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Biological research in the protected areas of the montecristo national park

Table of contents:


Protected natural areas fulfill basic functions of importance for sustainable development, by providing society with raw materials, food, water, opportunities for recreation and research, spiritual fulfillment, and microclimate control, among others (IUCN, 1993).

1. Introduction

The stability of protected natural areas in El Salvador has been threatened in recent decades by the accelerated growth of the population that demands more and more goods and services. In addition, due to the lack of alternatives and employment opportunities in rural areas, the poverty of the rural population and the inappropriate use of natural resources

The need to generate scientific research and applied research in the biological and social field is important to be able to have information that helps decision-making; for example, the viability of wild flora and fauna populations due to habitat fragmentation, the effects of anthropogenic activities, the dynamics of managed forests, the evaluation of the transfer of ecologically friendly technology to rural communities residing within and / or in the areas of influence of protected natural areas, among others, are questions that we have and, as mentioned above, require scientific research and applied research for their verification.

The "Formulation of Management Plans for the San Diego-La Barra Natural Area and Montecristo National Park" project has established as an immediate need the generation of biological studies that allow the collection and validation of information from previous studies.

The studies planned to be developed by area are presented below:

San Diego-La Barra Natural Area

  1. Rapid Ecological Assessment (EER) Inland water assessment (AQUA-RAP) Design of the monitoring and evaluation system of biological indicators

Montecristo National Park

  1. Rapid Ecological Assessment (EER) Inland water assessment (AQUA-RAP) Design of the monitoring and evaluation system of biological indicators

The studies will take place in the period from August to December 2002.

2.1. General objective

  • Establish the planning framework within which the different biological studies will be developed, which contribute to the formulation of the Management Plans of the San Diego-La Barra Protected Natural Area and Montecristo National Park.

2.2. Specific objectives

  • Generate the context in which the proposed studies will be developed: 1. Rapid Ecological Assessment (ERR); 2. Evaluation of inland waters; 3. Design of the monitoring and evaluation system for biological indicators. Present the different methodological frameworks that will be used for the development of the studies. Order chronologically the sequence of development of the different biological studies, such as the technical, logistical and financial needs of the Homogenize the criteria used in the development of research protocols with the development of a general framework.

3. Justification

The history of the formation of the Central American isthmus and its effects on the current biodiversity of the region are an example of how biological diversity changes through space and time. The formation of new species and the extinction of others are processes that occur since geological times and that have not stopped occurring.

There are several threats that biodiversity faces today, among the main ones are:

  1. Hunting and overexploitation; The loss, degradation and fragmentation of habitats; The invasion of non-native species; Domino effect; Pollution; Climate change; yAgriculture and forest use.

Consequently, the biodiversity present in the San Diego-La Barra and Montecristo Protected Natural Areas does not escape threats. Evaluating the current state of the ecosystems and the wild fauna present in them will provide the planning team with a broad horizon for decision-making and proposal of actions within the framework of formulation of Management Plans. Biological studies cannot be considered today as a mere whim of researchers or biologists; moreover, as a need to establish the "health" status of protected natural areas and establish monitoring models that allow us to periodically evaluate the result of the proposed actions of the management plans and their respective operational plans.

4. General referential framework

4.1 Research

4.1.1 Characteristics of effective investigation planning

Research planning should be seen as an aid in the study implementation process, not simply as a formal exercise that should be developed with the purpose of complying with some administrative directives. Good planning work can greatly assist in the generation, identification and implementation of research protocols that contain critical problems, both for science and for society, and that are attractive to all those who finance and support research. However, planning requires considerable resources, particularly in terms of the demands it makes on research management, consultants, and scientists.

Investing large amounts of time and other resources in potential research planning projects and protocols, for which there is little likelihood of obtaining the necessary funding, puts the resources of the research protocols in motion and reduces the output of research results. the investigation. Protocols that are never implemented, for whatever reason, can be a real cost to an organization. For planning to be effective, careful considerations must be made to strike an appropriate balance between planning and conducting research.

