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Infrastructure in protected areas of the sierra de barouco national park dominican republic


In planning for the development of infrastructure, the external and internal factors or agents that determine the physical and functional characteristics that the infrastructure must have in the general framework of the management and administration of a protected area must be taken into account.

The design of the infrastructure must be in accordance with the objectives pursued by the protected area, based on the 100% conservationist premise that the declaration and management of a protected area is due to the fact that there are “fragile ecosystems where only the presence Human can cause a negative impact ”, it would go back to the decade of the 70`s of the 20th century, a premise that caused the loss of interest of members of society on the conservation of protected areas.

Urge and encourage society to recognize and value the direct and indirect benefits that Protected Areas provide to a region or country, requires opening the doors to visitors within the framework of an orderly and coherent process to the objectives and zoning of the protected area, considering the following guidelines when planning infrastructure:

  • The fact of making infrastructure within a protected area will not cause more impact than what should actually be protected and promoted; The development of infrastructure is in accordance with the objectives it pursues with respect to protection or public use.

This report will try to summarize the visit made on Wednesday, November 26, to the infrastructure for public use that the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources developed for the "Sierra de Bahoruco National Park", in the context of the preparation of the start of Phase No. 2 of the Project for the Management of the Upper Yaque del Norte River Basin (PROCARYN).

The visit was carried out under the direction of the Secretary of State and the Executive Direction of PROCARYN, because the existing infrastructure in the Sierra Bahoruco National Park has similarities in development, functionality, materials and design to the one suggested to build with the funds from of the KfW for Protected Areas to be strengthened by phase 2 of PROCARYN.

The report presented will develop three points: In the first part, the methodology used to evaluate the infrastructure in general will be described, starting from a “multi-criteria analysis”; the second part will present the results of the "multicriteria analysis"; discussing and presenting specific conclusions in the third part.

It should be noted that the report does not try to directly evaluate the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the infrastructure with respect to the management of the protected area, but rather to use the characteristics of the infrastructure as a model for its future extrapolation in the Areas. Protected to be strengthened by component No. 5 of the PROCARYN project.

2. Frame of reference

2.1 Methodology used for the infrastructure analysis

The development of the visit to the Sierra de Barouco National Park was carried out within a systematic process of analysis in the search to conform and consolidate criteria that allow decision-making regarding the implementation of Phase No. 2 of the PROCARYN project and specifically to Component No. 5 of protected areas.

The infrastructure analysis was carried out under the following steps:

Step No. 1 Review of bibliographic framework on studies and opinions regarding infrastructure construction in the Mesoamerican region.
Step No. 2 Technical discussions of bibliographic framework analysis and local experiences between the main consultant of PROCARYN-KfW-GITEC and short-term consultant.
Step No. 3 Recognition tour of the Sierra de Baoruco National Park, at the request of the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources, exchange with criteria for the construction of infrastructure and data collection for the "multi-criteria analysis"
Step No. 4 Technical discussions between the PROCARYN-KfW-GITEC team of consultants, prior to conducting the infrastructure multicriteria analysis.
Step No. 5 Development of the multi-criteria analysis among the team of consultants, considering the participation of the Executive Director of the PROCARYN project as a reference factor.
Step No. 6 Drafting of special report on infrastructure in protected areas.
Step No. 7 Distribution of special report to German cooperation (KfW, GTZ and DED) and the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources.

2.1.1 Multicriteria Analysis

General concepts

The multi-criteria analysis is based on explicit criteria defined for making important decisions, based on experience and intuition, to assess the different aspects, complexities or controversies that arise, fundamentally, in the analysis and evaluation stages of variables, in order to deepen in criteria that allow making the right decisions.

Stages of multi-criteria analysis

Stage No. 1 "Establishment of variables to analyze and evaluate"

Considering the main variables that are considered in the context of studies and opinions for the construction of infrastructure in Protected Areas (IUCN, CCAD, WWF, CATIE, etc.). The five main variables were considered to compare the construction characteristics of the infrastructure and its interrelation with the protected area. The variables to be considered in the multicriteria analysis are listed below:

1. Functionality: The infrastructure has architectural and landscape features that allow it to have a function within the context of management and administration of the protected area.

