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Interdisciplinarity in law and environmental education


It introduces the need for Environmental Law to occupy an important place as a result of the application of the principle of interdisciplinarity proposed by the National Strategy for Environmental Education.

It proposes Legal - Environmental Education as an unavoidable need to pay tribute to the systemic, comprehensive, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of Environmental Education and Training; Therefore, it defines Legal Education and Legal - environmental Education, together with theoretical considerations about the existing shortcomings in the development of legal culture.


In a world chaotic by neoliberal globalization imposed from the centers of power dominated by the most reactionary sectors; The policies that are defined are far from the most genuine interests of the forces that fight for a dignified life on the planet and turn a deaf ear to the calls that have been made since 1962, based on the work carried out by the American biologist Rachel.

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in "An Exhortation for Action" stated: "Earth's problems are due to the actions of each individual multiplied five billion times. But solutions can also be achieved by individual actions "

After 15 years of that exhortation, the negative actions can be multiplied by more than six thousand two hundred million times, as well as the actions for their solution; This requires a general awareness, in which this type of call is necessary; but not enough.

Nature - society relationships must be harmonized to achieve sustainability in development. The environmental dimension cannot be parceled out, the contents that pay directly to it require comprehensiveness and to achieve it, the Ministry of Education has considered Environmental Education and Legal Education within the six areas of formation of the personality of the new generations.

The National Strategy for Environmental Education recognizes that: "all potentialities have not yet been exploited and that the thematic spectrum of environmental education content must be broadened much more". Legal Education - environmental in its unity and interdependence, is an adequate way to materialize what has been considered as a lack.

This work is part of the research line of its author, who from his work in the initial and permanent training of teaching staff, has the possibility of contributing to the solution of one of the main problems identified and prioritized in the National Strategy: “Insufficient theoretical and practical preparation from the pedagogical and scientific-technical point of view to undertake the introduction of the environmental dimension in educational processes and the educational dimension in development processes, with a conception of environment-development interdependence and therefore with an interdisciplinary character. "

Its objective is aimed at systematizing the work of Legal - Environmental Education in the initial and permanent training of teachers at different levels and subsystem of the National Education System, as part of Environmental Education in the Ministry of Education.

1. Some background to the National Strategy for Environmental Education. Answer given.

  • 1970: UNESCO promotes Programs on man and the biosphere, which contribute to the change in perception around no longer considering environmental problems as nature's own. There is an awakening of consciences and solutions are sought. 1972: United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm). With the aim of "… promoting the action of governments and international organizations aimed at protecting and improving the human environment and offering guidelines for such action and with international cooperation correcting and preventing the degradation of said environment." Its recommendation No. 96 considered Environmental Education as a serious challenge to attack the environmental crisis. 1975: Following up on Recommendation No.96 of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm 1972), UNESCO and UNEP, developed the International Program for Environmental Education (PIEA). 1977: Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education (Tbilisi): it already states that “should to constitute a general lifelong education that reacts to the changes taking place in the rapidly evolving world… it should prepare the individual by understanding the main problems of the contemporary world. ”The main interest of this Conference is that its conclusions define on an international scale the nature, objectives, pedagogical principles and orientations of environmental education. It is, therefore, a basic document to understand the proposals of the international agreement on environmental education at the governmental level.Decade of the '80 The concept of "sustainable development" appears. Brundtland Report. Of great importance for the design of strategies in terms of Environmental Education and other spheres. 1982: Declaration of Nairobi. It includes in clause j) the convenience of increasing public and political understanding of the importance of the environment, through information, education and training. 1987: The International Conference on Environmental Education and Training, organized in August 1987 by the UNESCO and UNEP, developed an International Strategy for Action on Environmental Education and Training for the decade 1990-1999, which establishes elements of action to advance on a global scale in environmental education and training. 1992: Summit of River. Also known as "Summit of the Earth".Developed "as a conclusion to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development… it constituted an unprecedented historical event… The Rio Declaration is a document of transcendental importance in the program of action on development and the environment." 1992: Agenda 21 Important document approved at the Rio Summit. It contains an action plan for sustainable development, where environmental, economic, social and cultural issues are closely related. In addition to the establishment of a legal and regulatory framework.Important document approved at the Rio Summit. It contains an action plan for sustainable development, where environmental, economic, social and cultural issues are closely related. In addition to the establishment of a legal and regulatory framework.Important document approved at the Rio Summit. It contains an action plan for sustainable development, where environmental, economic, social and cultural issues are closely related. In addition to the establishment of a legal and regulatory framework.

