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Imagology and its importance in society

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Today's society and the different changes that we are witnessing, make organizations face great challenges that are becoming bigger and bigger, however this represents the opportunity to create a competitive advantage and also with the intention of identifying opportunity areas.

In 1958, Reneé Wellek criticized the previous definition, since he considered imaging as a way of doing national psychology, which is put at the service of patriotism and nationalism of French origin or stamp.

The public image can be defined as the shared perception that makes other people have a unified collective response, the public image is considered for a natural person referring to their personal image or also for a legal person

Currently, entrepreneurs and organizations are using the power of the public image to provide added value to the company they represent, and in Mexico it is already taught at the bachelor, diploma and master level, this is possible thanks to the astuteness of the founder and pioneer of the Víctor Gordoa College of Public Image Consultants.

Imagology and its importance in today's society


Today's society and the different changes that we are witnessing, make organizations face great challenges that are becoming bigger and bigger, however this represents the opportunity to create a competitive advantage and also with the intention of identifying opportunity areas.

Prominent businessmen always seek to analyze the different aspects that help them achieve success and consolidate themselves in the market and in some occasions The most popular definition of imagology is the one proposed by Jean Marrie Carre in 1951, as the reciprocal interpretation of the towns, travel and mirages. In the way a person sees and judges each other.

In 1958, Reneé Wellek criticized the previous definition, since I consider imagology as a way of doing national psychology, which is put at the service of patriotism and nationalism of French origin or stamp.

From this to Bajitin's contributions to literary and cultural studies, the imagology was promoted through a definition, “the literary image must be studied within the framework of the literary and social imaginary with regard to the representation of the other. The representation of the other can be evidenced through the study of the image, which is understood as the awareness of one self with respect to another, the image is the expression of a significant separation between two orders of cultural reality ”. (DHPalageaux, 1994)

Imaging can also be understood as: “The study of images, prejudices, clichés, stereotypes and, in general, opinions about other peoples and cultures that literature transmits, from the conviction that these importance exceeds the mere literary data or the study of the ideas and artistic imagination of an author; Therefore, the current objective of imaging would be to reveal the ideological and political value that certain aspects of a literary work may have as they condense the ideas that the author shares with his social and cultural environment, at the same time that they question his own identity cultural, in a dialogic relationship in which identity and alterity are presupposed as something more than a theme. " (Marti, 2005).

The public image

The public image can be defined as the shared perception that makes other people have a unified collective response, the public image is considered for a natural person referring to their personal image or also for a moral person (institutional image) each of these subordinate.

  • The physical image The professional image The verbal image The visual image The audiovisual image The environmental image

Some of the sciences that help imaging are:

  • PsychologyCommunicationBiological AnthropologyDesign

These disciplines help to study and control different stimuli that a person or institution emits and they shape subordinate images before their public object.

Currently, businessmen and organizations are using the power of public image to provide added value to the company they represent, and in Mexico it is already taught at the bachelor, diploma and master level, this is possible thanks to the astuteness of the founder and pioneer of the Víctor Gordoa College of Public Image Consultants. This has managed to make Mexico the pioneer country in imaging as a professional activity worldwide.

The applications of the

People who are experts in imaging are commonly called imagologists and they tend to perform different tasks of consulting, training and coaching for companies or individually, this work is mainly focused on companies and characters from an artistic and political environment, since a clear and well-defined message to the different market segments where attention is vital.

In this way, the imagologists transmit to their clients knowledge about some form of dress and grooming, body language, protocol, verbal expression, marketing and public relations.

An organization just to exist, projects through its various facilities, people, buildings, vehicles, offices, etc.

At the same time, the elements described above can become an image that, if used properly, can increase the company's profits.

The picture

The image is the set of beliefs and associations possessed by the public that receive direct or indirect communications from people, products or services, brands, companies or institutions.

However, in the opinion of Víctor Gordoa, the image is an entire process of perception and can produce a value judgment in who or those who perceive it and has as a result driving the individual to a degree of acceptance or rejection with respect to the generator of the image..

In his work the power of the image Gordoa establishes a series of aspects linked to the image.

  • The image will produce a value judgment in the person who conceives it, and for this reason his opinion will become a reality. The value judgment is the spring that impels the consequent individual action: accept or reject what is perceived. When the individual mental image is shared by the public becomes a collective image, and in this way the public image originates. (Sadoc, 2012)


Imaging is a new way of creating competitive value and maintaining good relationships and corporate image with clients and with society in general, through which certain benefits can be obtained and represents endless possibilities of being a more recognized company and achieving the success.

Bibliographic references

DHPalageaux. (1994). «From cultural imagery to imaginary».

Marti, A. (2005). Comparative literature. Barcelona: Ariel.

Sadoc, R. (April 13, 2012). slideshare. Obtained from slideshare:


Imagology and its importance in society