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The quality of personnel in the company

Table of contents:


1. Concept

Celia Rodríguez Chávez, in her anthology, tells us that Moller Claus defines personal quality as follows:

"Personal quality can be defined as the response to the" tangible "and" intangible "demands and expectations of both other people and their own."

Being the "tangible" all those specific expectations for example: time, durability, security, warranty, finances, function, etc.

The "intangibles" can be defined as emotional desires, such as: attitudes, commitment, attention, loyalty, credibility, behavior, etc.

In the same anthology, the Master of Science José de Jesús Vázquez Bonilla, the personal quality is:

"A person with a good degree of self-esteem, self-realized or in the process of self-realization, that is, aware of what he is and what he wants and satisfied with the way adapted to fulfill himself in life, we could say that he is a person of quality".

In other words: a person who in principle is well fed, who feels satisfied with what he does and does it not only to receive economic resources but to provide a service which is useful to others or to a society, is a person of quality".

Kauru Ishikawa tells us that:

"Man is good by nature. By educating him, he can become a trustworthy person to whom authority can be delegated. ”

We can conclude that personal quality is:

To be well with oneself and satisfied or almost satisfied with the tasks carried out during the day, both at work and with the family, not only because of the need for financial compensation but also because of the service provided.

2. Characteristics of personal quality

For the Master of Science José de Jesús Vázquez Bonilla tells us that there are a series of characteristics to differentiate a person who has quality and are the following:

  • We can affirm that a person subject and object of ethics, has quality. A human individual in balance of his internal features with his environment, has quality. A person aware of his abilities and in exercise of them, has quality. A free person spiritually and emotionally but respectful of its hierarchical condition and its civil and social status, it has quality A person satisfied in his work, with family harmony, enough fun and satisfactory social relations, aware of his condition as a creature and therefore dependent on a being supreme, is a person of quality.

A person of quality manages to unify all the characteristics and carry them out in their entirety. This helps to have a perfect balance between the environments that make it up, that is, the psychological, the social and the physiological.

3. Importance of personal quality

According to the previous concepts, quality is the fulfillment of the expectations of the client or user. Based on this, quality in people will lead to better results for internal and external customers.

When there are high levels of quality in the people who make up an organization, significant positive advances are perceived, the departments produce quality according to the users, the quality in all areas leads to an organizational culture, the people who make up the organization keep satisfied customers and people in the community.

This results in harmony in labor relations and therefore increases productivity, resulting in optimal financial results, an impeccable organizational image and a prosperous future, which translates into improvements for shareholders and collaborators.

Personal quality must start with management, since they are the guides of the institution; In turn, management must perform the most important task, which is to motivate people who work in the company to better perform their tasks within it.

4. Objectives of personal quality

One of the characteristics of the human being is daydreaming, to imagine what our partner will be like, where we want to live, how many children we want to have, where we want to travel, what car we want to drive, or simply dream in a job that is well paid.; Most fantasies can come true, if we can set them as goals.

To achieve any proposed goal, action is required. Our dreams are just that until we set them as goals and use part of our time in activities that make them come true.

Our life, health, happiness and the results of the goals set, depend on the clarity of the objectives that each one sets. If we are confused, we feel restless and disoriented, we are easy prey for anxiety and anxiety takes over us, we feel that we are not moving forward and we are frustrated.

When we know what we want, our vitality and enthusiasm grow; we feel optimistic and we enjoy the happiness of realizing ourselves and achieving what we want; we feel capable, we advance and, therefore, our life satisfies us.

In the following scheme the concept is further expanded:

The quality of personnel in the company

(Taken from the book "A life project for managers"; author: María Elisa Acosta.)

According to the objectives set forth by María Elisa Acosta, they are divided into three important parts, which are:

1. Health and life goals.

Our body and mind are a unit, we cannot have a healthy body if our thoughts are not and vice versa, we cannot think clearly and do quality mental work if our body is sick.

The worries that we suffer intensely and prolonged damage our organism just as our chronic destructive emotions do. Neither the most appropriate exercise nor the most adequate diet manages to revitalize our body if we feel unsuccessful, rejected or with some similar destructive emotion that not only prevents the proper functioning of our body, but also that of our mental processes.

For our health, it is better for us to occupy ourselves than to worry and one of those occupations is exercise, which revitalizes our entire body.

Another point to take care of it, is good nutrition, adequate rest, thoughts and emotions that promote our well-being and inner peace.

All this is essential that we carry them out as the most important goals for our lives.

2. Family goals.

In this objective, we can contemplate two aspects: that of being a couple and that of being a father.

The first aspect, we could consider as one of the central objectives of being a couple the possibility of growing together sharing and enjoying that growth. This relationship requires intimacy, which only occurs when we become authentic. By facing here also the confrontation between what we want to be, our dreams, and what we really are, we manage to be authentic in the recognition of our own reality and in full acceptance of all that we truly are. This acceptance helps us to be fully recognized by our partner and helps us to enjoy the intimacy of the relationship.

When the opposite happens, that is, that we are not authentic and our relationship is based on assumptions of what we both want to be, we create a distortion of the internal reality of each one and of the external reality in which we live. In this way, we eliminate the possibility of communication and relationships that support our mutual growth, satisfy our real needs and provide us with shared well-being and enjoyment.

On the contrary, within a climate of mutual acceptance of who we really are, we can recognize and accept the longings, motivations, desires, values, dreams, limitations, needs, etc., of both parties and thus find a satisfactory balance.

In the field of parenting, as a couple we update our philosophy and the principles of education that promote the development of our children in their preparation for their own independent life. We also help meet your needs, set reasonable performance standards and limits.