The National Strategy for Environmental Education is presided over by one of the essential foundations of Agenda 21 on Environmental Education: “Education is of critical importance to promote Sustainable Development and increase the capacity of populations to address environmental and development issues….

To be effective, environment and development education must address the dynamics of the physical and biological environment, and the socio-economic environment and human development (which could include spiritual development), be integrated into all disciplines, and use academic methods and not academics and effective means of communication ”(The underlining is by the author).

El Ministerio de Educación consciente de esta realidad, tiene concebido un sistema de superación del personal docente que posibilita su formación permanente y con ello, la creación de condiciones para asimilar los cambios que se producen, a la vez que dar la respuesta educativa necesaria y suficiente desde el contexto escolar, para trascender al contexto familiar, comunitario y de la sociedad en su conjunto, sin embargo no ha sido sistemático en cuanto a los temas de Educación Jurídica.

The practice of Environmental Education in the current Cuban school has difficulties with the incorporation into the curriculum of the different disciplines, of the fundamental aspects that exist in the country regarding Environmental Law. Key to this development is the knowledge of the main international instruments that regulate actions in the area of ​​the Environment, of which Cuba is a signatory, the constitutional endorsements on the matter, Law 81 as the Framework Law and all legal production, which from it has been generated.

With regard to Legal Education, little progress has been made as a result of the teaching staff not approaching the Law due to the logical difficulties caused by technical ignorance of the legal norm, its interpretation and other no less complex elements; jurists can act from some educational agencies; but they are generally unaware of the methodological aspects of this procedure and the specific situation of the Cuban school and university in terms of their study plans and programs, which constitutes a barrier to achieving the objectives set forth in the National Education Strategy Environmental.

From what has been said, the need is derived for the Ministry of Education to play the most important role, in Environmental Education in general and Legal - environmental Education in particular, as this is the one that "… has a very good social mandate defined, the formation of the personality of citizens, has the appropriate institutions and personnel capable of achieving it. All citizens pass through the National Education System at different stages of their lives. No other educational agency has these possibilities ”.

2. Principles of Environmental Education. A necessary approach

The National Strategy for Environmental Education in response to the International Program for Environmental Education proposed by UNEP, starts from the essential premise that in practice “… the environmental dimension must be integrated into development processes… based on the harmony between the conservation of the social achievements achieved and the sustainable protection of our natural resources and for this we need a trained population… ”, then it is essential to bring them closer to Environmental Law as a discipline with high educational value that contributes to disciplining human relations with nature and own society and that constitutes a direct tribute to the process of formation of values.

The curricula are prepared on the basis of disciplinarity, which is necessary to be able to approach the specific knowledge of the object, phenomenon or process that is studied; but that is not enough. Environmental Law as a discipline can become the connecting point for the rest of the disciplines.

All of them have potential to develop the value - virtue - attitude - action relationship, which is of great importance in education to achieve the desired training; But it is the Environmental Law that can contribute to the environmental value becoming the center of attention because it constitutes the one that enables life as the supreme value and then the relationship would expand: Value - virtue - attitude - norm - action; Considering the norm as an element of the Law, inhibiting conduct, as part of its imperative, coercive, compulsory nature, among other characteristics; but its ultimate goal is to achieve ethical training as a first-level inhibitory element, since the Law has a very important educational function aimed at preventing undesirable behavior.

Already the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm 1972) in its declaration, whose content has become the cornerstone of all environmental policies, presents in its preamble a solid ethical basis by stating that: "defense and the improvement of the human environment for present and future generations has become an imperative goal of humanity… ».

The term environment is very complex and on this consideration there is consensus, it is a “… special category that encompasses physical or inert, biological and social reality, entering all areas of science and disciplines and therefore, of knowledge, human values ​​and behavior… (is) the most complex unit of study that man has ever considered ”. From the above, one of the principles of Environmental Education is derived: that of the system approach.

There is agreement among multiple authors that every system is intrinsic to the characteristic of having various elements or parts with links, links and interrelations between each of them, which make up a whole. They are its components.

Thus, the Dictionary of Philosophy defines it as: "A set of elements that have relationships and connections among themselves and that form a certain integrity, unity…". Another argument that expands this concept refers to the fact that each of these parts, by itself, does not possess the qualities and characteristics intrinsic to the whole, which gives it the sense of necessary interdependence.

