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Public image and imagology

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Today companies seek to show and identify areas of opportunity that give them an advantage to be one step ahead of competitors.

Companies should be in continuous improvement in the search for factors that provide tools for market success.

They play an important role since this search for factors leads companies to be in success or consolidation within the market and determine their progress or failures that give way to the evolution of an organization.

The success of an organization is not determined by whether it is internal integration, but rather that the environment must be analyzed and what perspectives the clients have of it. For this reason, the imagology that has the objective of creating, developing and maintaining the public image in people and companies arises.

A company by the fact that it exists, projects through everything such as facilities, vehicles, buildings, people, offices, services, etc., an image that can benefit or harm the profits of companies. These media are a communication with customers and should be focused and visualized in the search for the public image.

Imaging has as its fundamental objective the analysis of the public image of people and companies that organizations are currently using, since the power of the image is to give added value to the company they represent.

1. Concept of imagology

It arises from the Latin word imago (figure or image) and logia (study).

It is a theme that arose in the early 40's and creation is attributed to a Czech writer who receives the name of, Milan Kudero.

According to the Mexican specialist in public image Víctor Gordoa, the imagery defines it as “the set of strategies destined to analyze the impressions by a subject towards his community, starting not only from his physical appearance, but also from verbal and communication strategies. non-verbal, so that these three elements in an integral design we obtain a coherent image between their saying, their doing and their appearance on stage.

Imaging is an image study that with a set of strategies referred to in communication knowledge, psychology, business management, psychology, marketing, public opinion, public relations, strategic planning, one will have the ability to create, develop and / or maintain the Desired public image, own or for the applicant. The importance of the imagology implies being in the perception of the image by the human being, in this particular case, there are elements or physical and psychological factors that create behavioral stimuli to individuals in response to the events that are presented.

1.1 The image

The image is the set of beliefs and associations held by the public who receive direct or indirect communications from people, products or services, brands, companies or organizations.

The image has its origin in the Latin imāgo and allows to describe the figure, representation, resemblance, aspect or appearance of a certain thing. (Definition of, 2008).

The public image expert Víctor Gordoa tells us that the image is a process of perception and produces value judgment in those who perceive it. In his published book "The Power of the Public Image" he uses four principles:

  1. Receiver perception stimulus: The image is the result and therefore is caused by something being the effect of one or more causes.Perception mind image: The image will produce a value judgment in the person who conceives it, so the opinion will become its reality Image, opinion and identity: The value judgment is the spring that leads to the consequent individual action: accept or reject what is perceived Identity, time and reputation: When the image is shared by an audience it is transformed into a collective image, originating the public image.

1.1.1 Image and politics

The term image is acquiring an unusual importance today. Previously, individual political parties or candidates simply cared about doing what they had to do well; They focused all their efforts on social actions and interventions in the community that have the greatest impact on their quality of life. Of course, this remains essential for the proper functioning of the political candidacy.

Currently, political candidates have to compete in a world of information and images. The images of our opponents may very well sway the minds of potential voters before our own; so that at the time the voting decision is made.

For this reason, it is important that today's candidates take care to design and project an adequate image, which promotes the benefits of the government plan and, above all, takes into consideration the needs of the voters.

In the field of the image, what counts is the perception, not the truth. (; LÒPEZ, 2012).

1.1.2 Image and company

If there is a company that was born concerned about its image and that to date continues to be the perfect example of how to take care of it, that is Disneyland. Another interesting international case is that of the prestigious Tiffany jewelry and favorite of the rich North Americans.

The image and the glamor and exclusivity that it has has even caused people to beg to buy the blue gift box, if only the box, which of course the jewelry does not access. If the image of Tiffany is one of elegance and refinement, now imagine what happened to Avon, the great company that produces and distributes house-to-house beauty products, in accordance with its diversification plans, bought Tiffany… as soon as the news broke. She knew, Tiffany's image so cared for, underwent a change in perception that took some time to rebuild.

This teaches us that an image cannot be bought and that no matter how long you take care of it, in times of change it can suffer a setback.

