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Importance of financial management and administration in the company

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The efficient management of the company depends on the skills of the people who are in charge, this leads to the selection of an excellent administrator in the organization, since the management of all business resources depends on him and in the short term the one who provide the tools for management decision making.

One of the issues that most worries executives and senior management is finding suitable personnel capable of managing their companies. Finding reliable people who have good management of administrative structures is quite complicated. A good administrator must provide the shareholders of the company with full security of organizational knowledge and of how to develop financial management aimed at making decisions that lead to the optimal generation of wealth for the company.

Faced with financial administration and its management, the person in charge must provide all the tools to carry out the fundamental operations of the company against control, in investments, in the effectiveness in the management of resources, in the achievement of new sources of financing, in maintain operational and administrative effectiveness and efficiency, in the reliability of financial information, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, but above all in decision-making.

Working for the company. The financial manager must ensure compliance with the organizational objectives and goals

The foregoing occurs as a consequence of the need for the company's governing bodies to seek and fulfill business objectives, this is where those in charge of the financial area really take on great relevance within the organization's organization chart, since they are the ones who with their management, they elaborate the desirable future and select the ways to make it feasible, making the people in their charge work as a global system using the methodologies and tools necessary to form a strategically and tactically consistent group that seeks the business goals proposed by the higher ups.

The contrast between managing and directing a company is quite obvious, but when these are related from the point of view of the company's growth and its position in the current market, it becomes clear that the perspective of both the leader and the manager changes, as factors enter that can sometimes affect the correct performance of productive factors within the entity.

When resources are abundant, production is massive and controlled, the demand for the product offered to the market is very high consumption, sources of financing are readily available or when for one reason or another the company is in a position to solve problems quickly, it is easier to direct forces to meet the organizational objectives, but if, on the contrary, all the factors that surround the company are not properly controlled, the director and administrator find it necessary to join forces to carry out e implement a series of strategies to obtain the necessary resources that allow the adequate development of the company.

Human capital is essential

The achievement of trained human capital to perform a job that meets the expectations of the owners and managers of the company is quite complicated, but the development of many countries where professionals in this type of areas have ample opportunities for research, training and specialization begins. to see the problem partly solved.

When an administrator, manager or president sets very rigid rules in business management, it can create more terrible problems than they want to solve.

In this context, managers are the ones who must first get to know their staff, because in the correct selection of them is the future success of the company.

The correct implementation of methodologies in the managerial and administrative management of the business must also be taken into account, analyzing all the cells necessary to obtain the goals, among which is a key concept that arises in response to the loss of productivity in the administrative processes and as a directive management tool and is the establishment of effective and efficient control sections.

Control sections

Span of control can be defined as the number of subordinates that a manager can manage effectively and efficiently. Its importance is reflected in the fact that as a manager moves up in an organization he has to deal with a greater number of unstructured problems, so that senior executives must have a smaller span than middle-level managers.

To a large extent the span of control can determine the number of levels and administrators that an organization needs. If all the aspects that are related to the management of the company remain unchanged, the broader the span of control, the more efficient the design of the organization.

To define an efficient and effective control section, aspects such as:

  • The training of the administrator must be in accordance with the type of objectives that are intended to be obtained. Experience is of vital importance, since it can ensure at a certain moment the application of immediate corrections. The establishment of tasks and responsibilities must be perfectly exposed to each of the subordinates The complexity of the tasks must be evaluated in order to hire suitable personnel for their development The administrator must be one of those who is most familiar with the information systems within the company In the control section The objectives and the foundations of the organizational culture must be clearly defined. Finally, the type of administration to which the company wants to submit must be set.

In setting the type of administration and control section, two types can be presented that have their advantages and disadvantages, as follows:

Narrow control sections


  • There is strict supervision There is rigorous control of operations There is rapid communication between subordinates and superiors.


  • Superiors tend to intervene in the work of employees Too many management levels are established Costs are increased by the large number of levels There is an excessive distance between the lower level and the higher level.

Wide control sections


  • Superiors are obliged to delegate functions, and clear policies should be planned and established in administrative management.

    Subordinates are carefully selected.


  • Administrators tend to be overloaded with work. Temporary loss of superior control may occur. High quality and exceptional management management is required by managers.

As a final conclusion, it could be said that neither the management nor the administration is a simple task, each task and person who develops it has different capacities and are under different degrees of internal and external influence of variables, therefore when the company acquires the services of human capital for its directive and administrative operations must be able to obtain, classify and hire the best qualified personnel for each of the positions, people who meet the qualities that were described throughout this article, but above all who stand out for his leadership and ability to enforce objectives in the shortest time possible.

In the following video, Professor Mª Dolores Gil, from the San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University, explains the basic concepts of the financial function in the company.

Importance of financial management and administration in the company