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Imaginology. public image

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To achieve both professional and personal development in the current era, it is necessary to put into practice each and every one of the tools and techniques available.

It is indisputable the fact that the conception that consumers, co-workers, family members or bosses have regarding an organization or individual (as the case may be) will play a preponderant role in their capacity and ease of development.

Imaging comes to give adequate emphasis to what is called a public image, which will be constituted through behaviors, clothing, vocabulary (in the personal case), facilities, collaborators, transportation, communications (in the business environment), All the aforementioned elements will have to be handled in an adequate way for the correct projection of the image of the organizations or individuals.

The science of the image means a great help regarding the adequate communication strategies that exist between an entity and the community (understanding this, as a specific group of people)

The perception that this group of people generates regarding an organization or individual based on all the impressions generated through the different communication media will be the basis for the conception of the so-called public image.


To carry out an adequate conception of the meaning of IMAGOLOGY, basic concepts that will make an adequate introduction to the subject must be identified.

The word IMAGOLOGY is a word made up of two IMAGE elements: "Representation, similarity and appearance of something." DRAE (2017) LOGÍA: Suffix used to refer to study or science Therefore, we can say that:

IMAGOLOGY: It is the scientific knowledge to create and develop a concept through an image

COMPARATIVE IMAGOLOGY: ”Investigation of images in the field of literature. Sánchez R ”. (2005)

PERCEPTION: "Inner sensation that results from a material impression made in our senses". DRAE (2017)

PUBLIC IMAGE: “The dominant perception that a community establishes regarding a person, institution or cultural reference, based on the impressions and public information it receives”. Gordoa (1999).


At the end of the 18th century, Johann Gottlieb Herder and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, authors belonging to the classical period, handled the term imagology in a non-scientific way, the purpose of these authors was to awaken interest among different cultures and nations.

It was not until after the Second World War when JeanMarie Carré considered imagological investigations as the revision of images of a country housed in another nation, in order to be able to replace erroneous conceptions with adequate ones, however they were not considered as scientific theories

In Mexico, imagology as a science that studies the conception of the public image of individuals or organizations has as its main representative Víctor Gordoa Gil, who throughout 3 works: The power of the public image (1999), Imagology (2003) E imagen vendedora (2007) defines and establishes methodologies for the control of perception.


This science gets its bases from some other branches of knowledge such as: communication, psychology and linguistics.

The image that each individual is formulated through the visual perception that we have of a certain entity through the communication-reception point of view and the idea that each individual generates in their own interior, is what James Gruning calls “artistic image” and "Psychological image" respectively derived from these two items is how communication can be carried out through identifiable or evident elements and other more discrete, or implicit ones directed to the collective unconscious.

The primary objective of this science is to analyze an individual or organization, categorizing the qualities they possess, and also the deficiencies or areas for improvement, developing and implementing a suitable strategy to achieve an adequate perception of credibility and trust, respecting at all times the essence of each individual.


"It is the shared perception that will elicit a unified collective response." Gordoa (1999)

Stimuli are elements that, once received, will encourage individuals to act in a certain way, among the most representative we find:

  • Direct stimuli. They are those transmitted frankly, by written or oral means where they will include characteristics such as tone of voice, diction, volume, among others. Non-verbal stimuli. They are those that are transmitted to the receiver in a different way than words, and can be visual, through the transmission of smells or textures, or can be carried out jointly. Mixed stimuli. In the generation of stimuli in the two ways described above, a central problem is located in making them agree, because verbal or direct stimuli are used with the greatest recurrence, if they do not have the same tendency as the non-verbal stimulus, it will be discarded.

Therefore, it can be inferred that all the stimuli that an individual receives will make him conceive an image regarding an entity


Reputation is the perception that each person has regarding something or someone the reputation of each individual or organization will be made up of: the type of stimuli sent to the community, being modified by each recipient, who in turn will create a certain image In his mind, this image will be transformed by individual opinion, thus generating identity, which in the same way will be shaped over time, generating a reputation.

Doctor Albert Mehrabian affirms that when a message is transmitted depending on its interaction, it will be perceived in 55% appearance, 38% average and 7% message or content, so if the projection we give of non-verbal stimuli is not congruent with what We say, there will be a rejection by the community, quality, service, are some elements that will forge a reputation, if these are good it will achieve the preference of the community.

Reputation is synonymous with heritage, both at a personal and institutional level, it generates a “plus” that achieves the differentiation between similar entities.


For Víctor Gordoa the axioms are "Principle, sentence or proposition that is so clear and evident that it does not need proof" Gordoa (1999).