In the Notes on the concept of the system of a group of authors from the Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, it is stated: “All the authors consulted agree in confirming that the system is made up of a set of elements that are at a level of interdependence so that a change in one implies modification in the rest ”. And later, after the analysis of a definition by LV Bertalanffy, they expand: "each of the parts have their qualities, declaring that they can be independent, however their integration is expressed in a unit determined by a supreme objective or purpose".

The internal unit of the Environmental Education system fostered by the objective, is transcendental for the achievement of the coherence of its elements, all of them are reciprocally taxed, each one of them has its own meaning, maintains its identity, but depending on the fulfillment of the objective, that is, it is subordinate to the structure of the system. In the treatment of environmental issues, multiple elements from the physical, biological, social and economic environment are involved; Everything that is done in the educational teaching process must be aimed at each one making the aforementioned complexity their own so that once inside it, they act effectively and efficiently and Environmental Law fosters that necessary systemic relationship.

Although Environmental Education is projected as a system and therefore its internal unity is implicit, the perspective cannot be lost in the analysis that the materialist dialectic starts from two essential elements: the material unity of the world and the law of universal concatenation. that require the recognition that "… The system is not only characterized by the existence of connections and relationships between its elements (a certain degree of organization), but also by an indissoluble unity with the environment…", the legal system regulates the actions of the man on that medium.

An important criterion to consider is the one linked to the systemic approach as a method, which “… has become one of the needs of scientific knowledge and contemporary practical activity. One of the characteristics of the systemic approach is that it has a multi and interdisciplinary character, since when studying objects as systems the coincidence of different sciences with their cognitive and methodological particularities becomes inevitable.

Interdisciplinarity constitutes a fundamental approach to the environmental dimension, hence it is considered as another of the principles of Environmental Education; is considered by some as a search for deeper structures than phenomena and is designed to explain them (Piaget, J., 1970), UNESCO in 1987 considered it as: “the encounter and cooperation between two or more disciplines, each one of they contributing (at a theoretical or empirical research level) with their own conceptual schemes, their way of defining problems and their methods of analysis "

The National Strategy for Environmental Education considers it as: “Methodology that characterizes a teaching, research or management process, in which an interrelation of coordination and effective cooperation between disciplines is established, but also essentially maintaining its theoretical-methodological frameworks, not However, identifying a process of construction of agreed conceptual and methodological frameworks that encourages the articulation of knowledge around the problem and for its identification or solution ”.

This definition must constitute per se a guide for the development of Environmental Education, its clarity is so diaphanous that the absence of Environmental Law in the planning, organization and execution of the aforementioned Strategy is not conceivable.

When speaking of interdisciplinarity related to Environmental Education, it should be taken into account that current and future educational practice has the need to introduce the long-term dimension as part of the development strategy in which education constitutes a determining factor for human development, as well as determined by the set of economic, political, social and cultural factors of the specific society, all factors regulated by the legal system.

Marta Álvarez Pérez refers that: "interdisciplinarity,… can be seen as a superior concept to which others are subordinate… as multidisciplinarity,… and that of transdisciplinarity…".

Multidisciplinarity is another of the principles of Environmental Education. The National Strategy considers it as “Methodology that characterizes a teaching, research or management process, in which various disciplines or areas of knowledge intervene for the interpretation or explanation of a phenomenon or solution of a problem, around which, even when there is coordination between them, each participates from the perspective of its own theoretical-methodological framework and knowledge articulation processes have not yet been achieved ”.

Environmental Law must be approached because all disciplines study an aspect or sector of social and / or natural reality, which may be common and it, within the legal system, establishes protection over the three fundamental elements that constitute the support of the life of man on earth: water, air and soil.

"Environmental Law is, above all, multidisciplinary, as it seeks to integrate the different branches of the legal system in order to prevent, repress or repair aggressive behaviors to the environmental legal good, taking into account the cultural and social characteristics of the human environment."

Transdisciplinarity as a fourth principle is defined by the National Strategy for Environmental Education as “… emerging knowledge of an interdisciplinary process, characteristic of a teaching, research or management process, in which a high degree of coordination and cooperation is achieved, but also in which a certain unity of conceptual frameworks between disciplines or areas of knowledge is achieved ”. Each discipline can be based on a common content, that content is provided by Environmental Law.

3. Legal-environmental Education. A debt in the development and execution of the National Strategy for Environmental Education.

It has been found that in compliance with the National Strategy for Environmental Education, the theoretical and methodological preparation activities of the educational centers related to Environmental Law are absent, even ignoring the call made for interdisciplinarity.

