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Environmental impact of production activities from the perspective of axiology in the state of chiapas, mexico


The present work tries to show the reader what are the environmental impacts that the State of Chiapas has been suffering at the hands of the human being. You will also see that the human being is the only being on the entire planet who has the ability to reason about his actions, yet he has been the most destructive. Our actions on the planet must be valued from the point of view of axiology, from the values, in order to properly reflect on the damage we have caused to our home: the Earth.


Chiapas is a state located in the southeast of Mexico. It is a state that, because it does not have many industries, compared to the north of the country, has not reached the level of pollution of those cities. However, the effects of climate change are already being felt. We have observed that it rains with much more precipitation than in other years, temperatures seem to be higher and higher, diseases are much more frequent every day. In short, our quality of life is deteriorating every day.

The biggest problem that resides in our state and that is the cause of the great problem of pollution, such as the one that occurred in the Sumidero Canyon, is our culture. Indeed, we have not developed habits that help to take care of our environment, and this starts from our home.

However, a change in attitude can help us improve this situation. We may not be able to reverse the effects of climate change, but we can slow down this process. And this requires the commitment of every human being.

1.- Generalities of the state of Chiapas

The State of Chiapas is located in the southeast of Mexico; it borders to the north with Tabasco; to the east with the Republic of Guatemala; to the south with the Republic of Guatemala and the Pacific Ocean; to the west with the Pacific Ocean, Oaxaca and Veracruz-Llave.

It has a land area of ​​74,415 km2 and is the eighth largest state in the Mexican Republic.

It is made up of 118 municipalities, which are distributed in nine regions: Centro, Altos, Fronteriza, Frailesca, Norte, Selva, Sierra, Soconusco and Istmo-Costa.

The state capital is the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez.

The name of Chiapas comes from the word Chiapan or Tepechiapan, the way in which the ancient indigenous population of “the Chiapas” was designated, and whose meaning is “Cerro de la Chía” or “Water under the Hill”. The conquerors, when founding two cities in the region, Chiapa de los Indios and Chiapa de los Españoles, adopted for both the name of Province of Chiapas.

2.- Main economic activities of the state

According to data provided by the state government, Chiapas is characterized by being a state of primary activities, such as: agriculture, livestock, fishing; and due to its wide variety of forests and jungles, forestry activities are also carried out, continuing the mining industry.

The products obtained from agriculture are: ataulf mango, cotton, papaya maradol, coffee, banana, cocoa, soybeans, sesame, corn, rice, beans, peanuts, cane sugar, green pastures and meadows.

In the cattle ranch they work in bovine, pig and poultry production.

In fishing, the catch of shark, berrugata, tuna, shrimp, mullet, mojarra, crab, sierra, catfish and bass stands out.

Regarding the forestry activity, we mainly find the exploitation of coniferous trees and common tropical species; standing out cedar, mahogany, pine and oak.

In the mining industry, the most heavily extracted products are amber, sulfur, and limestone.

The largest industrial companies in the state are the Federal Electricity Commission and Petróleos Mexicanos. CFE controls the four hydroelectric dams in the state; which are: Malpaso (Netzahualcóyotl Dam), La Angostura (Dr. Belisario Domínguez), Chicoasen (Ing. Manuel Moreno Torres) and Peñitas. PEMEX is located in the municipalities of Reforma, Pichucalco, Juárez and Ostuacán.

In the secondary sector we find some companies such as: automotive parts assemblers, refreshment plants, fruit packers, coffee and cocoa processors, producers of lime, brick and other construction materials; sugar mills, wood and metal furniture, dairy processors, production of sausages and livestock feed, textile maquiladoras, printing and publishing companies; as well as those dedicated to the elaboration of handicrafts, such as: pottery, amber jewelery, ceramics, lapidary and pottery, among others.

In recent years, a lot of importance has been given to tourist activities, which is why commerce, restaurants and hotels have had greater growth. Chiapas has beautiful tourist places, such as the Sumidero Canyon, colonial cities such as San Cristóbal de las Casas, ancestral heritages of the Mayan culture in the municipalities of Palenque, Bonampak and others.

According to INEGI, economic activities due to their importance (in that order) in terms of the percentage of contribution to the state's GDP, are classified as follows:

• Community, social and personal services.

• Financial services, insurance, real estate and rental activities.

• Commerce, restaurants and hotels.

• Building.

• Electricity, water and gas.

• Agriculture, forestry and fishing.

• Transportation, storage and communications.

• Manufacturing industry.

