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Importance of correctly seeing your personal problems


Most people view problems as negative. Every time something happens, a situation that they do not like or that they did not expect, they think that it "happened" to them, that it is something that exists by itself and is "external" to them. In this article I explain why it does not help you to continue seeing some situations as problems and I explain how to turn them into breakdowns so that you aspire to be the protagonist of your life. How to handle problems.

I want to start this article by sharing the following story with you:

One day a peasant's donkey fell into a well.

The animal brayed for hours, while the farmer tried to find a way to help him, but finally decided that the donkey was already old, and the well needed to be covered urgently.

So, grounding could solve both problems at the same time.

To that end, he asked his neighbors for help. Each one took a shovel, and they began to pour dirt into the well.

The donkey, upon noticing what was coming upon him, began to bray with more force, but after a while he calmed down. People did not see it, and thought it would have been buried.

But what was really happening was that the donkey was busy shaking off the dirt that was thrown at him with each stroke.

Soon after, and to everyone's surprise, the donkey's ears began to be seen, leaning on the ground that shook and fell to the ground, it was managing to rise.

When he reached the mouth of the well, he jumped up and ran happily, leaving his supposed undertakers speechless.

Free adaptation of a tale from the Jewish tradition.

I propose you something:

- Draw a circle and write the word PROBLEM inside it.

- Then draw yourself outside the circle (make a little picture to represent you).


This is how people who react “to what happens” (reactive) position themselves: OUTSIDE the circle of the PROBLEM. They do not get involved, they do not take part in it, they feel it as something “that happens to them” and that “lives outside of them”. From this representation, they also feel victims of "what has been done to them" and of the environment that "does not help them to be happy and that slows down their possibility of change."

You feel identified?

It is important that you know that if you do not get involved (you do not "get into" the problem), you will not be able to take charge of your participation in it or seek its solution. In every situation that you live, in some way you are participating, collaborating or allowing it to happen. If you continue to label situations as problems, you will be behaving like a mere spectator and you will not be able to "get into" them or make your way in a protagonist way.

On the other hand, if you begin to observe the situations that you live as BREAKDOWNS, you will be able to “get” in the circle from now on called bankruptcy (which previously had the name of the problem), and, when you find yourself within that bankruptcy, you will be able to get involved, take charge of the possible solutions recognizing your participation and taking a proactive and leading position in the search for new paths that will allow you to restore the stability and balance that that break (situation) interrupted. Remember that bankruptcies can “come alone” or, you can declare them yourself to mark -a before and after- resounding in your life.

The donkey in the story chose to stand in the zone of influence, seeing his situation as a break and not as a problem. He stopped thinking about the negative, blaming others, feeling a victim. This is how he gracefully resolved what was happening to him because he got involved, participated, took charge of his own, taking leading and proactive action.

Here is a SUMMARY so that you can see it more clearly and know how to handle problems of any kind every time they arise in your life…

A LIFE SITUATION (whether difficult or adverse, improvement, opportunity, new idea or project, etc.)…

You can choose to see it as…


- You see it as something negative, - you don't get involved, - you feel like a victim, - blame others or external things, - you don't take charge, - you cannot solve it by yourself,

- you feel dependency, - you stay in inaction and wait for "something" to happen that will solve it or "fix itself", - You feel that something EXTERNAL has to change for you to be better.


- You see it as an opportunity for change and learning, - you get involved, you feel part and want to be part, - you feel like a protagonist, - you take charge and assume your participation, collaboration, permission in the results,

- you can solve it by yourself, - you feel independent, - you take action, - you feel that something from your INSIDE needs to change to be better and that this change unfolds in all areas of your life.

And now I would like to ask you the following questions:

- How are you "seeing" the situations that you live: how problems or how you break?

- According to the answer you have given to the last question: in what way is this opening or closing possibilities for you?

- What do you decide to do from now on with this information that you just learned?

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For a life to the fullest with abundance, well-being and freedom…

Importance of correctly seeing your personal problems