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Incentives as a complement to motivation towards tourism

Table of contents:


The Wedding and Honeymoon Segments and Incentive Groups as a complement to the motivation of Seasonality in the Sun and Beach Destination at the Hotel Paradisus Varadero


Tourism is a social phenomenon that arises as a consequence of the degree of development that humanity has acquired over time. It has its origin in progressive industrialization, in urban agglomerations and in the psychology of daily living. Its evolution has been greatly favored by the development of communications and transport, by the increase in the standard of living of society, by the availability of free time and by the gradual conquest of paid vacations.

They say that Marco Polo, born in Venice, was the first tourist and consider Tomas Cook the founder of package tours, who in 1841 chartered a train to transport tourists from Loughborough to Leicester.

Tourism throughout history has developed slowly and spontaneously, influencing many factors, such as the salary improvement of the general public, the growth of the cultural level of the masses, the rapprochement of peoples through modern transport, financing facilities travel, urban growth that forces its inhabitants to seek rest and tranquility elsewhere, and the natural conditions present in tourist sites and those created by man. All these factors and others more, have made tourism has developed through time and history as a factor of the first order and an alternative way of economic development.

In recent years the tourism industry has established itself as one of the main in the world and future projections point to this industry occupying the first position, both for being a potential source of income and for its possibilities to boost other economic activities of the countries that develop this branch.

The sustained and growing development of the tourism sector in Cuba and the dissimilar places and sites of interest to visit that the island has, make it almost impossible to take preferences for any particular place and make all of Cuba a unique destination, where destinations can be combined de Sol Y Playa, of practically virgin nature with historical cities, archaeological sites, cultural, educational, health and scientific centers, for this, all the necessary conditions and logistical infrastructure have been created to guarantee access and mobility of visitors to them.

Work has been done to diversify the tourist offer and complement it, taking into account both the purchasing power of the clients, their particular interests, and their travel objectives, in addition, all the human potential and educational and scientific capacity have been made available to tourism. and professional of the country in the constant diversification of tourist offers seeking to increase options from the development of specialized tourism for Events, Fairs and Congresses, Incentive Tourism and Business Travel; of Ecological and Naturist Tourism, of Tourism of Cultural, Sports, Educational, Scientific and Technical Exchange, of Tourism specialized in Diving, Small Game and Fishing, of Yachting and Cruising, as well as an important destination for Tourism and Health services.

Sun and Beach has been the form of International Tourism that has characterized the commercialization of the Cuba Product abroad. The classic sand, sun and sea, in addition to being one of the country's natural advantages, is an attraction to achieve the greatest weight in the percentage of tourists (despite the new trends in this market that promote a slow distancing from mass tourism standardized). Among the sites with the greatest attraction are: Varadero, located in the western area, Cayo Largo del Sur in the southwest of the country and Cayo Coco, located in the central area, Santa Lucia Beach, the second largest coral reef in the world, in the Camagüey province and Guardalavaca Beach, in the eastern part of the country.

Varadero is placed among the five most esteemed beaches in the world, and one of the main tourist destinations of Sol y Playa de Cuba; receiving more than 55% of the 2 319 334 tourists received during 2006.

Most of the mature tourist destinations today are faced with a great challenge, which is to convert a mature sun and beach destination with symptoms of decline into a highly demanded destination because more and more consumers of this product become subjects demanding a more complete product. One of the basic strategies to increase arrivals and income, is the recruitment and positioning in segments such as Events and Incentive Tourism and the Wedding and Honeymoon Segments, as an alternative to Sun and Beach Tourism. Cuba is not alien to this situation and the effort of chains such as the Sol Meliá Cuba Division to stimulate these market segments is evident.

Considering these aspects, the following research responds to the following problem: To what extent, the Weddings and Honeymoons segments and the Incentive Groups, favor income and profit levels, and attenuate the seasonal cycle in periods of low tourism in the Hotel Paradisus Varadero.


1-In correspondence with the research carried out, we propose the following problem:

How to mitigate, with the development of the Weddings and Honeymoons and Incentive Groups segments, the seasonal cycle in periods of low tourism at the Hotel Paradisus Varadero.


