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Implementation of the nc

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The companies that are consolidating the Management and Business Management System work for the continuous improvement of their processes and accordingly it is necessary to implement the NC-ISO 50001: 2011 to achieve energy efficiency as part of the continuous improvement of management The objective of the work is to diagnose the implementation of the energy management system (EnMS) in a wholesale water supply company. From the diagnosis of the requirements associated with the EnMS, it is determined that there is a documentary base that may be appropriate for this system and only requires writing the specific procedures, which facilitates documenting it and speeds up the implementation process.


Given that energy resources are being depleted worldwide and becoming more expensive every day, any country that tries to maintain its development and / or development must maintain a stable and sustained policy of energy saving. This translates into bringing these savings to each company, to each area of ​​the company, to each team and to create awareness of it in all managers and workers.

The energy policy in an entity is very important and it is necessary to establish the technical-organizational measures that guarantee its application, so that the objectives in this activity are achieved and ensure the control of energy carriers, the most rational use and efficient of the same, as well as the increase of the energy efficiency in its entities.

The importance given to energy management in the province can be assessed in the fact that in the last five years several studies have been carried out at the University of Cienfuegos related to this issue, involving important companies in the territory such as is the Carlos M. de Céspedes Thermoelectric Power Plant (Berroa Borrell, 2007), the Cementos Cienfuegos SA Factory (Peña Sklyar, 2011), the Cienfuegos Oleohydraulic Company (Díaz Medina, 2008), the Glucose Company (Rojas Gutiérrez, 2009), (Ricketts, 2010), transport services companies for tourism such as TRASTUR SA Cienfuegos Division (Cardoso Leandro, 2011) and educational entities such as the University of Cienfuegos (Guzmán Hernández, 2011).

The company under study is among those that consolidate the business management and management system and as established in Article 215 of Decree No. 281/2007 (Council of Ministers, 2007), it must organize energy activity and its savings In addition, to get workers to participate with their ideas in energy saving, since it is part of the requirements established by legal regulations to stay within this system.

The premises previously raised allow progress towards the implementation of NC-ISO 50001: 20011 Energy management systems. Requirements with guidance for their use published by ISO in June 2011 and adopted by the Cuban National Standardization Office (ONN) for its application in the country, with the aim of reducing energy costs through the systematic management of this resource (Martín L. 2011).

According to the analysis of the consulted documentation, the company does not have an updated diagnosis of compliance with the requirements demanded by the NC-ISO 50001: 2011 standard to achieve efficient management of energy carriers, so the objective is work to carry out the diagnosis for the implementation of this standard.

Among the energy and environmental benefits that the adoption of NC-ISO 50001: 2011 represents is the optimization of energy use, the promotion of energy efficiency, reduction of gas emissions into the atmosphere, reduction of environmental impacts, adequate use of natural resources and the promotion of alternative and renewable energies (AENOR 2012).

From the point of leadership and business image, the commitment to energy development reinforces the business image committed to climate change and compliance with legal requirements.

From the socioeconomic point of view, there is a decrease in the impact on climate change, savings in energy bills, reduction of external energy dependence and the reduction of risks derived from changes in the prices of energy resources.


1. Premises for the implementation of the energy management system

The company is among those that must consolidate the business management and direction system, so it is obliged to implement various management systems such as quality, safety and health at work, environment and human capital.

Since 2002, work has begun on the implementation of these systems, determining business processes, training managers, specialists and workers in general, preparing the basic documentation related to quality management, conducting internal audits and reviews. by the management system direction, which allowed the certification of the quality management system by the National Office of Standardization (ONN) in 2008. This certification has been maintained in the annual reviews and was updated to the version of the NC-ISO 2001: 2008.

In 2011, work was carried out on the integration with the Occupational Health and Safety System according to NC-18001: 2005 with the Quality Management System and in parallel, the Integrated Management System for Human Capital has been partially implemented. according to NC-3001: 2007, which must be fully completed in the second half of this year.

From the experiences in the adoption of management systems similar to NC-ISO 50001: 2011, work has been done on the documentary base prepared, since they include mandatory procedures and records of the referred standard and only their adaptation is required.

NC-ISO 50001 establishes a management system model taking into account the PDCA cycle and is based on the common elements of ISO management system standards, which ensures a high degree of compatibility with other management systems including those linked with quality, the environment and health and safety at work.

It is structured in four main aspects that are listed below:

1. Purpose and field of application.

2. Normative references.

3. Terms and definitions.

4. Requirements of the energy management system.

The latter sets out the system requirements that describe the following specific requirements:

4.1 General requirements.

4.2 Management responsibility.

4.3 Energy policy.

4.4 Energy planning.

4.5 Implementation and operation.

4.6 Verification.

4.7 Management review.

Based on the requirements identified in the standard, the checklist of the NC-ISO 50001: 2011 requirements is drawn up to identify documentation needs.

