses Educational campaigns Management balance sheets Taking part in a controversy Carrying out a study, a survey or a poll Organizing a tribute to a character or institution.Organize an event or conference Create committees and announce your appointment Call a competition Organize a visit or a trade mission Disseminate an award

6. Profile of the person responsible for contact with the media

Journalistic vision

Ability to assess what the media is interested in, which media and how to present the information, that is, what journalistic genre to use: news, report or special report, among others.

Writing ability

Ability to clearly express information, financial, economic and statistical data in a clear, understandable and concise manner with excellent grammar and correct spelling.

Ability to market the news

Ability to "sell" journalists, information or news. They should note the importance, scope, positive impact of the project, program, report, or activity.

7. The spokesperson

He is the person who stands up to public opinion. It is the image of the company before the media. There are organizations that have a spokesperson depending on the topic to be discussed, but it is generally the president of the company, the administrative manager, the director of environmental management or the person responsible for marketing.

The spokesperson has a duty to:

  • Report in a timely manner Tell the truth Explain the fact when required Be constant in attending to the media Dispense doubts regarding their activity Respect media representatives

You have the right to:

  • Rectify Keep silent on confidential matters Grant the exclusive interview Choose the media Create your own image

II Contact with the media

1. Press release

It is news that the company issues about an activity or position of the company to be known by public opinion. It can carry statistical data, research results, and financial figures. Shipping can be by regular mail, email, fax or Internet. The best to take it personally.

2. Press conference

It is a scheduled meeting that is held to discuss current or controversial issues, present projects, research results and positions, among others. It is a space where there is the possibility of explaining and confronting.

The call is made through an invitation letter, invitation card or a press release.

A. How is the press conference organized?

  • Appropriate choice of place, date and time Invitation to the press conference: To whom and media trips outside the city Confirmation of attendance Snack: Before or after the press conference Infrastructure: Computers, telephone, fax, paper and pencil Use of visual aids.

B. Development of the press conference

  • Be punctual. Greetings, thank the attendance and presentation of the exhibitors. Explain the methodology of questions. Start of the press conference Turn for questions and answers. Snack. Courtesy and solution of requirements to facilitate the work of journalists.

3. Press conference

It is a meeting between a character and the journalists to discuss a specialized topic previously agreed upon, it allows to analyze, explain and speak.

It is used to explain expansion projects, new technologies, international regulations and terminologies, among others. It is also suitable for disseminating results or disseminating actions for the benefit of the community.

Regarding the organization and development of the Press Conference, it is handled the same as the Press Conference.

But the preparation of written and audiovisual material must be taken into account to explain difficult-to-understand data.

4. Exclusive interview

It is the provision of information through a specific person. It is accessed when the journalist requests it. The interview is arranged in advance and gives the interviewee time to document herself.

It can be searched by the company or requested by the journalist.

The technique is a question answer and a specific topic.

5. The special report

It is a detailed report on a specific problem of an economic sector, execution of a project, internal process of the company with influence on the external environment, business implications of environmental standards, regulations and permits, among others.

It is prepared by a specialist in the field, at the request of the information medium. It is the most subtle way of transmitting business or union ideology to the community through the press.

6. Rectification

It is a right that we all have, it is used when a medium has published some information that is not accurate, false or biased. It is convenient to analyze the situation and then proceed to have the media or journalist rectify what has been published.

7. The pronouncement

It is used by the directors or presidents of unions who take a position against a regulation, law or government regulation.

They do this through a letter to the media director, a newsletter, or a press conference.

8. Media tour

It is important to visit journalists at least once a year, some organizations do it every six months.

It is done in order to have feedback in relation to the information that is sent and to know the requirements of the journalists.

This tour of the media should be to carry information, this strategy is valid to invite journalists to the presentation of the financial and social balance sheet at the beginning of the year, it is used to deliver photographs of the products or of the plant and of the managers with in order to renew the photographic archive.

It can also be done to carry a press release or an invitation to an important event.