The underlying causes can be many; But a latent issue in Cuban society is the non-correspondence of the level of development of the legal culture of its citizens with the level of development that has been reached today. Legal consciousness as a form of social consciousness is presented in two different dimensions: one, as an objective institutional form and the other as everyday legal consciousness. “Between these two dimensions, there is a contradiction that in the current Cuban reality constitutes a serious challenge because there is a predominance of spontaneity in citizen actions that reveals the lack of knowledge of legality. The Cuban school can and must face this challenge and give a complete response:the gap between everyday legal consciousness in which the spontaneous predominates and institutionalized legal consciousness, which reflects the dimension of the legal ideology of the broad masses in power and which is endorsed through legality and the legal system; should be reduced, because: 'The mature and finished expression of legal consciousness is the principle of legality, understood as the guiding principle of legal life to which strict compliance with the law by the State, by organizations is subject. and social institutions and citizens' (Escasena, 1988. p.19) ”.'The mature and complete expression of legal consciousness is the principle of legality, understood as the guiding principle of legal life to which strict compliance with the law by the State, social organizations and institutions and citizens is subject' (Escasena, 1988. p.19) ”.'The mature and complete expression of legal consciousness is the principle of legality, understood as the guiding principle of legal life to which strict compliance with the law by the State, social organizations and institutions and citizens is subject' (Escasena, 1988. p.19) ”.

The aforementioned allows us to determine the importance of the development of legal culture, which implies a high knowledge of the laws, responsible behavior, based on knowledge and respect for the law, legal culture defined as: "the system of values socially dominant, on the fair and unfair of a certain action or omission, the result not only of custom and the degree of education, but also of the prevailing economic and social interests at that time. "

Its efficiency depends on the process of assimilation of the norm by society. The norms of Environmental Law can be very effective due to their structure, their technique, their budgets, their procedures; but if they are not assimilated by the recipients, the proposed end is not fulfilled.

Legal Education is a conscious process of teaching and learning, of continuous approach to the law to appropriate its political, social, ideological, deontological, axiological, normative and behavioral content, based on the conscious defense of the Cuban socialist project, through the study of legal norms and aimed at the ethical formation of the citizen on the basis of the dialectic of duties and rights.

The analysis of the previous definition allows an approach to the definition of legal - environmental Education that can be considered as: Continuous and permanent process aimed at the systematization of the study of the principles, values ​​and norms of Environmental Law, as a guiding discipline and regulating human activity on nature and society itself, in order to protect them and guarantee sustainable development.

In order to comply with the Action Plan proposed by the National Strategy for Environmental Education, at the “Rafael María de Mendive” Higher Pedagogical Institute in Pinar del Río, some aspects have been introduced to systematize Legal-environmental Education; They are:

1. Proposal of Legal - Environmental Education in the Agricultural Career of Technical and Professional Education, from the undergraduate curriculum.

2. As a result of the incorporation of Legal - Environmental Education in the academic, labor and investigative components of the Bachelor of Education, specialty Primary Education;

six (6) students concluded their studies with their respective undergraduate thesis, with specific proposals for the introduction of legal - environmental issues from first to sixth grades of Primary Education, from different subjects.

3. As part of the Diploma "Environmental Training: Towards the solution of local problems", the Environmental Law Module was introduced. The results achieved so far are the following:

Source: Prepared by the authors based on the statistical controls that the Vice-rector for Research and Postgraduate Studies of the “Rafael María de Mendive” Higher Pedagogical Institute of Pinar del Río have.

4. Introduction in the undergraduate and postgraduate training of the Civic Education subject, of the Citizen's Manual that contains a chapter dedicated to the Citizen and the Environment

The citizen and the environment

The environment is a collective legal asset and as such belongs to the community. The presentation of the duties and rights around this important problem will contribute to enriching citizen life and opens up enormous possibilities for the development of all the potentialities that the enjoyment and enjoyment of rights contains, as well as the social commitment that compliance entails. of duties in such an important sphere of human performance.

Constitution of the Republic.

Article 27

It is the duty of citizens to contribute to the protection of water, the atmosphere, the conservation of the soil, flora, fauna and all the rich potential of nature.

Law 81 of the Environment

Article 4.

