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Importance of customer recall


It is constant in every company, wanting us not only to be temporary companies for our clients, it is true that we constantly make great efforts to be able to retain them, but what happens with those clients who use our products or services for a specific need, worries us in some way that our company is present in the minds of customers, we are aware of how they see us or how they remember us.

The growing boom in marketing today has made many of the companies struggle more and more to create a solid brand and above all to create a certain perception in the mind of the customer.

Small and medium-sized companies put little emphasis on these types of issues, since they are more engaged in economic situations than in matters of perception. The constant concern of SMEs is above all that they can develop business opportunities and be in a constant coming and going of offers and demands with a specific customer sector and meeting specific needs.

There are really few entrepreneurs, directors of small and medium-sized companies who analyze and value the situation of being remembered for their potential market and even more, very few are those who reflect on how they want to be seen, they try to do their job well. work and with that they believe that their clients perceive them as companies that sell good quality services and products, unfortunately there will also be many managers who are not even aware of what a brand is, how it is created and what the perception of the brand is for. Even worse, they do not even take into account the benefits it can bring them.

The importance of people remembering our brand, our name, lies in a number of factors which have to come from the deepest essence of the company if we are not even clear about what we are, what we sell and who we sell it to. very difficult to define how we want people to perceive us.

First of all, a company, no matter how small it may be, must be very clear about these points that will make the backbone to be able to start and distribute, to be able to communicate clearly what we are and the most important thing so that people remember us and have us as reference.

Although large companies have started by being small and have grown, it is also true that from the beginning they were clear about the essence of it and they knew how to transmit it perfectly, that is why people have references, that is why when we say cola soft drink, the vast majority of people think of coca-cola, and although we think we need to have a company monster like coca cola, to be able to refer to ourselves in that way is a mistake that we continually comment on.

Each company, no matter how small, has a specific type of client and sells something specific to cover a special need, if we worry that that small market niche is very clear about what we are and the need that we cover, even if it is very punctually, you are creating a brand that is positioning itself in a very specific way and with this we are making people remember us, we are achieving one of the great marketing objectives, we would be a reference in our sector and above all this would make us achieve a level of customer loyalty without even trying very hard for it.

The difficulty of having a brand remembered by customers lies mainly in the effort that entrepreneurs have to define the company, to know how to communicate it and above all to strive to know our market to understand them and know how to transmit them.

Little by little the mentality of the microentrepreneurs are becoming more aware and aware, thus they have the resources to create that brand, to remain in the mind of the client, but better still, the creation of very well-defined companies is more and more constant. that they are very clear about what they want and to whom they want to transmit it.

Importance of customer recall