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Impact of organizational communication

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Currently it is very important to know what communication is, not only in society but also in organizations. As we well know, in an organization there are many disciplines that are interrelated in one way or another, which is why organizational communication is studied from different perspectives.

This article will analyze the types of communication that can occur within an organization and, in the same way, the way in which they can benefit the objectives of the organization are met.

Organizational communication

This type of communication is the one that occurs in institutions and that in some way forms part of their culture, since communication between the different hierarchical levels of the organization, whether they are managers, workers and even managers, must be fluid.

However, what happens when organizations do not have correct communication? One of the errors that occur very frequently in organizations is that between the departments themselves there is not the habit of sharing information, since they mistakenly have the idea that information gives some power, keeping in mind that saving is information. it will be in a privileged position, but quite the contrary, everything denotes great insecurity. (Castro, 2014)

A very characteristic phenomenon is that in organizations there is a very strong desire for employees to really know what is happening in the organization, so when they have greater knowledge of their organization this helps them reduce anxiety and this in turn makes waste less time as a result of misinformation.

That is why organizations today must focus on providing spaces for their workers to know what is happening in the organization Besides that this could avoid serious consequences.

Types of communication in an organization

It is worth mentioning that it is very important to distinguish two types of communication in organizations, one is formal communication and the other is informal communication.

Formal communication

This type of communication is one that the company already establishes from the beginning, where the function of the organization and its goals is already defined and therefore is subject to rules. Organizations can use different tools or means to communicate between different departments, among the busiest we can find electronic, written correspondence, memoranda, etc.

It is very important that in this type of communication it carries a certain directionality, since this indicates the importance of the message. This can be descending, ascending, horizontal or diagonal.

Downward communication is that which occurs from the highest levels of the organization to the lowest levels. Usually the type of information they handle are procedures, regulations, etc.

Upward communication is that which occurs from the lowest levels to the highest levels. This type of communication is very important for organizations as it allows them to see a different perspective regarding the work environment. Among the most used means are suggestion boxes.

Horizontal communication is that which occurs between all levels of the same hierarchical level. This type of communication is necessary in an organization so that there can be an adequate coordination between the different departments of the company, since in this way double jobs are avoided.

Diagonal communication is one that occurs between the different departments that are related to each other and that are not necessarily within the same hierarchical level. In the same way, other types of Communications can be handled within the formal one such as visual, gestural, oral and written communication.

Visual comunication

It is the first type of communication we are going to establish, from how we are physically, the way we walk, our way of dressing, our movements, etc. This type of communication reflects all kinds of information around us. That is why it is important to handle this type of language in order to reflect audience security and a good attitude.

Gestural communication

It is very important to know what is indicated by the posture and gestures of the people with whom we are speaking in order to be able to get an idea to see what is going through their mind.

Oral communication

This type of communication gives us certain additional information that written information does not give us, this can be obtained thanks to the tones of voice, type of vocabulary, speed of speaking, etc.

Written communication

This type of communication allows you to leave a trace of what is really happening, in addition to being necessary to establish certain criteria. Very commonly the most commonly used means in this type of communication is email, however instant messaging has become very fashionable among the different departments of organizations, which although in a certain way they become frowned upon, they are necessary since provide information in real time, thus speeding up communication.

Informal communication

This type of communication occurs spontaneously since hierarchical levels do not matter here, any social relationship between the different members of the organization, whether there is some kind of friendship relationship or not. Informal communication can help or hurt the organization, depending on how it is run.

In a positive way, it can be seen reflected in an adequate cohesion of the work group, in addition to providing feedback based on the work.

In a negative way, it can be reflected by gossip or rumors that only hinder productivity. These types of rumors are characterized by the fact that they cannot be controlled by the management of the company, they only serve the people who spread them, and sadly most of the employees came to believe more in the rumors than in the official information.

Assertive communication

For any type of communication it is important to highlight two aspects; self-esteem and assertiveness. Self-esteem is that set of feelings, behaviors and perceptions that each individual has. Assertiveness is the recognition that is given to another person. Once knowing these two important aspects we can come to the conclusion that assertive communication is one that is given in an honest way, which likewise respects the position of others and its own. (Hidalgo, 2005)

Communicative behaviors in the company.