Of the 24 requirements identified, there is partially elaborated documentation for 10 of them, which represents 42% of the documents and that only have to be adapted, as their objective is extended to the energy management system. Among them are those linked to the mandatory procedures of the integrated management, information and communication system, purchases, suppliers, etc.

The NC-PAS 99 Specification of Common Management System Requirements as a Framework for Integration is intended for use in organizations that are applying the requirements of two or more management system standards. Adoption of this specification simplifies the application of multi-system standards and any associated conformity assessment.

The main common requirements are categorized into the following topics:

  • Policy Planning Implementation and operation Performance evaluation Improvement

Each management system standard has its own specific requirements, but these six topics are present in all of them and can be adopted as a basis for integration, elements that must be taken into account in the adoption of NC-ISO 50001: 2011 in relation to upon its incorporation Integrated system of quality management, safety and health at work and environmental management.

2. Identification of the energy management process

The company, with the adoption of the different management systems on the principle of the process approach, has determined and documented all the processes of the organization, regardless of whether or not they were within the scope of the quality management system, which was the first to be implemented, in such a way that it could satisfy the requirements of the new standards adopted in the organization.

The application of the process approach in energy management facilitates its management, since from the apparently isolated management of activities, it is defined as a set of activities aimed at achieving an objective, with its inputs and outputs and forms of control.

According to this criterion, an energy management process is determined, which is described according to the format established by the Procedure for the preparation of documentation and control of documents and records approved in the company.

For each of the proposed indicators, a file is drawn up, which facilitates their handling.

Energy Management Process Sheet

1. Name of the Process

Energy Management.

2. Responsible

Director of Assurance.

3. Objectives

Carry out the necessary activities to improve energy performance, including energy efficiency and the use and consumption of energy in the company's offices and its dependencies.

4. Description of the Process

The energy management process includes the activities of:

  • Energy planning to determine energy baselines, energy performance indicators, objectives and action plans Implementation and operation to implement energy management action plans Monitor and measure the process and key characteristics of operations that determine energy performance in relation to energy policies and objectives and report on their performance Actions to continually improve energy performance and the energy management system.

A description of the same is presented in Annex A.

5. Necessary Resources

5.1 Material Resources

Infrastructure for carrying out the activities of the process, energy carriers and general materials and supplies such as office supplies.

5.2 Human Resources

Competent energy management personnel, located in key positions in the process.

5.4 Financial

Budget assigned to the process.

6. Normative documents

6.1 Legal and other applicable requirements procedure.

6.2 Energy review procedure.

6.3 Document of the baseline values.

6.4 Procedure to update and determine the Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs).

6.5 Procedure for the verification method of energy performance improvement and verification of results.

6.6 Competition, training and awareness procedure.

6.7 Information and communication procedure.

6.8 Documentation control procedure.

6.9 Procedure for energy design in new or improved facilities.

6.10 Purchasing procedure.

6.11 Monitoring, measurement and analysis report.

6.12 Internal audit procedure of the energy management system.

6.13 Procedure for non-conformities, correction, corrective action and preventive action.

6.14 Management review procedure.

7. Measurement of process efficiency

7.1 Fundamental indicators of the process to be measured:

  • Expenditures in CUP / Consumption of earth moving fuel in MCUP / t Expenditure in CUP / Fuel consumption of electromechanical maintenance in MCUP / t Expenditure in CUP / Consumption of civil construction fuel in MCUP / t Expenditure in CUP / Consumption of fuel in other maintenance activities Higher in MCUP / t. Cleaned area / Lower maintenance fuel consumption in ha / t. Route / Fuel expenditure in other system operation activities in km / L. Fuel consumption in administrative activities in L / activity. Route / Fuel consumption in agroforestry. Energy index in MWh / hm3 pumped water. Energy Intensity Index.

7.2 Method for measuring the effectiveness of the process.



Measurement criteria

Degree of achievement

Performance level

Evaluation points

Evaluation frequency: Semiannual.

Evaluation criteria: From the evaluated aspects, an average rating of 4 must be achieved to evaluate the effective process.

Average Rating: The points obtained in each aspect are added and the total of the sum is divided by the total number of evaluated aspects.

Annex A. Description of the energy management process

Description of the energy management process

Description of the energy management process

3. Implementation of the energy management system

The implementation of the energy management system implies a change in business management, and like any change it must face resistance from its stakeholders. From the analysis of the documentation, the visits to the areas and the contact with the managers and workers, the strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment of the organization are identified that are presented in Table 1. Although an analysis of the external environment is not carried out, it is necessary to take into account that the Company's strength is that it is consolidating the business management and direction System that has allowed it to adequately structure it for the approved corporate purpose and as an opportunity to provide an essential water supply service for the human life.

