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Initial public offering ipo to access the North American stock market


What is an IPO ?: The word IPO means “Initial Public Offer” in English. It is the operation by which a company sells shares to the public for the first time.

These shares are sold in the primary market at a price determined by the corporation, to later be traded in the secondary markets. The subject has a great professional future.


When to do an IPO?

When the need to grow and increase your own capital exceeds your debt capacity. On average, a potential IPO company should show an attractive annual growth rate, at least $ 5 million in annual sales, $ 1 million in profit, and a history of auditable returns. Likewise, it must have a growing market, an excellent Management team and a Sustainable Competitive Advantage over time.

The role of the Underwriter (investment bank) in the IPO.

The Underwriter (investment bank) recommends and advises the company on the public offering, helps to form the work team, must worry about carrying out due diligence (DUE DILIGENCE), assists in the technical preparation of the registration application and in the elaboration of the "PROSPECTUS", celebrates (generally) a subscription contract with the company and maintains a relationship with the issuer after the public offering.

Procedure to carry out an IPO

  • Consider becoming a public company => GO PUBLIC! Select a “LEAD UNDERWRITTER” Preparation of the Prospectus “PROPECTUS” The Ponny and the Doggy Show => The “road show” The valuation meeting => PRICING

IPO´s Terms => Underwriter

Underwriter => Corresponds to an Investment Bank, which is chosen to carry out the MANAGEMENT work of the IPO. The Underwriter is hired to provide ADVISE, “consulting”, assess the firm going to the IPO, provide INDEPENDENT MONITORING of the company and market the IPO. However, the FUNDAMENTAL WORK of the Underwriter consists of buying the shares of the firm that is going to go public and then selling them to the public at a higher price. This is a good reason for the Underwriter to “underprice the issue” => lower cost and minimal risk

What happens if not all shares are bought by Investors?

The most common is that the Underwriter is responsible for buying any shares that have not managed to be sold in the market. If the Underwriter is NOT responsible for the remaining actions then:

A).- BEST EFFORTS => The shares NOT sold are returned to signature

B).- ALL-OR-NONE => The agreement is canceled if ALL shares are not sold.

Advantages of making an Initial Public Offering => IPO.

  • Cash is obtained, liquidity for the Corporation and investors, access to markets for future financing, tax advantages. "CASH FLOW IS CREDIBILITY" Easy access to credit by Banks, having as a guarantee "The Stock as collateral" The company increases of immediate value due to the fact of being public, increasing its prestige, respect and brand image. Being able to retain talented employees by giving them a shareholding or stock option.

The Way Wall Street Works

When a company wants to go public the first thing it requires is to hire an Investment Bank (Lead Underwriter). A company could theoretically sell its shares itself but realistically an Investment Bank is required.

It's just the way Wall Street works!


Once all parties reach an agreement, the investment bank puts together a registration statement that will be filed with the SEC. This document contains information about the share offer as well as information about the company, such as financial statements, management team, any legal problem, where it will be used, etc.

The SEC then requires a "Cooling Off Period" in which they investigate and make sure that all material information has been disclosed. Once the SEC approves the share offering, a date (the effective date) is set when the share will be offered to the public.


During the "cooling off period" the subscriber gathers what is known as the Red Herring. This is an initial "propectus" that contains all the information about the company except for the offer price and effective date, which are not known at the time.

With the "Red Herring" available, the subscriber and the company seek to promote and generate interest for the issuance of shares. They do the "Road Show", also known as "the ponny and the doggy show" - where they court the big institutional investors.

Final part of an IPO

As the effective date approaches, the underwriter and the company sit down together and decide on the price. This is not an easy decision: it depends on the company, the success of the road show, and most importantly, the current market conditions.

Of course, it is in the interest of both parties to achieve as much as possible.

Finally, the issues are sold on the stock market and the money is collected from investors.


  • You are not ready unless you can afford to go public. Do you have the money? If you don't have the money, where do you hope to find it? You should budget about $ 1.25 million to effect an IPO. You can buy a SHELL company that trades OTCBB with 90% control for $ 850,000. Add another $ 250,000 to cover your SEC S-4 costs and your SHELL DUE DILIGENCE assessment. You will need a way to do your Private Placement Funding once your S-4 passes the SEC. You can do a SPINOFF. It costs $ 550,000. If you can't pay to go public, you are not ready to go public. Until your company is making money, you are not ready to go public. We repeat it once again "Cash Flow is Credibility." your company lacks credibility,it is hard to find investors and shareholders.


Yes, by the way, there are ALTERNATIVE ROADS. If you do not have US $ 1.25 million, you CAN enter the STOCK EXCHANGE of the United States of America through LOBBY and building CREDIBILITY. Our Lawyers at Law firm has been in the market for more than 30 years incorporating companies in the NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, OTC, PINK SHEET.


A foreign company can go through the process of making a US company public without simultaneously raising capital. A foreign company that manages its shares in the United States establishes a relationship with the market makers (many of them are Underwriters) and becomes known to American Investors. By exposing yourself and showing yourself you can make it more likely to get an Underwriter to subsequently raise capital.


We can place your company in one of the secondary markets of the United States, such as; NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, OTCBB or Pink Sheets. If you want to incorporate the company in "The list over the counter on the Pink Sheet" for a foreign company in the USA, and in the OTC Bulletin Board or Nasdaq. You choose the address, it does not necessarily have to be the US It can be an OFFSHORE jurisdiction, your country, or by the way the United States of America. A foreign company can also establish a US corporation as a subsidiary and register the shares of the subsidiary. Some foreign companies choose to establish a United States corporation and make the foreign company a subsidiary of the United States corporation. The latter dramatically INCREASES the present value of your current local company.This DIFFERENTIAL value is given by the ASYMMETRIES that are generated between both markets. (Capital, Technology, HR, etc) WE ARE THE ONLY LATIN SPECIALISTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF IPOs IN THE UNITED STATES.

Initial public offering ipo to access the North American stock market