2. Harmony with the landscape: Both the architecture and the materials used in the construction are appropriate, not causing a high contrast with the environment that surrounds it and in addition to considering in its use the Mitigation measures that minimize the presence of the human being for a space extending in the area.

3. Capacity and logistics: The infrastructure has a projection of use that allows maintaining a minimum capacity of use with respect to time and space, without the need for short-term expansion or modification processes.

4. Presence of dissemination and interpretation modules: The infrastructure for public use has adequate modules that allow the visitor to obtain information directly that allows to value the social, economic and environmental importance of the protected area that is visited.

5. Social nexus: There is an infrastructure nexus that promotes the link between the protected area and the surrounding communities, perceiving economic benefits through the implementation of programs and / or subprograms from the training of community tour guides, handicraft and souvenir shops.

Stage No. 2 "Percentage weighting of the variables"

For each variable, a percentage load is established, starting from a 100% base, considering for the distribution the degree of incidence of each variable on the general success of the use of the infrastructure with respect to the management of the protected area:

1. Functionality: 25%

2. Harmony with the landscape: 25%

3. Capacity and logistics 15%

4. Presence of dissemination and interpretation modules 15%

5. Social link 20%

Total 100%

Stage No. 3 "Weighting of the variables and qualification process"

Independently, each one of the professionals or specialists weighs the variables considering the technical criteria that are possessed for each of the agreed variables. Starting from the weighting developed by each professional or specialist, the mathematical process of establishing the partial, total and average qualification for each variable is carried out, as shown in the following example table:

Table No. 1 "Example of weighting and qualification table"

Not Variable Base weight Specialist Qualification

No. 1

Rate tion


list No. 2

Partial Specialist No1
one Functionality 25 18/25 0.72
two Harmony with the landscape 25 20/25 0.80
3 Capacity and logistics fifteen 15/15 1.00
4 Presence of dissemination and interpretation modules fifteen 10/15 0.66
5 Social nexus twenty 10/20 0.50
Total 3.68

Stage No. 4 “Final analysis table” The maximum mathematical that can be reached based on the multi-criteria procedure is five (5) units, based on this maximum limit the results table is proposed

Based on the criteria established by IUCN and CCAD, ranges are established that, based on the maximum unit of five (5), will allow objectively to establish a position on the analysis of the infrastructure and with them develop conclusions and recommendations for taking decisions. proper decisions.

Table No. 2 "Criteria definition table"

Criterion analysis range Definition of criteria
4.1 - 5 The infrastructure is well adapted to the environmental, social and economic characteristics of the protected area.
3.1 - 4 The infrastructure is adequately adapted to the environmental, social and economic characteristics of the protected area, having to make a minimum of changes according to the variables analyzed.
1.6 - 3 The infrastructure is not adequately adapted to the environmental, social and economic characteristics of the protected area. Deep changes must be made according to the recommendations obtained in the framework of the analysis of the variables analyzed.
0 - 1.5 The infrastructure is not generally adapted to the conditions of the protected area.

2.2 General characteristics of the Sierra de Bahoruco National Park

Category of the Protected Area: National Park.

Official name: Sierra Bahoruco.

General area of ​​the area: 800 square kilometers.

Distance to Santo Domingo: 365 Kilometers.

Distances to Cabo Rojo airport: 35 kilometers (20 kilometers asphalted and 15 kilometers of dirt road)

Maximum height in protected areas: 2085 meters above sea level

Main biophysical characteristics of the protected area: The Sierra de Bahoruco National Park is characterized by being an example of ecosystem restoration as the area has been used for more than 30 years for the extraction of baucite in open pit mines, which caused serious transformations at the biophysical level and of the ecosystems present in the area. Nowadays, natural regeneration is progressing favorably in what were the open baucite mines.

Ecosystems present in the area: In general, the protected area has four large ecosystems that change with respect to the altitudinal floors, the first is located in the lower part of the mountain range constituted with cactus and xerophytic (thorny) vegetation, rising It passes to a cover of semi-dense and humid broadleaf forest, to overlap with a Creole pine forest (Pinus occidentalis) which forms stands with densities that vary from dense to not very dense, to culminate in the upper parts of the sierra with cloud forests made up of a mixture of broadleaf tree species and ferns. 49 species of birds have been reported, of which 19 are considered endemic and 02 species are migratory.

