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Impact of ecology on organizations


"Because cover the ground with skins so as not to hurt yourself when walking, if with a small part of it you can make footwear." The use made of natural resources depends on the imagination.

By simple rule of effort, nobody does anything if it does not bring them a benefit, in this way, there is little population that thinks about evaluating the polutive inheritance that they will leave with their activity.


For Darwinism, the paradigm that drove species to this moment of evolution is the sum of successes after adaptive successes. Nature has given an extraordinary species, which is the sum of the greatest individual successes, but at this moment, individuality has reached its limit, because it is not enough to define a possible long-term horizon.

The planet is overheating, the industrial age is doing it, what is this but the consequence of our "successful" organization? We give economic value to human efforts and material goods, in fact the entire material world and people's working time are likely to have or generate economic value. Courage, human economic organization is burning the biosphere, to meet what kind of needs?

Who can predict the ecological outcome if all the world's oil is consumed? The depredation of resources continues, and the most encouraging thing to envision possibilities of survival in the future, is that the boiling of humans is slowing its growth, and perhaps at some point, it is established in a population of generational replacement; that in the best of the cases, he will have apprehended to coexist with nature.

Productivity is also efficiency, especially in human effort, but that it is economically productive for a human does not mean that it is healthy for the biosphere. I do not know where I heard that a former parent initiated his son into the concept of living with nature by telling him, "Why cover the ground with skins…", it seems that this wisdom did not survive until these days.

The capitalist model has no way of slowing down, since the permanent creation of value in the form of development, individual or group, constitutes the axis of the model, with it, civilization obtained the form it currently has; And the extraordinary advance that it produced cannot be despised, however, for a while now, the world has become too small for us, so much so that it makes us look like a plague of humans, that if it does not stop, it can end like all pests, without resources to sustain their number of individuals.

The inertia of the economic development model is devastating the planet. How to control or reverse this trend? Obviously the solution exceeds the limits of individual skills. In the analysis carried out in the Research Project from which this document is based, the question arose as to whether we would be victims of a cultural deficit or the global intelligent coefficient, which made the subsequent analysis concentrate on observing how the world population is preparing, to the challenge of increasing their number and needs; After deepening this analysis, it was possible to estimate that a Malthusian Catastrophe with polluting features would occur, or we are about to prevent it from happening.

Demographic expansion needs space to sustain itself, that space is increasingly scarce, making better use of it, is a pending task. The more we are, the more we abuse the environment in the search to satisfy the demands of our constantly evolving way of life, the reproductive nature of the human being results in more and more humans, most of whom are born within a culture, which It is aimed at developing reflexes and learning, related to the facet of genetic transmission, but not to learn about the responsibility regarding the conservation of the sources of life, for the inhabitants who will populate the earth in the future.

You cannot stop working, but in the ways in which it is currently done it pollutes, work represents credit, work requires time, time worked is credit, credit is money, investment, expense; the time invested to generate wealth translates into being able to consume it, accumulate it, and bequeath it; The fact of accumulating it leads us into an equation in which the efforts of generations are advanced to achieve accumulation, the excessive effort can pollute. The emulation of consumption pollutes, current measures of expression of individual success pollute, opulence, ostentation, luxury, waste; as well as the lack of awareness and education. Silence also pollutes.

Human development through the Capitalist System spoils the health of the planet. The Capitalist system… can it be deployed with a model that does not pollute? How is the magnet that shows before us, the possibilities of comfort, and the responses of pleasure, which has a high purchasing power, disconnected? The higher, the more polluting, but the social offer of fashion and glamorous life, it is indeed very attractive, and like the ring of an old merry-go-round, it charms most, while only a few manage to reach it. In this pyramid of consumption emulation, the vertical sexual orientation is marked, centered on icons with exaggerated lifestyles to imitate, which, if they could become a reality for all humanity, would require a great deployment and concentration of resources;we know that today everyone "can" be a king, or a queen. This circumstance has reached the top, since it highlights the reproductive-consumer behavior of the species to the extreme, which together with the demographic explosion that accompanies it, generates one of the most complicated problems facing humanity: the growth of the population associated with the growth of the consumption per capita.

