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Imagology and the power of the public image

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Imaging is a new concept that comes to the fore with globalization and the importance of companies by being in tune with their customers, giving particular importance to what they think of the organization and also the focus of developing tools to obtain more customers. potentials and grow your field of business since today the competition is stronger than ever and not only at local levels but also at international levels.

Imagology refers to the public image, this can be of a person or an organization, this concept has been gaining strength over time since different studies and proven experiments ensure that the image is a fundamental part since people perceive different features just with the picture. In the book on the power of the public image by Victor Gordoa (Gordoa, 2007) some quite clear examples are mentioned, which I will set out in this section so that the power of the image in organizations and in the people who makes it is a little clearer. make up.

If there is a company in the world that was born concerned about its image, it is Disneyland, this company has been exhaustively in charge of generating a positive image for those who visit or buy its products. Simply from arriving at the box office we are stimulated by people who seem out of a fairy tale, and they serve us with happy music, all the employees are clean and correct guys, the facilities are impeccable and with the highest technology, everything works to the perfection. And this is how we see Disney with an empire of many years and always taking care of its image.

Another case related to image is that of the prestigious jewelry company Tiffany, a perfect example of the image of glamor and exclusivity that even causes people to beg to buy a simple blue gift box, among its clients are many famous and recognized people like Abraham Lincoln who is said to have given his wife a tiffany necklace, the image of tiffany is one of elegance and refinement, now imagine when Avon, a company that produces beauty products, bought Tiffany, as soon as this happened the image of tiffany that always It was jealously cared for and underwent a major change in perception that took a long time to rebuild.

With these two clear examples we make it clear that the image of the companies and the people who make it up is vital, since the perception of your company in the clients can be favorable or unfavorable to the point of bankruptcy.


The word "imagology" starts from the Latin root Imago, which means image, and is defined as the figure, representation, similarity and appearance of a thing; and of lodge, a term derived from logos, which is the study, science, the expression of something, in this case the image (Latorre, 2010).

The word image can be defined in different ways depending on the person or author who conceives it. The real Spanish academy (RAE, 2015) defines this word in different ways depending on the way you want to apply it, it says that it comes from the Latin imāgo, -ĭnis and can mean:

  • F. Figure, representation, likeness and appearance of something f. Statue, effigy or painting of a divinity or a sacred personage f. Opt. Reproduction of the figure of an object by the combination of the rays of light that come from it f. Ret. Vivid and effective representation of a poetic insight or vision through language.

Complete the definition with the public image saying that it is:

  • F. Set of features that characterize a person or entity before society.

On the other hand, Gordoa (Gordoa, The power of the public image, 2007) defines it as “The figure, representation, similarity and appearance of a thing” based on this definition we can say that the meaning of this word is simply linked to the visual and it carries with it the risk of not communicating the totality of reality, sometimes the image modifies reality, either for better or for worse, for example it is not the same to know a person through photos than in person, many more characteristics influence that must be taken into account apart from the image they show.

Another important criterion to mention that it is part of the image is the one that focuses on a specific human sensory channel such as visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile and taste.

With this we can realize that everything is involved in a physical-psychological process of perception, which includes a sensation that is channeled to the central nervous system and from there to the brain process and be recorded in memory and can produce behavioral effects in the individual can be positive or negative, these images being recorded in the memory influence preferences therefore also in the decisions of the human being.

This leads us to a very interesting word that is linked to this topic, which is Perception, we can define this word as the action or effect of perceiving or knowledge and idea, but to make it clearer, we are going to conceptualize this word by saying that perception is the sensation. interior that results from a material impression made in our senses. In short, perception is the memory that remains after having had an experience of any kind, linking our keywords, let's say that the image is the way we are perceived.

"We perceive, which means we add meaning to every sign that comes our way" Deepak Chopra.

Let us now mention other concepts responsible for producing perception. Stimuli, a stimulus is an incitement to function, and in biology they describe it as agents that provoke the response of an organism. Despite the fact that a stimulus can be presented in thousands of ways, there are 3 types that can create a mental image: Verbal, non-verbal and mixed.

Verbal stimuli can be presented in two ways, either oral and written, in this context simply being words they are verbal stimuli.

Non-verbal ones are those that, on the contrary, communicate without words, they are difficult to control, for example photos you can see photos of the same person dressed in a different way or with a different position and it is interpreted in a different way.

Mixed stimuli are those that generate perception through the simultaneous emission of verbal and non-verbal stimuli, the only problem with this type of stimulus is that non-verbal ones are more common and tend to modify the perception of verbal ones.

After defining all these concepts related to the image, we can say that the image is the identity of the person who has been perceived and once this identity is granted, it will become the particular truth of the person who perceived it.

And to make this clearer, Álvaro Gordoa (Gordoa, The power of the public image, 2007) presents a mathematical equation-type image called the image equation in which he graphically explains the relationship of the concepts mentioned above and how the image works..

Illustration 1. Image equation (Gordoa, The power of the public image, 2007)


Today with the change that globalization has brought to the world and companies, many aspects that previously were not important within organizations have come to the fore. One of these aspects is the public image or image. Currently we observe that companies care about their image, they want to be the sustainable companies that contribute to society, the most recognized in their line of business, etc.

Since it is proven that image has a lot to do with attracting potential customers, making the phrase "how they see you they treat you" true, today's companies also look to their employees for impeccable executive images that they represent with a good image the organization.

It is important to make it clear that to have a favorable public image it must be consistent with what is actually being described. For example, you cannot say that a company is socially responsible when, in view of society, they dump toxic waste into a river. On the other hand, if what is projected in a company is social responsibility, it is because the collaborators who work and carry out their activities in that organization have a commitment to the company to keep their work areas clean and have a culture of not littering.