Landscape peculiarities: The main landscape attraction is to observe the unevenness of the upper part of the mountain range (where the visitor center is located) the "Hoyo de Pelempito".

Social situation: There is the presence of invasions in the area on the outer perimeter, where agricultural areas and human settlements are generally located, which generally have a presence of Haitians.

3. Presentation of results

The objective of the trip to the Sierra de Bahoruco National Park was to know the general characteristics of the construction of the infrastructure for public use developed by the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources. Considering that the characteristics of the infrastructure will be in a general framework similar to the proposals to be executed under component No. 5 (protected areas) of the PROCARYN project. The team that carried out the verification visit had a mixed institutional composition, the composition of the visiting team is presented in the following table.

Table No. 3 "Members of the inter-institutional visiting team"

Not. Name Institution Position in the Institution
one Colonel Ricardo Partners Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources Director of operations of the Secretary of State
two Ing. José Elías Gonzáles Executive Director PROCARYN project
3 Dr. Lothar Mairich Long term consultant PROCARYN-KfW-GITEC
4 Lic. Marvin Melgar Ceballos Short term consultant PROCARYN-KfW-GITEC

The visit to the Sierra de Bahoruco National Park takes place in three moments that are described below.

First moment

Developed at the main entrance of the National Park, to evaluate in a general way the construction of the entrance gate and the distribution of signs. (See photograph No. 1 and No. 2)

Second moment

The second moment of the visit is made when verifying the facilities made up of the ranch located on the way to the visitor center, an important feature to highlight is the fact that it is the only place that can officially be eaten, which allows to concentrate visitor management efforts and reduces the impact on the “Hoyo de Pelempito” visitor center.

Adjacent to the ranch is a series of benches located under a small stand of cypress trees. The general characteristics of the infrastructure is functional, with adequate management of space, the wide design as materials used for construction harmonize adequately with the environment, except for the roof which contrasts significantly with the landscape, although the roof material is acceptable color causes excessive albedo (reflection).

Third moment

The third moment of the visit is the main one and it takes place at the Hoyo de Pelempito Visitor Center, which presents both the design, materials and physical distribution of the infrastructure, as well as the biophysical characteristics of the area, similarities to the protected areas to be strengthened within the framework of component No. 5 of the PROCARYN project. In general, the visitor center is made up of three physical spaces: 1 Vehicle park; 2. Hiking trails; 3. Visitor Center. In turn, the visitor center is divided into three sections: 1. Visitors room; 2. Men's toilets; and 3. Toilets for women.

The multi-criteria analysis was carried out for the third space, the "Visitors Center", considering it as a reference means for the infrastructure to be built within the framework of the protected areas component, to be incorporated in Phase No. 2 of the PROCARYN project. This will make it possible to strengthen the criteria by the main consultant of PROCARYN-KfW-GITEC, when developing the activities of infrastructure construction and equipping them.

The support provided by the Secretary of State for Environment and Natural Resources, provided the vision that the authorities want regarding the infrastructure for public use (visitor center), such as: 1. construction guidelines; 2. the comprehensive development framework in search of strengthening ecotourism activities; 3. the social and environmental mitigation measures to be implemented in the infrastructure construction process. In the multi-criteria analysis, the following participated with external evaluators: 1. Dr. Lotar Mairich (rating No. 1) and 2. Lic. Marvin Melgar (rating No. 2). As a reference factor, the participation of the Executive Director of the PROCARYN project, Ing. José Elías Gonzáles (qualification No. 3, which is used as an institutional reference factor, the base score should consider the mean of the qualifications of the PROCARYN-KfW-GITEC consultants) to develop the tool. The variables analyzed for the previously agreed multi-criteria analysis are listed below:

1. Functionality;

2. Harmony with the landscape;

3. Capacity and logistics;

4. Presence of dissemination and interpretation modules;

5. Partner link.

Table No. 5 "Criteria definition table"