When conducting the planning process within a protocol framework, several characteristics of effective planning should be kept in mind. For this, planning must:

to. Address critical issues and issues

In developing protocols for specific research or a general program, particular attention should be paid to research that addresses some of the critical and important problems facing scientific or applied research. It's easy to be distracted by the huge number of minor and relatively unimportant problems that can be quickly resolved during research. Those who successfully solve a series of minor problems in science or society often win the approval of their colleagues. Those who try to solve big and important problems, but fail and succeed only partially, will surely not win as much approval from their colleagues. Important problems are often difficult to solve and there is no assurance of success.They often require complex interdisciplinary approaches that are difficult to plan and organize. The necessary research may require special talents and experience not available. Despite these difficulties, considerable attention must be paid to how the research organization often contributes to solving these important problems. By making an attempt to solve problems, the research organization signals to research policy makers, funders, and users that they are working on problems that are important to them. This will generally make the most of any research protocol.Despite these difficulties, considerable attention must be paid to how the research organization often contributes to solving these important problems. By making an attempt to solve problems, the research organization signals to research policy makers, funders, and users that they are working on problems that are important to them. This will generally make the most of any research protocol.Despite these difficulties, considerable attention must be paid to how the research organization often contributes to solving these important problems. By making an attempt to solve problems, the research organization signals to research policy makers, funders, and users that they are working on problems that are important to them. This will generally make the most of any research protocol.funders and users who are working on problems that are important to them. This will generally make the most of any research protocol.funders and users who are working on problems that are important to them. This will generally make the most of any research protocol.

b. Be dynamic

The objectives, goals and even the mission of a research organization must respond to social, economic, legal, environmental and other changes. To be relevant, the research mission and goals must be periodically reassessed and adjusted in light of changes. Actually, one of the fundamental purposes of strategic planning is to examine trends in the external environment and assess the implications of change for the research organization, thus, strategic planning often fails; even in well established research organization.

c. Be realistic

Research planning or research project should be prepared according to the size and resources of the organization; they must be capable of being carried out with the human, financial and physical resources that are expected to be obtained.

Sometimes research plans are beyond the organization's capabilities; however desirable such an investigation is, it will backfire; Such plans project unattainable expectations for the productivity of individual scientists, projects, programs, and the entire organization. The failure to meet the goals or contribute to the objectives specified in the planning documents (protocols) is due to an unrealistic formulation.

It is important to strike a balance between insufficient planning and over planning, or spending excessive management time and other scarce resources planning activities, given the size and resources of the study. If the planning effort is insufficient, an organization will fail in its direction and purpose and ultimately its contribution to society will be less effective.

If planning is excessive, it runs the risk of becoming an unproductive end in itself; with the consequence of a freezing of products that in the end will not be able to satisfy the needs of the researcher.

4.1.2 The planning-by-objectives approach in the formulation of research protocols

Planning is often seen as a separate function from research, and in many cases, it is carried out that way; however, planning should be viewed as a progressive function within the overall management process.

In most cases there is a research management structure, and it is within that structure that planning materializes, locating itself, not as a temporary activity, but as a continuous management function.

In this approach to research management, the basic process includes:

to. Set goals and objectives

At this stage, goals and objectives are established, which must be met in certain periods and develop specific tasks that include:

  • Develop or maintain external relationships with institutions that have generated research in the area; Determine goals and objectives that are clearly articulated in an operational manner and that are consistent with existing laws and regulations; Determine internal policies to guide the operation of the organization and its employees in achieving goals.

b. Planning how to achieve the stated objectives

This means:

  • Evaluate the research capacity available, monitor and evaluate performance; Determine the gaps between existing and necessary capacity to achieve the goals; Design a program of activities to achieve the goals, including the choice of organizational options, priorities of research and decisions related to personnel, size of the research area and time; Develop a program-budget.

c. Socialize the protocol within the team of researchers

It means:

  • Discussion of the research protocol, with emphasis on the objectives and goals set; Training and education of the staff; Work with external groups to validate the proposed methodologies

d. Dissemination of research results

This stage refers to:

  • Documentation, publication and distribution of research results; Coordination of the dissemination of activities with extension, education, training and information management institutions.

Planning is a continuous process, in which needs, capacity and performance are monitored and evaluated formally and informally on a regular basis; adjustments in plans and activities take place as the results of the evaluations are known. When discussing the planning process, these dynamic elements must be taken into account, in order that the purposes for which the planning was defined are fulfilled.

Investigators have the resources to implement this management-by-objectives process and they also face constraints. Specifically, at any time since they have:

  • Scientists, technicians, support staff; Operational funds; Facilities, equipment and other infrastructure; Institutional limitations that must be faced; laws, mandates and policies, state and others.

