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Impact of the alsl model on the business management of a Malian company


The results of systematic and systemic evaluations during 6 years and for periods of six months, that is, twice a year, of the ALSL method proposed for the design and implementation of a Quality Management System in the ENCO Company are presented and discussed (SUARL) of the Republic of Mali, adopting as a self-assessment method the European Quality Model of the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management), which allows an objective examination of the key elements of the business, commercial and works execution strategy, including the proposals of the bids required by the laws of the country. The benefits of the ALSL method and systematic self-assessment far outweighed the costs incurred and allowed to promote and focus the efforts of the company's staff,in the organization of continuous improvements in its management as a way to Business Excellence. The combination of both models, ALSL and EFQM, has notably influenced the awareness of managers and workers regarding the need to modify the Company's management, making it more efficient, effective and effective, with a better focus and a greater active and conscious participation of management and workers based on the mission, objectives and results, the satisfaction of staff, customers, suppliers, improvement in the organization and management of processes and resources, the improvement of financial and economic management, as well as other aspects of social, technological, organizational and economic interest.The combination of both models, ALSL and EFQM, has notably influenced the awareness of managers and workers regarding the need to modify the Company's management, making it more efficient, effective and effective, with a better focus and greater active and conscious participation of management and workers based on the mission, objectives and results, the satisfaction of staff, customers, suppliers, improvement in the organization and management of processes and resources, the improvement of financial and economic management, as well as other aspects of social, technological, organizational and economic interest.The combination of both models, ALSL and EFQM, has notably influenced the awareness of managers and workers regarding the need to modify the Company's management, making it more efficient, effective and effective, with a better focus and greater active and conscious participation of management and workers based on the mission, objectives and results, the satisfaction of staff, customers, suppliers, improvement in the organization and management of processes and resources, the improvement of financial and economic management, as well as other aspects of social, technological, organizational and economic interest.making it more efficient, effective and effective, with a better focus and greater active and conscious participation of management and workers based on the mission, objectives and results, the satisfaction of staff, customers, suppliers, the improvement in the organization and management of processes and resources, the improvement of financial and economic management, as well as other aspects of social, technological, organizational and economic interest.making it more efficient, effective and effective, with a better focus and greater active and conscious participation of management and workers based on the mission, objectives and results, the satisfaction of staff, customers, suppliers, the improvement in the organization and management of processes and resources, the improvement of financial and economic management, as well as other aspects of social, technological, organizational and economic interest.the improvement of financial and economic management, as well as other aspects of social, technological, organizational and economic interest.the improvement of financial and economic management, as well as other aspects of social, technological, organizational and economic interest.

Keywords: business management, evaluation, ALSL and EFQM models, methodology, self-evaluation.


Various methodological approaches have been reported to address strategic processes in order to improve the comprehensive management of a company. The careful and in-depth study of them shows that none should be applied if the particular characteristics of the organization in which it is to be put into practice are taken into account, as well as its environment, culture and the specific moment in which it is intended. use. In short, it is important to adapt it to the particular characteristics of the company in which it will be applied, based on, among other important elements, the preparation of its human resources, its current culture and perspective, as well as the objectives that are to be achieved.

The ALSL model starts from the fundamental premise that for the design and implementation of a Management System, in general, and of Quality, in particular, it is required to formulate a strategy and a revolution in thinking is required by How much does a “change” mean to work with quality, requiring participatory management and greater leadership, where management or senior management has to be the main promoter, the agent of change; In short, it means and forces us to break schemes that have proven not to work on the general level, even though on the individual level the manager feels that he has satisfied his expectations and that he has reached the top of his performances.

This change will force us to stop acting in a classical way, to change our behavior to fight for quality in a total sense, not only in the areas of direct contact with the public, in techniques and production, but also in the areas of support for. In this sense, in its conception it is implicit to motivate first of all the top management and also all the personnel of the company.

The basic concepts on which the model is based are related to a thorough understanding of the concept of quality as satisfaction of the needs and expectations of customers / partners / employees / stakeholders, creating the necessary conditions for everyone to understand and internalize the The need to work as a "team", in an integrated and cooperative manner in order to offer a quality service.

Another fundamental premise of the model is that it forces the development of continuous learning to avoid stagnation in the process, which occurs when an organization starts giving training courses, without having persistence in these as the process progresses, nor have precisely defined the particularities of this training in correspondence with the true needs of each of its employees at each stage of the process.

The model, although it does not strictly follow any of the patterns that have been exposed at an international level, does take into account and try to generalize the most significant elements of them, and its main focus is based on the managers and workers themselves learning to Identify your problems and develop a consistent action plan. In addition, it is easy to adapt, given its flexibility, to the objective and subjective conditions of any productive sector and to the scenario and context in which it will be applied. It is clarified that it incorporates the practical experience of several years of work of the authors on this subject, which is not definitive, permanent, or dogmatic, understanding that it must be continuously improved from the results derived from its application practice.

In the work "Foundation and Methodological Proposal for the Design and Implementation of a Quality Management System", which is referred to in the bibliography, the main elements contained in the ALSL model are shown with a sufficient level of detail and in diagram form.