  • The State establishes and facilitates the necessary means and guarantees so that the right to enjoy a healthy environment is protected in an adequate and timely manner. Natural resources must be used in a rational manner, preventing the generation of negative impacts on the environment. The person must have adequate access, in accordance with what is legally established in this regard, to the information available on the environment held by state bodies and agencies. It is the right to environmental information.Any natural or legal person in accordance with the powers granted by the Law, must have the appropriate and sufficient means that allow them to act in the administrative or judicial channels, as appropriate, to demand compliance with the established.It is the right to access justice to claim the exercise of a right. Effective participation in decision-making and the development of self-management processes aimed at protecting the environment and raising the quality of life of human beings..

It is the right to participate in decision-making.

  • Protecting the environment is a citizen duty.

Article 3. It is the duty of the State, citizens and society in general to protect the environment by:

a) Its conservation and rational use.

b) The systematic fight against the causes that originate its deterioration.

c) The corresponding rehabilitation actions.

d) The constant increase in citizens' knowledge about the interrelationships of human beings, nature and society.

e) The reduction and elimination of environmentally unsustainable forms of production and consumption.

f) The promotion of demographic policies appropriate to territorial conditions.

  • The performance of economic and social activities by natural and legal persons is conditioned by the social interest that it is not exercised to the detriment of the environment. Public knowledge of environmental actions and decisions and consultation of the opinion of the public, is will insure in the best possible way; but in any case inescapable.

Article 6. It is the duty of the state and of natural and legal persons, to participate in the prevention, mitigation and attention of natural disasters or other types of catastrophes, in solving the problems produced by them and in the rehabilitation of the affected areas..

Environmental inspection

Article 41. The natural or legal persons that are the object of the State Environmental Inspection shall be obliged to allow the competent authority access to the place or places to be inspected, as well as to provide all kinds of information that leads to the verification of compliance with the Law and other environmental provisions in force, except that legally recognized as confidential, which will only be accessed under the terms and conditions established in the corresponding legislation.

Article 45. For inspection work, the competent authority may rely on organizations, associations and other institutions recognized by law and on citizens in general who, as popular inspectors and after determining their suitability, will have the mission of collaborating in monitoring compliance with the law and other environmental provisions in force.

Research and innovation

Article 58. Natural and legal persons that influence the environment by their activity have the obligation to incorporate scientific and technological achievements to achieve greater efficiency in actions aimed at environmental protection.

Administrative sanctions

Article 59. Whoever is aware of the commission of any of the violations established in the complementary legislation to the law will inform the competent authority, which will be obliged to inform them about the measures provided and their compliance, when they do. interest that person.

Civil liability system

Article 70. Any natural or legal person who by his action or omission damages the environment is obliged to cease his conduct and to repair the damages caused.

Article 71. The following are empowered to claim compensation for damage:

a) The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic.

b) The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.

c) Whoever has personally suffered the damage or prejudice.

Protection and sustainable use of biological diversity

Article 84. It is the obligation of all state organs and agencies and other natural and legal persons to adopt, in the spheres of their respective competences, the actions and measures necessary to ensure the conservation of national biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components.

National system of protected areas

Article 91. Natural and legal persons that have protected areas under their administration are obliged to comply with and enforce the provisions of the law and other environmental regulations in force and those issued by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, and execute the Actions approved in the management regulations for each specific area.

Waters and aquatic ecosystems

Article 92

a) It is the obligation of all natural and legal persons to protect and conserve water and aquatic ecosystems in conditions that allow optimal attention to the diversity of uses required to satisfy human needs and maintain a balanced interrelation with other resources natural.

Article 98. All natural or legal persons that carry out actions related to groundwater shall comply with the evaluations and opinions issued by the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources, in order to ensure their rational exploitation and avoid the depletion or degradation of these waters.


Article 106. The natural or legal persons who are in charge of the use or exploitation of the land shall comply with the following provisions:

a) Make their activity compatible with their natural conditions and with the requirement to maintain their physical integrity and productive capacity and not alter the balance of ecosystems.

b) Adopt the corresponding measures, aimed at avoiding and correcting actions that favor erosion, salinization and other forms of degradation or modification of its topographic and geomorphological characteristics.

c) Collaborate with the competent authorities in their proper conservation and management.

d) Carry out the conservation and rehabilitation practices that are determined according to the characteristics of the soils and their current and prospective uses.

e) Carry out soil regeneration actions in the development of activities that may, directly or indirectly, cause environmental damage.

f) Comply with the other provisions established in the basic soil legislation of the country and others that the competent bodies dictate under its protection.