An example of a Mexican business image is that of the Palacio de Hierro, Liverpool and Sears. Three well-known department stores in the Federal District, which have the same sales system, a very similar arrangement of merchandise display spaces and approximately 90% of the same suppliers. When I ask people to say a single word to me the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning such names, they invariably answer me for El Palacio de Hierro: elegant and expensive, for Liverpool: modern and accessible and for Sears: ordinary. In all cases the cause is the Image with what it includes: its logos, typography, advertising style, appearance of the employees, management of lighting and color, customer service, etc. The image of the degree permeates the institution. (Public image and political power, 2014).

1.1.3 Image and entertainment

The explanation lies in the ignorance of the great scope of the specialty and in the fact that there is a lack of humility to recognize that not everyone is number one, as each one thinks they are. However, it is enough to open the newspapers and see the shows, to realize that the competition is increasingly influenced and that Mexican artists not only compete with each other but also compete with the artists between the different countries.

The case of Eduardo Palomo, an extraordinary Mexican actor who died in 2003, is also worth studying. To take advantage of the immense fame that had brought him to have played the role of Juan del Diablo in the telenovela Corazón Salvaje, it was decided to launch him as a singer, taking advantage of the enormous power of seduction that the staff had, all of which was perfectly justifiable. However, they came to believe that the actor's success as a singer was due to Palomo and not to Juan del Diablo, whom the fans really went to see on stage without caring if he sang well or not.

As for Eduardo reappeared as an actor with a new character, this time he was not so lucky, the contracts for the singer were terminated since the businessmen smelled that the followers would no longer go to see him. And they were right.

Some cases: Yuri, the popular blonde, one bad day decides that she is going to be a redhead. The people at her label don't do focus sessions to measure the impact of the makeover among the target group that follows her. We already know the result: a failed record project and two years of "atorón" in the career of a spoiled artist. When she is just recovering, another event happens that will affect the artistic perception of the Veracruz woman.

The sudden change that he decided to give his style for spiritual reasons, but poorly focused professionally, causes him to lose the target group to which he was directed with the consequent loss of contracts. Errors cost and in this case not only money, since the lifespan of an artist was at stake.

In theory, saying "that's how I am and I don't care what other people think" sounds authentic and even brave, but in practice it amounts to suicide. And it is that "those others" are the customers who buy our products, the employees who will talk about our company, the shareholders willing to continue investing, the fans who will buy our records and concerts, the voters or the governed who will give us or withdraw their support for. It is simply and simply others and the way they perceive us that will determine our success or failure.

1.2 Public image

The public image is defined as a shared perception that provokes a collective response established with respect to a person, institution or cultural reference based on the impressions and public information it receives.

The public image for Víctor Gordoa is the “shared perception that provokes a unified collective response” the image is the figure, representation, resemblance and appearance of a thing.

Each of these is built on the basis of a series of "subordinate" images:

  • The physical image: A person is not only projected by the way of dressing, speaking and acting in different situations, but also personal physical features, height, weight, color, clothing, body language and accessories. It speaks of a person who is one who is associated with some activity, that is, it covers executive competences because it shows the capacities to be able to develop in a company, the professional image includes the way of acting in a waiting room, it shows a way of greet others and how we handle a crisis. Verbal image: The image of an organization encompasses the perception generated by a person or a company to its target groups, using the word either orally or in writing.It is important to take care of the way in which the members express themselves and communicate with other members through presentations that can be products.The visual image: It is important to create an excellent visual image from the beginning, examples of visual image in a company are that which is made up of packaging, containers, labels, logos or any symbol that differentiates itself from the competition The audiovisual image: It will be the way in which the company seeks to increase its customers through tools that allow it to beat the competition.logos or any symbol that differentiates itself from the competition. The audiovisual image: It will be the way in which the company looks for a way to increase its customers through tools that allow it to beat the competition.logos or any symbol that differentiates itself from the competition. The audiovisual image: It will be the way in which the company looks for a way to increase its customers through tools that allow it to beat the competition.