According to the type of study that has been carried out and with the characteristics that our research will have, it is convenient to carry out a descriptive-analytical investigation, allowing us to describe the phenomenon in detail and analyze its behavior and for this they were taken into account the following objectives:

  • Analyze the current situation of the Hotel by means of a SWOT matrix. Build a conceptual framework that allows me to explain the phenomenon. Define Actions for the stimulation of said Segment.


The Weddings and Honeymoons segments and the Incentive Groups attenuate the seasonal cycle in periods of low tourism at the Hotel Paradisus Varadero.

In accordance with the proposed objectives and in order to achieve a thorough analysis of the phenomenon to be investigated, the following hypothesis was elaborated that we consider necessary:

Taking into account the incidence that the Phenomenon of Seasonality of the Main Markets represents in the Low Tourist Season; and knowing the existing Potentials in the Hotel Paradisus Varadero and its consolidation in the Markets for the attention to the Wedding, Honeymoon and Incentive Groups Segments; It is important to determine the Marketing Strategies for Consolidation in one case and Stimulation in another; thereof.

This research aims to provide the necessary tools for the consolidation of the wedding and honeymoon segments and incentive groups from the capture of stays of this specialized tourism.

Research Methods

For the development of this Work; Consultations with experts were required, Study and use of different research methods provided in Thesis, Research Papers; as well as Business Plan and Specialized Bibliography, where it has been possible to acquire elements and foundations to achieve these Objectives.

Theoretical and empirical methods, analysis and synthesis processes, abstraction and induction, deduction, comparison and treatment of data using statistical techniques of the Hotel were combined.

We empower, a SWOT Matrix, Cause and Effect Diagram; as well as the Ichikawa Fishbone Method

For the use of the research methods, the specific conditions in terms of facilities, infrastructure and services offered by the Hotel were taken as a basis.

Theoretical Tour

Marketing. Concepts addressed by different authors

Since the appearance of the term marketing, there have been various authors who have approached and redesigned it, but to essentially maintain the same premise: to achieve, in the best possible way, satisfy the needs of a certain social group.

In 1985, the American Marketing Association of the United States defined marketing as the “process of planning and executing the conception of communication and distribution, as well as setting prices, ideas, products and services, for exchanges that satisfy individuals and the organization's objectives ”.

Subsequently, Stanton and Futrell in 1988, assume marketing as the "total system of commercial activities, whose purpose is to plan, set prices, promote and distribute products, services and ideas that meet needs among target markets in order to achieve the objectives of the organization".

Santesmases in 1991 states that marketing "is a way of conceiving and executing exchange relations, in order to make it satisfactory to the parties involved and to society, through development, valuation, distribution and promotion, by one of the parties, of the goods, services or ideas that the other party needs ”.

In these three definitions, the presence of a common denominator is observed, manifested in the fact of trying to achieve a relationship in which both parties, market-company, benefit from the exchange that takes place between them.

Another definition that consists of marketing comes from one of the most recognized authors, Philip Kottler, who says that “it is a philosophy, a way of thinking and a way of organizing a business and its points of view; it is a social and administrative process through which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through the creation and exchange of products and values ​​with others ”.

For its part, the master in Marketing, Communication and Business Management, Magda Rivero Hernández states that "marketing is the analysis, instrumentation and control of programs carefully formulated and designed so that exchanges of values ​​are carried out voluntarily with the markets of interest to the organization. In order to achieve your objectives, you have to design your offer taking into account the needs and desires of the market you intend to conquer, and the effective use of pricing, communication and distribution techniques, to inform, motivate and serve said market"

Since its inception, marketing has been considered an activity that establishes the relationship between production and consumption, but this clarifies very little about what happens with the name of marketing. Marketing actually includes activities such as the following:

1) Define and measure the needs and desires of the market.

2) Direct the creation of products or services capable of satisfying those needs and desires.

3) Communicate to potential suppliers the merits and prices of the products or services.

4) Physically distribute products or services.

