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Research on work stress


Work-related stress is one of the phenomena that is becoming increasingly important at work and that can create important health and well-being problems in people.

It is a complex phenomenon whose proper understanding is difficult and requires taking into consideration various concepts and aspects that have been investigated for three-quarters of a century.


Various theoretical models have been offered for understanding stress. In general, these models have given priority attention to the phenomena of work stress from an individual approach or approach. This is not to say that psychosocial factors have not been taken into account. What happens is that the individual has been taken as the subject of stress and not so much the group or the organization. We talk about stressed people, but we talk much less, or not at all about groups or teams, and even stressed companies. When analyzing stressed people, we logically consider the social environment as a source of stress and we also consider that there are other social phenomena (such as social support) that can buffer stress or its negative effects on health (modulating role of social support).Despite this, the object of study is predominantly the stressed subject, the individual and therefore it is he who has to manage his stress, although for this, he can count on the support of others. The transformations that have occurred in the world of work highlight that an individual approach to the phenomenon of stress is insufficient and ignores aspects that are fundamental for an adequate diagnosis of the risks that stress represents and of the intervention strategies that may be adequate to prevent or nullify or reduce its negative consequences. For this reason, the diagnosis of stress in a social situation by the great variety of people with whom we are in contact in our routine such as: family, friends, co-workers. Analysis and individual stress experiences,they are the ones we should pay more attention to since they are the ones that affect the whole group the most. When this is done in this way, phenomena are discovered and emerged that a merely individual approach left aside and that nevertheless turn out to be central to a more effective comprehensive intervention on stress.


Stress, Working Hours, Type of personalities.

Research Justification.

The justification for this research work is based on the interest in knowledge about the level of stress as well as the causes and diseases that may occur in the medium and long term in company workers. During the development of the research, the level of work stress that they present in terms of their personality will be determined, since each human being has different personalities, one more accentuated than the other. Today there are times where greater effort is required in various aspects such as work, money, family or partner and society itself. In Mexico, people suffer from stress and its potential causes are: Pressure, Workload, lack of job stability, financial pressure and inability to do their job.

Research Objective.

General objective:

Determine the level of work stress in workers through their experiences and thus determine what was the cause that originates the change of personality in the company

Specific Objectives:

  • Know about the motivational dimensions of the personality: Organic, Environmental Conditions desired by the individual, Achievement, Self-determination and Social Needs. Level of stress in workers.


Very likely causes of stress can be the pace and amount of work, routine or boring activities, lack of employment, irresponsibility, lack of staff, lack of support from the immediate boss as well as indications that are not well established, harassment between classmates in insult mode.

The causes of stress are not limited to a single potential factor, but are the result of some combination of several of the above points, which exacerbates the problem.


We assume that stress derives over time and according to the activities that take place within the company, the human being today lives with a too worn routine, from which diseases such as: chronic fatigue syndrome develop, visual fatigue, back pain, gastric problems, depression, among others. As well as the probable cause of family problems.

Theoretical framework

Stress is a set of automatic responses that our body produces naturally to situations that it understands as threatening, and to which the most immediate reaction is to place ourselves in a state of alert.

When stressful situations are short or infrequent, they do not represent an excessively high risk to the health of the person, but when stressful episodes are not solved and happen regularly, they cause the body to be in a constant state of alert that can directly contribute or indirectly to generate general or specific disorders of the body and mind. (Yañes Jesús, 2008).

A disease is a process or phase of discomfort that a human being goes through, affecting his physical or mental health.

Ernest Kretschmer Defines Personality Types as:

  • Picnic: They are generally overweight, sociable, cheerful people with short limbs Asthenic: Generally they are low weight people, not very sociable, quiet and long limbs Athletic: They are strong people, have great muscular development, violent and explosive Dysplastic: They have The three aforementioned Personality Types confuse your sexual identity.

Also David Liberman defines the Personality Types:

