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Implementation of a strategy for the municipal sports department of yaguajay, cuba


The present research aims to: Determine the influence of the implementation of the Yaguajay Municipal Sports Management strategy in the area of ​​sports activities, for this we worked with 41 workers, which represents 100% of a population, of them 17 belong to the female sex and 24 to the male sex, with an average age of 43.1 years. Research methods and techniques were used as: Theoretical level: Historical-Logical, Analysis and Synthesis, Hypothetical-Deductive, Empirical Level, Document Analysis, The Survey, the Experiment The Semi-standardized Interview, The Brainstorming or Brainstorming, of the Statistical Level the Percentage Calculation, which alloweddesign a model to prepare and implement the management strategy determining the mission, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, shared values, groups involved, vision and key result areas, as well as the formulation of strategic objectives with their respective measurement criteria, the action plan and the measurement and control. The conclusions were reached that the management strategy was developed and implemented by the designed model., The directors of the Municipal Sports Directorate of Yaguajay agree that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact, which contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the steering processand that in addition superior results were achieved in the area of ​​sports activity, so the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the management strategy for the Yaguajay Municipal Sports Directorate due to the benefits achieved.


The present investigation has as objective: To determine the influence of the implementation of the strategy of Municipal Address of Sport of Yaguajay in the area of ​​sport activities, for it one worked with the 41 workers what represents 100% of a population, of them 17 they belong at the feminine sex and 24 to the masculine sex, with an age 43.1 year-old average. They were used as methods and technical of investigation: of the Theoretical level: Historical-logical, Analysis and Synthesis, Hypothetical-deductive, of the Empiric Level, Analysis of Documents, The Survey, the Experiment The Interview Semi-standard, The Storm of ideas or Brainstorming, of the Statistical Level the Percentage Calculation, what allowed to design a model to make and to implement the address strategy determining the mission, the strengths, weaknesses,opportunities and threats, the shared values, the implied groups, the vision and the areas of key result, as well as the formulation of the strategic objectives with their respective approaches of measures, the action plan and the mensuration and control. You arrived to the conclusions that it was elaborated and it implemented the address strategy for the designed pattern., The directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.the shared values, the implied groups, the vision and the areas of key result, as well as the formulation of the strategic objectives with their respective approaches of measures, the action plan and the mensuration and control. You arrived to the conclusions that it was elaborated and it implemented the address strategy for the designed pattern., The directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.the shared values, the implied groups, the vision and the areas of key result, as well as the formulation of the strategic objectives with their respective approaches of measures, the action plan and the mensuration and control. You arrived to the conclusions that it was elaborated and it implemented the address strategy for the designed pattern., The directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.the vision and the areas of key result, as well as the formulation of the strategic objectives with their respective approaches of measures, the action plan and the mensuration and control. You arrived to the conclusions that it was elaborated and it implemented the address strategy for the designed pattern., The directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.the vision and the areas of key result, as well as the formulation of the strategic objectives with their respective approaches of measures, the action plan and the mensuration and control. You arrived to the conclusions that it was elaborated and it implemented the address strategy for the designed pattern., The directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.as well as the formulation of the strategic objectives with their respective approaches of measures, the action plan and the mensuration and control. You arrived to the conclusions that it was elaborated and it implemented the address strategy for the designed pattern., The directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.as well as the formulation of the strategic objectives with their respective approaches of measures, the action plan and the mensuration and control. You arrived to the conclusions that it was elaborated and it implemented the address strategy for the designed pattern., The directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.You arrived to the conclusions that it was elaborated and it implemented the address strategy for the designed pattern., The directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.You arrived to the conclusions that it was elaborated and it implemented the address strategy for the designed pattern., The directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.the directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.the directive of the Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay coincides in that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact that contributed to solve the deficiencies detected in the address process and that superior results were also achieved in the area of ​​sport activity by what the hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended to continue with the implementation of the address strategy for The Municipal Address of Sports of Yaguajay for the reached benefits.


The history of management is linked to the material and intellectual development of each of the social systems through which humanity has passed, it is linked both to the development of the productive forces and to the social relations of production and mobilizes both elements.

The administration transforms basic resources into results, by carrying out the administrative process and that, among the basic resources of an organization in addition to men, materials, equipment, money and the market are management methods, considered these as the ways of influence of the boss on subordinates to achieve results, is Obviously, the management methods used to carry out the administrative process determine in which measures the results can be achieved. In this context, the economic transformations that the country has been undergoing in recent years and the consequent effect on the national economy have brought economic readjustment measures, making it necessary to introduce a management system that makes it possible to adapt to the demands of the times. current.

Changes in the management system should not be interpreted as a denial of accumulated experience, but rather as an integration of the new with the old, appropriate to the particular conditions, scientific knowledge, and international or national experience on what new or old can count. In this sense and in correspondence with the transformations that the country has been carrying out, an acceleration of the current management systems is required to make the Cuban business system more competitive every day and for this reason the improvement of the management system is of vital importance.

It is a concrete fact that it is no longer possible to direct with a short-term vision, or what is the same, with strategic myopia, you need the ability to foresee the future to adapt and respond to it.

