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Imaginology. most important concepts

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There are different strategies used by companies, to be able to publicize the products or services that they try to offer in the market, however, in most of these strategies or procedures, the importance of creating a positive image of the product or service prevails, and even more of the company, since it is necessary to create a favorable impact on society and on the potential market that it has, in order to achieve the objectives and goals that the company or organization has.

There are some popular sayings that refer to this, because it is said that "He who does not teach, does not sell" and it is a very true phrase, because the market, or people in general, are not going to consume a product, of which they are unaware their characteristics, their origin, their certifications, their benefits, even the damages they can cause. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the necessary information to the public, in order to generate a system of stability between the end consumer and the product, in which communication channels can flow without any type of problem.

Now, it is also necessary to mention the great competitiveness that exists among companies today, so that a company can maintain itself and grow, it is necessary to use all the resources it has at hand to detect its possible areas of opportunity, and the way in which you can introduce your product or services in new markets, expanding your client portfolio. It is necessary for a company to be able to know and put into practice the different tools and methodologies that can generate a competitive advantage, and a stable position in society.

And given this list of needs that an organization has, and this series of activities that it must start up, the idea or concept of Imagology arises, a new branch that is proposed from the study and development of a corporate image, which promote or facilitate having a positive impact, in society and in the potential market to which it seeks to face.

Most important concepts.

The word "Imagology" has a Latin root made up of two concepts, the first of which is "imago" which refers to the figure, representation or appearance of a thing or a person and the second concept is "logos" which means study In this case, it can be concluded that Imaginology is the study of the figure or image of an object or a person. This new concept is highly related to other sciences or branches of science, which allow us to better understand the ways in which human beings perceive things or situations that arise every day, such as anthropology, psychology linguistics, ergonomics, semiology among many other sciences, which allow us to better understand the methodology that the human mind follows to understand the environment that surrounds it.

For-profit organizations seek the way in which the product service they are offering in the market has a unique and positive impact on each of the people who know it, that is, that they generate in each of them, a feeling of acceptance, of benefit and even of need, because by consuming or occupying it, they will be able to cover some or some of the needs it has. Seen in an example, you could think of a company that sells clothes or shoes, you should look for the way in which people who know the brand, identify themselves and acquire the product, after that, by satisfying the needs and recognizing its potential to stand out from the competition, it is recommended accepted in each of the advertising campaigns that can be implemented on television or in the mass media,which will create a feeling of closeness with potential customers and consumers, which will lead to better promotion and sale of the product. However, if this shoe brand chooses to carry out an advertising campaign, with the help of some famous people, who, due to their activities, generate discontent in the population or in society, this brand may be in serious trouble due to the negative image that a person creates before society.This brand can be in serious trouble due to the negative image that a person creates in society.This brand can be in serious trouble due to the negative image that a person creates in society.

That is why it is so important to choose correctly which are the forms and paths in which the company or the industry should be managed, taking care of each of the aspects that can be seen related. Imaginology is very useful to facilitate the creation of tools and strategies around the company, to generate a “plus” or an element of added value that promotes a position within the market, and a positive criticism that will facilitate brand recognition Between people.

Among the forms and ways in which society perceives a company or a brand, currently mention can be made of certain internationally applicable indicators, Mexico included in this area, where organizations are valued and classified according to to the way in which it is accepted by society, these indices are for example:

  • The Reforma Group survey The Brand Reputation Index The Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation The CNN report-Expansion of the “Super Companies” The Mitofky Consultation and Mexican Transparency The Mexican Business Reputation Index

All these indicators conclude that it is possible to measure and quantify the degree of acceptance of a company or its tangible product or its service, by society, which in turn can be reflected by the success and stability that a company or industry may have.

There are some other concepts or elements that are highly related to the subject and that it is necessary to know in order to understand more fully and clearly the importance of Imagology:

An image can be defined as a figure, representation and / or appearance of something. This indicates that each element can be seen or understood differently by each person, since it is an element understood and analyzed in the brain, depending on the stimuli that a person's senses have.

An image can generate positive or negative effects on the behavior and conduct of one or more individuals, which are based and increased with the opinion of the social circles to which it belongs, and with the set of opinions or images generated, an "identity" will be created. (Gordoa V., Cool Image, 2008)

Perception is a personal sensation that is the consequence of a material impression obtained by the senses of a person, when analyzed, the individual can add a certain meaning to each signal that is presented in the understanding of the event or the element that is presented to him. has submitted. (Spanish, 2001)

In this way, it is possible to understand the concepts involved and that affect in a positive or negative way, the way in which a company makes known its tangible goods, its services, and in general the corporate image that it shows towards society:

  • Stimulus + Receiver = Perception. Perception + mind = ImageImage + opinion = IdentityIdentity + time = Reputation.

Public image.

It can be defined as:

"The dominant perception that a community establishes regarding a person, institution or cultural reference, based on the impressions and personal information it receives." (Arteaga, 2011)

Seen in another way, it is the way in which one or more people perceive an element or situation, from which a unified meaning or criterion can be concluded, from which an image is derived as a representation or result. In order to understand this concept more clearly, it is necessary to see its three main elements:

  • The internal effect.