• Mining

In this list we can see that in the State, especially its capital Tuxtla Gutiérrez, it obtains higher economic income through services than from industrial activities.

3.- Problems with the environment

Currently we have appreciated in our state, especially the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, that the air is polluted, this is confirmed by the Ministry of the Environment, Housing and Natural History (SEMAHN); which is the body in charge of carrying out daily air quality studies. In his study carried out on April 17 and 18 of the current year, he reported that the air quality was regular, that is, he reported that the air had a concentration of 100 and 82 points respectively, due to particles smaller than 10 micrometers (PM10). This situation was also experienced during 2010, according to what the same agency indicates on its Internet page.

Likewise, SEMAHN indicates that some of the factors that generate this undesirable air quality are: gas emissions from vehicles, industrial activities and services; Also favoring this situation is the bad practice of slashing, burning and grave, which causes forest fires.

According to the National Forest Information System, corresponding to the National Forest Commission (CONAFOR), it establishes the following statistics regarding the number of fires that occurred in the State:

* Which corresponds from January 1 to April.

Rapid population growth has also contributed to air pollution, as housing needs have forced us to consume the state's biodiversity, building more and more towards our hills.

The construction industry contributes to air pollution by the dust particles it generates.

On the other hand, the trees that have been cut down to create these new living spaces represent the oxygen that they stopped producing. With the consequence that our trees, those that still remain, cannot clean the air at the same speed with which we dirty it. As a data, a single tree removes a ton of CO2 throughout its life.

Two or three years ago, the contamination suffered by our enigmatic Sumidero Canyon was seen in the national and international news, “it is a garbage dump” they said. You could see countless plastics, branches and logs, agrochemical containers, shoes, etc., in large quantities. The causes that generated this terrible pollution are: human settlements, the large amounts of garbage that the inhabitants throw away irresponsibly, the deforestation that is generated by the felling of trees, others.

Also to this problem is the contamination caused by the lime industries that are located on the banks of the Grijalva River. According to the residents of the region, they comment that they constantly observe clouds of dust and solid waste that are sources of contamination of the River.

Regarding the problem of forests and jungles, the areas in the state that suffer the most deforestation are the coastal plain and the highlands of Chiapas, the causes of this are some of the situations raised above, adding to this that more and more land is required for agriculture, construction and overexploitation of the timber industry.

Currently the government of the state of Chiapas has been implementing some policies and programs to protect the environment based on Sustainable Development, some of which are:

The reconversion, which consists of reusing the lands that have been cleared imbue them tropical fruits (such as chicle, soursop, mango, lemon Persian, litchi, rambutan, mamey and mangosteen) and agro-industrial crops (such as cocoa, rubber, oil palm, and pine nuts).

Within the care of the environment, it has opted to replace the typical transport by those that are not polluting, that is, that use biodiesel; The same that has been being produced in the state using pine nut and oil palm crops. This biodiesel is currently being used in public transportation in Tuxtla Gutiérrez and Tapachula. Recently, bioturbosine was also generated, which has already been tested on airplanes in association with the Interjet Aviation company.

On the other hand, support has been provided to the indigenous communities of the Lacandon jungle, so that they themselves take care that this lung of our state no longer continues to be destroyed.

4.- Axiology

The word axiology comes from the Greek "axio" which means "value or valuable", and "logos" which is study or treatise. Then given its meaning, axiology studies values, be they good or bad.

According to various authors, axiology is practically a recent thought; because it began to develop in the twentieth century and has had a greater boom in the twenty-first century. But this should not confuse us, because values ​​have always existed, since man has been able to reason, to think, to act. And that has been shown by the ancient philosophers, such as Aristotle, Plato, Socrates; since they carried out various analyzes about man's behavior.

Many times we have witnessed actions that human beings have carried out, either at a personal or organizational level or politically, and we have said "that should not be done" or "that is wrong", that is when we turn to values. These make the difference between the real and the ideal. The real is that which is truly realized - whether it be made good or bad. The ideal is what should be done - always seeking the common good.

You are living in a world where the most important thing has been "having" and not "being", no matter what this entailed. This is what many have called a "crisis of values"; in the human being himself, within families, in organizations; so the study of values, Axiology, could not be developed at a better time. This reminds me that the author Jorge Yarce mentions is very accurate:

“It is not technology, nor scientific or economic advances that account for authentic human progress. The human being is the key to the whole process. The values ​​imply that what must be changed for the family and the institutions to change is the way of being and acting of the people, which is only achieved with a continuous process of training that never ends. It is not a short term goal. Seen as a whole, it is a long-term objective that encompasses very diverse and successive actions so that the values ​​take root and allow them to find their happiness and, therefore, help others to be happy ”.