There are many human beings and each one wants more credit, but the planet is finite; current socio-cultural models embody the vanity of possessing consumer power, although today, social benchmarks could make many look with more sympathy at the ecological future of the planet, but how would a star go against the model economic activity that gave life to its activity? How does it overcome itself, to withstand the transition from beginning to propose ingenuity in the care of nature, having to stop instilling in many cases, the exaggerated pleasure of consumerism? All human beings grow up with role models, and with a shift in consciousness on stage, perhaps the solution is behind the scenes. If the apprehension of coexistence with the biosphere among so many people,It depended on the famous to magnetize a truly reconstructive cause, I don't see why the influenced population does not begin to emulate the new way of life that these artists propose, as they are influenced today, with the super-consumerist life models.

For the moment, vitality continues to be given to the leitmotif of the economic system, progress, growth, development; as the only engine for the survival of the whole, but it is a linear Economic Model, which operates on a finite planet. The necessary condition to satisfy our enormous consumption needs is permanent economic growth, today, wanting to transform into sustainable development.

Reaching sustainable development with an emphasis on ecology means that public policies and private and intermediate organizations agree to a global need that is being understood by more and more people, and that little by little it is parked in the cultural fiber of more and more peoples of the world. It means, anticipating that over time, populations will react with a lifestyle that will promote the sanitation of the global ecosystem; and perhaps it will do so with a rethinking of the mode of production and consumption of goods such that GDP continues to grow and per capita pollution decreases, in an economic model of environmental "savings". So far few economic forecasts exceed 30 years, the savings represent accumulated value of a greater period, but no more is obtained by avoiding polluting nature, then,Who will pay for the environmental cleaning tasks? The financial activity in most cases obviates the ecological considerations when favoring some type of business, since for now only the security of the return of the capital plus a fee prevails, and there are few “green” purposes financed by private and public flows. From the stock market aspect, there will only be more ecological bags if the market encourages them, I do not know if it can start from a simple profit motive, the salvation of what is natural on earth.and there are few “green” purposes financed by private and public flows. From the stock market aspect, there will only be more ecological bags if the market encourages them, I do not know if it can start from a simple profit motive, the salvation of what is natural on earth.and there are few “green” purposes financed by private and public flows. From the stock market aspect, there will only be more ecological bags if the market encourages them, I do not know if it can start from a simple profit motive, the salvation of what is natural on earth.

As in many other television channels, in the National Geographic documentary cycle, a series of children's programs is broadcast in the morning, with many tips on how to take care of the planet; in this way, the producers and consumers of the future are being formed, who will surely have very different behaviors from those of today's adults. The little ones play to save the planet, and perhaps in their minds lie the solutions to the environmental drama that today we are not in a position to imagine; it is the children who incorporate in their apprehension, the themes related to ecology, and probably in their consciences, the socio-technological solution to the disaster caused by the generations that preceded them already inhabits.

If the intention is to clean the atmosphere, the water, or the land, perhaps technologies never seen with too much deployment come into play, such as Nanotechnology; The search for these types of solutions is the task of engineers and financiers, and perhaps soon they can be put into practice, until our overpopulation sees a way to organize to save something, of the unique and natural crops of life.

What divides the welfare of nature from the welfare of the human? Due to traditional behaviors that remained in world cultures for generations, the devastation of entire regions is caused or allowed, and along with them of habitats that, exploited with more evolved forms of exploitation, could serve as sustenance for a greater amount of population, with a better quality of life and for longer. One of the conflicts between conservation and development is that the primary income from predation, in some cases, is the only source of income for people with limited resources, without money or possibilities to participate in other ways in economic life. Nobody imagined that the sum of successes could lead to failure, but today the species modifies atmospheric cycles,it renders fresh water useless, and has already left the earth, without much of its original cover. The human way of life reveals its predatory nature, the notion of survival is no longer understood as the daily act of carrying on, a routine that allows subsistence; By having this insured, the barrier of simple survival was crossed, to give life to beings of pleasure, which can express speech, laughter or crying, making an infinite difference with other species.to give life to beings of pleasure, which can express speech, laughter or crying, making an infinite difference with the other species.to give life to beings of pleasure, which can express speech, laughter or crying, making an infinite difference with the other species.

Today the main concern is to find innocuous energy sources, which will be necessary in multiple forms and in large quantities, its deliberate consumption until today, hindered the life cycles, and who knows when or where it will end, but the truth is that we already know that those of us most, those least, among all of us, put a smokescreen in our atmosphere, and this is overheating it with serious consequences for the future.


The materials and methods correspond to those that in the Research Project we determine as point 6.- METHODOLOGICAL DESIGN: “It will try to arrive at the thesis, through the analysis of three consecutive hypotheses, these being: A the analysis of local interest, regional, and global in ecology, B derived consumption behavior, and C its impact on organizations ”.

