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Indicators and variables of sustainable development from the point of view of social responsibility



The present work is carried out with the objective of making people aware of the problem in which the current world is going through, in addition to making them interested in the complex binomial environment and development, and in turn realize the importance of the use of indicators and variables within some environmental problem and the social responsibility of each one as an inclusive society, since through these we can achieve balance or make the application sustainable of some sustainable model, since the participation of civil society is increasingly necessary, what are we doing to take care of our planet? What are the methods we are using to achieve this? Are environment and development two mutually exclusive concepts? Does the environment have to be considered an integral part of development? What is our responsibility as a society?


The man-natural environment relationship is, above all, a unitary relationship, which implies a reciprocal interaction between both entities, which, isolated from their dialectic, are meaningless. There is no natural environment independent of man: nature always suffers its transforming action and in turn affects it and determines a dialectical process of actions and interactions.

Since its emergence, the human species has transformed the environment to meet its needs. Although the first Homo Sapiens lived in relative harmony with the environment, due to the gradual socio-economic development of civilizationshuman, agricultural, livestock, control and use of fire at the beginning; to the Industrial Revolution, to the discovery, use and exploitation of fossil fuels and the intensive exploitation of the Earth's mineral resources, as well as to the subsequent scientific-technological revolution; The impact capacity of human beings on the environment has increased considerably, significantly and rapidly decreasing its quality and its ability to support life, which has caused the current environmental crisis.

This environmental crisis is manifested in the existence and aggravation of various environmental problems that affect the planet at a global level; among which are the global warming of the atmosphere, the depletion of the ozone layer, the pollution of water, air and soils, the depletion of forest cover, the degradation of the soil, and the loss of species, in the natural environment; as well as the accentuation of inequities and contradictions between various human groups, the disparagement of multiple cultural, religious and ethnic minority identities, the increase in unemployment, social exclusion and marginalization, discrimination based on gender or race, poverty, illiteracy, as well as difficulties in food, education and public health, in the social sphere.

Due to all these arguments, it is evident that today's society demands that organizations and companies recognize their capacity to cause serious negative impacts on the environment, in its social, natural and economic dimensions; for which they must be fully responsible in the management of business activity. "Healthy natural environments that have the capacity to renew themselves, and better educated, healthy, and motivated human resources are the basis that ensures the continuity of production and the success of the modern company." (Correa, 2004).

Responsibility in this sense, not only demands the individual ethics of the people who make up the companies, but they see in the organization itself an entity with its own economic, social and environmental responsibility that should be required to behave in accordance with this responsibility.

“From a purely macroeconomic perspective, management with criteria of corporate social responsibility undoubtedly contributes to the sustainable and balanced development of the planet. If what we seek is to generate wealth in a sustainable way without depleting natural resources and minimizing the environmental footprint of our generation, thinking about future generations, it is clear that we all have to improve the processes to do so. (González, 2004).

Indicators to monitor progress in the various dimensions are necessary to help decision-makers and policy makers at all levels to stay focused on the path to sustainable development. The indicator development process is slow and complex and requires extensive consultation. When a new indicator appears, it must be tested and modified in the light of experience.

Indicators are a middle ground between scientific accuracy and the demand for concise information in order to simplify the complex relationships that arise between economic activities, human needs and the natural environment (Claude and Pizarro, 1995).

In general, indicators are developed to help researchers to simplify, quantify, analyze, compare and communicate information at different levels of society on complex phenomena. This in order to reduce the level of uncertainty in the elaboration of strategies and actions related to development and the environment, and to allow a better definition of urgent priorities (Winograd, 1995).

Economic indicators are the most commonly used. However, social, environmental and institutional indicators are essential to have a more complete picture of everything that happens with development.

Each of the above terms are determined based on data that varies with time or space. When a characteristic of a particular phenomenon is measured, a number is obtained for each unit of study observed; as these numbers vary from one study unit to another, we speak of variables. In this sense, a variable is something that can take different values. Since each variable can take on different values, it must be represented by a symbol rather than a specific number. These variables can be qualitative or quantitative.

In turn, social responsibility is called the burden, commitment or obligation that the members of a society, either as individuals or as members of a group, have both for each other and for society as a whole. The concept introduces a positive or negative assessment - the impact that a decision has on society. This valuation can be both ethical and legal, etc. Social responsibility is generally considered to differ from political responsibility because it is not limited to assessing the exercise of power through a state authority.

In summary: social responsibility comes to be a Commitment or obligation that the members of a society, either as individuals or as members, have with society as a whole. Through a decision of positive or negative impact.

Therefore, we must become aware of everything we are doing to take care of our environment, which recent everything that we cause as a society and realize what our responsibility as human beings is so that its deterioration no longer spreads.

At present, social responsibility is considered a non-mandatory normative concept or “taco law” (that is, without the force of law), such as those embodied in some international agreements, for example, the “Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights ”adopted by UNESCO7 etc.


It is already an obvious fact that nature is not an inexhaustible reserve from which man can extract whatever he wants to satisfy his needs, nor is it a "highly efficient" receptacle capable of recycling all the waste generated without major problem. by man and his societies, but rather, the substratum and the foundation on which the development of human societies is based. This vision of the organization of the biosphere, in which man is a powerful agent, both structuring and destructuring, inexorably leads to the search for development that can harmoniously combine economic growth and protection of the environment. Therefore, let us become aware of what we really want as a society, to provide future generations,Let's start environmental education from our home and teach our children to respect and protect our natural resources that life has given us, let's lead by example.

Since the obtuse behavior of men in front of nature conditions their obtuse behavior among themselves.

Karl Marx


Paolo Bifanci, Environment and Sustainable Development 4th Edition, Madrid, 1999-

Gerardo Barrente M, Identification and use of Variables, Costa Rica, 2006.

Gregory G. Lebel, Hal Kane, Sustainable Development; A Guide About Our Future, Inter-American Institute, 1991.

Josep Xercavins, Diana Cayuela, Gema Cervantes, Upc, 2005.

Indicators and variables of sustainable development from the point of view of social responsibility