Axiology studies values ​​from two points of view, the objective and the subjective. From the objective point of view, because the values ​​can be defined, and the human being will decide whether or not to apply it to his life. From the subjective point of view, because the conception of values ​​will depend on the experiences and experiences, and the time each person is in. This will be better understood by mentioning a phrase from the book by María Guadalupe Ramos:

“Thus, health as a value will not be considered the same by a healthy person as a sick person. The sick person will feel the reality of the value of health more than the healthy person. In the patient, the health value increases and reaches unexpected extremes. Peace cannot be assumed as equal value in a normal situation as when a war is taking place ”.

4.1.- Main exponents

Some of the main exponents of this thought are:

Wilhelm Windelband (1848 - 1915). He says that one of the functions of philosophy is to seek principles that guarantee the solidity of knowledge, which for him are none other than values. Windelband mentions that the values ​​are approved or disapproved. These are qualified based on evaluative judgments such as: "this thing is true", "this thing is good" or "this thing is beautiful".

Max Scheler (1875-1928). Mention that man is the only living being that can be a carrier of values. It is important to take into account that the value will not exist, but it is in relation to the man who values. Scheler speaks of an "axiological ethic" and establishes by means of this a hierarchy of values. He also mentions that values, because they are essences, must be analyzed based on sentimental or emotional intuition.

Dr. Robert S. Hartman (1910-1973). Main founder of Formal Axiology. His basic axiom was: "a thing is good when it adjusts to the meaning of its concept." He developed a test called: "Hartman Values ​​Profile", which is widely used in countries such as Mexico, the United States, others; where the character of an individual is measured.

4.2.- The conception of value

Really a definition of value could not be given, since it depends on the moment in which it is historically, on the spirit of the human being or on other factors; Likewise, value can be defined from different points of view, such as religious, humanistic, social, etc. From my point of view, values ​​are ideal attitudes that a human being should have or have, qualities that govern their way of acting or thinking.

They are based on the desires, needs and interests that the human being requires at a certain time.

Some characteristics that values ​​can have are:

• They are qualities of being.

• They are in the ideal order.

• Man constitutes the world of value. A fact, a thing, without someone who gives values, it is not value.

• Courage is not a thing, even when it helps to distinguish things and make them valid.

• Values ​​are what inspire judgments in a given situation.

• Choosing a value is not just a rational or logical act. Intuition and affectivity have a great influence on that option.

• Values ​​are abstract perspectives, intuitions, visions, and not simple reasoning.

• There is an absolute value in being. This value is the one that gives meaning or relates all the others.

• Values ​​are relative to time, place, and customs.

• It is not the being that establishes the values, it is the experiences that make the being, the experience.

• There is never a crisis of values, but of valuation. Values ​​always remain.

• Values ​​are historical, since people exist at a given time.

Nina Bravo Donoso, mentions in her book a series of values, which classifies them within human values:

Prudence (sets this value as the mother of all values). Strength. Patience. Perseverance. Comprehension or empathy. Respect. Optimism. Flexibility. Obedience. Sincerity. Loyalty. Generosity. Friendship. Simplicity. Audacity. Order. Modesty. Industriousness Fraternity. Justice. Patriotism. Temperance. Hope. Responsibility. Love.

To these we could add Punctuality, honesty, tolerance, freedom, solidarity, justice, peace.

5.- Axiology and its relationship with the environment

The environment is everything that surrounds us, the soil, the air, the water, the other living beings; everything we can feel, see, smell. It is extremely necessary that this environment be good, that it is in optimal conditions.

Unfortunately, everything that affects the environment is caused by human beings, whether they are companies, large organizations, public institutions, etc., everything is shaped by man, by human being. In the chapter

4, axiology was widely spoken about, but basically it was done from the human being itself. In this part we will return to this branch of philosophy but in its action towards the environment.

Values ​​are basic or essential ideals that human beings must have in order to coexist within society. Likewise, organizations and industries must have values ​​that allow their actions before society to be towards a common good.

Seen axiologically, human beings have been applying anti-values ​​towards the environment, some of which are:

- Negligence; of our authorities and of the big businessmen, by taking an attitude of everything they can do and I do what I want.

- insensitivity; since when we throw garbage on the street we do so without being aware of the damage it will cause.