  • First axiom. It is inevitable to have an image. It is absolutely undeniable that each entity will be credited with an image, which may depend on the positive or negative stimuli that are sent. Second axiom. Eighty-three percent of the decisions we make are thanks to the eyes. The sense of sight is the most important we have, so it is responsible for most of the decisions that are made, sometimes replacing the sense that should take the lead. Third axiom. The brain takes a few seconds to decode the stimuli. First impressions are never forgotten, it is something although somewhat unfair, completely real the perception that an individual generates regarding another at the moment of presenting themselves will be crucial for the development of their subsequent activities,because the first one will already be predisposed to act and think in a certain way. Fourth axiom. Feelings are the basis of decisions made. Doctors David Sobel and Robert Ornstein neurologists from the University of California have conducted research whose results infer that much of the decision-making is carried out based on emotional reasons, ignoring the conscious and the reason This is derived from the mind Emotional is more responsive than rational, by triggering the decisions it makes, the brain sacrifices accuracy in favor of speed and responsiveness. It is a fact that 85% of the decisions that are made are based on feelings, with the remaining 15% destined for analytical thinking,It is necessary to say that each individual has only 7 minutes destined to pay attention, after that, what remains is to try to win it again. Fifth axiom. The image is dynamic. The image projection that an entity throws can be modified gradually, in many cases an adequate image can be degraded over time. Sixth axiom. The essence of the issuer must be respected when creating an image. The fact of trying to generate an image contrary to what the individual or organization are in essence would be to resort to the creation of a false reality that will make it impossible for the sender to transmit the appropriate message. Seventh axiom. The image is always relative. This axiom refers to the fact that there is no specific formula that can be followed when creating a public image, that is,The context in which the activities take place, the personality, characteristics of each person and place tend to be variable, so the image should be governed according to the context that wishes to be raised. Eighth axiom. The creation of an image must be according to an established methodology. Through the application of creativity and knowledge. Ninth axiom. In proportion that the stimuli emitted are adequate and coherent will be the efficiency of the projected image. All the stimuli generated must be oriented to the same objective to achieve the consolidation of the image. Tenth axiom. The reconstruction of an image will be carried out in a more laborious and extensive way, than the generation of one from scratch. Axiom 11. The better the image, the greater the power of influence.the personality, characteristics of each person and place tend to be variable so the image must be governed according to the context that wishes to be raised. Eighth axiom. The creation of an image must be according to an established methodology. Through the application of creativity and knowledge. Ninth axiom. In proportion that the stimuli emitted are adequate and coherent will be the efficiency of the projected image. All the stimuli generated must be oriented to the same objective to achieve the consolidation of the image. Tenth axiom. The reconstruction of an image will be carried out in a more laborious and extensive way, than the generation of one from scratch. Axiom 11. The better the image, the greater the power of influence.the personality, characteristics of each person and place tend to be variable so the image must be governed according to the context that wishes to be raised. Eighth axiom. The creation of an image must be according to an established methodology. Through the application of creativity and knowledge. Ninth axiom. In proportion that the stimuli emitted are adequate and coherent will be the efficiency of the projected image. All the stimuli generated must be oriented to the same objective to achieve the consolidation of the image. Tenth axiom. The reconstruction of an image will be carried out in a more laborious and extensive way, than the generation of one from scratch. Axiom 11. The better the image, the greater the power of influence.characteristics of each person and place tend to be variable, so the image must be governed according to the context that wishes to be raised. Eighth axiom. The creation of an image must be according to an established methodology. Through the application of creativity and knowledge. Ninth axiom. In proportion that the stimuli emitted are adequate and coherent will be the efficiency of the projected image. All the stimuli generated must be oriented to the same objective to achieve the consolidation of the image. Tenth axiom. The reconstruction of an image will be carried out in a more laborious and extensive way, than the generation of one from scratch. Axiom 11. The better the image, the greater the power of influence.characteristics of each person and place tend to be variable, so the image must be governed according to the context that wishes to be raised. Eighth axiom. The creation of an image must be according to an established methodology. Through the application of creativity and knowledge. Ninth axiom. In proportion that the stimuli emitted are adequate and coherent will be the efficiency of the projected image. All the stimuli generated must be oriented to the same objective to achieve the consolidation of the image. Tenth axiom. The reconstruction of an image will be carried out in a more laborious and extensive way, than the generation of one from scratch. Axiom 11. The better the image, the greater the power of influence.The creation of an image must be according to an established methodology. Through the application of creativity and knowledge. Ninth axiom. In proportion that the stimuli emitted are adequate and coherent will be the efficiency of the projected image. All the stimuli generated must be oriented to the same objective to achieve the consolidation of the image. Tenth axiom. The reconstruction of an image will be carried out in a more laborious and extensive way, than the generation of one from scratch. Axiom 11. The better the image, the greater the power of influence.The creation of an image must be according to an established methodology. Through the application of creativity and knowledge. Ninth axiom. In proportion that the stimuli emitted are adequate and coherent will be the efficiency of the projected image. All the stimuli generated must be oriented to the same objective to achieve the consolidation of the image. Tenth axiom. The reconstruction of an image will be carried out in a more laborious and extensive way, than the generation of one from scratch. Axiom 11. The better the image, the greater the power of influence.All the stimuli generated must be oriented to the same objective to achieve the consolidation of the image. Tenth axiom. The reconstruction of an image will be carried out in a more laborious and extensive way, than the generation of one from scratch. Axiom 11. The better the image, the greater the power of influence.All the stimuli generated must be oriented to the same objective to achieve the consolidation of the image. Tenth axiom. The reconstruction of an image will be carried out in a more laborious and extensive way, than the generation of one from scratch. Axiom 11. The better the image, the greater the power of influence.