Criterion analysis range Definition of criteria Average without reference factor rating No. 1 and 2 Average with reference factor rating No. 1,2 and 3
4.1 - 5 The infrastructure is well adapted to the environmental, social and economic characteristics of the protected area.
3.1 - 4 The infrastructure is adequately adapted to the environmental, social and economic characteristics of the protected area, having to make a minimum of changes according to the variables analyzed. 3.49 3.72
1.6 - 3 The infrastructure is not adequately adapted to the environmental, social and economic characteristics of the protected area. Deep changes must be made according to the recommendations obtained in the framework of the analysis of the variables analyzed.
0 - 1.5 The infrastructure is not generally adapted to the conditions of the protected area.

The multi-criteria analysis allows objectively to clarify the point of view on the infrastructure for public use established in the "Hoyo de Pelempito Visitor Center." Highlighting the fact that, in general, the general infrastructure of the protected area (access roads, location of checkpoints, rest ranch, visitor center, interpretive trails, etc.)

In general, there are different aspects to establish infrastructure for public use, among which the following stand out:

  • The integral management of the protected area; Management of the scenic beauty and the value of goods and services; The accessibility of the area; The tourist load capacity that can support the areas of public use; The climate; Security; The stadium time and services basic for users.

The most important aspect to consider is the tourist load capacity, since it combines aspects that are sometimes influenced by other agents such as advertising and tourist offer, since there is a variability of tourists who often seek extremes as places of visit. Thus the impact caused by the enabling of sites to establish infrastructure for public use and the number of people who are within the protected area at a certain time. The opening of trails within the Protected Areas and the topography where they are located can cause impacts within the area, including construction designs must not only be in harmony with the natural values ​​and the scenic beauty of the area,otherwise, certain criteria must be followed that do not harm the contact of wildlife with the infrastructure.

In general, the infrastructure for public use of the Sierra de Bahoruco National Park meets some of the main aspects, variables and criteria for the development of infrastructure, which is reflected in the weighting carried out independently by the members of PROCARYN-KfW-GITEC which is framed in an average of 3.49. When carrying out the evaluation considering the score assigned by the Executive Director of PROCARYN, the average rises to 3.72, with which it is concluded that the evaluation process coincides with the reference factor, in both cases the average refers to the criteria table which indicates "The infrastructure is adequately adapted to the environmental, social and economic characteristics of the protected area, having to make a minimum of changes according to the variables analyzed".

4. Conclusions and recommendations

Starting from the criteria established in the "multicriteria analysis", in which it is established to produce an individual analysis of each of the qualified variables, it should be emphasized again that the final purpose of the "multicriteria analysis" and the development of conclusions and recommendations, They are based on the need to create and strengthen criteria regarding the infrastructure proposed by the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources, which in general are similar in design, materials and composition, the conclusions and recommendations must be framed in the context of suggestions when the infrastructure is extrapolated to the Protected Areas to be strengthened by the PROCARYN project.

4.1 Conclusions and recommendations regarding the functionality variable


1. In general, the architectural design presents a design that allows it to be multifunctional and to successfully fulfill the provision of a meeting place for visitors;

2. The sanitary services for men and women present a wide, using the siphon mechanism for waste management, which implies the management of septic tanks, which in this case can cause problems if the number of visitors increases gradually.


1. The main body of the visitor center for its extrapolation in the context of Protected Areas (specifically the Armando Bermúdez National Park), must consider the gradual growth of visitors in a minimum of 15 years, in order to adapt its characteristics and services to the future requirement of the facilities.

2. Consider other alternatives for the development of sanitation services, expanding the number of individual services for men and women, establishing mitigation measures in the construction process of septic tanks.

4.2 Conclusions and recommendations regarding the variable of harmony with the landscape.


1. The design and materials used for the development (construction) of the visitor center and health services, in general, seeks a landscape contrast, in search of patterns that combine the design with the flora and ecosystem in general, which is significant if We consider that the area where the Hoyo de Pelempito visitor center is located is similar in structure to that of the Armando Bermúdez National Park;

2. The establishment of strict norms for visitors (eating and removing garbage is not allowed), should be considered as an aspect to consider, for its success.