With respect to these resources and limitations, the lead researcher's task is to:

  • Use the available resources in an efficient and effective way, within the existing limitations to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization; Control and account for the expenses of the funds and resources available to those who provide the financing; Increase the quality of the existing resources, for example, by training personnel, developing international contacts, improving the maintenance of equipment and facilities, among others, improving the availability of resources and overcoming limitations that make it particularly difficult to achieve objectives. This management can ensure greater relations with the objectives and needs of the client, elaboration of political support for the research.

4.1.3 Development of the research protocol

The research protocol designs how a research unit will work or the individual plans to take during the development of the research. The protocol can go into considerable detail about the studies that will be started, what experiences will be measured, what trips will be made, what results will be published, what other dissemination activities will be carried out, and others. Such activities use scarce resources (operating funds, equipment, laboratory and other facilities, time of key personnel, among others.); therefore, they must be timed to ensure that those resources are available when needed. Coordination of activities and use of resources

In order to run their research programs, researchers need infrastructure, personnel, equipment, supplies, and other resources. Nothing destroys investigator morale more quickly than an interruption in your investigation due to resources not being available when you need them; That is why coordination helps to integrate human, material, technical and financial resources in an effective way for the good performance of the investigation.

to. The challenge of coordinating activities and using resources

One of the challenges that research managers face is managing the flows of resources (personnel, facilities, equipment, funds, others) available, in such a way that the objectives and goals proposed in the research protocol are achieved.

A considerable part of a manager's workday must be oriented to planning the allocation and use schedules of available resources, coordinating activities and dealing with problems and crises that arise due to the lack of the necessary resources at a critical moment..

In a small organization or research project that has few people, limited resources, and a few core tasks to perform; The actions of coordinating activities and the use of resources can be frustrating, sometimes facing the lack and loss of equipment, the lack of necessary supplies and the unavailability of the necessary information and special skills; coordinating and keeping the resources in order does not require special methods.

b. Sequential task list

This technique is easy to use, and it is especially useful to establish the calendar of research activities when the activity involves a simple sequence of consecutive tasks, and each of them must be completed before the next begins, and when there is a date or limit defined for all work. It implies that the following general procedure is fulfilled:

  • List the tasks in the sequence in which they must be carried out, in order to complete the work; Estimate the referred period to complete each task, being aware of possible unexpected delays and other contingencies; Add the total amount of time required for all the tasks, in order to have an estimate of the total time that all the work will take; Subtract the total time from the completion date, in order to have an estimate of the last date that the project can start and complete in the specified completion time, and set the start and end dates for each task in the sequence.

4.2 Conservation biology studies

4.2.1 Biodiversity

Conservation biology is an applied science, focused on the maintenance of biological diversity or “biodiversity”.

“Biodiversity” is the variety and variability of living organisms (genetic diversity and diversity of populations and species), the ecological complexes where they live (diversity of ecosystems) and the ecological and evolutionary processes that maintain them (interactions, disturbances, migrations, nutrient cycles, others.).

The term “biodiversity”, recently coined, has been conceptually very useful to include the problem of organisms and variations that were not considered important, of variations in their genetic composition (subspecies, etc.) and mainly of the processes that maintain diversity. However, the concept is not operational. It is not possible to measure or evaluate the biodiversity of a locality. We generally measure a small fraction of it, for example the number of species in a certain group, which is far from the concept of biodiversity.

The focus on diversity has led to a large amount of inventory and community-level analysis (diversity and similarity indices). However, changes in species diversity in a locality are the result of population processes at the species level. The absence or presence of one more species in a list is due to processes of extinction or colonization and the demographic stability of the population. For these reasons, some authors have highlighted the population level in the maintenance of biodiversity (Caughley and Jun, 1996). In this sense, conservation biology would focus on the maintenance of populations, which are the ecological and evolutionary units.

The levels of organization that interest us in conservation can be divided into four: landscape, ecosystem-community, species-population and genetic. In turn, three attributes describe each level of composition, structure and function.