After the analysis of some existing marketing definitions, it can be affirmed that there are aspects that are common in them, because:

  • The client appears as the central axis around which the process is structured. The purpose of the process that is carried out is to achieve the satisfaction of these clients. An exchange process occurs in which its parts, company-clients, have to benefit: the first not only economically, but also based on recognition, preference and permanence in the market; and the second from seeing satisfied needs and desires. There is a need to carry out a process in which the activities of the company are coherently integrated in accordance with the fulfillment of its objectives and its most important purpose: to satisfy the consumer.

Associated with the concept of marketing are other concepts that are closely related to it and solve its needs at the same time. One of the main processes in the search and solution of marketing problems is Commercial Research, which constitutes a fundamental element in market analysis.

Knowing the market and all its changes is an inescapable condition when marketing a good or service. If you do not have information on the market you intend to penetrate, failure will be inevitable. This can be achieved with the help of proper commercial research.

Commercial Research is a systematic and objective data search process to convert it, after being analyzed, into relevant information to identify and solve marketing problems.

Contribution of Commercial Research

1. In making basic decisions

It provides the information necessary for the maturation of basic and far-reaching company decisions that require careful analysis of the facts.

When alternative solutions to problems are complex, decision-making without your help is dangerous.

2. In the managerial task

It provides the manager with valid knowledge on how to have the products in the right place, time and price. It does not guarantee correct solutions but considerably reduces the margins of error in decision making.

2. In the profitability of the company.

Basically it contributes to the increase in business profit because:

  • It allows products to be better adapted to the conditions of demand It improves promotion methods It makes the sales system and the performance of sellers more efficient on the one hand, and on the other it reduces the cost of sales It encourages managers to Reassessment of planned objectives Stimulates staff by knowing that your company has a complete understanding of its situation in the market and that it is directed towards well-selected objectives.

Commercial Research Applications

  • Consumer analysisAdvertising effectivenessProduct analysisCommercial studiesDistribution studiesMediaSociological and public opinion studies

The Marketing Mix of services.

The success of a company is in fully satisfying customers, they are the main reason for the survival and proper functioning of any company, and to make them feel comfortable and therefore, a favorable response is obtained that results in benefits. for the company, what is commonly called a Marketing Mix is ​​used.

The marketing mix is ​​"the set of marketing variables that prepares a company to produce an effect that is desired by consumers." Logically, this desire is to influence the demand for the product to be offered, seeking that it is acquired more and more and by a greater number of people.

Marketing-mix: Set of controllable marketing variables that the organization combines to provoke the response it wants in the target market. They were first enunciated in 1964 by Eugene J. Mc Carthy.

They are called "four Ps of Marketing" and are:

  • Product, Price, Promotion (Communication) and Place (Distribution)

In the case of marketing services, there is talk of a revised or modified mix that is specially adapted for him. This revised mix contains three additional elements, forming a final combination of seven elements, which are: product, price, place, promotion, personnel, physical evidence and processes (Personnel, Physical evidence and Process).

Tourism. General conceptions

There is a definition where it is stated that the profit-seeking traveler is not a tourist, that is, he denies the possibility of the "business tourist".

Tourism includes the activities that people carry out during their trips and stays in places other than their usual environment, for a consecutive period of less than one year, for leisure, business and other reasons.

Tourism can be defined as the theory and practice of all activities related to the attraction, provision of services and satisfaction of the needs of tourists.

According to the definitions above, it can be concluded that tourism is the natural tendency of the human being to change from one place to another to benefit from the benefits of that place other than the one where he usually lives or works, either for personal reasons or professionals, also includes the activities that they carry out for different purposes in these places.

The Tourism industry today is an indispensable resource for the development of emerging economies and continues to be an important part of developed ones, it is the sector that has grown the most after the Second World War, reasons that make it a target of attention of governments, owners and entrepreneurs, currently represents 7% of world exports of goods and services, occupying the 4th position among the first sectors, and increases its leadership in services exports with about 30%.

The statistics of the World Tourism Organization allow us to know the evolution of the income generated by international tourist movements since the 1950s and more precisely since 1960, these have multiplied by more than 200 since 1950 and almost by 62 since 1960.

