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Indicators of measures for the evaluation of the integrated human capital management system


In this proposal, I suggest a set of criteria and measures indicators, indispensable to take into account to carry out an efficient and effective evaluation of the Integrated Human Capital Management System (SGICH) that, in correspondence with Cuban Standards, all companies must establish to navigate through the potentialities offered by the Business Improvement. The optimal coherence established between objectives, criteria and indicators provides the evaluation team with the most appropriate way to verify compliance with the proposed objectives and, based on the actual results obtained, create an action plan that allows senior management, correct in a timely manner the unwanted deviations that appeared during the implementation phase and thereby align it accurately with the strategy outlined,allowing high productivity and, consequently, enjoying the privileged position that you will undoubtedly achieve in the market.


This proposal suggests a set of criteria and indicators of measures necessary to consider carrying Queen efficient and effective evaluation of the Integrated Human Capital Management in correspondence with Cuban law to establish any firm navigate potentials through the business improvement flange. The optimal coherence set of objectives, criteria and indicators, provides the evaluation team, the most appropriate way to verify compliance with the proposed objectives and based on actual results, create an action plan that will allow senior management, in a timely manner to correct undesirable deviations arising during the implementation phase and thereby accurately align with the strategy outlined, enabling high productivity and therefore, enjoy the privileged position that will undoubtedly be able to achieve in the market.


Development advances and a new approach emerges within organizational management, where the importance of new information and communication technologies, management methods and organizational culture in general, among others, are not only recognized as essential potentialities for achieve success, but every day a higher hierarchy is granted to Human Capital, as this is the supreme energy that moves these potentials, so the prestige of an organization is not defined by its tangible assets but is increasingly conferred on it. place to specialized learning and growth of its personnel that allows it to add value to the goods or services that conquer new clients or maintain the loyalty of those who prefer us.In summary, his efforts are concentrated on what has come to be called knowledge.

Related to this topic, NC 3000: 2007 defines the term Human Capital as the set of knowledge, experiences, abilities, feelings, attitudes, motivations, values ​​and ability to do, carried by workers to create more wealth efficiently. It is also, conscience, ethics, solidarity, spirit of sacrifice and heroism. Our Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz also expressed at the act of the first graduation from the Latin American School of Medicine, on August 20, 2005. Human Capital implies not only knowledge, but also awareness, ethics, solidarity, feelings, heroism, and the ability to do a lot with very little.

In our country, the socialist state company continues to be the fundamental link in the economy and should systematically enhance its level of organization, discipline, efficiency and contribution to the State. In order to be faithful to this principle, business management is obliged to efficiently manage its resources and make its systems an integrated whole that enables it to fulfill the objectives that guarantee the scope of its vision.

On this basis, the Integrated Human Capital Management System, defined in NC 3000: 2007, has been designed as the set of policies, objectives, goals, responsibilities, regulations, functions, procedures, tools and techniques that allow internal and external integration. of human capital management processes with the organization's strategy, through labor competencies, aimed at achieving a superior performance of human resources and as a consequence, the increase in labor productivity.

The objective of this work is to propose a set of measurement indicators that allow monitoring of compliance with the objectives for which this SGICH was created, becoming an essential instrument for timely decision-making.


As any germinating project is susceptible to the appearance of unwanted deviations on the way to achieving the goals set, it is necessary that a tool be established to measure the progress of the process, facilitating timely and objective decision-making. This monitoring must be carried out through indicators that constitute quantitative and / or qualitative signals, since they can be presented in the form of figures, criteria, objective or subjective evaluations; they can also be presented as a sense of direction or orientation, etc. Facilitating as an end, the formulation of comparative states.

On the basis of this foundation, I have built my proposal, guaranteeing that it contains the essential indicators that make up the vital signs of the processes that make up the SGICH, which must be evaluated every six months and annually.

Processes that make up the SGICH, according to Cuban standards

1- Selection and Integration Process

2- Performance Evaluation Process

3- Training and Development

4- Safety and Health at Work

5- Organization of Work

6- Material and Moral Stimulation

7- Institutional Communication

8- Proven Competence and Suitability

9- Administration of Human Capital

10- Attention to man

11- Self-control

Criteria and indicators of measures to carry out the individual evaluation of each process

1. Selection and integration

1.1 Measurement criteria

- Completion of the template:

Measurement indicators.

Approved template:

Cover template

Physical template

Workers pending relocation


1.2 Measurement criteria

- Fluctuation of the labor force.

Measurement indicators

Number of hired workers

Number of workers who have caused Discharge.

Main causes

1.3 Measurement criteria

- Workers hired after successfully completing the trial period.

Measurement indicators

Recruited workers

Hired workers

Main causes of not hired

Measurement criteria

- Operation of the Expert Committee.

Measurement indicators

Number of Meetings

Agreements taken



On date

2. Performance evaluation

Measurement criteria

- Percentage of evaluated of the total workers.

- Number of workers by level of job performance (Poor, Adequate, Superior).