4.2.2 Levels of the regional landscape

Populations are not static entities neither in time nor in space. There is great variability in environmental factors and population processes. For conservation and management purposes, it is necessary to distinguish between natural fluctuations and those induced by human activities. Recently, ecologists have emphasized the importance of examining ecological processes at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales for both organisms and processes (Dunning et al, 1992). Spatial scale

The landscape is "a heterogeneous area of ​​land composed of a mosaic of patches that interact with each other, at any scale relevant to the phenomenon (or species) under consideration" (McGraigal and McComb, 1995). The size and shape of the landscape can be defined by ecological limits (eg watersheds or forest types), arbitrary limits (management or land use areas) or a combination of both.

The landscape is made up of a mosaic of habitat that occupies an intermediate spatial scale between the habitation area of ​​an organism and its regional distribution (50, 10,000 square kilometers; Dunning et al.; 1992). Composition and structure

The composition includes the relative surfaces of each habitat contained within the landscape (Habitat dominance, relative richness, diversity). Physiognomy includes the characteristics associated with the physical (spatial) arrangement of elements within the landscape (habitat isolation, habitat grouping, borders).

In fauna and habitat studies, habitat patches are defended in relation to habitat attributes that are important to a species or a community (Pearson, 1993; McGarigal and McComb, 1995). A habitat patch is a continuous area that is relatively homogeneous with respect to forest type, successional status, and canopy cover (Forman and Gordón, 1986). The patches are not necessarily forest, but a continuous area of ​​land or water that is homogeneous like a grassland or a wetland can also be classified as a patch.

The habitat patches are presented as patches, corridors and matrix (Forman and Gordón, 1986). The matrix is ​​the most continuous and extensive type of patch in a landscape and dominates the dynamics and functioning of the landscape. Runners are linear patches that functionally connect or integrate two or more patches. The patches, especially those of the late successional stages, are characterized by being composed of interior habitat and borders. Inner habitat or nucleus refers to the portion of a patch or matrix that is not affected by neighboring patches. Edge habitat is that region on the periphery of a patch or matrix that differs from the core with respect to light, wind, humidity, and species composition.

The effects of spatial and temporal scales are of great importance for landscape analyzes (Turner, 1989). The characterization of the landscape structure requires the quantification of the geometry, composition and spatial arrangement of the patches in maps with vegetation types (Li and Reynolds, 1993). Many indices have been proposed to characterize various aspects of landscape structure (Forman and Gordón, 1986; Oneill et al.; 1988; Turner 1989; Li and Reynolds 1993; Olsen et al.; 1993; Loehle and Wein 1994), the Most of these indices have been described in recent reviews (Mcgarigal and Marks 1993, Baskent 1995).

Table No. 1. Some indexes used in the description of the composition and structure of the landscape. (From Vernier, 1995)

Landscape geometry indices measure the physical dimensions (generally size and shape) of an individual patch, a patch type, or the entire landscape (Rogers, 1993). Landscape composition indices measure the number, proportion, and diversity of habitat patches. Landscape configuration indices measure the spatial arrangement of patches, contrast between adjacent patches, and connectivity between plots of the same type. The indices that quantify the quantity and density of edges measure the spatial arrangement of the patches, the contrast between adjacent patches and the connectivity between patches of the same type. The indices that quantify the quantity and density of borders measure the composition of the landscape but can also be used to calculate configuration measures such as the nearest neighbor indices.

Some indices, such as the proportion and distribution of the successional stages, can be interpreted as indicators of disturbance processes (Noss, 1990).

Most patch-level measures can be interpreted as measures of habitat fragmentation while landscape-level measures can be interpreted as measures of landscape heterogeneity (McGarigal and Marks, 1993). Finally, measurements on patch shape and patch type to provide information about the number, proportion, connectivity, and spatial arrangement of interior forest patches.

What are the ecological processes that operate at the landscape scale? originally, the composition and structure of the landscape was determined by the local conditions of geology, topography, soil, climate and biological interactions.

Table No. 2 Characteristics of disturbances in ecological systems (Taken from Wiens, 1989). Processes

Species respond differently to disturbances. All environments are subject to a type of disturbance, turning them into a dynamic mosaic that changes in time and space (Wiens, 1989). One of the results of human-induced disturbances (agriculture, grazing, dam construction, forest management, fragmentation), is the loss of species that live inside the forest, the increase in the density or presence of species of edge and displacement of migratory routes. Disturbances increase the heterogeneity of environments and thereby increase both alpha diversity and beta diversity. The relationship between disturbances and diversity is not necessarily linear. Low or high frequency disturbance intensity can result in low diversity.One hypothesis suggests that the highest diversity is found at sites with intermediate levels of disturbance.

