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Importance of the administrative process in companies

Table of contents:



This document is a summary that explains how the administrative process is formed and taking two important phases, the mechanical or structural phase and the dynamic or operational phase, which are formed by Planning, Organization, Direction and Control, which are very important processes within a company. company since these allow them to focus exactly on the points to follow for the management of a company. We must take into account that there are very few companies that carry out this process exactly but find it very useful to be able to take control and be successful in the future.


This document is a summary explaining how is made the administrative process and taking two important phases mechanical phase or structural and dynamic or operational phase which are formed by the Planning, Organization, Management and Control are very important processes within a company as these allow them to focus accurately procedure to follow for the management of a company. We note that there are very few companies that have exactly this process but it is very useful to be able to take control and succeed in the future.

Administrative process

Set of interrelated and interdependent actions that make up the administration function and involve different activities aimed at achieving a goal through the optimal use of human, material, financial and technological resources.

The administrative process is divided by the mechanical or structural phase which are the following:


For a manager and for a group of employees it is important to decide or be identified with the objectives to be achieved. The next step is to reach them. This creates questions that work needs to be done? When and how will it be done? What will be the necessary components of the work, the contributions and how to achieve them. In essence, a plan or a pattern is formulated integrating predetermining of future activities, this requires the faculty of foreseeing, of visualizing, of the purpose of looking ahead.

Important planning activities

  1. Clarify, amplify, and determine objectives Forecasting Establish the conditions and assumptions under which work will be done Select and state tasks to achieve objectives Establish an overall plan of achievement emphasizing creativity to find new and better means of performing work Establish performance policies, procedures and methods Anticipate potential future problems Modify plans in light of control results

The planning is made up of:


The mission is the motive, purpose, end or rationale for the existence of a company or organization because it defines: 1) what it intends to accomplish in its environment or social system in which it operates, 2) what it intends to do, and 3) who is going to do it for; and is influenced at specific times by some elements such as: the history of the organization, the preferences of management and / or owners, external factors or the environment, available resources, and their distinctive capabilities.


Description of a scenario highly desired by the general management of an organization. Ability to see beyond time and space, to build in the mind a desirable future state that allows clarity about what you want to do and where you want to go in an organization.


They are established immediately from the mission and vision and do not indicate a limitation of duration in the future.


Programmatic element that identifies the purpose towards which the resources and efforts should be directed to fulfill the mission, in the case of an organization, or the institutional purposes, in the case of the programmatic categories. Qualitative expression of a purpose in a given period; the objective must answer the question "what" and "why". In programming, it is the set of qualitative results that the program aims to achieve through certain actions.


It is designated by the name of statistics to that science that shows in its bases a strong presence and action of mathematics and that mainly deals with the collection, analysis and interpretation of data that seek to explain the conditions in those random phenomena.


Policies and procedures are an essential part of business management, since they save employees from having to reinvent the wheel, and they provide a benchmark against which individual performances can be judged.


A scheme that establishes: the sequence of specific activities that will have to be carried out to achieve the objectives, and the time required to carry out each of its stages and all those events involved in their achievement.


They are programs in which figures are assigned to activities, referring basically to the flow of money within the organization; It involves an estimate of capital, costs, income, and the units or products required to achieve the objectives.


After the direction and format of future actions have already been determined, the next step to carry out the work will be to distribute or point out the necessary work activities among the group members and indicate the participation of each group member. This distribution of work is guided by consideration of such things as the nature of the component activities, the people in the group, and the physical facilities available.

These component activities are grouped and assigned so that a minimum of expenses or a maximum of employee satisfaction is achieved or that some similar objective is achieved, if the group is deficient in either the number or the quality of the administrative members. such members will be sought. Each of the members assigned to a component activity faces their own relationship with the group and that of the group with other groups in the company.

Important organizational activities

  1. Subdivide work into operational units Group operational duties into positions Assemble operational positions into manageable and related units Clarify job requirements Select and place individuals in the appropriate position Utilize and agree on the appropriate authority for each member of the administration Provide personal facilities and other resources Adjust the organization in light of the control results.

The organization is made up of:

Division of labour

It is the separation and delimitation of activities, in order to perform a function with the greatest precision, efficiency and minimum effort, giving rise to specialization and improvement at work


It is the synchronization of the resources and efforts of a social group, in order to achieve opportunity, unity, harmony and speed in the development and achievement of the objectives


In order to physically carry out the activities that result from the planning and organizing steps, it is necessary for the manager to take measures that initiate and continue the actions required for the group members to carry out the task. Among the common measures used by the manager to put the group into action are directing, developing managers, instructing, helping members to improve themselves as well as their work through their own creativity, and compensation for this is called execution.

Important enforcement activities

  1. Put the philosophy of participation into practice by all those affected by the decision Lead and challenge others to do their best Motivate members Communicate effectively Develop members to realize their full potential Reward with recognition and good pay for a job well done Meeting the needs of employees through on-the-job efforts Review performance efforts in light of control results

The management is made up of:

Decision making

It is the choice of a course of action among several alternatives.


It includes the function through which the administrator chooses and obtains the resources necessary to implement the previously established decisions to execute the plans


Motivation are the stimuli that move the person to perform certain actions and persist in them for their completion


It is the process through which information is transmitted and received from a social group.


Monitor and guide subordinates in such a way that activities are carried out properly


Managers have always found it convenient to check or monitor what I know is being done to ensure that the work of others is progressing satisfactorily toward the predetermined goal. Establishing a good plan, distributing the component activities required for that plan, and the successful execution of each member does not ensure that the enterprise will be a success. Discrepancies, misinterpretations and unexpected obstacles can occur and must be promptly communicated to the manager for corrective action.

Important control activities

  1. Compare results with general plans Evaluate results against performance standards Identify effective means of measuring operations Communicate which means of measurement Transfer detailed data to show comparisons and variations Suggest actions corrective measures when necessary Inform responsible members of interpretations Adjust control in light of control results

Standards identification

Identify the standard that was established and it will serve as a comparison model to evaluate it

Results measurement

It consists of measuring performance and results by applying units of measurement, which must be defined according to the standards.


They are advantages or disadvantages that are taken into account to assess the correct decision.

Deviation detection

It is to identify the actual performance and the standard, which must be reported immediately.


Integrate deviations in relation to the standards, analyzing whether the drop is not a cause of poor product quality


Adjust the information obtained to the administrative system


Each company must have its administrative process in order to keep its company stable and thus be able to obtain beneficial results in the future, it is important to take into account each step since each one has a very important place within a company.

In this way, I conclude this work leaving with a satisfactory learning that with the passage of time I will put into practice within my company.


Each company should have its administrative process in order to maintain its stable business and thereby obtain beneficial results in the future, it is important to consider each step and each has a very important place within a company.

Thus I conclude this work so that you have a successful learning and that over time I will be putting into practice within my company.

Importance of the administrative process in companies