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Importance of strategic creative and technological innovation

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This essay aims to raise awareness of the importance of why strategic, creative and technological innovation in companies. Companies or organizations face a changing environment that poses a series of challenges.

Today, companies are increasingly challenged by drastic competition and even a very bellicose economic environment, with very rapid rates of technological change, highly fluid creativity, with shorter product life cycles and with sectoral limits. increasingly diffuse.

Technology and creativity are two factors that generate transcendental value for companies, highlighting the development of innovation processes and adequate management to achieve and maintain advantages that increase competitiveness and the position of dominance in them, highlighting the essential characteristics of the stages of development of new products by the company and the advantages derived from good management.

Innovation is a very attractive word that has been used improperly on many occasions, it has also served as an argument to justify millionaire investments or even as an excuse to carry out spectacular advertising campaigns that try to mask the mediocrity of many organizations.


This essay aims to publicize the importance of why creative strategic innovation and technology in a company. Companies or organizations face a changing environment poses a number of challenges.

Today companies are increasingly challenged to greater competition and even drastic economic environment very warlike, with rates of technological change very fast, high-flow creativity, life cycles of products smaller and sectoral boundaries increasingly blurred.

Technology and creativity are two factors that generate a transcendental value to companies, highlighting the development of innovative processes and proper management to achieve and sustain competitive advantages and increase the dominant position therein, highlighting the essential features stage of new product development by the company and the benefits of good management.

Innovation is a very attractive word that has been used on many occasions improperly, has also served as an argument to justify investing millions or even as an excuse for spectacular advertising campaigns that try to mask the mediocrity of many organizations.

Why strategic creative and technological innovation in companies will occupy the attention throughout this essay. For this reason, some clarifications are made about these concepts and the way in which they will be addressed during the development of this work.

We must first distinguish between the concepts of business, innovation, creativity and technology.

For the purpose of this essay, it is proposed that for the company, creativity and technology constitute one of the fundamental pillars on which its profitability, growth and competitiveness rests, becoming an essential factor for its perpetuity.

According to Idalberto Chiavenato (2000: 4) a company "is a social organization that uses a great variety of resources to achieve certain objectives."

However, to achieve the objectives, it must be taken into account which are the challenges that are faced, one of them are the markets that are much more global, with which both competition and expansion opportunities occur worldwide, customers each They are more and more demanding, and demand new benefits, better services and lower prices, with solutions adapted to their particularities, new technologies have accelerated dramatic changes in relationships with customers and with other companies, being the joint creation of value with customers one of the new management paradigms and an opportunity for the creation of value, leadership in innovation is increasingly difficult to maintain, due to increasing competition and the rapid pace of technological advances and finally increasingly,Intellectual capital is more valuable than physical or financial capital, and it is employees who are becoming true "capitalists" in a world where talent and knowledge are critical factors.

However, when considering their future, many companies define strategies that are very similar to those of the past and not differentiated from those of their competitors. In addition, they do not pay attention to the development of a constant innovation capacity in the company, so they do not develop the necessary new skills, practices and processes. As a result, many companies are experiencing a progressive reduction in margins and profits, and will continue to do so if they do not start to incorporate innovation management into their strategies. Sooner or later, every business model reaches the point of declining revenue. And these days, it is usually early.

To face these challenges, companies need to innovate strategically. The only way to face the challenges that companies face today, in a profitable and sustained way over time, is through innovation.

Innovation is the main source of economic growth at the business, sector, national and global levels. There are different definitions of innovation. Common to all of them is that innovation is something new, and it must be useful. Many problems in the definition of innovation derive from the different dimensions of innovation: the types of innovation (product vs. process, radical vs. incremental, technological vs. management).

Innovation is "Complex process of creation and transformation of the additional knowledge available in new solutions for the problems that, through its multiple organizational systems, humanity poses in its own evolution" (Ceprede, 1998: 18).