- Contempt; towards our forests and jungles, when we carry out a construction we remove the orange tree because it hinders us.

- Selfishness; because we seek our economic benefits, we enrich ourselves at whatever cost, without stopping along the way to see the damage we are causing.

- The mess; because by destroying the environment we alter the life cycle of the trees and the animals that lived there, and we force them to look for new homes where they completely change their eating habits.

- Laziness; because I prefer to throw the garbage where I go, than to look for a container to recycle it. It also applies because we do not properly separate garbage and we do not recycle or reuse objects.

If we want to maintain a world, where human beings can continue to coexist with the environment, with nature, then we must start by changing our way of thinking and acting. Our actions must be based on values ​​that allow us to maintain the common good towards our society and our environment.

Some of the ones we can apply are:

- Prudence; that will allow me to act with sanity and value the effects that my actions will bring to the environment.

- Strength; that will allow me to maintain my ideals above all others, even if my actions are frowned upon. It will also allow me to achieve changes in the people who will be affected by the things that I do for nature.

- The perseverance; with which I will succeed over and over again to convince those around me; in my family, in my work, in my community; of the consequences that their actions will bring if they do not contribute to improving the quality of the environment.

- Empathy; since it will be necessary to feel what a tree feels when it is cut down, an animal when it dies due to its change in habits, in order to understand the damage we cause them.

- Respect; with which we have to understand that nature is our greatest provider of life, since it gives us water, oxygen, food.

- Friendship; consider that nature is our best friend, better than the human being himself, because a tree can provide us with things that human beings cannot, such as clean and pure oxygen.

- The simplicity; by learning how to reuse, reject or recycle the garbage that we dispose of daily.

- Justice; looking at the authorities for reforms that allow us to have environmental policies that are really applied to those who harm nature.

- Faith; in which organizations and authorities seek the common good with society and the environment, so that together we work to keep our forests and jungles, our water and our air safe.

- The responsability; in that all our actions will benefit the environment.

- Love; just as we profess love for our partner, our children, our parents, we must also profess love for our environment.


If each of us, in our work, in our home; We practice each of these values ​​on a daily basis, we will gradually be able to reverse the damage that has been caused to the environment.

The actions that the government has taken are good, but they are not enough, it is necessary to generate more actions. For example, when the Sumidero Canyon was highly polluted in the rainy season, many public and private organizations, civil associations and the general public collaborated in a campaign to clean the River, the goal was achieved; but it is useless if year after year one falls back into the same thing. There may be many cleanings, but this does not solve the underlying problem.

What is needed is for society in general to no longer pollute, to become aware of its actions. Applying the aforementioned values ​​we can begin to be generators of changes.

We are not only going to apply these values ​​from ourselves, since to generate greater effects, it is necessary that companies be the generators of changes. A company that cares for the environment, that respects it, becomes outstanding in its business environment and also among its customers.

Documentary material, bibliography and web pages

Encyclopedia of the Municipalities of Mexico: State of Chiapas; 2005. National Institute for Federalism and Municipal Development, Government of the State of Chiapas.

Courage to live the values: How to train children with a high ethical sense; Jorge Yarce; Grupo Editorial Norma; 2004.

Program to educate with values. The education that will transform the country; Maria Guadalupe Ramos; Paulinas Editorial, 2nd Edition (revised and enlarged); 2007

Martínez Gómez, JA; Around axiology and values, in Contributions to the Social Sciences, March 2010; José Martí Pérez University of Sancti Spiritus, Cuba.

Human Values: on the path of a daily life; Nina Bravo Donoso; 5th Edition; Santiago RIL impressions; 2001; Chile.

Carmen Alicia León; Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Ministry of People's Power of Defense, National Polytechnic Experimental University of the Armed Forces; Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies; Núcelo Táchira; San Cristobal; 2008.

Cuarto Poder Newspaper (broadcast on October 18, 2010). Journalist Oscar Gutiérrez.

Biosphere 10 Program: Contamination of the Sumidero Canyon. Carlos Jimenez. TV 10 Chiapas. Government of the State of Chiapas.



www.cuarto-poder.com.mx/ % 5CPagPrincipal_Noticia.aspx? IdNoticia = 211143 & idNoticiaSeccion = 4 & idNoticiaSubseccion = 16




www.conocechiapas.com.mx/spa/ infochiapas.html


www.semavihn.chiapas.gob.mx/portal/index.php/calidad_aire/conclusion /snif_portal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=44&Itemid=54



Environmental impact of production activities from the perspective of axiology in the state of chiapas, mexico