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Imagology and public image

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With the passage of time, companies are acquiring more and more competitors, and one of the factors that have influenced this growing competition has been globalization, which has extended borders and thanks to this, they are currently competing against international elements, which sometimes they may be better prepared.

That is why it should not be forgotten that in daily life everything revolves around an image, and this is where you must gain an advantage over competitors, since a good image is associated with efficiency and this is automatically related to quality, seriousness And power. This is where phrases such as "An Image says more than a thousand words", "The first impression is what counts" arise.

This article deals with the concept of Imaginology, which arose from the 40's and whose meaning is composed of two words with Latin roots where "Imago" means image and "Lodge" that comes from "logos" and means scientific study, in this case of the image, giving a concept that imagology is the study of the image. In addition, the influence of the public image in the business environment will be shown.


To begin, you must know the meaning of the word image, which has its origin in the Latin imago and allows you to describe the representation, similarity, figure, aspect or appearance of a certain thing. For example, at some point the phrases have been heard: “You are the spitting image of your family”, “I need an image to illustrate my idea”.

Some theories describe the image as the visual representation of an element (Illustration 1) that is achieved from techniques based on photography, art, design, video or other disciplines, for example in the phrase: "The lens from my camera he has captured a surprising image about the life of wild lions ”. Another statement of the concept relates it to images of a religious or sacred nature, which are those statues, paintings or effigies inspired by divinities or saints, an example of this is: “Thousands of people gather to pray before the image of Mother Mary ” (Definicion.de, 2008).

Visual representation

Image equation

The perception process originates from the emission of a stimulus that is captured by a receptor.

Image Equation

In the mind of the receiver a process of information decoding is generated that configures an image in his mental character.

Image Equation

The image is translated into an opinion, which will grant a perceived value, that is, it will give it an identity, becoming what it is believed to be and what it is not.

Image Equation

If the same stimuli are sustained to the same receiver for some time, then the opinion about the sender will take hold in such a way that it will shape the reputation.

Image Equation

Reputation: opinion that people have of a person or thing; the fame or concept in which they are held.


After the meaning of the word image has been explained, it should be known that imagology is a concept that emerged in the early 40's, due to the Czech writer Milan Kundera who states that Imagology is based mainly on the study and analysis of the public image of a person or a group of them. Said writer does not give an explicit definition about this term. For him, imagology is: “the study of mental images or imagotypes”

According to the Mexican specialist in public image Víctor Gordoa, the imagery defines it as: “The systematic study of the Public Image, that is, the set of strategies designed to analyze the impressions generated by a certain subject towards his community, starting not only of their physical appearance, but of their verbal and non-verbal communication strategies, so that from these three elements, immersed in an integral design process, we obtain a coherent image between their saying, their doing and their opinion in a concordant social setting. Imagology is the science of the image and is defined as the scientific knowledge necessary to create, develop and maintain a public image (Gordoa, 2007).

Imagology is supported by knowledge of sciences such as psychology, communication, biological anthropology, semiology, design and the history of art and culture, etc. to study and control the stimuli that a person or institution emits, and how these stimuli shape images subordinate to their target audience (Izquierdo, 2009).

The objective of imaging is to know the individual or the organization, respect their essence and qualities, to detect and work on their areas of opportunity. In such a way that an entire impact strategy is built, both physically, professionally, verbally, visually, audiovisual and environmentally, to project an image of credibility and trust (Navarrete, 2011).


Another term that should be known is iconology, which is the branch of symbology and semiology that studies the visual names of art, for example the representation of virtues, vices and other moral or natural things, which has to do with with the figure or appearance of people.

On the other hand, it is known that it is the science that studies the images, emblems, allegories and monuments with which the artists have represented mythological, religious or historical characters, and it differs from iconography in that it aims at the simple description of images, while iconology studies them in all their aspects, compares and classifies them, even going so far as to formulate laws or rules to determine their antiquity and various meanings and interpretations.

It is divided into two branches for further study and understanding:

  • Profane or civil iconology. It includes the figures of historical figures that are not the object of religious worship. Religious iconology. Understand the images of religions and their myths.

It refers to God, angels, saints and other similar images (Wikipedia, 2015).

Field of investigation of the history of art that acquired importance from the second third of the 20th century. According to Warbug, iconology is the investigation of the function and use of pictorial representations in culture.

Later, Panofsky developed a schematic method of deciphering images and established iconology as a scientific explanation of iconography and style, based on modes of behavior and universal and individual representations.

The iconology of architecture is understood as, for example, the investigation of the allegorical or symbolic meaning of buildings (art, 2008).

The imagology and iconologíaof Erwin Panofsky have many aspects in common. Both methodologies pursue the study of images in their context, in order to obtain from them both the "artistic" concept (representing the creator-sender) and the psychological concept (representing the receiver or receivers). In both cases, both the explicit (iconography) and the implicit (which Panofsky calls content, and whose study corresponds to the iconological level) is of interest. That is why the importance of knowing very well the context of the creation-reception of both visual and literary images to be able to deepen their meaning. The imagology comes from the field of art to cover other fields of contemporary visual culture. It also serves to explain elements of mass culture that have been created in a conventional way, such as road signs.

Public image

It is the representation, figure, appearance or likeness of something known as an image. This term, which comes from the Latin word imago, also refers to the visual representation of an object that is made through the techniques of photography, painting, design, etc. (Definicion.de, Definicion.de, 2008).