Article 108. For the purposes of prevention and control of soil contamination, the competent bodies and agencies shall act in accordance with the following provisions:

a) The duty of all natural and legal persons to use correct practices in the generation, management and treatment of domestic, industrial and agricultural waste and in the use of any type of chemical and hormonal substances that can contaminate soils and crops.

b) Take special care to avoid and control soil contamination and to guarantee an adequate final disposal of household, industrial and hospital waste.

c) The prohibitions on the disposal of waste in urban and rural vacant lands and areas adjacent to land communication routes, without prior authorization from the competent authorities.

Mineral resources

Article 122. Natural or legal persons that carry out activities for the use of mineral resources, shall be obliged to rehabilitate areas degraded by their activity, as well as areas and ecosystems linked to these that may be damaged, in accordance with the provisions of the Mining Law and in this Law, or failing that, to carry out other activities aimed at protecting the environment, under the terms and conditions established by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Basic Industry.

Article 123. All natural or legal persons that carry out actions related to mineral waters will adjust to the capacity of the deposit, its natural recovery power and the qualitative state of the waters, according to the evaluations and opinions issued by the Ministry of the Basic Industry and heard the opinion of the Ministry of Public Health, with respect to its epidemiological status, in order to ensure its rational exploitation and avoid its depletion or degradation.

Energetic resources

Article 126. The natural or legal persons in charge of energy use and its infrastructure, as well as the transport, transformation, distribution, storage and final use of energy, are obliged not to cause damage to the soil, water or atmosphere and to use technologies that guarantee compliance with current environmental regulations.

Sustainable agriculture standards

Article 133. Given the importance for agriculture of genetic resources in general and plant genetic resources in particular, all natural and legal persons are obliged to their proper conservation and use, combining in situ and ex situ forms of conservation and avoiding genetic erosion processes of economically useful species.

Other provisions…

Article 147. It is forbidden to emit, dump or discharge substances or dispose of waste, produce sounds, noises, smells, vibrations and other physical factors that affect or may affect human health or damage the quality of life of the population.

Protection of the environment in work activities

Article 162. It is a right and a duty of all workers and their union organizations, to carry out actions aimed at demanding and controlling compliance with regulations relating to the protection of the environment.


Environmental Education seeks to develop in individuals: comprehensive awareness of environmental problems, knowledge and experiences about the environment, a change in attitude and acquisition of a set of values ​​to act in favor of the environment, skills to identify, anticipate and solve environmental problems, based on global thinking and local action.

Interdisciplinarity as an essential principle of Environmental Education, constitutes a direct tribute to the integral general culture, to the formation of a scientific conception of the world in schoolchildren of the different levels and subsystems of the National Education System, it develops in them a humanistic thought, scientist and creator, which allows them to assimilate reality as a whole, assimilate changes and at the same time be transforming entities.

Environmental Law should not be ignored in the interdisciplinary proposals of school curricula that propose Environmental Education as a transversal axis. As a discipline it can and should be the connecting element, the common point raised by transdisciplinarity.

What has been done at the "Rafael María de Mendive" Higher Pedagogical Institute, although insufficient, shows the wealth that Environmental Law can contribute to the Environmental Education process, as an enrichment of citizen ethics.


  • Include in the work system of theoretical and methodological preparation of the teaching staff in the different degrees and levels of Teaching, the National Strategy for Environmental Education with the elements of Legal - environmental Education based on Environmental Law Establish the corresponding work coordination with the Faculties and / or with the Law Departments of the country's Universities, as well as with the legal institutions of the territories for the necessary legal advice, in order to prepare Education professionals with the essential aspects of Environmental Law.


1. ÁLVAREZ PÉREZ MARTA. Interdisciplinarity in teaching - learning science. Pre-Congress Course No.67, Pedagogy 2001. City of Havana. (Digital support)

2. Cuban Environmental Law / Eulalia Viamontes Guilbeaux… / et al /.– Chapter I: “Environmental Law. Generalities ”. - Leonel Caraballo Maqueira. Digitized edition. University of Havana, 2000.

3. Dictionary of Philosophy. (1984) Moscow. -Editorial Progreso, 1984. -456 p.

4. ESCASENA, JL (1988) The evolution of socialist legality in Cuba. -Ed. Social Sciences. Quoted in: Lessons in Marxist-Leninist Philosophy. Volume 2, pp.332 - 333. Section V. -Juan Francisco Fuentes Pedroso… / et al./. -Havana: Editorial. People and Education, 1992. -398p.