This objective is that we become real people with ourselves and part to be real with the person we share our life, since our partner shares all our successes and failures in much of our lives.

3. Career or professional career objectives.

Our career is shaped by our individual characteristics, which interact with those of the company.

The way we carry out our work tasks, the orientation we give to our work career, the efficiency with which we take advantage of opportunities in the organization to project our growth, depend mainly on our self-perception of who we are and who we want to be.

Generally, we learn to recognize our own capabilities only until we test them on challenges in general life and work in particular. Therefore, our work represents an extraordinary opportunity to challenge and measure ourselves, to recognize and accept ourselves in our reality and our possibilities of achievement.

However, we rarely analyze and reflect on our career to understand the interaction of these two aspects: the job opportunities that we can detect and that we take to challenge, value and grow; and what we are as the set of abilities, experiences, feelings, forces, capacities, tastes, preferences, values, etc. Doing this analysis on a regular basis allows us to detect the areas of greatest contribution for the own benefit and for the organization.

It is also healthy to recognize that the orientation or vital attitude that we give to our life (that of achieving achievement or avoiding failure), is the same orientation that we give to our professional life.

In conclusion, we can say that the first objective is the base of others, since we are taking care of a precious treasure that we are ourselves, to which we never or almost never give the necessary time for multiple occupations that each person acquires, this brings as a consequence that we cannot rest correctly or that we cannot eat nutritious things or eat at the wrong time of our established schedules or simply rest freely without worries.

This brings as a consequence that the pressures and alterations acquired at work not only come to affect our own health, but we can harm close people we love, such as our partner and children, with sudden changes in attitude and even violence.

For this reason, we must see life in a way that we do not affect the people we love and above all that we do not affect ourselves.

5. Planning of quality objectives

According to María Elisa Acosta, this planning requires being creative to imagine what is not obvious. However, the benefit that we obtain to project our life will be greater than the cost of our effort.

We need our creativity to build the future in our imaginations. To forecast it we have to dedicate part of our time today to the vision of tomorrow. When we have anticipated this vision of the future, it will be possible to say that we have more resources to make it happen and become a reality.

The steps are the following:

  • Invent and build our vision of the future, projected in our imagination. Make it happen in reality:

Set goals

Clearly establish where we are going.

Detect forces

These forces can be: our capacities, abilities, good habits, etc.

  • Current (the ones we already have) Potentials (on which our current forces can project)

Specify weaknesses

All the weaknesses that hinder us to continue developing, such as: limitations, disabilities, bad habits, etc.

  • Current (those that we already have) Potentials (in which our current weaknesses can become. They can also be current forces that, by not projecting them properly, to continue developing them as forces, become potential weaknesses)

Find opportunities

Everything we consider an opportunity to continue developing and achieve our most important goals.

  • Current (the opportunities that we see at the moment) Potential (those that we visualize that may arise in the future and that we can take advantage of for our development)

Determine threats

All that is a danger to our development and the achievement of our most important objectives.

  • Current (the threats that we see at the moment) Potential (those that we visualize as likely to present themselves in the future)

Follow action plans

Commit ourselves to carry out all the established objectives improving our personal quality.

It is important to do a thorough analysis of our current behavior and start planning our goals, with the sole purpose of improving ourselves and the people around us.

6. Positive attitudes that generate quality

In order to have personal quality, we need to change the negative attitudes that we have, for positive attitudes. This can change the way we see life and make it more pleasant both for ourselves and for the people around me, since they facilitate our growth and development to achieve the aforementioned objectives.

According to María Elisa Acosta, the attitudes that generate quality are:


Interest in what happens, recording what happens inside me and around me.


Being willing to have new experiences, to exploit possibilities to find opportunities, without limiting myself with my already established habits, customs and thoughts.

Take risks.

Accept the possibility of failure and error as a necessary and risky part of my growth and the constant challenge of achieving my goals.


Seek focus and possibilities to know the how and why of things and facts that interest me.

Lack of fear.

May the fear that all human beings feel do not stop me or prevent me from taking risks.

Taste for experimenting.

May the desire to achieve something be greater than the fear of failure and strengthen my taste for new experiences.

Interest in others.

Recognize myself in others, feeling part of humanity and being interested in myself and in others.


Respond to what happens feeling my personal commitment to fulfill what corresponds to me.


Interest in communicating with myself to know myself, understand myself, accept myself and thus be able to communicate with others.


Desire to contribute to also satisfy the needs of others.

Maria Elisa Acosta tells us that the attitudes that we should ignore and even eliminate within our minds are:

Emotional disconnection.

Not knowing what I feel or what others feel.

Insensitivity to my needs and those of others.

Not realizing what my needs are, nor those of others.


Not communicating with myself to clarify who I am and what I want to be and, therefore, the impossibility of communicating with others.

Lack of collaboration.

Interest in competing with others to beat them, instead of collaborating with them for mutual benefit.


Not feeling confident towards others to support them and vice versa.

If we initiate a change in attitude, we can say that we will improve our personal quality, but if we do the opposite, we can expect a life equal to and even worse than we were, to the point of hating everything we do.

7. Bibliography

  • Ishikawa, Kaoru; "What is total quality control?"; Normal publisher; Colombia, 1986. Meneses, Jiménez Marcela Lucina; "Notes on quality statistical methods."; rights reserved, 2002. (without commercial value) Rodríguez Chávez, Celia; Anthology of "The personal quality base of all other qualities"; rights reserved, 2002. (without commercial value) Viveros, Pérez Jesús Alberto; "Notes on quality principles and models."; rights reserved, 2002. (without commercial value)
The quality of personnel in the company