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Importance of training in the sustainable development of a state public company

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Mexico is a country that is in constant transformation and changes, this is so, derived from the proposals and lines of action embodied in the National Development Plan (PND) 2013-2018, which establishes the direction and priority actions of the country as well as also establishes the importance of productivity to bring Mexico to its maximum potential, which we can say consists of “Raising the productivity of the economy as a whole can be achieved through different channels, which are not exclusive and they reinforce each other ”, in order to achieve the national parameters established in order to have a peaceful, inclusive, educated, prosperous Mexico with global responsibility,which will undoubtedly lead Mexico to consolidate itself as a great nation compared to other nations and with a greater participation in the various international markets formed around the world, derived from the adoption of continuous improvement processes and to achieve productivity, competitiveness, profitability and innovation for sustainable growth in national development.

In this sense, within the various national plans considered by the aforementioned PND, it is evident that it establishes the objectives of public policies and specific actions to achieve them, also finding, among other plans, the plan corresponding to the energy sector, which we will analyze from the perspective of the state public company; Due to the importance of its effectiveness and efficiency in terms of its productivity for the country, in which factors of innovation, technological development, and training intervene, which will result in greater generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity which it will translate into a better national economy with international projection.

Regarding the various production processes that intervene for the improvement and effectiveness of a state public company, we find as a core point, the training of the workers who work in it, since said training together with other channels of action increase the productivity of the company.


The energy sector is of utmost importance in the sustainable and sustainable development of the economic and social model of our country, since the way in which our country produces and consumes energy is transcendental, in that sense it should be noted that in Mexico we have the most of the electricity sector in Latin America, for which a number of actions, lighting systems, building codes, among others, should be promoted to promote the efficient use of energy, which constitutes one of the main drivers of the energy economy towards higher levels of efficiency aimed at strengthening the country's public policies.

From the foregoing, it follows that one of the main indicators of effectiveness in the energy sector is the training of the personnel of the state public company, the reason for this essay in order to discern the importance of this action within the productive impact of the business.

Training and training.

Training can be conceived as the action of training and updating human resources, in an extracurricular way of learning, which applied to a company or organization results in higher productivity.

Training is a continuous process that is developed in accordance with the real needs of organizations, be they public or private; there are different training modalities, from very sophisticated and clear forms, based on the use of advanced technologies, to less complex processes, but not for that reason, less effective.

Training is the result of an action; For example, the training for which he was trained.

Training in the sustainable development of a state public company.

In the training process of a productive company, we have to take into account various factors to consider in order to obtain a greater participation or production of the company, therefore, firstly, in order to take into account the training to be given to workers, we must consider have the indicators regarding the situational analysis of the company; as well as having detected its needs, plans and programs to be implemented for the fulfillment of the mission, vision and business objective; the strategic design of the training actions and finally the evaluation and monitoring of the training provided.

In Mexico, our Magna Carta protects work and social security, this in accordance with article 123 in its sections A and B, which establishes in a general way, that "everyone has the right to a decent and socially useful job" Without going unnoticed by the writer, the reforms to the first paragraph, Section B of Article 123.

In this sense, we also find within the provisions that govern labor matters, what is established by the Federal Labor Law, which in what matters according to the training and training for work within the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, establishes in various numerals in a general way the following, the 132 fraction XV, 153, and from 153-A to 153-Z, which among other things establishes the obligation of employers to provide and grant training and on-the-job training to the workers in order to allow them to raise their standard of living, the object of the training, as well as the obligation of the workers to whom the training or training is given.

According to the foregoing, it becomes clear that the energy industry derived from its business activity, in the same way, is regulated by the laws cited in previous paragraphs, in that tenor, the energy industry for the development of its activities also has a Law such as State Productive Company, which establishes a Board of Directors for its integration and operation, in which the Head of the Ministry of Energy, the Head of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, three Federal Government Councilors appointed by the Executive participate, four independent directors appointed in the same way by the Federal Executive, as well as a director appointed by the workers, which once said Council is formed, they will appoint Audit Committees; Human Resources and Remuneration;Strategy and Investments, and Acquisitions, Leases, Works and Services, within which the person in charge of training for the job is Human Resources and Remuneration, to whom within their functions is to propose training, certification and updating agreements may subscribe with public and private institutions, national or international, for the strengthening of its workers in the state public company.for the strengthening of its workers in the state public company.for the strengthening of its workers in the state public company.

Thus, we can observe that training and education in our country is a worker's right which is protected by law, and which can be applied and subdivided in terms of a specific area, located in the company in which it is located. they present deficiencies, limitations and problems in the fulfillment of the objectives and public policies of the same; in the same way, training can be individual, of which the impediment, limitation or deficiency in the performance of their activities can be observed in each of the workers, derived from the lack of techniques and skills in their work occupation.

The above may establish that the training of personnel within a company in the energy sector must be integrated by specific programs, by areas, and occupation levels in the performance of their activities, duration of training, which must be programmed, with thematic contents, objectives and the way to be carried out, being this online or in person for the development of the proper training.

In this sense, for the implementation of training and job training in a public company in the state, it is necessary to establish a training and training plan for work, which includes the teaching-learning activities that lead us to comply The objectives set within the development of the company, therefore, must be established in a general and specific way, training with thematic, methodological, technical content, training systems for personnel, durability of training and training, as well as determining the type of worker, and where appropriate if this should be trained in a group or individual way, as these variables are necessary when implementing the training plan and training by areas, departments or sections, of organization of energy business work.