5. National Strategy for Environmental Education. -Edited by the Center for Environmental Information, Dissemination and Education (CIDEA). –La Habana, 1997. 36 p.

6. FERNÁNDEZ - RUBIO LEGRÁ, ÁNGEL. "International Environmental Law". Introductory Documents and Notes. - Volume 1 (Compilation of Selected, Sorted and Commented Legal Instruments), Ediciones AFR.. -276 pp.

7. Foundation, CIDOB, 2001. www.cidob.org/bios/castellano/lideres/b-072.htm (

02/09/2005) 8. Law No. 81/97 “On the Environment”. –In Official Gazette No.7 of 07/11/1997.

9. LlANIO MARTÍNEZ, GIRALDO. Curriculum and interdisciplinarity. Pre-Congress Course No.23, Pedagogy 2001. City of Havana. (Digital support)

10. MARTÍN MATEO, TAMÓN. Environmental Law Manual. –Madrid, Spain- 1st edition, sept. 1995, 309 p.

11. PALMA DE ARRAGA, LILIAN. Strengthening of interdisciplinary capacity in Environmental Education. Ibero-American Journal of Environmental Education No.16. (02/08/2005)

12. Piaget, Jean: “The epistemology of interdisciplinary relationships”. In: Papers published by the National Association of Universities and Institutes of Higher Education. México, 1979.

13. SIERRA SOCORRO, JULIO J. Legal Education. Proposal of a work system for the initial and permanent training of the primary teacher. -Thesis in option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, 2004. (Unpublished)

14. SIERRA SOCORRO, JULIO J. (2000) Citizen's Manual. -ISP "Rafael María de Mendive". Pinar del Río, 2000. (Unpublished).

In: Sierra Socorro, Julio J. The Legal Education. Proposal of a work system for the initial and permanent training of the primary teacher. -Thesis option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, 2004. Annex 17. (Unpublished)

15. Vaideanu, George. Interdisciplinarity in teaching: essay and synthesis. Perspectives. UNESCO. V XVII, No 4. 1987. Pages 531-544.

Dr. Ángel Fernández - Rubio Legrá in his book "International Environmental Law". Introductory Documents and Notes. Volume 1 (Compilation of Selected, Sorted and Commented Legal Instruments), AFR Editions., includes the aforementioned exhortation taken from the 1991 UNEP Review, p.48, which calls for eight (8) specific actions to be carried out; They are:

  • Reduce global warming and acid rain, by saving energy at home, at work and in your transport Protect the ozone layer by refusing to use products containing CFCs and halons Conserve forests by planting trees and the use of recycled paper, and avoiding the use of tropical hardwoods that are not produced in a sustainable way Reduce waste through recycling glass, paper, cans and kitchen scraps, and avoiding the use of chemicals Reduce pollution, with the installation of catalytic filters in cars and the use of polluting products Saving species by refusing to buy products from those that are in danger Informing yourself better about local, regional and global issues by joining conservation organizations.Take a position in favor of a healthier planet and a just international economic order, passing the information on to others and writing to political representatives and newspapers.

National Strategy for Environmental Education. - Edited by the Center for Environmental Information, Disclosure and Education (CIDEA), p.12, Havana, 1997.

Sierra Socorro Julio Jesús. "Legal - environmental education. Its need in the training of teaching staff. Proposal for its introduction in the Agricultural career ”. Presented at the III International Conference on Environmental Law. From March 14 to 17, 2001. A proposal is made for the undergraduate and another for the postgraduate.The Postgraduate Program in Environmental Law proposed on that occasion, has been taught as a module of the Diploma “Environmental Training. Towards the solution of local problems ”, from the year 2000/01 to 20034/04 at the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Pinar del Río.

National Strategy for Environmental Education. - Edited by the Center for Environmental Information, Disclosure and Education (CIDEA), p.12, Havana, 1997.

FERNÁNDEZ - RUBIO LEGRÁ, ÁNGEL. "International Environmental Law". Introductory Documents and Notes p.16.- Volume 1 (Compilation of Selected, Sorted and Commented Legal Instruments), AFR Editions.. -276 pp.