When an individual or organization has a favorable image, they have an intrinsic self-assurance, and therefore confidence, which will be transmitted to the group that is addressed.

  • Twelfth axiom. The image of ownership permeates the institution. The sense of belonging is a characteristic of humanity, but its degree varies from individual to individual, so that when the company representative acts in a certain way, the collaborators tend to carry out the same behaviors. axiom. The image of the institution permeates its members.

The public image is divided into personal image and institutional image, according to the type of entity to which it is directed.

  • Personal image. It is the identity or projection of an individual towards the population, without confusing the term with changes in clothing according to the latest trends. Institutional image. It is the identity or projection that an organization reflects to the population without focusing directly on the logo

The personal and institutional public image will be governed by subordinate images, which are:


Perception that the population has of an individual, either by their physical appearance or by what they transmit through body language. The information received by this means will be processed almost immediately by making a judgment about it, generating a certain degree of acceptance or rejection.

The physical image is made up of: clothing, accessories, hairstyle, makeup, colors, textures, postures, eye contact, gait, smile, gestures.

  • Body language. In order to project an adequate image, it is necessary to maintain temperance and security at all times because the lack of knowledge and nervousness are attitudes that will be captured visually and the perception that the individual generates will depend on that, you must act according to the image to be projected, which in turn will provoke a good perception that will make us feel more comfortable, becoming a suitable circle. Physical presence. The posture and the way of walking are key elements when generating an image, the head, spine and pelvis must be perfectly aligned. Arms They are signs of complementary communication, they should not be lacking because it results in a lack of courage on the part of the capacity, nor be excessive. Gestures. They frame the text you are trying to convey,There is no gesture more powerful than a smile. Eye contact. Establishes a sense of communication, not doing so is insecurity and mistrust. Tactile behavior. Clean and sweat-free hand, firm but not hurting, full contact


Perception that a specific group of people with whom there is a relationship for the performance of their activities, is constituted by interpersonal behavior, and response capacity in times of crisis

  • Behavior or Protocol. Established Rules of Conduct. Crisis Management. During the course of a crisis, you should not lose your composure because the reputation acquired will depend on it, it is necessary to know weaknesses to try to have serenity when solving the crisis


It is the perception that the interest group has regarding individuals or organizations derived from the oral or written messages issued.

Standing in front of a certain group of people is not usually pleasant for a large part of the professionals because it expresses the lack of security. This type of image will reinforce or change the opinion of the interlocutors, regarding the initial visual perception they generated.

The message you want to convey must be clear to be understood by all the capacity, have full knowledge of the exposed topic, be brief and concise, have full conviction of what is said


It is any perception that the interest group has of an individual or entity derived from visual stimuli, be they photographs, symbols, colors, signs, brochures, etc.

A large part of the perception of the visual image is through the use of signs that, together with the photograph, carry out a transfer of the message, which will not only make the receiver receive it but also achieve the performance of it in a certain way


It is the perception that an interest group has of an individual or organization through graphic and auditory stimuli performed simultaneously or on different occasions, within the most frequently used channels they are found.

  • Advertising. Use of the media to try to influence the decisions of the consumer or end user. Advertising. It is the technique to publicize a specific product, the basic difference between the two is that advertising is carried out in order to "sell" a specific product, while advertising only seeks to publicize it by demonstrating each and every one of attributes The media. They are the main shapers of the public image of an individual and of a relevant organization due to their great influence on a large part of the country's population. Public opinion. It is a generalized perception that the inhabitants of a certain region have highly relevant individuals or organizations, it directly influences their decisions and behaviors.Public opinion will be equal to the information disseminated by the media plus the perception that the already influenced population has.


It is the perception that an interest group has of an individual or organization of stimuli generated in different scenarios.

Environmental psychology manages the environment in which activities take place, generating a pleasant or unpleasant sensation created by colors, furniture, including music and lighting are involved.

  • The color. It is perceived as a sensation that awakens emotions such as sadness, joy, displeasure, the correct choice of these can significantly help the perception of the public image of an organization or individual. Having good lighting does not necessarily mean having a lot of light, the light has a direct influence on the objects it illuminates, so the different tones help to create a suitable environment according to the characteristics that they want to use. Music. The rhythm and modulation of music create a direct influence on human behavior and the way things are perceived, music directly affects the nervous system on which emotional reactions are based, so it can be included in the media.



  • Good silhouette (wear appropriate clothing for your body type) Never wear dirty or damaged shoes Always keep your hands clean and neat


  • Do not keep the pen or accessories in the shirt bag, use the jacket pocket or Do not wear a short-sleeved shirt with a jacket and a tie Socks are long and the color of your shoe or pants Always button your jacket when standing up


  • The makeup is discreet, according to the wardrobe and lips Avoid contrasts between the color of the stocking and the shoe Shoe that shows the fingers, worn without stockings Shoes must be in shades of black, dark brown, beige and bone Avoid miniskirts Never put on makeup in front of others
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Imaginology. public image