The generation of added value occurs through the creation of something new that is transformed or incorporated in products, services, processes, systems, structures, brands, patents, etc., in something for which the client and / or the consumer are willing to turn off. In this sense, we will see innovation as the sum of invention and commercialization. Thus, radical business innovation is more than product innovation or technological innovation, and requires thinking holistically about the business system, changing in a coherent and differential way compared to competitors, several elements:

  1. Products: Create new products or new services. Platforms: Create modular platforms and strategic control points. Solutions: Solve end-to-end problems for customers. Customers: Find new customer segments or unmet customer needs. Experience Customer: Change how customers interact with you Income model: Change how you are paid Processes: Innovate in operational processes Value chain: Change the position or scope of participation in the value chain Logistics / Supply chain: Change the way you produce, supply and transport products Channels: Change how you go to market with your products Networking: Change how you connect with customers or suppliers Create new technologies, materials, products or processes.

The company must generate a capacity for constant strategic innovation, so that all the people who are part of the organization feel the need to innovate and create and are focused on capturing the opportunities of tomorrow.

This is where technology and creativity play a transcendental role. The growing complexity and form of technological change is forcing companies to form new vertical and horizontal alliances and to seek greater flexibility and demand in responding to market changes. This adaptation process is leading some companies to greater and more strategically focused integration into networks, and to the adoption of sophisticated IT tools in their design and development activities, to increase flexibility, speed and efficiency.

Currently, the concept of technology has evolved, and not only refers to machines and equipment, but to everything related to the information, knowledge and decisions necessary to maintain a competitive company in the long term, which is a modern company according to patterns international. Therefore, the concept of technology transfer is changed to the concept of strategic technology management, where technology becomes a strategic element in the decision-making process, as it is incorporated as a whole to the company.

Technology enables the company to be viable in the market by allowing it to satisfy, through effective and efficient manufacturing, the selected segments of demand. The competitiveness generated by the company depends, in a high percentage, on the technological level reached and on its updating speed.

For the author Child H. (1997: 16), who has one of the most precise definitions of technology, which he conceptualizes as:

"The set of knowledge and information typical of an activity that can be used in a systematic way for the design, development, manufacture and marketing of products, or the provision of services, including the proper application of techniques associated with global management."

There are two perspectives for evaluating technology: instrumental and economic. Instrumental evaluation aims to determine if a technology works and achieves the desired result. The economic evaluation seeks to determine if the result was achieved efficiently or if it originated the greatest possible benefit. In the instrumental evaluation, factors such as operability, reliability, functionality or suitability for use are considered. In the economic evaluation, factors such as the investment necessary for its acquisition or development, the cost of operation and maintenance and, ultimately, the profitability it generates for the company are considered.

In the life cycle of technology, any technology is subject to a process of evolution over time. In the beginning, it can only be accessed by some companies and later any competitor in the market can participate. Therefore, it can be said that each technology has a life cycle. Emergence phase, growth phase, maturity phase and saturation phase.

Emergency phase. It corresponds to the period in which the technology in question appears and develops in an incipient way, the technical performances are especially scarce and rarely competitive with the performances of other technologies that it could replace.

Growth phase. Period of intense improvement of the technology with yields in clear improvement due to the degree of reliability that is being achieved. In this period, the fields of application in which it has possibilities end up deciding, adding new functionalities that could not be achieved or were not profitable with existing technologies.

Maturity phase. Period in which the technology ends up stabilizing, ending up defining procedures for the possible applications, the high degree of knowledge leads to new and numerous applications being imagined, although the performance from the technical point of view although growing, its growth rate it is already much smaller.

Saturation or aging phase. Period in which technology reaches its limits, manifesting a little increase in technical performance that is obtained. Research aimed at improving yields, instead of providing clear improvements, ends up introducing distortions in the procedures that end up producing cost growth and a low appreciation of productivity.

To all this is attached the concept of creativity, which is an integral factor within companies since creativity is more than inspiration and intuition, it can make valuable contributions but is strengthened in deliberate and systematic creative work. Creativity is the capacity that all people have in a more or less developed way and that we can all use.

"Creativity is necessary in companies with big leaps (which establishes a new paradigm), as with small leaps (which produce new products without any sudden change in concepts)." (Bono, 1994).

The innovation in new products means, articles that are new for the company, are those original products or real innovations, the important modifications carried out in the existing products, the imitations or reproductions of those worked by the competitors and the acquisitions of lines of products, since in all these there is incorporation of something "new" to the current product mix of the company. "New product" is the one perceived by the majority of the public as new in a given market. Its degree of novelty depends on the established purchasing patterns. A new product can be created or made "new" in many ways.