The Cuban sports sector needs to be led with a new and revolutionary mentality, to guide it in this arduous battle to face an increasingly turbulent and complex environment.

As a consequence of the foregoing, immersed in the current stage of improvement of INDER's management, a transition process towards higher forms such as strategic management is imposed, which constitutes a different approach to understanding and practicing management.

Strategic management adopts a combination of philosophical and behavioral foundations located at the level of knowledge, personal and professional attitudes with implications for the organization's culture, appreciation of the environment, action focused on customers, users, beneficiaries and competitors.; the commitment to a prospective vision and the development of the organization and the mobilization of the human talent of the organization.

In INDER, not all entities have assumed this way of conducting the administration, such is the case of the Municipal Sports Directorate of Yaguajay, which does not have an adequate management strategy, which brings with it deficiencies in the management process of said entity., that is, difficulties in planning, organization, execution and control in the different services that it offers to the communities, such as the competitive system, comprehensive training and care for active and retired athletes inherent in the area of ​​sports activities.

Taking into account the above, the following Scientific Problem is formulated:

How to contribute to the improvement of the management process of the Municipal Sports Directorate of Yaguajay and therefore the area of ​​sports activities?

General objective:

Determine the influence of the implementation of the management strategy in the management process and in the area of ​​sports activity of the Municipal Sports Directorate of Yaguajay.

Specific objectives:

  1. Characterize the Municipal Sports Directorate of Yaguajay Design the model for the preparation of the management strategy Prepare the management strategy for the Yaguajay Municipal Sports Directorate Implement the management strategy for the Yaguajay Municipal Sports Directorate Assess the main results obtained with the implementation of the management strategy in the management process and in the sports activity area of ​​the Yaguajay Municipal Sports Department.

III. Investigation methodology

From a population of 41 workers of the Municipal Sports Directorate of Yaguajay, we selected 100% of them as a sample to carry out the research. It has an average age of 43.1 years, 17 belong to the female sex and 24 to the male sex, it is a united and very dynamic group to develop the activities.

The methods and techniques used in the investigation were: The historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, hypothetical-deductive, document analysis, experiment, the Survey. already brainstorming or brainstorming.

Analysis of the results

To achieve greater objectivity and depth in the analysis, a brief characterization of the entity was carried out.

The Yaguajay Municipal Sports Directorate has been founded for 35 years, it is located on Basilio Guerra final street. It has a total of 41 workers that is divided into: The Director of the entity, 4 Heads of Departments (Sports Activity, Physical Culture, Economy, Human Resources), 13 Methodologists, 1 General Administrator and 22 workers among whom are find qualified personnel and service workers. They carry out Turquino activities in 9 Popular Councils of the 16 and 3 of them are pure. There is an enrollment of 6745 students distributed in the different levels of education.

Model to be used for the Municipal Sports Directorate of Yaguajay

Preparation of the Management Strategy


The Yaguajay Municipal Sports Directorate's mission is to organize events and activities inherent to Sports, Physical Culture and Recreation, consisting of a sports show, achieving the comprehensive training of our athletes, promoting health and quality of life in our town, applying the SCIT based on values ​​and principles of revolutionary sport.

Strengths: To have the human potential to develop recreational sports activities, the preparation of cadres in terms of ideological political work and the formation of values, the unity and rapid response of the group of workers to the activities called and planned and to have a Scientific potential.

Opportunities: The good support provided by the different organizations, having the means of dissemination and mass dissemination and having the sports facilities of the schools of the different levels of education.

Among the workers of the Municipal Sports Directorate of Yaguajay the following values ​​predominate: Courage, Firmness, combativeness, dignity and patriotism and industriousness:

The Groups Involved are: Municipal Health, Municipal Museum, CDR, ANAP. Association of Combatants, CTC, Pioneros, FMC, Municipal Education, SUM among others

Vision: We will link other organizations as an alliance to the different events and activities of sport, physical education and recreation. We will promote recreational sports activities in close connection with the demands and needs of our population.

Definition of key result areas: The key result areas of the Yaguajay Municipal Sports Directorate are Comprehensive Athlete Training, Competitive Cuban Sports System, Attention to Athletes, Physical Education and Participatory Student Sports, Participatory Sports and Health Promotion, Physical Recreation, Science, technology and environment, Human Resources Management, Economic management, Material technical assurance and sports services.

The action plan is particular for each institution as it depends on the human, material and technological resources available to the entity and they are also prepared for a period of one year.

The measurement and control of the process will be carried out through: l Constant diagnosis, the bimonthly checkup, the quarterly surrender. And the Annual Strategy Evaluation Meeting with all the entity's workers to assess its results.

Results of the implementation of the management strategy: the results in the comprehensive training area were: that the criterion related to ideological political work, the formation of values ​​and emulative results in competitive events showed that in the 2008 academic year- In 2009, 90.4% were fulfilled and it was evaluated as Fair, since out of 21 events expected to be evaluated as good, only 19 granted this qualification and two of them fair, these that did not receive a satisfactory evaluation refers to the difficulties that existed in terms of discipline during the games of the first category baseball sub-series with the municipality of Taguasco and another with Sancti-Spíritus.