“It is recommended that the Secretary General, United Nations Organizations, particularly UNESCO and other interested international institutions, take, after consultation and by mutual agreement, the necessary measures to establish an international educational program of school and extracurricular education on the environment., which covers all levels of education and is aimed at everyone (…) in order to develop knowledge and provoke simple actions that allow them (…) to the extent of their possibilities (…) manage and (…) protect their environment". (http // platea.cnice.mecd.es / ~ jpascual / eama / proginter.htm. (02/08/2005)

PALMA DE ARRAGA, LILIAN. Strengthening of interdisciplinary capacity in Environmental Education. Ibero-American Journal of Environmental Education No.16. (02/08/20005)

Gro Harlem Brundtland. From 1983 on, he presided over the United Nations Commission for Environment and Development, famous for launching in its 1987 report entitled Our Common Future and better known as the Brundtland Report the concept of sustainable development

-which was later incorporated into all programs of the UN and served as the axis, for example, at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992-, she was elected on May 13, 1998 director general of the World Health Organization (WHO). www.cidob.org/bios/castellano/lideres/b-072.htm (02/09/2005)


Ibid, p.31.

Chapter 36: “Promotion of Education, Training and Awareness” of Agenda 21. Cited by: National Strategy for Environmental Education. - Edited by the Center for Environmental Information, Disclosure and Education (CIDEA), p.3, Havana, 1997. (The underlining is by the author).

SIERRA SOCORRO, JULIO J. Legal Education. Proposal of a work system for the initial and permanent training of the primary teacher. -Thesis option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences. City of Havana, 2004. (Unpublished)

National Strategy for Environmental Education. - Edited by the Center for Environmental Information, Disclosure and Education (CIDEA), p., Havana, 1997.

Seferche, Juan. Cited by Lilian Palma de Arraga (See note 78)

FERNÁNDEZ - RUBIO LEGRÁ, ÁNGEL. "International Environmental Law". Introductory Documents and Notes p.20. Proclamation 6. - Volume 1 (Compilation of Selected, Ordered and Commented Legal Instruments), AFR Editions..

SANTOS ABREU, ISMAEL Environmental Education: Interdisciplinarity or necessity. Pre-Congress Course No.10, Pedagogy 2001. City of Havana. (Digital support)

Dictionary of Philosophy. Moscow. -Editorial Progreso, 1984. -p.395

Notes on the concept of system. Notes for the theoretical framework for branch research on the work system of directors and teachers at MINED / Alberto D. Valle Lima… / et al. /. -La Habana, ICCP, MINED, 2001. (Digital support, 15 pp.)

Dictionary of Philosophy. Moscow. -Editorial Progreso, 1984. -p.396.

LlANIO MARTÍNEZ, GIRALDO. Curriculum and interdisciplinarity. Pre-Congress Course No.23, Pedagogy 2001. City of Havana. (Digital support)

Vaideanu, George. Interdisciplinarity in teaching: essay and synthesis. Perspectives. UNESCO. V XVII, No 4. 1987 (64). P. 531-544.

National Strategy for Environmental Education. - Edited by the Center for Environmental Information, Disclosure and Education (CIDEA), p.24, Havana, 1997.

ÁLVAREZ PÉREZ MARTA. Interdisciplinarity in teaching - learning science. Pre-Congress Course No.67, Pedagogy 2001. City of Havana. (Digital support)

National Strategy for Environmental Education. - Edited by the Center for Environmental Information, Disclosure and Education (CIDEA), p.24, Havana, 1997.

Cuban Environmental Law / Eulalia Viamontes Guilbeaux… / et al /.– Chapter I: “Environmental Law. Generalities ”. - Leonel Caraballo Maqueira. Digitized edition. University of Havana, 2000.

National Strategy for Environmental Education. Ibid, p.24.

SIERRA SOCORRO, JULIO J. Legal Education. Proposal of a work system for the initial and permanent training of the primary teacher. -Thesis option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences. City of Havana, 2004. (Unpublished)

Cuban Environmental Law / Eulalia Viamontes Guilbeaux… / et al /.– Chapter I: “Environmental Law. Generalities ”. - Leonel Caraballo Maqueira. Digitized edition. University of Havana, 2000.

That proposal was introduced since 1999; but it needs updating because the training of students as teachers has passed to the Municipal Pedagogical Headquarters and the Adjunct Teachers and Tutors do not have the orientations or the preparation that the teachers in charge of training at the Pedagogical University received.

For the same reason as the previous one, it is now more complex to give continuity to these actions.

SIERRA SOCORRO, JULIO J. (2000) Citizen's Manual. -ISP "Rafael María de Mendive". Pinar del Río, 2000. (Unpublished) that constitutes Annex 17 of the Thesis in option of the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences of the author.

Interdisciplinarity in law and environmental education