  • Demonstrative Person: They are people who have no shame at all. (Ex: dress up, make up, comb hair). They generally present a dramatic style. Fearful and Doubtful Person: People who want to participate but at the same time present fear and shyness in front of others, they are very nervous which generates forgetfulness in their responsibility and feels totally responsible for a complete failure. But when he becomes confident, he feels comfortable and acts naturally. Logical Person: they are very demanding people, they do not miss any detail. Once they propose something they carry it out. They look for the logical way of transmitting their thoughts and it is difficult for them to show their feelings and emotions. Variable mood person: Usually a funny person, in a good mood, everything seems easy, in turn has little sad moments, everything falls to him wrong.When this happens, she closes in on herself and doesn't want to show her sadness. She is capable of suffering great sadness, consequently she makes others feel affectionate. Observer Person Do not Participate: She is a person who observes everything and everyone, it is difficult for her to participate, speak, give her opinion, and be part of the. group. She has a great imagination, and writing is much easier than speaking. He is also reflective because he looks for unknowns and does not create suspensions, he is interested in everything and investigates everything. Person of Action: This type of person is admired by others, he handles himself very well when I could do more than think or speak them. His words become acts, it is very difficult for him to manifest aspects that are not actions.Consequently, it makes others feel affectionate. Observer Person Do not Participate: It is a person who observes everything and everyone, it is difficult for him to participate, speak, give his opinion, and be part of the group. She has a great imagination, and writing is much easier than speaking. She is also reflective because she looks for unknowns and does not create suspense, she is interested in everything and investigates everything. Person of Action: This type of person is admired by others, she handles herself very well when she could do more than think or speak them. His words become acts, it is very difficult for him to manifest aspects that are not actions.Consequently, it makes others feel affectionate. Observer Person Do not Participate: It is a person who observes everything and everyone, it is difficult for him to participate, speak, give his opinion, and be part of the group. She has a great imagination, and writing is much easier than speaking. She is also reflective because she looks for unknowns and does not create suspense, she is interested in everything and investigates everything. Person of Action: This type of person is admired by others, she handles herself very well when she could do more than think or speak them. His words become acts, it is very difficult for him to manifest aspects that are not actions.She is also reflective because she looks for unknowns and does not create suspensions, she is interested in everything and investigates everything. Person of Action: This type of person is admired by others, she handles herself very well when I could do more than think or speak them. His words become acts, it is very difficult for him to manifest aspects that are not actions.She is also reflective because she looks for unknowns and does not create suspensions, she is interested in everything and investigates everything. Person of Action: This type of person is admired by others, she handles herself very well when I could do more than think or speak them. His words become acts, it is very difficult for him to manifest aspects that are not actions.

Working day:

Article 58. Work shift is the time during which the worker is at the employer's disposal to perform his work. (Federal labor law).

Article 60. Daytime shift is between six and twenty hours.

Night shift is between twenty and six hours.

Mixed day is the one that includes time periods of the day and night hours, as long as the night period is less than three and a half hours, because if it comprises three and a half or more, it will be considered a night day. (Federal labor law)

Design of the investigation

The research method consisted of applying the quantitative technique by conducting an electronic survey of 50 workers within the Plant belonging to the category of trusted employee, of which 46 people responded.

Kind of investigation.

Quantitative technique that aims to examine data numerically through surveys.

Primary information sources.

The source of information for this research is based on data obtained from the surveys, and also by determining the representative sample.

Determination of the population.

This survey was applied to the working personnel of the Industrial Zone, specifying Grupo Herdez that works in Industrias Plant # 3815 with a total of 700 workers at the employee and operational level. In which the sample will focus on trusted employees, of which there are 50 people.

Sample determination.

Universe size 50

Maximum acceptable error 5%

Estimated percentage of sample 50%

Desired level of confidence 95%

Sample size: 44


The survey is carried out via the internet, sending the survey link through mobile means and emails.

  1. How many hours a day do you work?
    1. 8 hours Between 9 and 12 hours More than 12 hours.
  1. How many hours do you sleep?
    1. Less than 6 hours Between 6 and 8 hours More than 8 hours
  1. Do you practice any sport or activity outside of your working hours? to. Yes b. I am not free to decide how to do my job
    1. Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
  1. My work activities require them to be too fast.
    1. Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
  1. How does work stress affect your daily life?
    1. Never, rarely, must in time, almost always, always
    Have you suffered from any of the following work-related stress diseases? to. Gastritis
    1. Colitis Muscle aches Blood pressure Insomnia None
    My boss cares about the welfare of the workers under his supervision
    1. Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
  1. The people you work with make your job easier.
    1. Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
    You have had feelings of aggression or increased irritability
    1. Never, rarely, must in time, almost always, always


Based on surveys carried out, it was found that 39.13% of the employed personnel work from 9 to 12 hours per day, considering that 54.35% sleep between 6 and 8 hours, therefore the level of rest after their working day is low. 50% of the employees surveyed indicate that their activities require them to be fast, which is why fatigue is greater despite the fact that the staff has the freedom to decide how to do their work. Also as a result it was obtained that between 24 and 21% of workers suffer from gastrointestinal diseases and insomnia.

Regarding work environment, 60.87% mention that there is support among their colleagues to facilitate their activities, however there are conflicts since 30.43% of workers believe that their bosses do not care about the well-being of their colleagues, being they workers of the maintenance, production, warehouse and quality control departments and 39.13% mention that they do receive support from their immediate bosses, the majority being administrative.

Also looking at graphs, it is very visible that 60.87% of the staff employed are in the administrative area, for which the company requires that the distribution of its staff employed in the different departments be analyzed well so that activities are less fast and thus avoid a little overtime.

At the moment 36.96% of the staff have had feelings of irritability, although it is not a major data, it is considerable to be taken into account, since if the company continues to work with activities that are too fast and with too many overtime, the staff will be in an aggressive way before any discomfort or disagreement, this causing health problems over time.


  • Acosta, JM (2012). Effective time management and stress management. Madrid: ESIC. Yanes, J. (2008). The control of Stress and the mechanism of Fear. Mexico; DF: Ediciones y Distribuciones Antonio Fossati, SALey Federal del Trabajo.
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Research on work stress