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Imaginology. concept and description

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Today in the integral design of a project and a person are of utmost importance to achieve success; in the case of people, factors such as personal appearance and body performance intervene, in the case of projects, factors such as name, style, color management, graphic design, lighting, etc. intervene.

A very tangible example is the case of famous actors or singers; that is, public figures. To all these successful people who tells them what hair tone to have, what clothes to wear, what to say.

The competition grows more every day not only locally, since globalization has broken down many barriers and now we compete internationally. A good image is always associated with efficiency and this is automatically related to quality, seriousness and power.

Everything mentioned makes clear the need to take care of the image since it gives power and measurable results.


"It is defined as the scientific knowledge necessary to create, develop and maintain a public image." (WIKIPEDIA, sf)


  • PoliticianBusinessEntertainment


“Image is perception. Perception is the inner sensation that results from a material impression made on our senses ”. (GORDOA, 2007)

"It is the figure, representation, similarity and appearance of a thing" (Jiménez Nieves)

Based on this definition, it can be interpreted as the memory that remains after living an experience and that is evoked every month that refers to what caused it, thus, the image is the way in which others perceive us.

The image is a result and therefore it will provoke something or have some external effects and foreign to the individual; however, the resulting effect will occur within the same individual internally.

Whoever conceives the image will produce a judgment and that opinion will become their reality. This reality will be a "fictitious" reality.


Building a public image requires the mixture of various elements that are equally important and well coordinated will produce a coherent message from the client.

The image is created from various stimuli; that is, an incitement to act or function.

The image becomes the identity of the person who is perceived and after being granted it becomes a particular truth of the person who perceives it. Nowadays companies and people invest more in their image as it provides added value.


  • Verbal stimuli: that is, perception through the word in either oral or written form. However, other elements intervene within this group, such as the tone of voice, the diction of the speaker, the quality of the paper, the color of the paper, the shape of the paper, logos, etc. Non-verbal stimuli: they are those that communicate without words and they are more difficult to control than verbal ones due to the large number of emission sources such as visual and olfactory sources. Mixed stimuli: these generate a perception through the joint emission of verbal and non-verbal stimuli.


Image Equation

Image is perception that becomes identity and, over time, reputation.


  • Axiom 1: It is inevitable to have an image. Nothing and no one can escape being perceived by someone. Therefore, it is important to create an image that is well perceived.Axiome 2: Eighty-three percent of decisions are made by the eyes.Axioma 3: The brain process that encodes stimuli takes a few seconds. The first impression is the one that will be recorded in the mind of the person who perceives us for the first time. Axiom 4: The mind decides mostly based on feelings. The rational mind takes longer than the emotional mind to register and respond, therefore, the initiative in an emotional situation will be taken by the heart, not the head. Axiom 5: Image is dynamic. A deteriorated image can be improved, although with some difficulty; however, an image can also be ruined.Axioma 6:The creation of an image must respect the essence of the issuer.Axioma 7: The image is always relative, this means that the image will be conditioned by the context of each case.Axioma 8: The process of creating an image is rational reason why a methodology is required.Axioma 9: The efficiency of an image will be directly related to the coherence of the stimuli that cause it.Axioma 10: It will always take more time and it will be more difficult to reconstruct an image than to build it from the origin.Axioma 11: The better the image, the greater the power of influence. Having a good image not only grants power but also creates added value, which provides weapons to convince the target group that they are the best at something in order to obtain and maintain their preference.Axiom 12: The image of ownership permeates at the institution.Axioma 13:The image of the institution permeates its members. Once the image of an institution has been created, everyone who is a member of it will be labeled in the same way.


“Public image is a basic part of public relations, a study discipline that addresses the organization or public figure as a being that needs to communicate with different audiences to achieve not only its survival and development, but also to achieve its economic mission, social, political or cultural in society. " (Meza Lueza, 1998)


Public image engineering is the set of knowledge and techniques that allow the application of scientific knowledge to the emission of stimuli that will create or modify the perception of a person or institution.

  1. Know the objective to be achieved Study the terrain or carry out relevant research to find out the perception that you already have about the person, product or company that wants a good image Design strategies and incentives to overcome obstacles..


  • KnowledgeCreativitySensitivityRespect for the essence of the clientMethodology


INTIMA system

  • Research: Research is responsible for providing all the information regarding the perception that target groups have of the client. The investigation is carried out in two directions which are internal and external.

The internal investigation has the purpose of knowing the internal perception that others have of the client.

The purpose of external research is to know the external perception that the target groups that do not depend on the group have of it.

  • Design: In this stage, the analysis of the stimuli that created the perception or the causes of the perception problems are carried out, as well as the possible solutions. Production: It is the stage in which all the ideas raised are carried out.: At this stage, all the decisions made should be reviewed. The information obtained at the beginning should be compared with a new investigation launched after the production took place. This stage serves to control the image and monitor the methodology.

Image Tracking


It is the perception of a person by their target groups as a result of their appearance or their body language. The physical image as a code of non-verbal communication includes not only clothing but also hairstyle, makeup, accessories, face shapes and measurements, body shapes and measurements, colors, patterns, textures in clothing, posture, gestures, eye contact, tactile behavior, etc.


