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Imaginology. rules and management of public image

Table of contents:


The world today is in constant movement and evolution, so society faces some significant changes in all areas of human life, currently it is easier to modify interests, needs and preferences in a matter of a short time and they can be motivated by different and very diverse elements.

That is why organizations that are considered intelligent must always be in a constant search to analyze the factors that provide the necessary tools for success and consolidation in the markets.

Success in companies is not determined by internal training, but the environment and the perspectives that customers have of it must be considered, and for this the imagology arises, which has as its main objective the creation, development and maintenance of public image in companies and people.

In the development of this article, the concept of image, imagery and public image will be visualized, the relationship between them and how they can have a positive impact on organizations, thus generating competitive advantages.


  • ImageImagologyPublic ImageMethodologyCompetitive Advantage


The term "imagology" derives from the Latin root Imago, which means image and is defined as the figure, similarity, representation and appearance of a thing; and loggia, a term that comes from logos, which is science, study, expression of something, and in this case image.

Imaging is based on knowledge of sciences such as psychology, linguistics, communication, biology, anthropology, semiology, design, art history, culture, etc., to be able to study and especially control the stimuli that a person or some institution emits, and how is it that these stimuli give a certain shape to some images to their target audience.

On the one hand, the image is interpreted as a visual presentation, conceived from a communication and reception point of view, but on the other hand, it is considered as a purely mental idea that is the product of the imagination of its creator.

James E. Grunig calls these different conceptions "psychological image" or "artistic image", in addition to the fact that the image presents the communicative elements that manifest themselves in a blind way while others remain hidden, with more or less levels of darkness.

That is why it is possible to speak of public messages or of some other implicit or secret messages that act more or less in an imaginary way.

Of course, imagology transcends all fields of art to be able to cover other fields such as contemporary visual culture.

(Latorre, 2010)

Comparative Imaging

Investigations of images in the field of literature are known under the scientific name of comparative imaging and have been formed in a branch of comparative or in other words, comparative literature.

Within the theory of comparative imaging, these images are called imagotypes (about peoples), and in turn self-imaging (about our own people) and heteroimagotypes (about other peoples) are derived. (Sánchez Romero, 2005)

The importance of public image

It is a fact that every day competition not only in companies but in all aspects of life, grows more and more. To deal with these situations, one of the best ways is to have a good management of the image of the business, political and entertainment sectors,

What is the image?

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, the image is:

  1. Figure, representation, likeness and appearance of something.Statue, effigy or painting of a divinity or a characterReproduction of the figure of an object by the combination of the rays of light that come from it.Recreation of reality through imaginary elements founded on an intuition or vision of the artist that must be deciphered, as in the coins in angry swarms.

(Spanish Royal Academy, 2014)

According to the author Victor Gordoa, a specialist in public image, the imagery is: «Systematic study of the public image, that is, a set of strategies aimed at analyzing the impressions generated by a specific subject towards his community, since it starts not only of his physical appearance, but also of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies, so that those elements, immersed within a comprehensive design process, obtain a coherent image between what he says and does. Imaginology is the science of the image and is defined as the scientific knowledge that is necessary to create, develop and maintain a public image ”(Gordoa, 2007)

Objective of Imaginology

The main purpose of the imagology is to know the individual or the company or organization, respect the essence and its qualities, allowing to detect and work in their areas of opportunity, thus building the impact strategy, to project an image of credibility and of trust.

Public image rules

(Gordoa, 2007) Defines the public image as "the perception or value judgment with the greatest effect within a group or collectivity that manages to establish a connection with an individual, organization or cultural base."

The public image basically serves three main elements:

  1. Internal effect Verdict of Cultural Value Communication process

The rules of public image are mentioned below:

  • Our brain responds to stimuli in a short time, since just by looking at an image it takes a matter of a few seconds for a response to be produced in the brain, thus forming value judgments.The image is not necessarily static, it evolves and is wrapped in a constant dynamism as the stimuli and requirements of the people involved evolve. The image is usually relative based on the relationship of three important elements such as the personal essence, objectives to be achieved, and above all the requirements of the people. the managers of the organization coordinate and prosecute the corporate image.

The public image is presented in two different areas:

  1. Individual / personal form Group / organizational form

Methodology for image formation

The methodology for the formation of a public image, according to the author Gradilla, is mentioned below.

Internal and external investigation

This stage is carried out between the members of the organization (internal investigation) and the external one, with different groups.


The design of our image is prepared based on the personality and essence of the person, to form a more professional image.


At this stage, it is sought to achieve coordination with the efforts and stimuli so that a message can be transmitted that unifies the elements.


In the last stage, the result of the previous one (production) is analyzed to carry out the corrective measures that are necessary to achieve the expected responses.

Advantages of a good public image

(Hernández Rivera, 2014) Below are some of the advantages that motivate organizations to invest in their public image:

  1. Contribute to marketing activities Stay at the forefront of public tastes Modify and improve company spaces Get a good perception from customers or consumers Diversity of suppliers Maximize company profits Develop brand, company or product loyalty Achieve identification with customers Obtain a competitive advantage Development of a more pleasant work environment


The image in general is related and associated with the seriousness of a product or a service and through this, the essence of it can be defined. The image is, today, a fundamental element within organizations, since it allows the accumulation of those smallest details but that give the feeling of well-being, trust and security for customers.

Competition between groups such as organizations, people and brands is becoming more evident and stronger every day, so any element or detail that generates a competitive advantage has a positive impact on organizations and customers generates a feeling of well-being when consuming a product or service towards which they feel a positive image.

Speaking of personal image, although it is important, to be more real, it must be supported by knowledge, skills and abilities so that they are considered and provide a perception closer to the reality of people.

Thesis topic proposal

"Development and implementation of Imaging as a strategy to generate competitive advantages in organizations"

General objective

"To develop and implement the methodology of Imagology to generate competitive strategies in organizations"


To the National Technological Institute of Mexico for being my alma mater and to Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for their support and motivation to carry out these articles on the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering.


Gordoa, V. (2007). The power of the public image. Mexico City: Ramdom House Mondadori.

Hernández Rivera, N. (November 27, 2014). Imaginology. Theory of the public image of the company. Retrieved on April 13, 2016, from


Latorre, J. (July 20, 2010). Imagination. Retrieved on April 13, 2016, from

Royal Spanish Academy. (2014). Retrieved on April 13, 2016, from

Sánchez Romero, M. (2005). Contemporary imagological textual research and its application in the analysis of literary works. Scientific Information System: Journal of German Philology, 9-27.

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Imaginology. rules and management of public image