“During 1950 a total of 25 million tourists visited other countries, in 2001 700 million did. … Today tourism has become the main world economic activity. It is projected that by 2010 there will be 1 billion tourists moving around the world, one in seven inhabitants, apparently. In reality there will be 300-350 million people who will take vacations three or more times a year ”.

Tourism in Cuba

The visitor who arrives to any of the Caribbean countries, will find fine sandy beaches in an exotic natural environment. Varadero, in Cuba; Cancun in Mexico; the beaches of the Margarita Islands, in Venezuela; Copacabana and Ipanema, in Brazil; Palm Beach, in Aruba, just to mention the best known, constitute a perfect setting to combine the blue waters and the brilliant sun of the Caribbean.

They say that in October 1492 the admiring Christopher Columbus arrived in Cuba envisioned by its beauty and exclaimed: “This is the most beautiful land that human eyes have seen ……!, Becoming, in fact, the first tour operator on the Island.

According to specialized sources, tourism in Cuba dates from the second half of the 19th century, when American ships arrived on the island with hundreds of people in search of business, pleasure or health. According to the definition of the World Tourism Organization, international tourism is considered to exist when a traveler crosses an international border.

Three stages of development of international tourism in Cuba could then be defined:

Stage from 1915 - 1930: Havana became the city with the highest reception of tourists in the entire Caribbean, which was influenced by three factors:

  • Close to the east coast of the United States, where at that time the highest incomes were accumulated, and the inhabitants of the best income, in the winter, fled from the cold to Havana; Relatively good level of health compared to the cities of other islands and riparian nations of the Caribbean, the "Prohibition Law" for the sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States, which led to an evasion of consumers to Cuba.

Stage of the 50s: The growth of tourist arrivals in these years is interwoven to an important extent with the control taken by American mafia families of gambling, prostitution and drug trafficking. The number of tourists grew from 166,000 in 1950 to 275,000 in 1957, for an annual rate of 8%. New hotels were built in both Havana and Varadero - the main beach under development - all with their corresponding casinos and game rooms.

With the triumph of the Revolution at the beginning of 1959, gambling, prostitution, drug trafficking were eliminated and the gangsters were expelled. Because until then 90% of tourists visiting Cuba came from the United States, their number contracted rapidly, due to the prohibitions of the United States that its citizens visit the island.

Stage of the 90s: Gradually the flow of international tourists had started to grow again since the beginning of the 80s. Since 1982 the arrival of visitors has continued to rise, in 1994 a total of 619,000 visitors arrived on the island, almost double the 1990 figure, and in 1996 Cuba far exceeded the predictions of serving 1 million visitors, thus ratifying the tourist deployment on the island.

The arrival of international tourists to Cuba continued to grow during the new millennium, although in 2001 a decrease was observed, due to the fact that international tourism went through a deep crisis in that year, with world tourism registering a decline in the number of arrivals. of international tourists, as a consequence of the events of September 11, 2001.

Cuba, as a tourist destination, has a series of inherited attributes that undoubtedly constitute important competitive advantages. Its natural beauties, and its climate, are just a part of them that are complemented by its location and easy access by air and sea.

Characterization of Varadero

Within the classic tourism of sand, sun and sea, predominant in Cuba, places of great tourist attraction stand out, one of them is undoubtedly the tourist pole of Varadero, which is the best known sun and beach tourist destination in the greater of the Antilles.

The tourist pole of Varadero, spread over 14.4 square kilometers, with a population of around 8000 inhabitants and located at the northernmost tip of the Caribbean island of Cuba, in the province of Matanzas, occupies a long and narrow peninsula, the Hicacos Peninsula, with 22 kilometers of beach endowed with fine white sand in contrast to waters that offer the visitor pleasant temperatures wrapped in dreamy blue.