Consistent with the above, I can express at my personal discretion that the basic elements that each of the training and training plans for work must contain, to be implemented in a public company in the state, should establish the following items and variables:

  • Introduction. Design of the program according to the needs of the work (individual, group, face-to-face or online). Objectives of the training plan. Work methodology. Analysis of the relevance of the actions. Results of the applicability of the training plan. Areas of opportunity for the growth of the company and for the workers. Evaluation and follow-up records.

Consequently, once the training of the workers of an energy company has been carried out, we must analyze the impact on the worker's worldview (set of knowledge and beliefs that form the vision of the labor world), which is deduced from the disposition and participation in the training process to which they are subjected to improve their working conditions; at the same time identifying the problems and actions that make it possible to indicate state policies with the undoubted support of the employer sector.

Training types

Alfonso Silíceo Aguilar in his book "Training and development of the person" defines the function of training with the following concept: "Training consists of a planned activity based on real needs of a company or organization and oriented towards a change in knowledge, collaborator skills and attitudes ”. The objective of an education center in the company (internal training) could be understood as follows: For the general objective of a company to be fully achieved, the training function that collaborates by providing the company with properly trained personnel is necessary, trained and developed to perform its functions well, having previously discovered the real needs of the company. For the above,Training is the educational function of a company or organization by which present needs are satisfied and future needs are anticipated regarding the preparation and ability of employees.

Another student of the subject, Idalberto Chiavenato, points out in his book

"Initiation to Personnel Administration" defining Training as:

“An educational process through which people acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes for the performance of their positions. It is an educational process because its purpose is the training and preparation of people.

It is eminently oriented towards the performance of the position, whether current or future in the company "

Now, the author cites three types of content, included in the training:

  • Transmission of information and knowledge that includes information about the job, the company, its products or services, its internal rules and regulations, its organizational structure, etc. It is the training that is generally provided to newly admitted personnel. Development of skills and abilities related to the current or future position, generally associated with motor and manual activities that require training and constant practice. Development of attitudes: it is intended to transform negative attitudes or inappropriate in positive or favorable.

The general purpose of the training of personnel is to prepare and train people for the labor market, and as a specific purpose that the workers of the company can carry out the activities that the energy company carries out in this sense, consequently, we can express that On-the-job training is the training of staff in knowledge, skills and attitudes to improve their performance as employees in the energy sector; without ceasing to observe that within the training there are other variables, among which we can cite the following:

  • Adult education Recreational, Cultural, Artistic and Leisure Activities.

Finally, the training has to produce after the implementation of the instruction process, the identification of inconsistencies, problems and corrective actions within the worker's work environment which are necessary to establish new actions for training, updating, and improvement of activities. work that allow the fulfillment of the company's goals and objectives.

Theoretical support

The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States establishes the planning of national development as the axis that articulates the public policies carried out by the Government of the Republic, but also as the direct source of participatory democracy through consultation with society.. For this reason, it is the fundamental norm that originally establishes the labor parameters that a worker must have in our country, as well as establishes in specific norms the operation of state public companies in the energy sector, which must also be complied with. The purpose of, as has already been indicated in previous paragraphs, must be fulfilled in conjunction with national development, which is the task of all, in this context, it is noted that the folklore of laws on labor matters,They also establish training for workers as an acquired right, among which the workers of the energy sector company are also subject to said provisions, therefore, at the national level we have established the National Development Plan 2013-2018, in which ideas and visions converge, as well as proposals and lines of action to take Mexico to its maximum potential.

The National Development Plan, in which the country's energy development plan is established, which was prepared under the leadership of the President of the Republic, Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto, observing at all times compliance with the legal framework, as well as He considered that the task of development and growth corresponds to all the actors, all the sectors and all the people of the country. The development of the country and specifically of the energy sector that we analyze in this paper is not the duty of a single actor, not even one as central as the State. Growth and development arise from the bottom up, when each person, each company and each actor in our society is capable of making their greatest contribution.

In that order of ideas, this work expresses the strategic vision of training and training in a public company in the state, which allows the reader to know and analyze the basic concepts of training and training at work, as well as to know the various laws that make references to such actions implemented in the labor field.


Training and training in the state public company is of the utmost importance derived from the dynamic behavior of the different markets of the energy sector with which our country competes worldwide, since such training strengthens the financial structure as well as maintains security and safety. welfare of workers in this sector.

The generation, transmission, distribution and supply of the energy produced in our country, could not be possible, if it does not have the human talent duly trained and trained for the development of its activities, because based on said training the personnel can generate the fulfillment of the objectives set by the company, since with this it can generate joint investment schemes, or with private investors, which broadens the skills and technical capabilities and benefits that will allow the expansion and modernization of the state public company.

Definitely then, we can conclude that the training and training actions in a public company of the state, optimizes the competitiveness of generation, transmission, distribution and supply of the energy produced in a public company of the state, having a positive impact for the country, reducing the risks of labor liability costs; since these actions ensure the proper functioning, modernization, and strengthening of both the commercial process and the electrical infrastructure.



  • Training and staff development. Alfonso Siliceo Aguilar. Fourth edition, 2004, MEXICO, DF EDITORIAL LIMUSA, SA. DE CV Guide for Training Managers. Specialized Service I: Training, Education and Communication, IICA. Economic Development Institute (IDE), World Bank. LEGISLATIVE PROVISION IN ELECTRONIC SOURCES: POLITICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES. Last Reform DOF 09-15-2017 FEDERAL LAW OF LABOR http://www.diputados.gob.mx/LeyesBiblio/ref/lft.htm Last Reform DOF 06-12-2015 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2013-2018https: //www.gob.mx / presidency
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Importance of training in the sustainable development of a state public company