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The attitude towards customer service in the tourism sector

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How many times have we stayed in a hotel or made use of the services offered by a hotel, a restaurant, a travel agency to buy a plane ticket or even the services of an entertainment center called Discoteque, water park, cinema, etc.. etc. the list could be endless, what they all have in common is the human factor hired to serve the user, “the customer”.

This is the main topic that we will refer to in this short essay, because the success of any economic entity is based on the quality of the service, because the service should be considered as a tangible and not intangible product as it has been considered throughout of the time by many analysts and critics on this subject, why? Because the human factor plays an important role in this segment of the most important economic sector in the state, Because the client is ultimately the one who evaluates and recognizes a company or establishment for the service it offers, hence why the service of Quality is so important in the tourism industry. We will try to explain it and from my perspective what this other important issue refers to for the economic development of our state of Quintana Roo.

Before starting to talk about the service in the tourism industry, I think it is important to mention that the tourism sector in Quintana Roo represents 70% of the economic activity and if we take into account that in 2012 it sheltered more than 12,400,000 tourists according to data from the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Quintana Roo, with an economic income of more than 6,700.00 million dollars between the hotel and shipping sector and the border crossing with Belize and if we add that in this same year it captured 38.9% of the total currency that entered the country for this concept. And if we add that from January to July we have a total of 7,901,723 visitors with an economic benefit of 4,685.31 MMD. It seems to me that it is well worth taking into account the quality of service offered by service providers.

For this we are going to refer specifically to the server that has contact with the visitor in all sectors, from the worker of a hotel in the beach area to the last worker who in one way or another has contact with the visitors and here is the question required, are we all prepared and trained to treat tourism? Is there a training system that the private sector and the State offer to citizens to prepare them and make them aware of the importance of treating our visitors well? How many times have we not heard in the means that a visitor has been deceived, defrauded by not offering the contracted services? Or even worse, having received verbal abuse from an industry worker?

All of us who have contact with tourists should know and understand that we are linked to tourism, why do hoteliers, restaurateurs and the government in a joint work not carry out training and certification campaigns in the area of ​​tourism? Let us remember that the more training a worker has, the higher the quality of the service they offer, therefore the tourist will be satisfied and when they return to their place of origin they will share their experiences with family and friends who consequently become prospects or future visitors. The image of a tourist center has a lot to do in addition to the tourist infrastructure, the quality of the service is the added value of the human being who has decided to make the service his lifestyle, by a waiter, a waitress, a receptionist, a public safety officer, a taxi driver,an urban transport driver, a handicraft vendor, a lifeguard, etc. Of everyone who sells a product, finally sells a service, yes, the service is sold, the service is the result of the profitability of any company, business or organization.

A worker dedicated to service, in addition to the skills and aptitudes that he must cover, must have something more that goes beyond the need to perform a job, the service must be loved, the worker must enjoy his work, he must find in the service that personal satisfaction of knowing that it is contributing every day to realize the dreams of our visitors of our tourists, of the visitors that Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen receive and along the entire coast of State of Quintana Roo. Our visitors are used to being pampered by all of us, treating them well is not just an obligation, treating them well benefits the tourism development of our State and guarantees sustainability and the generation of jobs. On the other hand, it also guarantees a better quality of life.

Even if it is said that the service is not manufactured, that the service is not tangible, it is not stored and it is not possible to return it. I believe that the service is manufactured, it is manufactured based on a comprehensive training program for service providers, it is manufactured in the infrastructure of developments and tourist centers, it is felt in that personal satisfaction that each visitor is carrying out countless activities, It is returned because if I give a good service the tourist will return tomorrow and therefore recommend us and in some way this act should be considered as a service of the same tourist activity.

It is true to give a good service not only the tangible product is necessary, that is why some writers say that the product is not divorced from the service in other words we could say that it is the complement to be able to provide a quality service based on responsibility, in the trust in the empathy and commitment of the service provider.

The tourism sector requires and needs to provide a quality service, and quality depends a lot on the service provider and their interrelation with the tourist. The quality of the service from the business point of view is the evaluation that the client makes for the service he receives, comparing whether or not it meets the expected expectations. We will only be able to exceed the expectations of our visitors if we have a general culture of service, that the competent institutions and bodies implement training programs and awareness that Tourism is the economic activity that moves and makes our Quintana Roo the Tourist Center most important in the Mexican Republic and internationally cataloged within the ten preferred destinations for tourists.I will finish by mentioning that the tourism sector is the third source of foreign exchange income in Mexico (after oil and remittances from Mexican immigrants), generating approximately 9% of the Gross Domestic Product and generating direct employment for more than 2.5 million people and that in 2012, it received 23 million international tourists, registered 178 million national tourists and generated income of more than 11 billion dollars, according to statements in an interview with the Efe agency of the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico Lic. Claudia Ruiz Massieu. It would be worth asking ourselves, and if we comprehensively prepare tourism service providers, what results would we have? The answer is obvious, very obvious.generating approximately 9% of the Gross Domestic Product and generating direct employment for more than 2.5 million people and that in 2012, it received 23 million international tourists, registered 178 million national tourists and generated income of more than 11 billion dollars, according to statements in an interview with the Efe agency of the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico Lic. Claudia Ruiz Massieu. It would be worth asking ourselves, and if we comprehensively prepare tourism service providers, what results would we have? The answer is obvious, very obvious.generating approximately 9% of the Gross Domestic Product and generating direct employment for more than 2.5 million people and that in 2012, it received 23 million international tourists, registered 178 million national tourists and generated income of more than 11 billion dollars, according to statements in an interview with the Efe agency of the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico Lic. Claudia Ruiz Massieu. It would be worth asking ourselves, and if we comprehensively prepare tourism service providers, what results would we have? The answer is obvious, very obvious.according to statements in an interview with the Efe agency of the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico Lic. Claudia Ruiz Massieu. It would be worth asking ourselves, and if we comprehensively prepare tourism service providers, what results would we have? The answer is obvious, very obvious.according to statements in an interview with the Efe agency of the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico Lic. Claudia Ruiz Massieu. It would be worth asking ourselves, and if we comprehensively prepare tourism service providers, what results would we have? The answer is obvious, very obvious.


The attitude of the staff in the service area in the tourism industry is of utmost importance since it guarantees the quality of service and the satisfaction of our visitors, making this tourist pole a unique place, a dream place and always ready to receive. With open arms to anyone who wants to know Quintana Roo, a land full of natural charm and surrounded by beautiful beaches, if to this we add the competition in people who have direct contact with tourism, we will surely guarantee the productivity of the development and the progress of this tourist pole.


The attitude towards customer service in the tourism sector