You should consider the appropriate times to visit the print, radio and television media. It is better to arrive by surprise, but with a previous planning on the part of the person in charge of relations with the press.

9. Open day

When the organization has implemented new technologies that result in a better quality product, conquers new markets, releases a new product, is contributing to the conservation of the environment, generates progress for the community, implements educational campaigns, obtains quality certifications or has new projects journalists are invited to the company to learn about these innovations.

10. Recommendations

The open house should be held in the morning, starting with a breakfast in the presence of the company's managers, then the presentation of the project or the results thereof.

Tour of the plant or facilities explaining the production process or what is interesting to make known.

Questions and answers section to clarify doubts.

To do this, you must take into account:

  • Information folder containing an executive report that summarizes the most important aspects. Publish figures Give them a gift such as t-shirts, caps, pens, agendas or towels Leave the event recorded in photographs and then send them.

11. Training events

Events such as seminars or training workshops for journalists should be scheduled at least once a year.

The training can be done on issues related to the practice of journalism, specific aspects of the entity's management or to integrate journalists with the directors of the institution.

According to the journalists' time availability, the day, time and place are selected.

If the site is separated from the city, they must be picked up either at their home or in the facilities of the environment, likewise, their return must be present.

This space is conducive to strengthening ties not only professional but friendship.

III How to measure relations with the media?

Measuring relationships with the media has always been a tricky problem.

There is no magic formula for measuring relationships with the media.

Traditionally it is done in the following way.

  • Press clippings that serve as a reference of what has been published and the savings that are made Record on audio cassettes to keep track of what is broadcast on the radio Also on video Survey journalists to determine the strengths and weaknesses of our role Perform retrospective analysis in relation to the coverings

1 Practical Tips

  • Facilitate the work of journalists by providing timely and reliable information Present information with statistical and economic data Provide photographs of executives and the organization Explain through examples Schedule training events on special topics that the organization handles Be complied with the InformationBe friendlySimpleAgileRespect their work

First of all, provide them with information that is the raw material for them to carry out their work.

How to present the business news

Title: Pre-title, title and download or summary

Title of the news

A. The headline consists of a great summary of the general content of the information, whose objective is to provide the reader with an immediate, global and attractive vision of what is developed in the content of the text.

Literal: the news itself, literally and rigorously. He refers strictly to what happened, without value judgments.

Interpretative: it goes beyond the literal and makes an assessment of what happened. Rate the event, pun intended.

B. Pretitle is closely linked to the headline, it is the one that contextualizes the news. It is placed before the title. It is information that is not expressly stated in the title, but complements it.

C. Download or summary consists of a summary of the aspects related to the text of the news. It is characterized by being written in a letter score higher than that of the text. The purpose of the summary is to facilitate a quick reading of the main content of the information.

Body of the notice

Short paragraphs containing a single idea in three or four lines. Repeated use of the separate point and use of quotation marks. In addition, of recurring verbs such as: said, affirmed, attributed, explained, concluded, argued, etc.

Use of links: however, in the same way, likewise, consequently, etc.


Write informative capsules.


  • Operating profits of $ 61,868 million Sales volume 662,126 tons of cement Investment with neighboring communities of 236 million

Small company review:


Incametal SA is a Colombian company created in 1951, as a subsidiary of an Austrian cutlery manufacturer. It is located in the industrial zone of Medellín.

Since 1958 begins the production of kitchen, table, agricultural and hardware utensils.

A glossary if the topic is very specialized:


Incauca presents its environmental management plan:


  • Environmental conservation: protection of the natural environment, maintaining its characteristics for the future Sustainable development: model of human advance that integrates cultural, environmental, social, productive, consumer and social welfare processes Ecosystem: fundamental ecological unit that comprises the environment and the community of living beings that inhabit it Mitigate: action aimed at moderating or softening the harmful effects generated by man or as a consequence in a given situation Reforestation: recovery of the soil, landscape and natural habitats by planting tree species.
Corporate image and media relations management