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Importance of marketing for a small business


It is true that we live in an increasingly global and mediated world and both new technologies and strategies are increasingly invading markets, however there is still the belief that small companies do not need marketing at all, and this is serious.

Every company, no matter how small, must use both internal and external tools that allow it to achieve maximum profitability, but this can be a double-edged sword depending on the case and the situation of both the company as such, as well as the market in which it operates.

Many small businesses do not really value marketing that should be given, they do business in the most traditional way without even realizing that they are marketing in the most rustic way that exists. However, every time they are told about a marketing strategy, they think that this is not very profitable and we do not see it from the monetary level but in the waste of time that this can entail.

Marketing in any company, be it small or large, ranges from setting short and long-term objectives, making an analysis of its internal and external reality, delimiting the market well and knowing how we want to be perceived and with all this developing work strategies to be able to achieve everything that we are planning.

I know it sounds very easy, but it really is, doing a marketing plan well does not depend on the size of the company but on its scope, using the means that it has and with which it can meet the objectives that have been proposed. Being afraid of the word marketing is something that is gradually being eradicated but is constantly heard among small entrepreneurs.

Using the tools that marketing gives us more and more often is something we see more often, but unfortunately, this use is sometimes excessive and without a specific purpose. Communication as such is one of the greatest tools that marketing provides and the worst used of all, on many occasions it is not even clear what the message you want to give is. Entrepreneurs have not thought about what they really want to say to their audience and unfortunately they are not clear if they want that audience they want to reach.

We understand that creating and starting a company is obviously because it is believed that there is a need to cover both geographically and materially, but seldom do we really study and analyze the true need, the market that has this need and if our company will be able to meet that need.

I reiterate, it is so easy to do marketing, it is to lose your fear and it is to take advantage of the use that we can give it so that our company is more profitable, has a much more presence in the market, that we meet the objectives that we set ourselves from the beginning and that we eventually forge. Let's plan, develop strategies and tactics to create and develop markets, regardless of the size of our company, taking into account and being aware that all those who sell something or offer a service do marketing.

Importance of marketing for a small business