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Preliminary information on cop24 katowice 2018


Objectives, agenda and general information

The theme of this year's COP is “Changing together”, “Changing together”, a beautiful invitation to all parties to COP24 to make the determination to implement the Paris Agreement.

COP24 is the twenty-fourth Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, sponsored by the UN, held every year since 1995. This time the meeting will take place between December 2 and 14, 2018, in the city of Katowice, located in the southwest of the Republic of Poland. The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Michał Kurtyka, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Energy in Poland.

At the annual meetings of the COP, the Conference of the Parties, environmental experts, ministers, heads of state and non-governmental organizations participate. An estimated 30,000 delegates from around the world will participate in the event, including heads of government and ministers responsible for environmental and climate issues.

Katowice is a fairly large region located in the south-west of the Republic of Poland and is the center of the country's heavy industry. Its mountainous areas are rich in coal, the extraction of which made the city notorious on the world economic stage. There are a large number of factories on its territory. Katowice is very beautiful and touristy for the many historical and cultural monuments that attract travelers.

What is expected of COP24

COP24 is the penultimate stop on the way to 2020, the year in which the Paris Agreement will enter into force. The main objective of this conference is to make an inventory of the achievements that the countries have achieved, in addition to adjusting the levels of ambition necessary to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, as well as to finalize the guidelines to make the agreement fully operational.

Patricia Espinosa, executive secretary of the UNFCCC, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and coordinator of the event, said: “2018 will be another important year for international climate diplomacy, as countries advance in the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. In fact, in 2018 we hope to achieve a series of key achievements (…). Among those milestones is finalizing the guidelines to make the agreement fully operational, as well as taking stock of the achievements that countries are collectively making to achieve the Paris goals, and reaching the level of ambition needed over the years and decades. to come (…). The expansion and better management and conservation of forests will be essential to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement. In fact,we are going to need to see progress in all sectors of the economy if we want to take advantage of the full potential of the Paris Agreement in this century.

The Talanoa Dialogue

The objective of Talanoa “is to reach an inclusive, participatory and transparent dialogue; share stories, build empathy and make wise decisions for the common good ”. Her leitmotif is: “Where are we? Where do we want to go? How do we get there? " The Talanoa concept, used in the Pacific islands for decades, was presented by Fiji, the nation that chaired COP23, in November 2017.

The Talanoa Dialogue is an international conversation in which countries check progress and seek to increase global ambition to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change. The UN recently opened a portal especially for the Talanoa Dialogue, through which it invites all countries and other stakeholders, including the business sector, investors, cities, regions and civil society, to submit proposals to the Dialogue. of Talanoa around his three central questions. The promise of the portal is: “The Talanoa Dialogue will be constructive, facilitating and oriented towards providing solutions. Furthermore, it will also allow technical and political exchanges ”.

The Global Climate Action Summit and COP24

The Global Climate Action Summit was staged in the city of San Francisco, California, between September 12 and 14, 2018. In a way, it was considered as the prelude to COP24.

One of its highlights was the participation of the Americans in the Summit, opposed to their country's exit from the Paris Agreement, announced by President Donald Trump last year. In this way, and through the proclamation "We Are Still In" (we are still inside), a spirit claimed by more than 3,500 leaders from all over the country, representing 169 million people, they will continue the path of Paris, the transition energy towards a carbon-free world, contrary to the White House decision. These leaders are made up of 10 states, nearly 2,000 large businessmen and investors, 280 cities and counties, 340 universities, 40 cultural institutions, 25 health centers, 30 religious groups, and 9 tribes.

On the other hand, around 500 companies and some 40 countries have chosen different routes to reduce emissions as agreed in the Paris Agreement, a figure that represents an increase of about 40% compared to last year. Some apparel firms have set a goal to reduce emissions by 90% in their facilities and 40% in their supply chain by 2025.

About 400 investment funds, which manage some 32 trillion dollars in assets, pledged to accelerate the flows of money towards climate action, framed in the strategy of building an economy based on sustainable development.

The Fifth Report of the IPCC, in the framework of COP24

In the city of Incheon, South Korea, between October 1 and 5, 2018, the 48th Session of the IPCC, Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change, and the first session of working group I, II and III.

At this meeting, the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report was presented and approved, the main objective of which is to limit the rise in temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius from its pre-industrial level. This goal, according to said report, will require "unprecedented changes" at the social and global level, due to the gravity of the planet's situation, due to the sustained increase in world temperature with all its consequences.

In the press release issued by the IPCC, we can read that: “This report will be a fundamental scientific contribution to the Climate Change Conference, to be held in December in Katowice (Poland), where governments will examine the Paris Agreement to face climate change ”.


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Preliminary information on cop24 katowice 2018