According to Robbins (2010), companies present the following behaviors:

Direct coercive behavior

It is posed as that of a person considered aggressive, an individual who:

  • Has very strong opinions and ideas. Is not afraid to express them, even at the expense of others. Often communicates in an authoritarian, sarcastic, and even disrespectful manner. His body language and tone of voice are aggressive, intimidating, loud. In negotiations seeks win-lose deals and focuses on their positions.

Indirect coercive behavior

For his part, the individual with this behavior, that is, that passive / aggressive person:

  • Avoid conflict Always have something to say but say it in an inappropriate way Rarely speak directly Discuss issues with those not directly related Keeps anger and frustration that is not expressed.

Indirect non-coercive behavior

Meanwhile, there are people with indirect non-coercive behavior, that is, passive, and their characteristics are:

  • They rarely get involved Rarely complain, prefer to avoid conflict Often show submissive nonverbal communication traits: Excessively soft tone of voice Hesitation when speaking Lack of eye contact Appear happy but, when pressured, express hidden emotions in ways unexpected.

Direct non-coercive behavior

Last, but far from being the least important, there are people with direct non-coercive behavior, that is, assertive people:

  • They show their faces They start from the positive assumption that problems can be solved Express their needs and concerns appropriately They respect the rights and personal space of others They use open body language They maintain eye contact with other people They are not afraid ask: why? They know what they want and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant. They tend to be sincere and respectful. In negotiations they seek win-win agreements. They focus on the interests of both parties.

Important aspects for good organizational communication

Every organization needs to have certain guidelines focused on making communication between the different departments work. That is why the people in charge of human resources make sure that each of the workers, regardless of the hierarchical level in which they are, know what the mission, vision, objectives and culture of the organization are. (Llacuna, 2010)

Annual performance evaluation

Everyone who is part of an organization that is evaluated at least sometimes a year, regardless of hierarchical level, must all take this evaluation. What is going to be scored in this evaluation are the fulfillment of the tasks according to the job description, fulfillment of objectives and goals, attitude, etc.

Weekly reports

When it comes to a very large organization, it is highly recommended that the heads of each of the different departments monitor the performance of the organization. For this, it is necessary that weekly reports are delivered detailing the tasks performed throughout the week. This type of report must carry the date of preparation, the name of the person who prepared it and the name of the person to whom it is addressed. It is necessary for companies to anticipate with templates or specialized software regarding weekly reports in order to avoid delays due to loss of time in their preparation.

Monthly meetings with employees

It is important to handle these types of meetings to be able to keep workers up to date on the conditions of the organization, mention objectives achieved, highlight the employees of the month, etc.

  • They give a sense of belonging Give employees true information Motivate Avoid rumors
  • They should not be long They can create rebellion Have wide spaces

Have work team present

It is always important in an organization to have a good work team, since they are the ones who are in charge of reaching the established goal. It is very important to always have weekly or biweekly meetings where proposals regarding problems that arise in organizations are seen.

One-on-one meetings

For any worker, being able to communicate with their boss is always motivating. When the boss shows oblivion to the company, the worker gradually moves away from it as there is no commitment from his authority figure. So a good boss must find the time necessary to be able to talk to his workers in addition to fulfilling his tasks. Since this type of communication allows the boss to know first source what each of his collaborators thinks, in addition to knowing them in a more personal way.


As we have seen, it is extremely important that organizations begin to generate the habit of organizational communication, either at different hierarchical levels or the way it is carried out, since this will bring them many economic and social benefits.

Without a doubt, the success of a company is based on proper communication


  • Castro, (2014), Organizational Communication, Colombia, Universidad del Norte, Hidalgo, R. (2005). Effective communication. Chicago: Chicago State University Llacuna Morera, J. & Pujol Franco, L. (2010). NTP: 685: Communication in Organizations Robbins, SP & Judge, TA (2010). Organizational behavior. 14 ed.

Mexico: Pearson Education.

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Impact of organizational communication