1. For the constructions to be developed within the framework of the PROCARYN project, the use of continuous spaces and divisions in the main vault must be considered to achieve multifunctionality in the main structure;

2. The materials used such as wood if there is a preservation type, it is recommended to use local wood;

3. The roof is functional and has an adequate contrast in design, but the white color produces a high level of albedo (reflection), so it is recommended to use colors related to green for the infrastructure to be built in the PROCARYN project areas.

4.3 Conclusions and recommendations regarding the capacity and logistics variable


1. The infrastructure currently has the appropriate dimensions to support a significant number of visitors;

2. The logistics in general road, parking, access path, restrooms, seats, is adequate and fulfills the purpose of providing services to visitors.


1. The infrastructure currently has the capacity and logistics to support the number of visits, it would be necessary to establish a Public Use Capacity Diagnosis (DCUP) or Tourist Load Capacity Study (ECCT), to achieve a planning framework that anticipates the Necessary structure according to the growth of national and international tourists visiting the Protected Areas of component No.5 of the PROCARYN project, in particular in relation to the Armando Bermúdez National Park.

4.4 Conclusions and recommendations regarding the presence variable of dissemination and interpretation modules


1. There is a significant effort in the presentation of information regarding the protected area, but in general they do not follow an adequate disclosure and interpretation framework;

2. The interrelation between the information presented for an adequate process of interpretation by non-specialized visitors does not allow to visualize in a specific way the values ​​and direct and indirect benefits that Protected Areas grant at the local, regional and national level;

3. There are no means of dissemination and interpretation such as pamphlets and leaflets (triptychs).


1. The infrastructure to be built in the Protected Areas to be strengthened by the PROCARYN project, must consider a framework for dissemination and interpretation that allows the specialized and non-specialized visitor to incorporate knowledge of the protected area that strengthens the social, economic and environmental value.

2. Preferably frame the process of disclosure and interpretation of the protected area in the context of a specific program or subprogram of the Management Plan or specific Thematic Plan.

4.5 Conclusions and recommendations regarding the social nexus variable


1. The participation of the populations in the context of infrastructure development for public use in the traditional framework of management and administration of Protected Areas has always been linked, the generation of synergies that allow populations to obtain benefits directly and indirectly of the facilities should be included in the infrastructure management process. Through the training of community tourist guides, the physical space for handicraft and souvenir shops can be an easy example that allows starting a process of valuing the benefits that Protected Areas can provide.


1. Establish, in the context of the infrastructure construction process, a program that allows strengthening the ties between the surrounding communities, promoting actions that promote the integrated and sustainable use of the infrastructure for public use.

Creating means and physical spaces that allow the cooperation of the present and future of the communities with the management and protection of the Protected Areas through training in community tour guides, creation of physical spaces so that the communities can distribute local crafts and reference souvenirs to the relevant characteristics of the protected area (ecosystems, flora and fauna).

4.6 General conclusions and recommendations


1. The general framework of design, construction and materials used in the visitor center of the Sierra de Bahoruco National Park, considers the main variables, which allows establishing a starting point to compare the future constructions to be developed in the Protected Areas of the Region of the Central Cordillera and especially the Armando Bermúdez National Park;

2. The non-existence of updated Management Plans for the Protected Areas of the central mountain range and in particular the Armando Bermúdez National Park, having to carry out prior construction a "diagnosis / study" of the proposed infrastructure in a particular way, in order to to consider the different variables in space and time to anticipate possible problems of an environmental nature and to propose mitigation measures during the process of construction, authorization and use;

3. The vision of infrastructure development by the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources is quite pragmatic, but it largely considers two variables of importance: functionality and harmony with the landscape.


1. Carry out a “diagnosis / study” based on the designs of the infrastructure proposed for the Armando Bermúdez National Park, as an initial part of the process of formulation and / or updating of the Management Plan of the referred protected area.

2. Consider the conclusions and recommendations that were developed in a particular way for each of the variables that were used in the multi-criteria analysis.

Infrastructure in protected areas of the sierra de barouco national park dominican republic