A rigorous evaluation of the previous precepts allowed to conclude that the model that was used and evaluated, ALSL, and whose results are shown in this work, was appropriate to be applied in the Company under study, since it does not strictly follow any of the patterns that have been exposed internationally, if it takes into account and tries to generalize the most significant elements of each one and its main focus is based on the managers and workers themselves learning to identify their problems and develop a consistent action plan. In addition, it was considered that it responded to the objective and subjective conditions of the aforementioned Company.

Thus, it was proposed as a working hypothesis that the application of the ALSL model in the Company would contribute positively to the continuous improvement of its business management and as its objectives:

  • Apply the ALSL model in the ENCO Company. Evaluate systemically and systematically its impact on the integral management of the Company.

Characterization of the Company under study

The company name of the Company under study is "Entreprise N'DIAYE and Compagnie", abbreviated as "ENCO". Its legal form is registered as a Limited Liability Company (SUARL) in the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Mali, with one hundred percent Malian capital, based in Bamako, Category D, specialized in public and private construction works., having as Corporate Purpose: 1. The execution of Public and Private Construction and Housing Works and 2. Marketing of Construction Materials.

Foundation of the methodology used to evaluate the impact of the ALSL model.

The methodology for each of the different quality diagnoses and the evaluation of the evolution of the integral management of the Company, as a tool for measuring the impact of the ALSL model, was basically supported by a self-evaluation model, selecting in this case, the European Model of Business Excellence, which allowed to characterize the organization with a great level of detail, depth and precision, in aspects as important as: Leadership, Policy and Strategy, Personnel Management, Resources, Processes, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Personnel, Impact on Society and Company Results.

The decision to adopt this model to carry out the self-assessment as part of the comprehensive diagnosis of the Company in the different stages was based on the fact that it is very complete, comprehensive and comprehensive. Furthermore, with a more customer-centered approach, leadership and business strategy, as well as the close links and working associations of the Company with others from Europe, particularly France, which allowed it and its associates make a very effective comparison with all those with a similar corporate purpose based on a common self-assessment platform.

An important influence was also had by the request of the CEO of ENCO, and his recognition of the strategic importance of quality or TQM (Total Quality Management), as well as the development of programs aimed at its implementation in the aforementioned company, as the only possibility of competing in accordance with the most important change experienced in American and European business at the end of the last century.


The first application of the ALSL model in the Company was carried out in 2000, which allowed for an initial diagnosis of its status and to detect the main problems in its management, as well as the associated causes and, in turn, would facilitate the future application proposed as an objective, as well as making the necessary adaptations for such a scenario; one of the inherent advantages given by the flexibility of the methodology itself. Thus, a process of preparation of its human resources began, initiated and led by its main managers.

Systematic and systemic evaluations were carried out for 6 years and for periods of six months, that is, twice a year, in the months of May and November, which provided a total of 12 evaluations, adopting as a self-evaluation method, as already expressed, the European Quality Model of the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management), which allows an objective examination of the key elements of the business, commercial and works execution strategy, including the proposals of the bids required by law from the country.

As a result of each partial evaluation, and under a participatory approach, action plans were developed and proposed that were systematically executed, in order to achieve continuous improvement of the integral management of the Company. The impact of these plans was measured in each of the subsequent evaluations.

As an example, the results obtained in the first self-evaluation (April 2000) and the last one (November 2006) are presented, after applying the ALSL methodology and brief comments are made on them (See tables and figures in the annexes).

Table No. 1 and Figures 1 and 2 summarize the main results obtained in the first and last evaluation carried out with the purpose of analyzing the evolution of the Company's integral management and evaluating the impact of the ALSL model.

As a general comment, it is noticeable that notable progress was made in all the criteria or indicators evaluated, highlighting in this regard the increases obtained in the percentage values ​​in several of them, among which the results of the company (2.56), customer satisfaction (2.53), leadership, and policy and strategy with 2.4 and 2.42 percent, respectively. Special mention should be made, in this case, of all the measures applied in the different stages that are the object of analysis and evaluation, which allowed obtaining the results shown, through a logical and comprehensive sequence in their application.

Overall, it has been possible to achieve a score 2.4 times higher in the management of the Company after applying the methodology, in relation to the one obtained before its application, and in all cases it was possible to double the initial value of each indicator, which shows the benefits of the methodology used.

Undoubtedly, the results shown in the aforementioned tables are eloquent in terms of the positive impact of the strategy followed, which has notably influenced the awareness of managers and workers regarding the application of a more efficient and effective management method and effective, continuous improvement of this management by management based on the mission, objectives and results, the satisfaction of staff, customers, suppliers, improvement in the organization of processes, the best organization and use of resources, improvement of financial and economic management, as well as other aspects of social, technological, organizational and economic interest.

The change detected in the culture of the company and the way in which people began to develop teamwork, not seen before, feeling like participants committed to the objectives of the Company, and the way in which the training of their resources Humans occupied a relevant place and began to play an important role, led by its CEO and his management team.