The disturbance regime of a region is determined by the particular characteristics between the physical and biological environment. For example, certain rainforests are subject to the periodic impact of hurricanes (every 100 years).

The high probability of fires and the opening of large-area areas. In other forests, the most frequent disturbance is the fall of individual trees or in small groups that form a clearing in the canopy, giving other species the opportunity for colonization or growth.

Species adapt to regional disturbances and therefore it has been suggested that the maintenance of biodiversity should take into account regional disturbance regimes and their consequences on the structure and composition at the landscape and site (stand) level.

Variations in the frequency, magnitude, and extent of disturbances produce complex patterns in the composition, age structure, and size distribution of habitats in these mosaics. Ecologists must investigate the differences in population dynamics in different habitats. Landscape-level processes have been classified into four groups (Dunning et al.; 1992)

to. Complementarity

This process occurs when a single species requires resources in different habitats at some point in its life cycle (eg, foraging habitat, winter sites, breeding sites). Landscapes that contain such habitats in proximity will maintain higher populations than those with more remote habitats.

Complementary habitats; the most extreme case is represented by latitudinal migrations. As an example are the migrations of Neotropical birds, whales, turtles, monarch butterflies, and others. However, on a local scale, some examples are parrots with feeding and nesting areas far apart.

b. Supplementation

Through this process the population of a species can increase in a certain habitat if that ecosystem is close to additional resources. Several species that require large areas can be residents in small habitats, as long as they can feed in neighboring areas.

In supplementary habitats, populations of some species increase in areas adjacent to agricultural areas due to food supplementation. Gulls and other opportunistic species increase considerably in the vicinity of garbage dumps.

c. Neighborhood effects

These effects also known as “small landscape effects” occur when the abundance of a population is more influenced by adjacent habitats than by distant habitats. Neighborhood effects always depend on the physiognomy of the landscape. Edge effects represent an example in this process.

d. Relationship of donor and recipient habitat

Relatively productive habitats can function as donors of individuals that disperse to less productive habitats known as recipients. Subpopulations in recipient habitats cannot persist without immigration. This phenomenon is known as the "rescue effect" on the islands. Reproduction in recipient habitats is insufficient to balance mortality. In these habitats, populations persist due to continued immigration of more productive habitats and nearby donors. The composition (habitat types) and physiognomy (distance between habitats) in the landscape influence the relationships of donor and recipient habitats. Few studies have described the relationships between these habitats,since it is difficult to document both reproduction and dispersal in various types of habitat over several years. However, it is easy to imagine situations where this dynamic is created by human intervention. For example, hunting near protected areas can create a situation of donor and recipient habitat. Several consequences of the relationship between donor and recipient habitats have been identified (Pulliam, 1988):

Species conservation: When the population size in the recipient habitat is determined by the size and proximity of the donor habitats, autoecological studies in a recipient habitat may be irrelevant. Management decisions based on the study of populations in recipient habitats can have unintended consequences.

The destruction of donor habitats can result in the extinction of populations in the recipient habitats.

Habitat utilization versus population persistence: A common practice in wildlife studies is to conduct population censuses in different habitats. The assumption that is often made is that habitats with abundant populations are preferred by animals and are therefore optimal or of better quality. However, several authors have emphasized that population density can be a poor indicator of habitat quality. The relationships between donor and recipient habitats have to be investigated to determine habitat quality (Pulliam, 1988).

Structure of communities: A habitat can be a donor for one species and a recipient for another species. Attempts to understand phenomena such as the local coexistence of various species should begin with determining the degree to which the persistence of a population depends on continuous immigration.

Habitat-specific demographic rates may be ecologically more important than the age-specific demographic rates that have received so much attention in the ecological and evolutionary literature. Similar population trends may be due to different mechanisms. Two populations may similarly increase, but the increase may be due to immigration or reproduction.

How do donor and recipient habitats differ? In receiving habitats, the modality surpasses reproduction. Therefore it is necessary to distinguish between the two components that make up recruitment, reproduction and immigration.

Time scale: The abundance of stocks changes from year to year. In some populations the variation is small and a relatively stable abundance is maintained.

