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Imagology and principles of public image

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Imaging has become a science of study and importance for many in the social, political, and economic fields, since as is well known the public image speaks a lot about oneself, from a simple person to organizations should be concerned about the public image that they give or transmit.


The public image has become something inherent to every organization or public person, since it is well known that a good image generates greater acceptance within clients or consumers, in the same way with public people such as actors, actresses, athletes, or politicians, everything is always under the eye of the hurricane and they always try to manage both their public image and their private life in different ways.

With the arrival of social networks it is even more important to keep this image intact or as intact as possible, since nowadays it is very easy to carry out a smear campaign or upload a photo to the network where you show, either a job poorly done by an organization, a public figure doing something improper, all of this can immediately generate problems due to the speed with which information moves on the network.

Cases like those of McDonalds where consumers have uploaded photos of hamburgers with apparently rat meat to the network, which has cost the company millions in losses due to the bad image that this gave, another example is the case of soccer player Rafael Márquez, who was involved in money laundering investigations, this immediately caused the loss of sponsors who are themselves affected by having this player as the image of their products.

Imaging what it seeks in itself is through strategies to be able to position an organization or person at the top, keep it current, so to speak, and updated, so that it is always within the preferences of people or consumers.


We can find different definitions of imagology on the web, some of those found will be shown below.

According to (wikipedia.org, 2018) Imagology means the following:

Likewise (Gonzalez, 2014) defines it as:

Public image

On a par with imagology we have what is the public image which according to (Peralta, 2004) is the following:

Another definition of public image according to (Gardey, 2014) is:

The term Imagology was known and recognized in Europe at least from 1940. Imagology and Intercultural Hermeneutics are the same thing. The power of images - it does not matter if they are in tune with 'reality' - is indisputable and easily perceived, as we can see in the mutual dealings between peoples. Stereotypes, mentalities, prejudices, attitudes, images and other related concepts can be synthesized through the comprehensive concept of

'image' commonly used today. (Avalos, 2016)

There are three main elements in the public image.

  • External factors intervene.

Internal effect • They restrict expression.

Verdict of • Trials.

cultural value

  • It has direction. Involvement process with society.


Personal image

It is that image that is made or developed to positively advertise a person or some character (it can be fictitious). For this, it is essential to pay attention to two fundamental aspects: definition of the character and, essence-style. (Peralta, 2004)

Personal image is based on very specific factors:

  • personalityCharismaDressingAttitudeCredibility

The personal image can in no way be improvised by the consultant or auditor. Deducing which is the public image that best suits a person or character implies carrying out rigorous audits, the purpose of which is:

  • The consultant must truly know the person or character. The consultant must recognize the "essence of the character." The essence should not be altered by the consultant. The character would lose her convictions and could incur contradictions that would undermine her credibility.From the definition of the real character, the consultant will be able to suggest the personal image that is congruent with the expressive possibilities of the real person and avoid incurring in a (Peralta, 2004)

10 Keys to a good personal image

  1. Dress with one goal in mind. Master the language of colors. Play with the textures. Know your body type. Pay attention to the details. Take care of your hands. Walk like a successful person. Be respectful. Remind yourself how good you are. Take things seriously.
  • When you go shopping and choose your clothes in the morning, think about your life goals. If what you want is to be perceived as a mature and professional person, buying very youthful or too casual clothes would be incongruous. Don't you think? Study the psychology of colors. It will help you much more than you think! For example, if you are attending a job interview, you should not wear red, as you may appear aggressive and confrontational. Wearing blue will convey confidence and leadership, each texture evokes different feelings in others. Heavy fabrics can make you look more professional, and lace or see-through fabrics might project an understated appearance. Two people can wear the same pants and not look the same. It will all depend on your body type.Do not get carried away by fashion: learn to choose the clothes that flatter you: a well-pressed shirt, a tie of the correct length, pants with well defined pleats or well-polished shoes speak well of you. If you can take care of the details, you will give the impression that you can run a business.Your hands say much more about you than you think. Well-hydrated hands, with manicured nails, speak of a disciplined and careful person, that is, always upright and looking forward. Do not walk hunched over or looking down: this will convey insecurity and low sociability. Look into their eyes when you speak, do not interrupt and be courteous. A kind person will always be more respected than one who is not. Remember your qualities,Your triumphs and how failures have made you who you are will help you convey a pleasant personality to others. If you do not make an effort to remember how good you are, no one will do it for you… much less will they see it. There is a time for everything, but if you spend your life making jokes, unless you are a comedian, you will not make others take you seriously. Make sure that when it comes to a project, business or your work life, others see that you take things seriously.the others see that you take things seriously.the others see that you take things seriously.

