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Importance of communication in organizations. reflections based on "the sweetness of sorrow" by michel faucoult



At whatever level the relationship between two or more individuals is made, this relationship is reflected in the communication of ideas, feelings, emotions, knowledge, etc. Contemporary administration is based on communication in any of its forms; this is what has motivated different authors to write real treatises.

Good communication makes the administration of any organization more and more efficient, since the harmonized progress of the groups is based on the information they have about the reasons that move them as such.

Communication has also been a factor in the disintegration of groups, when it is distorted or loses its true objective.

It is here where this research addresses an important aspect, since it is about verbal and non-verbal communication within organizations (a gesture is worth a thousand words).

Thus, we will address the communication focused on the Sweetness of Penalty by Michel Faucoult, who mentions that when punishing there is an enjoyment to those who apply it and at the same time there is also a cost of the penalty that is applied.

The subject of communication, as already mentioned, has been defined by various authors in the same way, this is how, Chavenato (2001) says that “ communication involves exchanges of facts, ideas, opinions and emotions between two or more people; it is also defined as interrelations through words, letters, symbols or messages and as a means for members of an organization to share meanings and understanding with others. ”(P. 324).

On the other hand, the teacher Hernández and Rodríguez (2002), mention that it is “the set of processes by which facts, attitudes, ideas, feelings, thoughts, knowledge and information are received and transmitted that constitute the basis of understanding, comprehension or agreement. common." (p. 310)

Now, what is the process that is followed to transmit all these elements, the process in which we all know, and that:


The sender is the one who sends the message.

The message is what is conveyed.

The receiver is the one who receives the message

Feedback is to make sure that the message that the message was received correctly.

Hence the importance of organizational communication, which is defined as "We conceptualize organizational communication, as the system of interrelationships and labor understanding, through the definition of its own Institutional mission and vision, which give structure to the achievement objectives, aimed at individual, collective, and therefore business benefit, allowing positioning in the productive market. " (Zúñiga, 2012).

Verbal communication according to the web page, the Online Teacher tells us that: Verbal communication can be done in two ways: oral: through oral signs and spoken or written words: through the graphic representation of signs.

There are multiple forms of oral communication. Shouting, whistling, crying and laughing can express different emotional situations and are one of the most primary forms of communication. The most evolved form of oral communication is articulated language, the structured sounds that give rise to the syllables, words and sentences with which we communicate with others.

The forms of written communication are also very varied and numerous (ideograms, hieroglyphs, alphabets, acronyms, graffiti, logos…). From the primitive ideographic and hieroglyphic writing, so difficult for us to understand; even syllabic and alphabetic phonetics, better known, there is an important evolution.

To correctly interpret written messages, it is necessary to know the code, which must be common to the sender and receiver of the message.

Well now we will talk about the importance of non-verbal communication in organizations, which also reverses a neuralgic point in the process since the good achievement of organizational objectives also depends on it, but with the peculiarity that this type of communication it is very delicate since unconsciously we can communicate something that we do not really want or vice versa, turning this into a barrier. "Many conflicts in the dynamics of a work group arise from inadequate communication schemes: one thing is desired and another is said" (Hernández, 2002, p. 315).

In this way, a barrier imposed on communication is understood to be all those factors that prevent it, distorting the message, or hindering the general process of this.

Non-verbal communication or body language is part of all transactions in the workplace. It governs the way we communicate and work with other people. It is one of the main ingredients of the success of our personal career.

According to Gordoa (2003), the map of the language of non-verbal communication is that which is produced by any means other than language. This communication can be done:

Between human beings through;

Head, face and neck

Eye contact

Body posture


Legs and feet Body orientation



Body Distance



Touch or skin

José Carlos Bermejo Barrera, mentions in his book Genealogy of History II:

In our world, torture cannot indeed be the object of discourse, since our ideology of punishment is based on what Michel Faucoult called "the sweetness of punishment." It is no longer a question, as was the case in the old regime, that the punishment is a public manifestation of the King's power, a manifestation that is exercised symbolically through the torture of the body of the condemned person, if not what is intended, at least at At the level of the statements, it is developed in sets of penalties aimed more at safeguarding the interests of the community together with the interest of the convicted person, whose suffering is not merely sought but basically his new integration into the scope of the society that punishes him: his rehabilitation. "

From this point of view of Focoult, individuals enjoy subduing the other individual during the punishment process.

In interpersonal relationships in organizations, the two figures are presented, the one who submits and the one who is submitted, that is, the boss and the subordinate respectively. In this relationship, the figure of punishment is frequently presented, the punishment imposed by the boss on the subordinate when she makes mistakes in her activities. Communication before applying the punishment is essential here, since listening beforehand will give us the opportunity to analyze the mistake made and the application of the punishment.

However, body language is of vital importance to analyze the degree of guilt of the person to be punished, we observe individuals, we can notice and reinforce the guilt or innocence of the subordinate.


In reference to verbal communication, reference will be made to Aesop, a famous fabulist, to whom he asks, What is the most dire thing in the world? The tongue responds, with it he blames, lies, denigrates, insults, slanders and kills. Then they ask him now, tell us, What is the noblest thing in the world? and he answered: the language, because it praises, honors, praises, dignifies and enriches man spiritually and thanks to them he becomes a supreme being of creation…, thus we can realize the importance of non-verbal communication, that can make the members of an organization more productive or not and as a consequence have or not have a punishment.

The same happens with non-verbal communication with the peculiarity that here emphasis is placed on all those elements that are not related to the written or oral word.

In non-verbal communication, emphasis will be placed on all those elements that physically transmit a signal of like or dislike during the development of our activities in an organization, and that could turn into a serious barrier in communication.

It is concluded that communication within the organization is of vital importance since many of the decisions to apply a punishment will depend on the way this communication flows within the organizations.

Information sources


CHIAVENATO Idalberto (2001) Administration. Administrative process. Colombia. Mc Graw Hill.

FRANKLIN Fincowsky Enrique Benjamin (2009). Business Organization. Mexico. Mc Graw Hill. 3rd Edition.

GORDOA Víctor (2003) Imagology. Mexico. Grijalbo.

GORDOA Víctor (2004) The Power of the Public Image. Mexico. Grijalbo.

HERNÁNDEZ and Rodríguez Sergio (2002) Administration. Thought, Process, Strategy and Vanguard. Mexico.

JAMES Judi (2001) Body Language at work. Spain. Oniro.

MUNCH Galindo Lourdes (2000). Administration Fundamentals. Mexico. Threshing. 5th Edition.


Google Book. Retrieved June 25, 2012.

Zúñiga Bernal Arturo De Guade.com. Organizational Communication in Human Relations. Retrieved June 25, 2012.

The Online Teacher. Retrieved June 25, 2012.

Importance of communication in organizations. reflections based on "the sweetness of sorrow" by michel faucoult