Where external factors interfere.

They restrict expression.

  • Verdict of cultural value.



  • Communication processes.

Has direction

Involvement with society.

This process by which a public image is generated is based on certain principles obtained from the various studies that have been carried out on the way in which people understand and analyze things:

The principles of public image

  1. All human beings project an image naturally, that is, even if they are not aware of it, other people can get a positive or negative image, and they will always have a concept of who each person is, and of that. The behaviors and communication processes that may exist are derived.The majority of the decisions that are made come from the result of the analysis and the sensory perception that one has of the things or the situations that are being experienced, This indicates that the view and in general the senses of each person influence the opinion that one has about something.The brain forms a criterion or judgment of the environment that surrounds it instantly just by observing it for a small period of time. weather,That is why the saying "The first impression is never forgotten" is pronounced because it is the first image or analysis that the brain projects, and it is very difficult to modify. The sensors that the human being has to understand and generate an image of some element or situation, are the senses, for which the brain can respond immediately to the conditions that are being presented.The image that one has of something or someone, is not immovable, that is, it can change or evolve as it changes. gradually collect more information to broaden the panorama of perception. A methodological procedure is followed in order to create a correct image of something or person. The image is created from three variables: personal essence,the objective (s) to be achieved and the requirements of the people involved It is necessary that a public image is projected in accordance with the personal or business essence, because otherwise credibility will be questioned and a bad impression.If there is a good image and it is managed correctly, it can exert a good influence on the market and on society, the more positive this image is, the greater degree of influence it will have.Corporate image is affected by the work of All employees The image of the company affects the behavior of the people who are part of it.If there is a good image and it is managed correctly, it can exert a good influence on the market and on society, the more positive this image is, the greater degree of influence it will have. The corporate image is affected by the work of all collaborators. Company image affect the behavior of the people who are part of it.If there is a good image and it is managed correctly, it can exert a good influence on the market and on society, the more positive this image is, the greater degree of influence it will have. The corporate image is affected by the work of all collaborators. Company image affect the behavior of the people who are part of it.

According to Gordoa (2007) the public image can be seen in two ways:

  • Individual or personal Group or Organizational.

In the person form, the projection at a visual level is associated, that is, the physical presentation, the way in which they dress, speak, behave, their educational level, etc. Currently there is great value in the workplace where it influences a lot to enter an industry or company.

The group image refers to the identity as a group, company, industry or organization, and how it is presented to society, the market and the environment that surrounds it, the organizational image generates a large number of actions whose main purpose is the to create precise and stable communication channels, which can generate acceptance with people.

Aspects to highlight of the public image

It should be remembered that:

  • The image is a perception, and that this becomes the identity which is altered by different stimuli. The basic requirement to generate a positive image of a company or organization is absolute respect for the essence. Verbal stimuli, that is, the background, and non-verbal stimuli, the form, are of equal importance but that the form has more weight in the way in which perception is generated. An image over time becomes the reputation of some element or person. The perception of each person will become their personal reality. People are sometimes deceived by their own senses, because as it is popularly said "you see what you want to see." The opinion of each person will become the basis that prompts accepting or rejecting conduct or behavior,Each behavior will be conditioned by the way in which words and actions interact. To be a Public Image consultant, it is necessary to know and study Public Image Engineering and Imaging.

There are some elements that are the main ones in the way in which a company, maraca or industry makes its corporate image known, towards the market and society, and for this reason, they are not taken lightly, although in visual or presentation, may seem very simple. These elements are:

  1. The name of the company The logo The imagotype The slogan The institutional colors and typography The graphic supports of the communication The symbolic artifacts with which the company identifies itself.

Public image methodology

The steps that are followed to generate a positive public image are:


It is the base that supports the rest of the methodology where a market study is carried out, quantitative and qualitative research is carried out, and it is about collecting as much related information as possible.


It is part of the image audit, that is, it is the part in which ingenuity and creativity must have their maximum influence.


Proposed actions are carried out on paper, and ideas are brought down on a practical level.


The results obtained must be analyzed.


The image that a company, an organization or a person gives, is related to different internal and external factors, however for today's industries it is a very important issue since this influences the degree of consumption of their products or services, in comparison with your competitors.

For this reason, companies take into account the comments, suggestions or complaints made by consumers, on the basis of which different areas of the company or the processes that are followed can be modified.

Thesis proposal.

Accurately quantify the degree of influence that the Imagology of companies has in the region.


Check which are the most influential factors in the market, for the consumption of certain brands or products, in the region.


Special thanks to the Technological Institute of Orizaba, to Professor Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, who teaches the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, for all the knowledge he shares with his students and to the Master in Administrative Engineering that promotes the culture of learning. As well as to thank CONACYT for the support provided and for the areas of opportunity that it generates, with its different programs, to the Postgraduate students.

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Imaginology. most important concepts