Institutional Image

The institutional identity represents the ultimate foundation of the institutional image. The institutional image comprises the set of communicative actions that an organization must carry out to express its identity and establish a positive public reputation. The development of a positive institutional image includes: public relations, research, corporate advertising, investor relations, mergers, change of company name, selection of new agencies, as well as strategies to face the news disaster. To establish the starting point image situation –immediate public image- that any organization has, it is necessary to carry out the relevant image audits.

The institutional image is by no means exhausted in the advertising, propaganda or promotional effort of any organization. An image based on advertising, promotion and propaganda is extremely volatile. (Peralta, 2004)

Professional Image

In the personal professional image, we must take into consideration the protocols involved in the development of professional activities that define the normality of the behavior to be observed in a certain union or sector. Said protocols have to do with the forms, times, places, practices and rites that have been sanctioned as culturally normal in the professional activity of those who make up a union or profession.

The professional image also includes executive skills, since these to a large extent synthesize the possibilities of developing the professional image of those who make up a union or profession.

The behavior in a waiting room, the way of greeting and introducing oneself, the handling of meetings, are examples of protocols that distinguish the professional image of a union or occupation. Likewise, these protocols must be used and reviewed in crisis management, which questions the identity and values ​​of people.

In the professional image of an organization, the sense of professional reputation definitely exceeds the possibilities of propaganda, publicity and promotion. (Peralta, 2004)

Visual image.

The visual image can be defined as the representation that target groups have established of a person or character, based on visual information and the relevance of the verbal and non-verbal communicative stimuli that the person produces or that are attributed to the character.

To evaluate, establish or develop the visual image of a person or character, it is necessary to take into consideration photographs, images, shapes, colors, features or cultural indicators of non-verbal communication. Among the possible forms of communication that we must attend to, the following stand out:

Environmental image

The environmental image is the perception produced, consciously or unconsciously, by the basic scenarios of our communicative actors. We understand the communicative scenario as the set of stimuli that establish the communicability of the functional space.

Environments provide a great deal of information about people and institutions. Just watch carefully. However, unfortunately we pay very little attention to the communicability of the environments in which we carry out our daily activities. (Peralta, 2004)

Important factors that the environmental image considers.

  • Colors, lighting, music, aromas.

The environment is a series of stimuli that will impact the senses of the audience by being present in a space

Physical Image

The physical image is the perception that results from the appearance and body language -if it is a person or character-, and the institutional language -if it is an organization-. In the physical image we must deal with physical appearance, clothing, accessories and body language. It may seem vain to give so much importance to the physical image, however, it acquires great importance when we try to establish a precise communicative stimulus with our target audiences. The Physical Image uses anthropometry, anthropomorphology, carametry, caramorphology and implementation of styles. (Peralta, 2004)

Verbal image

The verbal image includes the perception that a person or institution produces to its target groups, from the word. (Peralta, 2004)

Requirements for good verbal communication.

  • Order Conviction.

Principles of public image.

According to (Gordoa, 2007) these are the principles of public image:

  • All people project an image even if we are not aware of it because when interacting with other people they will always create a concept of who we are and that will depend on the effect we cause on them. The decisions we make are mostly based on visual perception that we have of something, which indicates that sight greatly influences our opinion of a person or a specific event.Our brain forms a criterion or judgment of something instantly just by observing it for a few seconds, which indicates that it is very fast to capture an image and process it. The brain responds to stimuli in a very short time, just by looking at an image for a matter of seconds our brain response is instantaneous and our criteria or value judgment is formed.Most of the decisions we make are based on the emotional perception we have of an event or a person. The image we have of something or someone is not static, it evolves as we receive more information that allows us to make more judgments. It is necessary that the public image that is projected is in accordance with the essence of the person or the company, because if not, credibility will be lost and it will be damaged in a way.The image is created based on three elements: the essence of the person, the objective to be achieved and the requirements of the people who are involved.To create an image a methodological procedure must be used which must be respected.The effectiveness of an image will be directly related to the congruence of the elements and stimuli involved,as well as the availability of those present.It is very important that the image is taken care of, for which it is necessary that a good planning and control be done so that it is easier to maintain the positive perception of the company. good image very well managed exerts a good influence on the viewers. The more positive the image, the greater the influence. The corporate image is affected by the work of the managers. The corporate image affects the people who are part of it.The more positive the image, the greater the influence. The corporate image is affected by the work of the managers. The corporate image affects the people who are part of it.The more positive the image, the greater the influence. The corporate image is affected by the work of the managers. The corporate image affects the people who are part of it.

The 13 axioms of the public image.