Conditions for making a public image

To make an image you need:

  • Knowledge: it requires knowledge of various disciplines and techniques such as Psychology, Marketing, Communication, Photography, Advertising, etc. Creativity: These are factors that are not learned, they are simply brought in and consists of generating useful ideas to create perception. Sensitivity: You must have the ability to feel physically and morally. Respect for the essence of the client: You must know the client thoroughly. Methodology:It must be followed to avoid risks and optimize results. It is called the Intimate System and proposes a set of processes, in the manner of multiple and subsequent stages, that have their objective indicated and that their fulfillment leads to the achievement of the final objective: to create or modify the perception of a person or institution by your audiences. Its stages are:
    • Research: it is the origin, the source of information, concerning the perception that our client is having. They face various challenges: knowing what they want to know, how to ask it, convincing clients of the need to carry out this stage and knowing how to communicate unpleasant news. It is done in two directions:
      • internal (internal perception of the owner by his collaborators. external (that of the target groups that do not depend on him).
      Design: creative stage, we proceed to the analysis of the stimuli that will create the perception or of the causes that are causing the problems and possible solutions are proposed. The proposed strategies must obey time, money and what is essential. The Master Plan is the document that contains the designed image strategies. All images are covered: physical, verbal, visual, audiovisual, professional, environmental, and will govern the way the stimuli will be produced, with the sole purpose of coherence. Production: Where ideas become reality. Outsourcing is handled. Evaluation: Review of the decisions made, it is re-investigated, it serves to control the image and follow up on the methodology (Gordoa, Example of, 2013).

Types of public image

These are the images that, having been recorded in the memory, will influence the preferences and therefore the decisions of the human being.

  • Personal and institutional image.
    • Personal: the one that an individual has on his own target group through which this will grant him an identity. Examples: president, political candidate, CEO. Institutional: perception of a moral person having its target group through which it will grant it an identity. Examples: image of the political party, company. The image of the institution will affect that of all its members.
    Subordinate image: They serve as encouragement to the other two, they are under their orders.

These are:

  • Physical image. o Professional image. Verbal image. o Visual image. Audio-visual image. Environmental image.

To create or modify a personal or institutional image, we must first create or modify the subordinates that make it up (blogspot, 2010).

Axioms of Public Image Engineering.

Victor Gordoa, raises thirteen axioms that govern the public image.

  1. It is inevitable to have an image. All people and things have an image, this can be positive or negative. The public image is not only focused on important people in a society. 83% of decisions are made through the eyes. We take or judge things based on what we are observing. The brain process that decodes the stimuli takes only a few seconds. The amazing processing speed of the human brain is so fast that we immediately generate an idea. The mind decides based mostly on feelings. When we feel something, our brain interprets that it is real and true and therefore, we generate a reaction pertaining to what we perceive. The image is dynamic.The fact that the image is dynamic means that its growth must be proportional to the advance of the essence of the stimuli and to the growth of the receiver's needs. The creation of an image must respect the essence of the issuer. This means that the image must be consistent with the bearer of the image, creating a wrong image will result in an unreal image that may work in the short term, but will not be efficient. The image is always relative. The construction of the image has three foundations: its essence, the goal to be achieved and seeking to satisfy the needs of the public. The process of creating an image is rational, so you will need a methodology. You cannot create a public image without following a scientific method, which seeks to improve it as a result. The effectiveness of an anger image is proportional to the coherence of the stimuli that cause it. It is based on the need of the mind to rig to understand; otherwise the answer is rejection. It is more time consuming and complicated to rebuild an image than to build it from the beginning. It is necessary to take into account that stimuli must be planned before starting a project. As long as the image is better, the influence will be as well. The image of ownership permeates the institution. The image of the director or an executive representing an organization will be accepted as the general image of the company.The image of the institution permeates all its members.


Imaging currently provides a tool to society, because any company has its image as the basis of success, this has been seen when launching a product in the market, for example Apple when launching a product of any line of products that it owns, the client will already know in advance that it will have a good quality and that it will be very efficient, all this relates only to the image of its logo (apple)

To enter the field of study of imaging, fundamentals are required ranging from body image to statistics that imply the correct performance of the functions of an imagologist.

Thesis proposal

Use of reliability engineering and imaging for the development of SMEs.


  • art, P. d. (2008). Art portal. Obtained from http://www.portaldearte.cl/terminos/iconolog.htmblogspot. (November 26, 2010). blogspot. Obtained from http://imagenpublicamccook.blogspot.mx/2010/11/tipos-de-imagen.htmlDefinicion.de. (2008). Definition of. Obtained from http://definicion.de/imagen/ Definicion.de. (2008). Definition of. Obtained from http://definicion.de/imagen-publica/ Gordoa, V. (2007). The Power of the Public Image. Mexico: Gráficas Monte Albán.Gordoa, V. (2013). Example of. Obtained from http://www.ejemplode.com/41-literatura/1461resumen_de_el_poder_de_la_imagen_publica.html Izquierdo, JL (December 28, 2009). Blogspot. Obtained from http://jorgeimagology.blogspot.mx/2009/12/la-palabra-imagologia-parte-de-la-raiz.htmlNavarrete, DM (March 24, 2011). Gestiopolis. Retrieved from http: //www.gestiopolis.com / marketing-2 / imaging-study-analysis-imagenpublica.htmWikipedia. (2015). Wikipedia. Obtained from

An imagotype is one that consists of an image and text; the image is at the top and the text at the bottom.

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Imagology and public image