  1. Wear appropriate clothing for your body type
  1. Be in bodily shape
  1. A good haircut and checking the hairstyle before appearing in public
  1. Dark suit to communicate authority (Navy blue and dark gray).
  1. Clear suit to communicate accessibility
  1. Thin, smooth textures convey authority and power
  1. Thick textures communicate accessibility and warmth
  1. White shirt to convey authority
  1. Colored shirt with striped or checkered pattern communicates accessibility
  1. The shirt collar well ironed
  1. Exact neck measurement
  1. Shirt with buttons at the neck should be worn with sport combinations
  1. Button cuff shirt communicates accessibility
  1. Remove the second button from the cuffs of the shirt since the most comfortable opening measurement is chosen. The use of button covers improves the presence of the shirt.
  1. The cufflink cuff shirt is a symbol of authority.
  1. The cufflinks should be discreet and thin.
  1. Do not wear short-sleeved shirts with a jacket and tie.
  1. The initials on the commanded shirt go at the level of the last left rib.
  1. It is better shirts without initials
  1. Shirts without chest bags
  1. Using a fine brand pen is a symbol of authority and power
  1. Do not store accessories in the front bag of the shirt
  1. Do not load a writing implement
  1. Do not wear dirty or damaged shoes.
  1. Invest in quality shoes
  1. The fine male shoe has a thin sole and slightly overhangs from the edges
  1. Keep shoes on wooden lasts.
  1. Do not wear moccasins with a dark suit
  1. Take care of the shoe upper
  1. With a light suit, loafers with buckles are used.
  1. With informal combinations any type of fine loafers are used.
  1. Do not wear boots or ankle boots with a suit
  1. Look for black shoes, medium dark brown and cordovan. Avoiding blue, gray and beige Belt and shoe of the same color
  1. Discreet, size-neutral belt buckle
  1. Long socks.
  1. Shoes Color Socks
  1. When you do not have color boxes use black
  1. Smooth and thin socks.
  1. Do not wear transparent socks
  1. Do not wear patterned socks or sports socks.
  1. Higher quality
  1. Make the knot of the tie double and cylindrical
  1. Mute from the tight-fitting tie
  1. The tip of the tie should be level with the belt buckle
  1. Matte finish ties are better
  1. Do not wear a handkerchief in the jacket unless it matches the tie.
  1. Wear white linen scarf and discreetly placed on occasions
  1. Keep the tie in place.
  1. Buttoning the jacket when standing up
  1. Have three types of watches (elegant, sporty neutral)
  1. The executive man limits the use of jewelry on the hands
  1. The portfolio must be fine and kept in good condition
  1. The bulk of the portfolio is inversely related to the position of authority and power.
  1. The executive woman should carry a purse or briefcase, not both.
  1. A good portfolio is a symbol of power
  1. Fresh and discreet perfume
  1. Periodically trim the hair on the nose and ears.
  1. Keeping eyebrow hair under control
  1. Clean and groomed nails
  1. Men should try to avoid dry skin
  1. Men do not wear nail varnish
  1. The smile transmits confidence
  1. Executive women should avoid long nails and more if they are false.
  1. Discreet nail color
  1. Minimalist makeup
  1. Choose a makeup that is closest to your skin tone
  1. The lip tone should coordinate with the wardrobe.
  1. The rest of the makeup should go in harmony with the lips and the wardrobe
  1. The feminine accessories must be discreet and fine.
  1. 5cm heels
  1. Women's shoes in black, dark coffee, beige and bone.
  1. Wear dark socks
  1. The color of the stockings in harmony with that of the skirt
  1. Avoid wearing black stockings with pictures or seductive lace.
  1. No violent contrasts between shoes and stocking.
  1. DO NOT wear light shoes with dark socks.
  1. Do not wear socks with shoes without the tip of the feet.
  1. Wear natural color for stockings
  1. Better one fine and elegant suit than three low-quality ones
  1. A feminine scarf increases the quality of the outfit
  1. No miniskirts or plunging necklines
  1. The height and shape of the legs will determine the ideal skirt length.
  1. Executive women don't wear long hair
  1. The executive woman does not put on makeup in front of others.
  1. Determine a single focus on your outfit
  1. Match your smoking and drinking habits to those of your client
  1. In business there is no gender, but good education.
  1. A good education should be preserved even when nobody sees us.


The image is of utmost importance as people to achieve success, today the first impression is the basis for success. Many times we are not hired or we are not given the opportunity for certain things due to the image we project. In the same way it happens with companies or products, not having a good presentation, a good slogan, a good publicity or even that the promoters of a certain product do not have an adequate image affects in an incredibly important way the success of our product or company.

Thus, imaging today has taken a lot of strength and requires more promotion and use in order to achieve success.


I thank my alma mater the Orizaba Technological Institute, Professor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández who teaches the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering for showing us that we are capable of writing articles on various topics, for promoting the habit of reading and above all for helping us realize what we are capable of achieving.



Jiménez Nieves, OA (sf). The power of the public image. Nayarit: Autonomous University of




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Imaginology. concept and description