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Importance of operations research in organizations

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Operations Research is today and for some decades a tool of maximum effectiveness that helps us in various areas, but especially in the Administration of organizations. However, before delving into other topics it is important to know the definition of Operations Research, and it is nothing more than the application of the scientific method to real problems, related to organizational problems, with the aim of producing solutions that help us to two things: maximize profits, profits and the satisfaction of our clients and / or minimize costs, distances and times. (Juan, 2004).

Once defined what Operations Research is, it is important to know its origins, in order to understand why and why this science arises.


Operations Research is today and for a few decades most effective tool that helps us in many areas, but especially in the management of organizations. But before delving into other topics is important to know the definition of Operations Research, and is nothing more than the application of scientific method to real problems related to organizational problems, with the goal of producing solutions that help us both: maximize profits, profits and customer satisfaction and / or minimize cost, distances and times.

Once defined what Operations Research is important to know the origins of this, in order to understand why and he said that science arises.

Origins of operations research

Within this topic we can observe three important and fundamental moments in the history of IoT

  1. With the arrival of the Industrial Revolution in 1880. Small artisan workshops began to implement machinery and new technologies that soon brought growth to these workshops, turning them into large organizations and as we well know, along with growth come new problems, and it is like this. as IO was implemented in organizations in order to find solutions to these problems. There is an urgent need to allocate scarce resources to the different military operations, planning new and more effective attack strategies. It was then that the American and English forces sent for a group of scientists to do research on military operations, thus obtaining great success: The Computer Revolution.To handle the complex problems related to this discipline requires a large number of calculations and doing them manually would be practically impossible and very impractical. This is how software was created that came to facilitate many of our activities and of course, the study of Operations Research.

Nature of market research

As its name implies, Operations Research is “doing research on operations, therefore, IO is applied to problems of conducting and coordinating operations within an organization.

IoT has been applied so extensively in various areas such as manufacturing, transportation, telecommunications, financial planning, health care, the military, among others.

Thus, the range of applications is extremely wide. But essentially, the nature of Operations Research lies in the application of the scientific method.

In particular, the process begins with careful observation and formulation of the problem, including the collection of relevant data. Next, the construction of a scientific, regularly mathematical model that represents the real problem and a hypothesis is established that the model is an accurate representation of the characteristics of the situation so that the conclusions obtained are valid for the real problem. Afterwards the appropriate tests are carried out to test this hypothesis and finally modify it if necessary and eventually modify it.

Impact of operations investigation

Operations research has had a major impact on improving the efficiency of numerous organizations around the world. For example, the organization United Airlines had an annual saving of 6 million pesos by scheduling work shifts at the reservations office and airports to meet customer needs at a minimum cost. (Gerardo, 1990)

And so we could mention a number of organizations that have benefited greatly from Operations Research.

Operations Research Methodology

As mentioned above, the IO uses the scientific method, and as in any methodology, it is required to follow a series of steps, such as:

  1. The definition of the problem. Development of a mathematical model and data collection. Solving the mathematical model. If the solution found is valid for the model then it is implemented. If the solution found is not valid, then it is necessary to modify it and formulate a new model that if it suits the problem in question.


It is true that most students and professionals fear mathematics a little, they do not even consider it so important in their professional training, however, it is incredible the way that in mathematics, particularly, Operations Research helps us to to carry out a more effective and successful Business Administration, which is the objective of many of us who proudly prepare ourselves in this discipline of knowledge. And therein lies the importance of mathematics in all aspects of our life.


  • Gerardo, SL (1990). Transportation and allocation models. Mexico, Juan, P. (2004). Operations research methods and models. Mexico: Limusa.
Importance of operations research in organizations