To access this destination there is the Juan Gualberto Gómez International Airport, located 20 km away, which facilitates access from abroad and communication with other national destinations, constituting an important link for the multi-destination. It can also be accessed by land from Havana, 130 km away, through a wide tourist highway. It is linked with other regions of the country through the central highway and the national highway. It is also reached by sea

Characterization of the Hotel Paradisus Varadero

The characterization of the hotel is based on an approximation to the variables of Fernández Sánchez (1993). It is the First Hotel of the Paradisus brand in Cuba, a 5-star luxury hotel, the Paradisus Varadero hotel is located in one of the most privileged areas from the peninsula, recognized as French Corner, located on the beachfront of Varadero, and surrounded by an exuberant natural environment, the Varadero ecological reserve. It is located 7.5 km from the Municipality of Varadero next to the new Varadero Shopping and Convention Center, 35.5 km from Varadero airport and 140 km from Havana.

With a 5-star category, it operates under the “Ultra All Inclusive” modality. It was founded on November 15, 2000, and as data it can be added that since its opening date until now, the hotel has achieved very good economic results nationwide.

It presents a total of 603 workers, whose average age is 33, broken down in the following table.

Table: Composition of the workforce of the Hotel Paradisus Varadero. Source; Informational records of the facility.

Occupational category




























The facility has numerous providers; the most important ones are shown below.

Table Main hotel suppliers. Source: self made.



AT Comercial Gaviota SA meats
ITH meats
Caribbean Fishing Sea products
D.Leones SA Pasta, drinks, canned
Locarinos Investments Soft drinks, drinks, sausages
Havana rum Rums
Ceiba citrus Citrus, meats, fruits
Commercial Cooppelia Varadero Agency Ice Cream, Cheese
Bucanero SA Beer
Avicola Santa Clara Eggs
Tecnotex Ovens, stove, chefandish
Citricos Ciego de Ávila Agricultural products
Labiofam Yogurt
Porcine Pork Meat
Citrus Victoria de Girón Citrus
Can Matanzas Turkeys and chickens
Turiguanó meat combination meats

The hotel is positioned in the market as a hotel for couples, tourist groups and Incentives and families, with the Sandals Royal Hicacos, Barcelo Marina Palace, Iberostar Varadero, Playa Alameda and Paradisus Princesa del Mar hotels constituting its competition.

The hotel is mainly visited by English, Germans, Canadians, French and Spanish.

Mission, vision and values ​​of the company.


The Paradisus Varadero Hotel is, in Varadero and within Sol Meliá, a luxury All-Inclusive, which offers a natural paradise where its employees take care of every detail for the satisfaction of their clients.


The Hotel Paradisus Varadero will be the luxury all-inclusive preferred by its clients because legendary experiences are built in a paradisiacal environment.

Business values:

Good value for money, personalized service, simplicity, ethics and humility, training - promotion, leading by example, delegating, empowering responsibility, control.

Hotel workers values:

Enthusiasm for the profession, focused on customer service, impeccable appearance, high sense of discipline, entrepreneurial spirit, correct and educated with clients and colleagues, learning and teaching aptitude, does not show the client personal situations, teamwork.

Values ​​of the Hotel managers:

Self-confidence, analytical thinking, problem solver, information seeker, continuous improvement, initiative, customer-oriented, interpersonal understanding, influence capacity, use of relationships, people management, team leadership, people development.

The Paradisus Varadero Hotel currently has 421 rooms for production, of which 408 are Junior Suites, 12 Suites and 1 Garden Villa, distributed in 28 buildings type bungalows of 2 levels, with air conditioning, bathroom with hairdryer, telephone, TV. Via satellite, minibar replenished daily, iron with ironing board, coffee and tea service, safe and balcony or terrace, all with views of the sea or garden. Possibility of rooms adapted for the disabled, upon request, and a maximum capacity: 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children.

Among the services offered at the hotel are:


Buffet Restaurant "ARA": It has a capacity for 370 people, located on the left side of the Reception. You can enjoy the best gastronomy in a unique environment with murals painted by hand by Cuban artists where each variety is treated as a specialty and where it is possible to taste a rich range of Latin and international food.

Romantic Restaurant "TUREY": Its capacity is 82 people and in an elegant environment decorated in a classic style, where its clients can enjoy haute cuisine listening to their favorite melodies interpreted by professional Cuban musicians.