For the analysis of the public image of a company, it must be understood that it is an organism made up of a set of six images, which result in a global integration of the company.


As mentioned above, we must understand that the image of a company is made up of all the collaborators or workers of the organization, the physical image of people and companies, is one of the most important since, as a popular phrase says "From sight, love is born" and from here we start to say that the physical image is the first impression you make, in organizations, if not the most important, it is one of the decisive factors for customers, it can be in the purchase of products for the presentation of your packaging, your motto, logo or company objectives, On the other hand it is very important to emphasize that one of the most influential physical impressions with the exterior and interior environment, is of the person or persons who are in command of the company, since he is the leader,the person who stands up for the company and is usually the one who closes important contracts for it.

Employees also play an important role within the physical image of organizations, and especially those who are in direct contact with customers and suppliers. The physical image of a person, apart from including the way of dressing, speaking and acting, includes personal physical characteristics, height, weight, color, among others. Clothing, body language and accessories (Gordoa, 2003).


For a company the people who work in it in any of its areas such as sales, logistics, production, etc. They are extremely important, to form a stable professional image, and what do we mean by professional image? This image encompasses the executive skills of people who work in companies. The professional image includes the way we act in a waiting room, our way of greeting others and above all the way we handle a crisis in the workplace. The professional image even includes extremely simple aspects such as the way to answer the phone. Basically, they are protocols of conduct for people in a normal state or under pressure (Gordoa, 2003).

The professional image of companies is often neglected, since workers do not always take into account that they are part of the company and must behave as such, but to a certain extent the experience at work shapes people to carry out their work activities. professional manner.


In the verbal image it is important to highlight that care must be taken with the way in which the members of the organization express themselves and communicate with other people, especially with clients and with each other, through presentations, which can be about products, results., at conferences or in media interviews and public presentations.


As it has been said many times, the visual image is one of the most important since human beings are very visual and sometimes we leave behind a verbal image and prefer the visual one, companies must create an attractive visual image in the design of packaging or packaging, labels, logos, etc.

All this can differentiate one company from another and their product lines, even taking into account how their transport vehicles are designed and painted.


The audiovisual image is closely related to the advertising of the company to sell its product, this image varies from the product that the company sells, they must be powerful tools to sell products or services to customers and buy.

Advertising and all those aspects that are related to the media, whether commercial, videos, will be the way in which the company looks for a way to interact with its client directly and increase its clients through the use of tools. adequate.


The environmental image of a company is the care, and design that the different scenarios of the company have is from the handling of colors, lighting, furniture, music, decorative items, aroma.

All these aspects make the environment of the company pleasant for those who see it and feel thereby forming a place with a professional and clean image.


On the other hand, Víctor Gordoa raises 13 axioms of the public image in his book the power of the public image (Gordoa, 2007) that are explained below:

  1. It is inevitable to have a 83% of the decisions we make through the The brain process that decodes the stimuli takes only a few seconds The mind decides based mostly on When we feel something, our brain interprets that it is real and true and therefore, we generate a reaction pertaining to what we perceive.The image is dynamic. The fact that the image is dynamic means that its growth must be proportional to the advance of the essence of the stimuli and to the growth of the needs of the receiver.The creation of an image must respect the essence of the emitter.The image is always The construction of the Image has three foundations: its essence, the goal to be achieved and seeking to satisfy the needs of the public. The process of creating an image is rational, so it will need a methodology.You cannot create a public image without following a scientific method, which seeks to improve it as a result. The effectiveness of an anger image is proportional to the coherence of the stimuli that cause it. It is more time consuming and complicated to reconstruct an image The image of ownership permeates the institution, the image of the institution permeates all of its members, as long as the image is better, the influence will also be.The image of ownership permeates the institution The image of the institution permeates all its membersThe image of ownership permeates the institution The image of the institution permeates all its members

According to Gordoa, to create a public image of an organization it is necessary to follow 4 important steps.

Research. Identify the public's perception of the company, which is called external investigation. With the same importance, the concept that collaborators have of the organization where they work should be analyzed.

Design. Once the information is collected through research, we can then begin to design and create the image based on the essence of the organization.

Produce. At this stage and once the organizational image has been designed, all stimulus-generating sources must be coordinated so that they can jointly project a single message.

Evaluation. It is the last of the four stages, and it is here where, through feedback from the target audience, adjustments can be made to improve the public image.


Imaging in companies is a fundamental aspect today with global competition. Companies must be aware of the way in which customers perceive them and their reputation, imaging is not only the good design of their logos and slogans or the colors they use to promote themselves, imaging goes beyond that, it is a complete scheme of the company from the design of its facilities, that they have the correct light and leave an impression of a professional work environment to the way in which the people who work around you dress, behave, speak, etc.

The public image must be consistent with the actions, it is useless to have an excellent image if it is not applied in practice and everything can come down, it is worthwhile for companies to pay attention to their executives and directors. To give a professional image and close deals successfully, as well as improve the relationship with customers and make them loyal by engaging them with your positive image as well as attracting them since, as previously mentioned, "from sight, love is born" based on the axioms that 83% of decisions are made by sight.


  • Gordoa, V. (2003). Imaginology. Mexico: Grijalbo.Gordoa, V. (2007). The power of the public image. Random House Mondadori.Latorre, IJ (July 2010). IMAGOLOGY. Retrieved from https://imagologiajorge.wordpress.com/2010/07/20/hello-world/RAE. (2015). Royal Spanish Academy. Obtained from




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Imagology and the power of the public image