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Insourcing and the value of internal resources


The search for talent is a constant and even infinite activity, it cannot be stopped in the face of a world as changing and demanding as the one that dominates the workplace today.

This constant search aims to capture those who will offer organizations fresh and innovative ideas, either based on their knowledge or the experience they have accumulated in each specialty over the years.

Sometimes the search is done for short-term contracts; A particular job may require a minimum of time if you have the help of a consultant or an expert to carry it out.

When hired for a short time it does not go unnoticed, it is common to observe with admiration the presence of third parties walking through the corridors and occupying spaces within the company, since they are usually given a different attention to that received by the common: they are listened with attention, respect and interest, their ideas and proposals are operationalized and, as if that were not enough, the payment they receive for their services exceeds any amount that can be imagined at the first calculation.

This organizational phenomenon, aimed at seeking answers with external personnel, does not detract from the search for talent, but at times it seems to contradict the nature of that search.

How many times have consultants, advisers or experts come up with the same answer that employees have pointed out in the past? How many times has the solution been provided first by a worker and it has not been considered? How much money would the company save if it promoted the use of insourcing as a management tool?

Insourcing is nothing more than the conscious and planned use of the internal resource that organizations have and which is cultivated and increased precisely in the recruitment of that talent that the market offers and that, thanks to a correct selection work, the company manages to hire.

But it is so common to look outside for what is inside that when requiring the help of an expert, the resources available to the company are ignored, perhaps for the same millennial reason that prevented Jesus of Nazareth from being a prophet in his land.

It's not hard to imagine a manager saying, "Isn't this the purchasing analyst? What does that young marketing man know to give his opinion about it? ", As happened with the Nazarene, there is a tendency to think that" the people "who are around do not have those extraordinary gifts that exist in people are outside. Nothing more false than that.

In most cases, those who carry out the work know the answer to the problems in their area and even beyond it, since they are present in the day-to-day operation and in direct contact with suppliers and customers; And as it is logical to suppose, they are also waiting for an opportunity for their ideas or opinions to be considered, since proactivity is not entirely effective if it is not given the value that it possesses or if, when manifesting, it is questioned due to the position or circumstances surrounding the employee.

It is intuitive and natural, after an assertion like the previous one, to remember that companies frequently resort to teamwork and that in the near past and even today there is talk of quality circles and the formation of interdisciplinary entities to face difficulties or challenges present in companies

However, while it is true that the creation of interdisciplinary teams to discuss and confront the problems presented by a particular unit is nothing new, it is no less true that even in those cases those directly responsible for the process remain outside or, worse still, those who have effective solutions in this regard, which occurs because of the label that is awarded to each employee depending on the work performed.

Creating such teams does not mean that the company has understood the importance of the internal resource, or even that it is aware of it, since it could only be the repetition of the successful practices of its competitors, or simply the result of what was learned in the classrooms of classes, and even as a consequence of a recommendation or implementation of a tool inherited or learned in a management course.

Offering importance to human resources out of conviction goes far beyond the application of management tools, it is about really listening to people and observing how a decision of the board of directors or the application of a policy may be affecting the performance of their functions, the perception of the organizational climate and even the morale of the employees.

Resorting to insourcing deserves to give value to the talent recruited, because otherwise its presence and knowledge would be underestimated and, at the same time, it would be putting aside those who have been hired because of the potential they have.

It is highly contradictory to have personnel graduated from one specialty or another and never ask for their professional opinion on the matter and at the same time deny them that special treatment referred to at the beginning.

What makes them less qualified to comment? Who knows the company better than they? Are they not also responsible for the success of the organization?

Apparently these questions are always present in the common of employees, but in the first person, involving themselves in what the company does not consider them capable of intervening, then what is talent for?

It is a statement of the theory of change that says that true transformations occur from the inside out, never the other way around, well, the most logical thing is to suppose that before seeking external help, those that can be obtained at home must be exhausted, from otherwise, only feelings of frustration, anger and resentment are fed in the staff, who tend to feel ignored and belittled when this occurs.

Obviously, there are situations where it is practically impossible to resort to insourcing, in the way it is expressed here, but there are several where it is and even so they are rarely considered by those who plan strategically in organizations.

An example of the above can be found in staff training, few companies turn to their specialists to act as instructors to the rest of the employees, on the contrary, they spend considerable sums of money paying external facilitators who little or nothing know the reality of the organization.

To justify the above, the inexperience of those familiar with the subject is usually resorted to in relation to the didactics and andragogy of the person who teaches, but in such a statement the existence of courses to train trainers is obviated. It is more economical and functional to invest in educating people to train and train the other members of the team than to cancel isolated courses, scheduled or not, taught by third parties.

The same can happen with the creation of logos for a brand, the improvement or birth of a product, the addition of a service, the optimization of a process or simply the way an area is arranged to save space.

How much a business would save just by asking its people!

It is clear that the above must be coupled with the recognition of both the effort and the time used for it, if the company was willing to pay for an external service, it must be earned by investing, if not the same sum, a significant amount in your internal resource, because otherwise it could generate disinterest in the participation of creative days, training or any other that merits the participation of its people because of observing that this additional effort does not have a consideration, although it does not have to be necessarily economical.

The lesson is simple, if the people are the company and everyone's success depends on them, then you have to involve them and let them participate, you have to give value to the talent that is hired and that is developed within the organization, otherwise it would be possible ask yourself: does the company not have minds trained to solve problems, train staff, improve processes, optimize resources and innovate?

If the answer is yes, it is imperative to review the recruitment and selection process, reorient the company profile and start a massive skills development campaign; But, if the answer is negative, then the criteria of those who manage the staff must be reviewed, because in addition to detracting from the talent, they are subtracting money from the financial profit of the business.

Insourcing and the value of internal resources