Italian Restaurant "STELLA DI MARE": It has capacity for 74 people; The best Italian cuisine is offered in a cozy atmosphere with 5-star service.

“Steak House” Restaurant: Its capacity is 150 people and in an elegant atmosphere decorated in a classic style, where its clients can enjoy the specialty in meats.

Spanish restaurant "LA ALHAMBRA": With capacity for 80 people and where a varied sample of Spanish Haute Cuisine is offered. During the day it offers lunch service as the restaurant "CAIRI" With capacity for 80 people and where guests can find a varied offer of fast food and a varied menu with Grill style.

Beach Restaurant "CHIRINGUITO": This restaurant is shown with a mini buffet style of international food.

Lobby Bar "CUSUBI": Offers the most varied menu of International and Tropical Cocktails. Open 24 hours.

Bar - Playa "CÁRABO": Specialized in national and international cocktails.

Pool Bar "Toa": Specialized in national and international cocktails.


Entertainment: sports activities, competitions, football games, basketball, archery, bicycles, aerobics classes, 3 tennis courts, table tennis, darts, billiards and mini-bowling are carried out. Program of activities (dance classes) and day and night shows.

In addition to having:

  • Full board buffet. Lunch and dinner at the grill or Italian restaurant with wine included. Possibility to dine at the "Romántico" restaurant, prior reservation. Snacks and unlimited national and international drinks. Infant Club from 0 to 4 years old and Club de children from 5 to 13 years old. Use of sun loungers, umbrellas and pool and beach towels. SPA and "Health Center" (sauna, whirlpool). Use of tennis courts and tennis lessons. Non-motorized water and land sports. Introduction to diving in the pool and excursions (by reservation).Safe box and drinks from the minibar.Participation in entertainment program.

Special offers:

Clients who come to enjoy their honeymoon, those who repeat and VIP stay in specially decorated rooms where they are offered attentions of drinks, pastries and fruits in their room on arrival, prioritized reservations in the à la carte restaurants, daily discovery in the room, flowers, as well as a differentiated and personalized service during your stay at the Hotel.

Among the subsystems that make up the installation are the following:

  1. Reception.Accommodation.Security.Technical Services.Gardening.Gastronomic service.Human Resources Management.Economy.Sales Management.Purchasing Management.Economato.Animation.Public Relations.Quality Management.Direction.

This conceptual framework, with the support of the previously exposed techniques, will allow us to define the actions to achieve the objective of this Work.

SWOT analysis






The beauty of the environment; the only beach with natural coconut trees on the sand, with a paradisiacal atmosphere, nestled in the

most important Sun and Beach Tourist Center in the country


Strong Competition from New Products in the Pole with assurance for these well-designed Segments.


Closeness to Varadero airport that facilitates transportation


Limits of airplanes concentrated for the segment of Tour operation and Independent tourism


Coordination Department for groups and Incentives. Meeting Sol Meliá Cuba. Links for these

Segments are strengthened


International Tourism Unit


Assistance of representations in the hotel for the attention and monitoring of these Segments


Limitation on Advertising Campaigns for these Market Segments



Insufficient Extra-Hotel Product in the Pole that does not meet the requirements of this Segment



Unfavorable Currency Exchange Ratio for the stimulation of Customer Emissions






The Paradisus Brand; it is inserted and well known in the market; meets the expectations of this Segments.


Limitation with the stability of supplies and assurances required by these Segments.


Experienced team for Attention to Groups and Incentives, Weddings and Honeymoon


Lack of state-of-the-art technology to meet the demands and requests of these Segments


Capacity and Hotel Infrastructure created to offer Banquets and other activities for this category of Clients


Difficulty in the Hotel Product Offer in the Real Floor dimension requested by these Segments


Lounges; Gazebos; equipment to ensure the activities and demand of these Segments


The Health Center does not have sufficient capacity; as well as the gym equipment


Sol Meliá Cuba Corporate Program, assured in Advertising and Promotion and implemented in the Hotel for Events,

Specialized Tourism; Weddings and Honeymoon


Need to incorporate a SPA to the Hotel Product.