Measurement indicators

Total workers to evaluate

Workers not evaluated

Causes of those not evaluated

Hired Workers, Superior

Skilled workers, Adequate

Skilled workers, Poor

3. Training and development

Measurement criteria

- Compliance with the Training Plan

Measurement indicators

Planned actions

Actions done

Unfulfilled actions

Main causes

Measurement criteria

- Decrease in breakdowns (which are caused by lack of training).

Measurement indicators

Total breakdowns from this cause in the previous semester

Total breakdowns for this cause in the current semester

Measurement criteria

- Care and preparation of recent graduates.

Measurement indicators

Planned actions

Breached Actions

Main causes

4. Safety and health at work

4.1 Measurement criteria

- Accidentality with respect to the previous year

Measurement indicators

Hours Men Worked

Average of Workers Exposed to Risks

Days Lost due to Accidents

Days Lost due to Illness

Work accident

Work incident

Fatal accidents

By work accident

By traffic accident

By commuting accident

4.2 Measurement criteria

- Management indices

Measurement indicators

Frequency Index compared to the previous semester

Incidence rate compared to the previous semester

Absence rate compared to the previous semester

4.3 Measurement criteria

- Occupational health system.

Measurement indicators

Scheduled Periodic Medical Checkups

Periodic Medical Checkups

Specialized scheduled checkups

Specialized checks performed

Workers served in the National Profilatory

Medical certificates issued

4.4 Measurement criteria

- Risk management system. Compliance with the prevention program

Measurement indicators

Scheduled actions

Measures accomplished

Unfulfilled measures


4.5 Measurement criteria

- Inspection system for occupational safety and health. Nonconformities

Measurement indicators

Number of non-conformities ruled

Number of nonconformities satisfied

Number of pending nonconformities

5. Organization of work

Measurement criteria

- Physical productivity.

Measurement indicators

Physical production

Average number of workers

Measurement criteria

- Compliance with the work organization study program.

Measurement indicators

Number of planned studies

Applied studies

Pending studies

6. Material and moral stimulation

Measurement criteria

- Working environment

Measurement indicators

Number of non-conformities ruled

Number of nonconformities satisfied

Number of pending nonconformities

Measurement criteria

- Compliance with the moral stimulation program.

Measurement indicators

Planned actions

Breached Actions

Main causes

7. Institutional communication

Measurement criteria

- Working environment.

Measurement indicators

Number of non-conformities ruled

Number of nonconformities satisfied

Number of pending nonconformities

8. Proven competence and suitability

Measurement criteria

- Number of workers declared unsuitable.

Measurement indicators

Evaluated workers

Workers declared unsuitable

Relocated workers

9. Human capital management

Measurement criteria

- Action of the basic labor justice bodies

Measurement indicators

Number of claims for best rights

Amount declared with place

Amount declared without place

Measurement criteria

- Care of social property, material and financial resources

Measurement indicator

Number of workers to whom material liability has been applied

Measurement criteria

- Collective labor agreement

Measurement indicators

Quantity of agreed articles

Items fulfilled

Unfulfilled items

Main causes

10. Attention to man:

Measurement criteria

- Working environment.

Measurement indicators

Number of non-conformities ruled

Number of nonconformities satisfied

Number of pending nonconformities

11. Self-control

Measurement criteria

- Compliance with the non-conformities of the previous audit.

Measurement indicators

Number of non-conformities ruled

Number of nonconformities satisfied

Number of pending nonconformities

Measurement criteria

- Evaluation of the last audit



Not satisfied


- The measurement indicators are quantitative and / or qualitative signals, since they can be presented in the form of figures, criteria, objective or subjective evaluations; they can also be presented as a sense of direction or orientation, etc. Facilitating as an end, the formulation of comparative states.

- The indicators proposed here allow constant monitoring of the behavior of each process that makes up the SGICH, Indispensable for decision-making.


1. Chiavenato, I. (2002). Human resources management. 5th ed. Mc Graw-Hill, Colombia.

2. Cuesta, A. (2005). Human resources management technology. Ed. Academia, City of Havana, p. 17.

3. Dessler, Garry (1996). Staff Administration. Prentice-Hall Publishing House. 715 p.

4. Kaplan, RS and Norton, DP (2001). The balanced scorecard. Second edition. Ediciones Gestión 2000, SA Barcelona. Spain.

5. Louart, Pierre (1994). Management of human resources. Ed. Gestión 2000, SA Barcelona, ​​Spain. 254 p.

6. Morales Cartaya, A. (2006). Contribution to a Cuban model of integrated human resource management. Thesis in option to the degree of doctor in human resources. ISPJAE, City of Havana.

7. NC 3000: 2007. Integrated human capital system. Vocabulary.

8. NC 3001: 2007. Integrated human capital system. Requirements

9. NC 3002: 2007. Integrated human capital system. Implantation.

Indicators of measures for the evaluation of the integrated human capital management system