(Gordoa, 2007) He tells us that there are 13 axioms or rules regarding the public image, these rules speak about all the techniques that are currently used to measure and audit a public image.

These axioms are:

  1. It is inevitable to have an image. If it can be perceived, then it will have an image. Most decisions are made by the eyes. Most of our decision making is based on what we see. “From sight, love is born.” The brain process that decodes stimuli takes a few seconds. In a single glance and quickly we obtain information that will determine our final decision regarding the perceived one. The mind decides based mainly on feelings. If we feel, we take it for granted and act accordingly. The image is dynamic. The image must evolve as the essence of the stimulus emitter evolves and the needs of the receiver evolve. The creation of an image must respect the essence of the The essence is the support of the image, it is the background that will support the form.

Violating the essence will only cause a lack of conviction such that communication cannot take place.

  1. The image is always relative. Every image must be created based on three factors: the essence, the objective to be achieved and the needs of the audience. The process of creating an image is rational so it will need a methodology. It is the product of a scientific process that will be repeated in the same way in all cases. The effectiveness of an image will be directly related to the coherence of the stimuli that cause it. It is based on the need of the mind to rig to understand; otherwise, the answer is rejection. It will always take longer and it will be more difficult to reconstruct an image than to produce it well from the beginning. It is advisable to become aware of the stimulus planning before starting any project.The better the image, the greater the power of The Axiom is based on the ability of the perception to produce a behavioral response. The image of ownership permeates the institution. The image of the man who represents an institution will be the image of the institution. The image of the institution permeates all its members. The reputation of an institution will influence that of its members to such a degree that it will replace the individual republic in the first instance.

Image equation.

The equation of the image is a formula which includes several terms, (Gordoa Á., 2008) tells us the following:

The image is translated into an opinion, which will grant a perceived value, that is, it will give it an identity, becoming what it is believed to be and not what it truly is.

If the same stimuli are sustained to the same receiver for some time, then the opinion about the sender will take hold in such a way that it will shape the reputation. (Gordoa Á., 2008)

So we can say that an image becomes public when many people perceive the same thing, that is, if many share the perception then they will have the same opinion about something. This image will produce a value judgment in whoever conceives it.


Imaging is today a very important tool in all aspects, it has even gone from being a technique or tool to becoming a study science with which we seek to obtain acceptance in different aspects, both organizations seek to have a acceptable, good corporate image that creates prestige in them, since it is known that by obtaining that image they will also be able to obtain a certain fame which you will to some extent maintain or attract customers with only the name of the brand since the image that is had of them will be good and it will not matter for many if the way of working remains the same or continues to use the same quality.

In the same way, every natural person can have their own image, it is enough to be perceived by others to have it, however the use we give it depends on each one, at the same time we must be aware that imaging like most of the arts or sciences were made to develop a "good", however, as everything is manipulable, there is a way to use this science to create discredit and bad acceptance either towards a person or institution or organization, so as heavy people we must take into account that all we see is as it seems,We must keep ourselves informed and enlightened to be able to form our own criteria and avoid believing many defamations that may be presented since even when we believe in them, the only thing we demonstrate is our ignorance and our lack of interest in being self-taught in search of information.

Thesis proposal.

Development of a corporate image in the company Cafinco de Córdoba Veracruz.

Overall objective.

Develop a corporate image in the Cafinco company, which has an effective impact on the development of new products as well as the attraction of customers and allows the company to position itself as one of the most important in the coffee industry in Mexico.


I thank my mother who is the strength to continue every day and who has made me get to where I am, my teachers who have given me their time and knowledge to continue my studies, Doctor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández since He has given us all his experience and knowledge in this matter of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, as well as CONACYT since it gives us its support to motivate us to move forward in our adventure for mastery.


Avalos, DO (October 14, 2016). https://www.gestiopolis.com. Retrieved on April 2, 2018, from https://www.gestiopolis.com:

Gardey, JP (2014). https://definicion.de. Retrieved April 2, 2018, from https://definicion.de:

Gonzalez, T. (January 2, 2014). https://tonagonzalezc.wordpress.com. Retrieved on April 2, 2018, from https://tonagonzalezc.wordpress.com:

Gordoa, Á. (2008). Cool picture. Mexico: Random House.

Gordoa, V. (2007). The power of the public image. Mexico: Random House Mandadori.

Peralta, C. (2004). http://www.razonypalabra.org.mx. Retrieved on April 2, 2018, from http://www.razonypalabra.org.mx:

wikipedia.org. (2018). https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagolog%C3%ADa. Retrieved April 2, 2018, from https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagolog%C3%ADa:

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Imagology and principles of public image