Table 1. Strengths and weaknesses of the organization to implement the EnMS





An acceptable level of awareness and training in quality management systems, occupational health and safety and

human capital has been achieved. Terms and definitions specific to these systems are mastered, such as nonconformities, corrective and

preventive actions.

It is necessary to increase training and awareness in relation to energy management in order to involve

all workers in the search for energy efficiency.


There is experience in the formulation of objectives and their deployment in the organization. There is experience in the

formulation of policies, programs and goals.

Based on statistical indicators of the Ministry of Economy and Planning. It is necessary to define appropriate indicators

related to energy.


The indicators for measuring the effectiveness of processes, audits and reviews by

management and control of non-conformities have been established.

Customer satisfaction is evaluated.

Based on compliance with the indicators of the Ministry of Economy and Planning. The impacts of

energy management on the overall results of the organization are not taken into account.


Basic measurements are carried out and there are people with experience in managing the systems.

There are procedures associated with the measurements.

There is no good measurement system that allows the reliability of its results in terms of measuring the delivery of water

to customers and its correlation with energy consumption.


It has the basic infrastructure to carry out the services related to the hydraulic infrastructure.

Backward technology with insufficient maintenance budgets that does not allow greater effectiveness in business management

linked to the use of energy carriers.

Information and communication

An Information and Communication Process is managed with the basic documentation required and

the company's scorecard is in the process of being implemented.

The information on energy management is limited to compliance with management indicators and

communication related to the energy results of the company is poor.

The company has the conditions for the adoption of NC-ISO 50001: 2011, since it has achieved the formation of values ​​and consolidate a documentary base linked to other management systems such as quality, safety and health at work, environment and capital. human with similar general characteristics in the management requirements. The identified weaknesses can be overcome based on the strengths of the organization, starting from achieving greater organizational competencies in energy management.


The company is consolidating the management system and business management, so it is necessary to implement the NC-ISO 50001 as part of the continuous improvement established as premises of the system and comply with the country's policy of introducing the best practices to achieve high energetic efficiency in all sectors of society. The strengths that it possesses with the implementation of other management systems with similar structures will allow it to move quickly to achieve this goal.

In the diagnosis carried out for the implementation of NC-ISO 50001, the documentation needs are identified, based on integration into systems already implemented or in process such as quality, safety and health at work, environment and human capital. Considering the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, an improvement plan is proposed that aims to achieve the endorsement or certification of the EnMS when so established by the Cuban State.


  • AENOR 2012. Energy management. AENOR. Retrieved on May 6, 2012, from the AENOR website: https://www.aenor.com/Berroa Borrell, F. (2007). Total efficient energy management system at CTE Carlos M. de Céspedes. Master's work. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: University of Cienfuegos. Cardoso Leandro, C. (2011). Implementation of Total Efficient Energy Management in TRANSTUR SA Cienfuegos Division. Diploma work. Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences: University of Cienfuegos. CEEMA Authors' Collective. (2006.). Energy Management and Economics. University of Cienfuegos.: Editorial University of Cienfuegos. Council of Ministers. (2007). Decree No. 281/2007. Retrieved on January 3, 2011, from the Official Gazette: http: /www.gacetaoficial.cu/Díaz Medina, A. (2008).Total efficient energy management system in the Cienfuegos Oleohydraulic Company. Diploma work. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: University of Cienfuegos.Guzmán Hernández, A. (2011). Energy management standard for the University of Cienfuegos based on ISO 50001. Diploma work. Faculty of Industrial Engineering: University of Cienfuegos. Martín, L. (November 2, 2011). To improve energy efficiency, Cuba adopts a new international standard: Ministry of Finance and Price. (2011). Electricity rates in the non-residential sector in CUC and CUP. National Office for Standardization. (2007). NC 3000. Integrated human capital management system. Requirements National Office for Standardization. (2008). Publicly Available Specification.Specification of common requirements of the management system as a framework for integration National Office for Standardization. (2011). NC-ISO 50001: 2011 Energy management system. Requirements with guidance for its use. National Office for Standardization. (2004). NC-ISO 14001. Environmental management systems. Requirements with guidelines for their use. National Office for Standardization. (2005). NC 18001. Safety and health at work. Occupational health and safety management system. Requirements National Office for Standardization. (2008). NC-ISO 9001. Quality management systems. Requirements. Peña Sklyar, O. (2011). Integration of the energy management system to the management system of Cementos Cienfuegos SA Diploma work. Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences: University of Cienfuegos. Requirements Ricketts, L. (2010).Improvements for energy efficiency in the Cienfuegos Glucose Company. Diploma work. Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences: University of Cienfuegos. Rojas Gutiérrez, B. (2009). Energy diagnosis of the Glucose Cienfuegos Company. Diploma work. Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences: University of Cienfuegos.
Implementation of the nc