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Self-esteem as the key to self-improvement


Faced with the need or desire to improve our life, to achieve what is desired and to experience well-being, it is necessary to look inward, where the key to any process of personal change is found: self-esteem, the helm of life, which leads to success or failure. Keep reading.

It is an irrepressible human tendency, to experience a strong desire to excel. I don't know, in more than 20 years of working in this fascinating field, a single person who has not felt the powerful call for self-improvement.

Despite this call, there is a series of blockages or limitations, both external and internal, that make the path towards the desired objectives “uphill”. Being born with mental or physical limitations, suffering from early illnesses, living in a political environment that suppresses opportunities or prevents the recognition of merits, and growing up under the merciless pressure of material poverty, are some of the agents that seem to escape our control. voluntary.

As for internal factors, those that depend directly on the individual, we can include several of them in a single macro factor that contains them: low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is a limiting condition that arises in the subjectivity of each person, which makes them believe that they lack the capacities required for success and emotional well-being, as well as a low sense of worthiness, which anchors the person in inertia and resignation.

Some of the external factors can be temporary, and many of those who suffer from these exogenous limitations, manage to avoid them by moving to other settings, or overcome them with their own effort and support from others.

Regarding the weaknesses of self-esteem, each one has the challenge of recovering their confidence and developing the qualities that enable their overcoming, the stable achievement of their most precious goals and the definition of values ​​and purposes, which together give a vision and a sense of meaning and general congruence.

Developing self-esteem involves working on various aspects, such as: conscience, confidence, responsibility, will, initiative, creativity, discipline and audacity, all pillars of a healthy and productive life.

When we mention consciousness, we mean learning to live consciously, that is, to live awake, in contact with our true needs, to recognize and satisfy them without evasion or self-deception. It also implies the detection and acceptance of strengths and weaknesses, of talents and limits, which allow us to choose options according to what we are and what we can, without overestimating or underestimating ourselves.

Trust implies accepting that with the available resources, we can successfully address the challenges of each day, since we are beings endowed with great capabilities. Study and work always lead us to mastery, and this is the requisite of the confident attitude. Small successes, consistently achieved, open the door to the idea of ​​"if I can."

Responsibility is a quality of the adult mentality, whose essential characteristic is to accept responsibility for actions and their consequences. It is at the same time a renunciation of blaming others for what we choose voluntarily. The responsible person is a powerful being to change his existence favorably.

Will refers to patience and consistency to maintain effort until achievement is achieved. It is not blind stubbornness, but intelligent determination, one that knows how to follow the signs and intuits when to continue and when to postpone or change.

The initiative is the tenure to take the first steps instead of waiting. It reveals ambition and confidence, and is the key to all timely successes. If life is lived now, it is more advisable to start than wait, always, of course, the factors involved are considered and the sense of opportunity is properly exploited.

Creativity is the search for the best ways to achieve what you want. Therefore, it is an ally of everyone who embarks on the path to excellence and overcoming mediocrity, almost always covered by obsolescence and routine.

Discipline is order, structure, path. The disciplined ones save energy, time and effort and make the distance between the present state and the desired state closer.

Audacity is the quality of the great achievers, what they risk more and are worthy of the biggest prizes. While it is true that prudence is valuable, it must, however, walk alongside its complement that is none other than boldness.

These are the paths that must be traveled, little by little, step by step, whoever carries their saddlebags the dream of advancing, of transcending, of rising above the mental misery that is actually the final cause of poverty and suffering.

Instead of saying "I can't," work hard for a better way of life. Only if you enter the court, you can score points. Think that it is possible and it will be. If you start laying bricks, you will soon have built a city. Thanks for reading me.

Self-esteem as the key to self-improvement