The benefits obtained with the application of the ALSL method and of the systematic self-evaluation, far exceeded the costs incurred and allowed to promote and focus the efforts of the company's personnel in the organization of quality improvements, as a way or path towards Business Excellence.

As a consequence of the improvement of all the aforementioned indicators, with special emphasis on the increase in market share and the security and trust of customers, there has been a notable increase in the Company's profits, which has allowed it to increase its category to C by having better financial and economic health.

It is appropriate to comment that such a combination of models, ALSL and EFQM, for the implementation of a strategy that would improve the integral management of the Company, the first, and for self-evaluation, as a highly effective tool to measure the impact on said management The second has been highly interesting and is currently being used, after the experience obtained in this work, by other companies that are involved in similar tasks.


  1. The ALSL model applied was widely accepted by all interested parties involved in its application, achieving high motivation among all the Company's managers and workers, with a highly positive impact reflected in the continuous improvement of its comprehensive management. of the ALSL model combined with the EFQM model, allowed to detect and synthesize the main organizational problems that arose for the design and implementation of the management system, propose the most effective measures and adjusted to each stage, facilitate the change of culture in the Company, evaluate comprehensively and systemically the impact during implementation, and improve its competitiveness.


Apply the ALSL and EFQM models in combination; the first, for the implementation of a quality management system as a tool that guarantees to improve the integral management of the Company and, the second, for self-evaluation, as a highly effective tool to measure the impact on said management.


  1. Aquino, N. (1992). Total Quality Management. Business and Economics Review, vol. 39, no.1, October-December, p. 19-21. Bull, S. (1991). Total Quality Management in a Redundacy Situation. European Management Journal, vol.9, no.3, p. 288-294. Darling, J. (1992). Total Quality Management: The Key Role of Leadership Strategies. Leadership and Organization development Journal, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 3-7. European Foundation for Quality Management (1993). The European Quality Award 1994. Brussels Representative Office, Brussels. Hill, S. (1991). How do You Manage the Flexible Firm? The Total Quality Model. Work, Employment and Society, no. 5 p. 397-415. Jurado, E. (1994).Total Quality seen under the European Magnifying Glass. El País Negocios, year X, no. 456, Sunday July 24, p. 29. Luis, A. (2000). Diagnosis and elements to be considered in the Strategic Projection of the Quality of the UNECA Corporation. Quality Management Report 45 p. Luis, A. (2005). ISO 9000, an effective tool to increase the competitive possibilities of Cuban companies with regard to foreign trade. Unpublished Document, 58p. Louise.; Luis, S. (2005). Foundation and Methodological Approach for the Design and Implementation of a Quality Management System at UNECA. Unpublished 252 p. Louise.; Luis, S. (2005). ISO 9000 and its business impact. Internal Quality Management Report. UNECA Corporation, 48p.Luis, Porter. (1998) Integrated Construction Management. An approach to achieve a positive impact on Quality. Summary Congress Quality and Competitiveness in Constructions. UNAICC. C. of Havana. Cuba Luis, S. (2005). Foundation and Methodological Proposal for the Design and Implementation of a Quality Management System. Thesis presented as an option to the degree of Bachelor of Accounting and Finance. AN H. Havana. Cuba Luis, A.; Porter, (1998).The Quality Plan: an end, a means or a need for the execution of the works. XII Inter-American Congress on Quality. Mexico City 21 p. Luis, Porter A. (1999) «Project for the Execution of Works: A way of integration to achieve a positive impact on Quality, Costs and Construction Time» Book Memories of CONPAT '99. Editorial SAGA & Asociados LTDA Vol. 3. Montevideo. Martín, JL; Luis, A. (1998). Quality and Labor Relations. A proposal applicable to the Construction Sector. Ibero-American Symposium on Quality and Competitiveness in Construction. Havana, 22 p. Porter A., ​​Luis A. (1999) «Conception and Development of a Quality Audit System in a Construction Company«. Memories Book of CONPAT '99. Editorial SAGA & Asociados LTDA Vol. 3. Montevideo.RENFE (1994). European Model of Total Quality Management (EFQM). Guidelines for self-assessment and planning. Collection: Vías de Comunicación, no.8, Madrid.


Table 1. Results of the Impact of the ALSL Methodology.
Criteria of the European Model. ENCO company. Republic of Mali.
Do not give Criterion Result Eval. Evaluation criteria
Order Before




(After / Before)
one Leadership 39.87 95.8 2.40
two Policy and strategy 38.25 92.5 2.42
3 Personnel management 39.00 91.2 2.34
4 Means 38.89 92.6 2.38
5 Processes 41.20 95.8 2.33
6 Customer satisfaction 36.85 93.2 2.53
7 Staff satisfaction 40.60 93.8 2.31
8 Impact on society 39.64 92.2 2.33
9 Company Results 36.93 94.35 2.56
Half 39.03 93.49 2.40
Standard deviation 1.50 1.59
Coefficient of variation 0.04 0.02

Results of the impact of the methodology on the Enco Company

Score increase in Enco company

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Impact of the alsl model on the business management of a Malian company