An entirely new concept can be translated into a new article and / or service. Simple minor changes to an existing product can make it "new" or an existing product can be offered to new markets that will consider it "new."

Product development is important for the consumer, indispensable for the company, and strategic for the nation. A product development process is the sequence of steps that a company goes through to conceive, design, and market a new product.

The creation of new products is an interactive process that includes the following stages:

  • Generation and search for new ideas Selection of ideas Economic evaluation Product development and construction of prototypes Product testing on the market Mass launch

The product life cycle is the evolution of a product's sales during the time it remains on the market. Products do not generate maximum sales volume immediately after entering the market, nor do they sustain growth indefinitely. The concept of a product life cycle is a marketing tool. The conditions under which a product is sold change over time; thus, sales vary and pricing, distribution, and promotion strategies must be adjusted taking into account the moment or phase of the life cycle in which the product is found. The life cycle of a product is classified into four phases:

Introduction phase. It occurs the moment a new product is introduced to the market. Sales are at low levels because the product is not yet widely accepted in the market. Product availability to the buyer is limited.

Growth phase. If the market accepts the product, sales increase rapidly. Planning for physical layout is difficult in this growth or acceptance phase. However, the availability of the product also spreads rapidly throughout the geography, as buyer interest in the product increases. Profits increase because the product is known to customers or services.

Maturity phase. It is a period where the increase in sales is slow or has stabilized at one level. In this phase the product has established itself in the market, which is why it is already considered an old product. It is when the product has reached its highest profitability.

Decline phase. There comes a time when sales decline, in most products due to changes in technology, competition, or loss of interest from the customer. Prices often go down and profits go down. The company can focus its activity on the permanent improvement of production processes, through various innovations and improvements in product quality.

The key to successful new product development depends on the focus on achieving goals. When it comes to product development, success depends mainly on three factors: The product, company capacity, market benevolence.

Many companies have been successful in defining strategies and developing radically new products and services, in a very profitable and sustained way. Each company is different but you can find a series of characteristics common to all these innovative companies:

  • A clear strategy that sets priorities for innovation and allocates resources accordingly. Innovative companies focus on what their brands communicate, what needs they cover, and what niches they serve. They also focus their innovation efforts on gaps in their product and service portfolios. Also, an integral part of your strategy is how to best target your supplier or partner base to leverage your innovative power - a good innovation process that turns strategy into reality. Consistent processes that ensure that ideas are generated and captured systematically, and that selected projects are aligned with the strategy and are executed effectively. Also,A formal approach to collaboration between functions and the extended enterprise early in the development process is key Strong technology portfolio management helps companies address the risk of new technologies appropriately, rather than making bets or selecting one Immature technology. An open culture that encourages and encourages innovation, instilling the appropriate level of management control, assessment of results, reward for risk taking and openness to change. A system of indicators and incentives that supports innovation.infusing the appropriate level of management control, assessment of the result, reward for risk taking and openness to change. A system of indicators and incentives that supports innovation.infusing the appropriate level of management control, assessment of the result, reward for risk taking and openness to change. A system of indicators and incentives that supports innovation.

Successful innovation requires all of these characteristics. Even the best strategy is useless if it is not executed properly and large processes are thwarted by misaligned incentives and low morale in the organization. Where to start? The first step is to evaluate your starting position objectively. The company can then work to create a strong strategy, formal processes, and the right culture.


For companies, technology, creativity, management, innovation are fundamental factors for profitability, growth and competitiveness. Companies owe their origin and survival to the correct application of technology, the development of new products and the improvement of manufacturing processes and / or services.

The high innovative content of a company is characterized by carrying out a business development program, which seeks to adapt a model of technological and creative innovation to make it concrete in a competitive response to the turbulent technological and economic environment faced by companies..

If the objective is to develop and grow an existing or new company, innovation alone is not enough, but the right environmental conditions are created, such as sufficient financial resources and a close relationship between science and technology aimed at the introduction of new products or services on the market.


  • Bono, ED (1994). Creative Thinking "The power of lateral thinking for the creation of new ideas." Barcelona: Urano.Ceprede. (1998). Innovation in the XXI century. Chiavenato, I. (2000). Initiation to organization and commercial technique. Mexico City: Mc Graw Hill.Child. (1997). What determines the organization? Organizational Dynamics.
Importance of strategic creative and technological innovation