To adapt the reasoning to the mode of presentation established in the Final Work Regulations, the study of point

3.1.- GENERAL OBJECTIVE: "Analyze the impact of the ecological phenomenon in organizations", foreseen in the Research Project; with a strategy consisting of the resolution of nine goals, which lead to conclude on three SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES, through which the content of the GENERAL OBJECTIVE is elaborated.

To achieve the latter, the reasoning described for point 1.- INTRODUCTION and for point 5.- SUMMARY is used; with what was obtained from Specific Objectives A, B, and C, 4.- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS were written; and with the results obtained from the GOALS, the section that follows will be completed, 3.- RESULTS.


In section 6.- METHODOLOGICAL DESIGN, of the Research Project from which this thesis starts, it was proposed that the generation of responses to obtain the GENERAL OBJECTIVE: "Analyze the impact of the ecological phenomenon in organizations", would come through the analysis of three consecutively related hypotheses, these being: A the interest in ecology, B the derived consumption behavior, and C its impact on organizations.

In the latter we began to walk the path towards point 6.1.- TO REACH THE GENERAL OBJECTIVE, and for this the following methodology was proposed: "After analyzing the following three specific objectives, the salient aspects of the influence of the environmental phenomenon will be summarized. on the process of organizational strategic management. To observe the advance of this phenomenon on various markets, temporary relationships with the main sectors, industries, or farms to be addressed by the acquirer and the environment will be investigated ”.

In section 6.2.- TO ACHIEVE THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES, it was projected that: “Each specific objective will be analyzed consecutively from A to C. The task requires reaching three goals for each one that will serve to validate the hypothesis raised in the general objective ”.

Point 3.- MAIN OBJECTIVE of the Research Project is reached with the concepts of point 1.- INTRODUCTION and 2.- SUMMARY of this Final Report; They also explain to the MAIN OBJECTIVE, the concepts obtained in goals C1, C2 and C3 of SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE C.

Next, the proposals, the analysis, and the responses found for the GOALS (A, B, and C; 1, 2 and 3), with the updates and modifications provided for in the Research Project, which serve as a basis for elaborating assessments that clarify Specific Objectives A, B, and C; those that will not have a summary in themselves, but will be explained by point 4.- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.

3.A.- Specific Objective A:

In the Research Project we identify section 3.2.1.- SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE A: "Analyze the evolution of care and interest in environmental issues." Then, in 6.2.1.- REACHING A SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE A, the following methodological model was assigned: With conclusions based on the analysis of this objective, it is possible to find out if and how much the issues related to ecology and conservation of the planet; starting from the concepts obtained from the GOALS that are analyzed according to the following premise “Based on A1, we will observe the level of knowledge of the local population, with A2 we will look at the phenomena that are mainly manifested in Latin America, and with A3 we will observe the escalation of events at a global level ”.

3.A.1.- GOAL A1

In the research project we define GOAL A1: "Carry out a survey, which projects the evolution of interest on the subject in the local population." That with the application of the methodological design determined in section obtained the following results:

Methodology: To analyze the state of knowledge of the subject, the questionnaire in the following table will be completed, using the telephone as a tool for consultation, the tone used in the formulation of the questions, will try to induce spontaneous responses. The sample will be taken with the first 25 people who answer two telephone numbers, taken at random from the local and interior guide of the province; It will be done at different times of the day to improve the dispersion of the data, and the information will be presented through statistical analysis. The formulation of question B.

Examination and contact method:

  1. Dial a random phone number Greet, "Good afternoon", "days", "nights" followed by "Mr." or "Mrs."., (wait for an affirmation and continue), “excuse the inconvenience”, (wait for an affirmation and continue I make the presentation and say the reason for the call: “My name is Hugo Teseyra, and I am a graduate in Administration at UNSE, (wait for an affirmation and continue), "I am doing a survey on the topic ecology at this moment" Introduction and beginning of the questions and annotations, if you ask me what are you doing? I answer: "By dialing random numbers from the phone book, I ask three simple questions about everyday life, and the answers are taken as yes or no ”, (wait for a statement and continue), and we ask“ do you want to answer them? ”, or“ could you answer them? ”, or“ the you can answer ”, or“ would you be so kind as to answer them? ”,or "would you answer them?", or "do you want to hear them?", the phrase is chosen instantly depending on the type of interlocutor who can be perceived to be on the other side.
Impact of ecology on organizations