Staff trained and specialized in these functions within the Hotel Staff



These Segments constitute a source of additional income to the "All Inclusive" Product; when other Services are quoted.

Team Composition


1. Lic. Dayana Bango Dorta.

  • Conceptual Phase Consultation with experts and compilation of bibliography Preparation of Techniques and results

2. Lic. Amnalié Delgado González.

  • Responsibility of the Analytical Phase Compilation of Database and statistics Preparation of Techniques and results.

Timeline, resources needed for research

The time of elaboration of the investigative work ranges from June 2007 to January 2008, at that stage the proposed objectives must be met. For this, the first three months were dedicated to the analysis of the documents, where the necessary information is collected. It required study and use of different research methods provided in Thesis, Research Papers; as well as Business Plan and Specialized Bibliography, where it has been possible to acquire elements and foundations to achieve these Objectives. This collection of information was carried out by visiting the hotel, specialized libraries and on the Internet. The results were analyzed and conclusions will be reached. This will require a computer with Internet, photocopier and printer, transportation, food, among others.

The three subsequent months, the SWOT matrix, the Cause and Effect Diagram will be prepared; as well as the Ichikawa Fishbone Method. For the use of these research methods, the specific conditions regarding facilities, infrastructure and services offered by the Hotel will be taken as a basis. This will require office supplies (sheets, pens, clips, clippers, among others) and a computer with a printer.

The next three months will be used to analyze the data. The corroboration of the results will be done through triangulation. Analysis process that allows contrasting the information collected by various sources, on the same object of knowledge. The objectives set in the research will also be reviewed and the final conclusions of the work will be reached, pointing out the recommendations.

In the last month the final report will be written, where the theoretical reflections, the methodological ones and the empirical results appear. This will require a computer with printer and office supplies.

Project Progress Supervision

  • Comparative Analysis of Hotel Production Statistics Comparison of Indicators by Segment of the Hotel Chain Analysis of the Environment and Competition.

Symptoms and Effects of the Problem

  • Low seasonality during the Low Tourist Season Increasing needs of specialized Tourism, Events and Incentives Increasing needs of leisure tourism to link with other expectations Trend in the main linking Markets for activities such as Weddings, holidays and family seeking vacations in Destination of Sun and Beach. Participative trend in Cuba increasingly in Events, Conventions of different expectrums.

Cause-Expert Diagram.

  1. Unfavorable currency exchanges to stimulate customer emissions Limitation in advertising campaigns for these market segments Need to incorporate a SPA into the Hotel Product Insufficient extra-hotel products in the area Limitation with the stability of supplies and insurance. Strong competition from New Products at the pole Difficulty in the supply of the real plant.

Cause / Experts




































Four. Five






Thorns of fish

Thorns of fish

The Weddings and Honeymoons and Incentive Groups segments constitute an important market for the Hotel Paradisus Varadero, which has increased in recent years as a mitigating factor in the face of periods of low tourism. To achieve the development of these segments, the Hotel must diversify its offer, increasing services such as a real plant and a SPA. Increase the advertising campaigns focused on this market segment with promotional campaigns abroad and increase the distribution of promotional items. Work more on the stability of supplies and assurances, in order to achieve services with the required quality, for the optimal enjoyment of this segment and thus obtain customer loyalty, who thinks of Paradisus not as just another hotel, but in the place where your dreams come true.Taking into account foreign exports as a solution to the lack of a product. To be able to face the strong competition from innovative products, which other brands have introduced in the center, through continuous repairs to the equipment and facilities that it already has and with the purchase of new equipment with state-of-the-art technology.

Possible solutions to the problem

  • Need to attract these Segments and be distributed in the Fundamentals between the Months of May to July and September to November. Distribution in a stimulating and growing way; of the General Production of the Hotel with the participation of these Segments The need to achieve other sources of Income in the Hotel, such as Dinners, Events, and other extra-letter quotes Strengthening the participation of the Hotel within the Hotel Chain Consolidation of the position of the Hotel in the Market Diversification of the Hotel Product Offer before all Segments.


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Incentives as a complement to motivation towards tourism