In the pedagogical voices and their control in sports training classes and competitive events it can be said that 124.5 points were planned to be achieved in the Provincial Pioneer Cup event, achieving 76.6 points, which represents 61.5% evaluating this aspect of evil, only sport Baseball was evaluated as good and the others as bad, of the 9 summoned (Athletics, Baseball, Boxing, Soccer.

Regarding the detection and selection of talented athletes and their effectiveness in competitive events, it can be said that of 61 talented athletes expected to be effective, only 42 of them were evaluated as good, representing 68.8% evaluating the indicator of bad for compliance with the Pedagogical Objectives. In the 2009-2010 academic year, the number of athletes increased compared to the previous year and of the 67 talents expected to reach the evaluation of good, 51 of them were effective, representing 71.1%.

In criterion # 1 regarding the visit plan for retired and active athletes and the control of those who are in the CEARs, in the 2008-2009 academic year, a total of 176 visits were planned as a plan and 168 were met for 95.4 % evaluating this aspect of good, in addition to having 77 active athletes in the different Provincial and National sports centers, 76 of these being controlled, which represents 98.7% and evaluating this aspect of good. In the 2009-2010 academic year, the values ​​were higher, a figure that can be seen when it is stated that of the 176 visits to be made, 100% of these were made, demonstrating efficiency and quality in them, in addition to having 100% control of the 84 existing athletes in the different Provincial and National sports centers, evaluating the indicator of good for this stage.

Regarding the link between sports glories and figures relevant to society and obituaries. Of the 27 Sports Glories and 9 Relevant Sports Figures that add up to a total of 36 former athletes served as a priority by the Athletes Attention Commission, 35 of them, representing 97.2%, were linked to a social projection defined in life preparation courses and other activities in the communities; In addition, there were difficulties in the obituaries (Update in the documentation of the vault) regarding the care of the glories and their families, these aspects indicated correspond to the 2008-2009 stage, and that it is evaluated as well.In the 2009-2010 academic year, a similar number of 36 ex-athletes attended by the Commission are 100% incorporated into activities of a social nature and with defined projections, achieving not only their preparation for life but also exceeding the results and expectations of previous stages, and updating 100% of the required documentation in obituary aspects, an indicator evaluated as good.

Measurement criterion # 3 related to ideas and ideological political work to treat them, in the 2008-2009 academic year there were a total of 14 proposals and 13 of them were treated through political work, which represents 92.8% and evaluating this aspect of regulation, existing difficulties with the approach of construction materials for home repair. In the 2009-2010 academic year, this aspect represented higher values ​​since of the 16 concerns raised, 100% of these were treated through political work, evaluating this indicator well and exceeding the figures of the previous year.

Regarding measurement criterion # 4 corresponding to the operation of the athlete care commission and subcommittees, it can be seen that in the 2008-2009 academic year a total of 22 activities to be carried out were planned and 20 of them were fulfilled, which represents 90.9% of the reason why this indicator is evaluated to regulate for this stage, existing difficulties with the forest of glories (the culmination of this). In 2009-2010, this aspect is evaluated as well, since 25 activities were planned to achieve a better functioning of the Commission and Sub-Commissions, achieving 100% compliance with the proposed plan of activities.

All those investigated agreed that the application of the Strategic Management model constitutes a novel fact since, up to now, a model that integrates all the necessary elements and that allows organizing the activities to be carried out, rationalizing efforts, greater responsibility had not been conceived. Before the tasks, the entity is known in depth to start from a current state and reach a desired one.

100% of the interviewees stated that the implementation of the strategy contributed to the solution of the deficiencies detected in the management process and improved the planning, organization, execution and control of the different areas and specifically in that of sports activity where 100% of the events were evaluated as well, the number of points in the fulfillment of the Pedagogical Objectives was increased, the results of effectiveness of the sports reserve in the events were increased, the preparation and integration of the competition calendar was deepened as the sole and governing document of the entity, the number of judges and referees was increased in addition to their categorization, a greater number of visits were made to the Glories of sport and their families,The functioning of the Athletes Commissions and Subcommittees was consolidated.

All the managers consider that the applied model is completely generalizable since it meets the expectations of this type of entity.

Benefits of the implementation of the management strategy: It allows to direct in the long term and foresee the future, Clarity of the Mission among all workers, evolves the management mentality to face new challenges.

As they are: it creates the basis of strategic thinking, allows to be more effective with the proposed objectives and actions, Strengths are defined to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the environment.

It was concluded that: A model was designed to prepare the management strategy that includes the following parts: Mission, diagnosis, shared values, groups involved, vision, key result areas, strategic objectives, measurement criteria, action plan and measurement and control, the management strategy was developed and implemented by the model indicated by which the directors of the Municipal Sports Directorate of Yaguajay agree that the implementation of the strategy is a novel fact, which contributed to solving the deficiencies detected in the process of direction and that, in addition, superior results were achieved in the area of ​​sports activity, so the hypothesis is accepted.


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Implementation of a strategy for the municipal sports department of yaguajay, cuba