Other populations fluctuate so much that they are almost completely absent for some years. There are four views on equilibrium in communities (Wiens, 1989): 1. Populations are in equilibrium with their environment and maintain stable populations; 2. Changes in populations are the result of monitoring resources through behavioral, demographic or distribution adjustments; 3. Populations do not follow environmental changes very closely but are strongly affected by “environmental bottlenecks” which are periods of severe weather or resource limitations interspersed with periods when resources are superabundant; 4. The abundance of populations is almost never influenced by resource levels if communities are not in balance.

It is difficult to predict long-term temporal patterns in populations and communities since most studies do not last long. However, it is well known that population dynamics differ between species. Some species have multiannual cycles (10-year cycle in hares and lynx) while other species have less frequent cycles or annual fluctuations. Some species have relatively stable populations while others have erratic and unpredictable populations. If we want to interpret population trends, it is important to distinguish between declines that are part of a natural cycle and those that are due to human influence.

Individuals do not respond immediately to environmental changes. There may be an alteration in behavior without being immediately reflected in demographic changes. In some cases populations may have a delay in their response to habitat disturbances. Changes can appear after two or three years. Many animals have strong site tenacity (philopatry) and return to their sites even when they have been disturbed.

The population fluctuations may vary differently in different locations. Populations at the edges of the range of some species fluctuate between extinction and reestablishment through waves of immigration from central locations (Wiens, 1989).

Metapopulations: Most species do not exist in stable and continuous populations, but are subdivided into a network of locally unstable and discontinuous populations that interact with each other (Seitz, 1991). Metapopulations, or population of populations, have been defined as a set of populations with dynamic patterns of local extinctions, recolonizations, gene flow and migration between subunits that provide characteristic evolutionary and ecological traits, which help to avoid the extinction of the entire metapopulation. A typical metapopulation is characterized by one or more core populations with relatively stable abundance and several satellite areas with fluctuating populations. Destruction of the habitat of a core population can result in the extinction of several small populations.Human disturbances that interfere with migration such as fences, roads, agricultural areas, and urban areas can reduce the rate of migration between habitats by reducing the probability of recolonization after local extinction (Primack, 1993).

Fragmentation: Fragmentation is the division of continuous habitat into smaller, isolated pieces. Fragmentation includes the reduction of the total area of ​​habitat; reducing the size of habitats, and increasing isolation. Fragmentation can occur without great loss of habitat as in the case of roads, train tracks, pylons, fences, others. These new habitats become barriers for some species and corridors for other species.

The fragmentation process is not random (Usher, 1987). Accessible areas, with little hilly topography, with high productivity are cleared first, to use the land in agriculture or to use the most productive forests.

The fragments differ from the original continuous habitat in four important respects (Primarc, 1993; Usher 1987) smaller in size; larger edge surface; the center of the fragments is closer to an edge; and the fragments are not formed randomly.

4.3 Formation of research team

The purpose of this protocol is to obtain the technical and legal endorsement of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), to carry out the following biological studies in the protected natural areas of San Diego - La Barra and Montecristo National Park:

San Diego-La Barra Natural Area

  1. Rapid Ecological Assessment Inland Water Assessment (AQUA-RAP) Design of the monitoring and evaluation system of biological indicators

Montecristo National Park

  1. Rapid Ecological Assessment Inland Water Assessment (AQUA-RAP) Design of the monitoring and evaluation system of biological indicators

The development of the research is part of the project process "Formulation of the Management Plan of the San Diego-La Barra Protected Natural Area and Montecristo National Park", the activities have been contemplated to be carried out in the three macro-zones of management of the areas:

  1. Core Zone (ZN) Buffer Zone (ZAM) Zone of Influence (ZI)

In each of the macro-management zones, specific methodologies will be developed in order to validate, collect, complement, bring together and systematize the existing information in the field of conservation biology in both areas.

The team of researchers who will be in charge of carrying out the research protocols is presented below, in Annex No. 4, the summary of the professional resume of each of the researchers is attached:

1. Main team of researchers

2. Support team in planning, technical and logistics

2.1 Planning support team

2.2 Technical and logistical support team

The team will be accompanied by a group of specialists from the Tropical Agricultural Research and Teaching Center (CATIE), who will strengthen the execution of specific field and office work through advice and short-term consultancies.

Biological research in the protected areas of the montecristo national park