It is related to advertising forms (tools or means to sell a product or service to clients) and advertising (it is the tool to obtain more clients), and all those such as communication, infomercials and instructional videos.

  • The environmental image: It refers to the scenarios where we work, such as the management of colors, lighting, furniture, music, decorative items, aroma, among others; the scenarios can be given in a functional or creative way. The five senses of people are used. Image in an organization: The image of a company is made up of the sum of all the collaborators who work in said organization. The most influential physical impressions with the external and internal environment is of the person who is in charge of the company, since it is the leader and is usually the one who closes important contracts for your company. (Gordoa V., 2003).

1.3 Axioms of engineering in public image. (Gordoa, 2004).

The specialist in Public Image, Victor Gordoa, raises 13 axioms that govern the public image

  1. It is inevitable to have an image. All people and things have an image, this can be positive or negative. The public image is not only focused on important people in a society. 83% of decisions are made through our eyes. We take or judge things based on what we are observing. The brain process that decodes stimuli takes only seconds. The amazing processing speed of the human brain is so fast that we generate an idea immediately. The mind decides based mainly on feelings. When we feel something, our brain interprets that it is real and true and therefore, we generate a reaction pertaining to what we perceive. The image is dynamic.The fact that the image is dynamic means that its growth must be proportional to the advance of the essence of the stimuli and the growth of the needs of the receiver. The creation of an image must respect the essence of the issuer. This means that the image must be coherent with its bearer, creating a wrong image will result in an unreal image that may work in the short term, but will not be efficient. The image is always relative. The construction of the image has three foundations: its essence, the goal to be achieved and seeking to satisfy the needs of the public. The process of creating an image is rational, so it will need a methodology. You cannot create a public image without following a scientific method, which seeks to improve it as a result.The effectiveness of an anger image is proportional to the coherence of the stimuli that cause it. It is based on the need of the mind to rig to understand; otherwise, the answer is rejection. It is more time consuming and complicated to rebuild an image than to build it from the beginning. It is necessary to take into account that the stimuli must be planned before starting a project. While the image is better, the influence will also be. The image of ownership permeates the institution. The image of the director or an executive representing an organization will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.It is more time consuming and complicated to rebuild an image than to build it from the beginning. It is necessary to take into account that stimuli must be planned before starting a project. While the image is better, the influence will also be. The image of ownership permeates the institution. The image of the director or an executive representing an organization will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.It is more time consuming and complicated to rebuild an image than to build it from the beginning. It is necessary to take into account that the stimuli must be planned before starting a project. While the image is better, the influence will also be. The image of ownership permeates the institution. The image of the director or an executive representing an organization will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.It will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.It will be accepted as the general image of the company. The image of the institution permeates all its members.


The image is associated with the quality or seriousness of a product and / or service and through these we can define its efficiency.

We no longer only compete for an executive position or a specific market against other Mexican people or companies, we now compete against members of the international community who, more often than not, are better prepared than us.

The image plays a fundamental role in this branch, given what could be reflected with the physical or verbal appearance of someone in search of a position. It is one that is built with the accumulation of details, no matter how small and simple they may be, they give us the perception of security, confidence, efficiency and even more presence.

The image can fall apart completely with carelessness, which may end the years invested in its construction and care, which tells us that it is impossible to buy an image, it will only be obtained over the years and taking care of those small details.

We should note that for a company of whatever size and turn it may be, the image imposes the guideline to follow in order to be placed in the market or not; That is to say, the image gives us a positioning, it is influenced by logos, typography, advertising style, information management, dealing with the client, the appearance of the employees, in short, everything that includes the presentation of the company before the audience in both the initial and final deal.


  • (2008). Retrieved on April 6, 2014, from Definition from: http://definicion.de/imagen/ Gordoa, V. (2003). Imaginology. Mexico: Grijalbo 1st Edition. Gordoa, V. (2004). Master plan to inspire confidence and gain credibility. Mexico: Grijalbo 11 Edition.
Public image and imagology